Santushi Amarasuriya

Department of Medical Humanities University of Colombo, Sri Lanka 
"Santushi Amarasuriya"
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Amarasuriya SD, Jorm AF, Reavley NJ. (2018) Predicting intentions to seek help for depression among undergraduates in Sri Lanka. Bmc Psychiatry. 18: 122
Amarasuriya SD, Reavley NJ, Rossetto A, et al. (2017) Helping intentions of undergraduates towards their depressed peers: a cross-sectional study in Sri Lanka. Bmc Psychiatry. 17: 40
Amarasuriya SD, Jorm AF, Reavley NJ. (2015) Quantifying and predicting depression literacy of undergraduates: a cross sectional study in Sri Lanka. Bmc Psychiatry. 15: 269
Amarasuriya SD, Jorm AF, Reavley NJ. (2015) Depression literacy of undergraduates in a non-western developing context: the case of Sri Lanka. Bmc Research Notes. 8: 593
Amarasuriya SD, Jorm AF, Reavley NJ. (2015) Perceptions and intentions relating to seeking help for depression among medical undergraduates in Sri Lanka: a cross-sectional comparison with non-medical undergraduates. Bmc Medical Education. 15: 162
Amarasuriya SD, Jorm AF, Reavley NJ, et al. (2015) Stigmatising attitudes of undergraduates towards their peers with depression: a cross-sectional study in Sri Lanka. Bmc Psychiatry. 15: 129
Amarasuriya SD, Jorm AF, Reavley NJ. (2015) Prevalence of depression and its correlates among undergraduates in Sri Lanka. Asian Journal of Psychiatry. 15: 32-7
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