Brendan Reid

2020- Department of Ecology and Evolutionary Biology University of California, Santa Cruz, Santa Cruz, CA, United States 
"Brendan Reid"
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Reid BN, Star B, Pinsky ML. (2023) Detecting parallel polygenic adaptation to novel evolutionary pressure in wild populations: a case study in Atlantic cod (). Philosophical Transactions of the Royal Society of London. Series B, Biological Sciences. 378: 20220190
Clark RD, Catalano KA, Fitz KS, et al. (2023) The practice and promise of temporal genomics for measuring evolutionary responses to global change. Molecular Ecology Resources
Reid BN, Pinsky ML. (2022) Simulation-Based Evaluation of Methods, Data Types, and Temporal Sampling Schemes for Detecting Recent Population Declines. Integrative and Comparative Biology
Byer NW, Fountain ED, Reid BN, et al. (2021) Land use and life history constrain adaptive genetic variation and reduce the capacity for climate change adaptation in turtles. Bmc Genomics. 22: 837
Oliveira DR, Reid BN, Fitzpatrick SW. (2021) Genome-wide diversity and habitat underlie fine-scale phenotypic differentiation in the rainbow darter (). Evolutionary Applications. 14: 498-512
Reid BN, Moran RL, Kopack CJ, et al. (2020) Rapture-ready darters: choice of reference genome and genotyping method (whole-genome or sequence capture) influence population genomic inference in Etheostoma. Molecular Ecology Resources
Fitzpatrick SW, Reid BN. (2019) Does gene flow aggravate or alleviate maladaptation to environmental stress in small populations? Evolutionary Applications. 12: 1402-1416
Reid BN, Naro-Maciel E, Hahn AT, et al. (2019) Geography best explains global patterns of genetic diversity and post-glacial co-expansion in marine turtles. Molecular Ecology
Peery MZ, Reid BN, Kirby R, et al. (2013) More precisely biased: increasing the number of markers is not a silver bullet in genetic bottleneck testing. Molecular Ecology. 22: 3451-7
Peery MZ, Kirby R, Reid BN, et al. (2012) Reliability of genetic bottleneck tests for detecting recent population declines. Molecular Ecology. 21: 3403-18
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