Jacob A. Zavatone-Veth

Harvard University, Cambridge, MA, United States 
Theoretical neuroscience
"Jacob Zavatone-Veth"
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Damon A. Clark research assistant 2016-2019 Yale
Cengiz Pehlevan grad student 2019-2024 Harvard
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Masset P, Zavatone-Veth JA, Connor JP, et al. (2023) Natural gradient enables fast sampling in spiking neural networks. Advances in Neural Information Processing Systems. 35: 22018-22034
Gonzalez-Suarez AD, Zavatone-Veth JA, Chen J, et al. (2022) Excitatory and inhibitory neural dynamics jointly tune motion detection. Current Biology : Cb
Zavatone-Veth JA, Tong WL, Pehlevan C. (2022) Contrasting random and learned features in deep Bayesian linear regression. Physical Review. E. 105: 064118
Zavatone-Veth JA, Pehlevan C. (2022) On Neural Network Kernels and the Storage Capacity Problem. Neural Computation. 34: 1136-1142
Gonçalves AI, Zavatone-Veth JA, Carey MR, et al. (2022) Parallel locomotor control strategies in mice and flies. Current Opinion in Neurobiology. 73: 102516
Masset P, Qin S, Zavatone-Veth JA. (2022) Drifting neuronal representations: Bug or feature? Biological Cybernetics
Zavatone-Veth JA, Pehlevan C. (2021) Activation function dependence of the storage capacity of treelike neural networks. Physical Review. E. 103: L020301
Obeid D, Zavatone-Veth JA, Pehlevan C. (2020) Statistical structure of the trial-to-trial timing variability in synfire chains. Physical Review. E. 102: 052406
DeAngelis BD, Zavatone-Veth JA, Clark DA. (2020) Correction: The manifold structure of limb coordination in walking . Elife. 9
DeAngelis BD, Zavatone-Veth JA, Gonzalez-Suarez AD, et al. (2020) Spatiotemporally precise optogenetic activation of sensory neurons in freely walking . Elife. 9
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