John A. Parkinson

Bangor University, Bangor, Wales, United Kingdom 
Motivation, stimulus-induced behaviour
"John Parkinson"
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Bazzaz MM, Fadardi JS, Parkinson J. (2016) Efficacy of the attention control program on reducing attentional bias in obese and overweight dieters. Appetite
Peatfield N, Caulfield J, Parkinson J, et al. (2015) Brands and Inhibition: A Go/No-Go Task Reveals the Power of Brand Influence. Plos One. 10: e0141787
Aspden T, Ingledew DK, Parkinson JA. (2015) Effects of motives on reactions to safe sun messages. Psychology, Health & Medicine. 20: 274-86
Lawrence NS, Hinton EC, Parkinson JA, et al. (2012) Nucleus accumbens response to food cues predicts subsequent snack consumption in women and increased body mass index in those with reduced self-control. Neuroimage. 63: 415-22
Peatfield NA, Turnbull OH, Parkinson J, et al. (2012) Quick as a BLINK: an ultrarapid analogue of Iowa Gambling Task decision making. Journal of Clinical and Experimental Neuropsychology. 34: 243-55
Aspden T, Ingledew DK, Parkinson JA. (2012) Motives and health-related behaviour: incremental prediction by implicit motives. Psychology & Health. 27: 51-71
Peatfield N, Parkinson J, Intriligator J. (2012) Emotion-Based Learning is Biased by Brand Logos Applied Cognitive Psychology. 26: 694-701
Agustín-Pavón C, Parkinson J, Man MS, et al. (2011) Contribution of the amygdala, but not orbitofrontal or medial prefrontal cortices, to the expression of flavour preferences in marmoset monkeys. The European Journal of Neuroscience. 34: 1006-17
Shore DM, Rafal R, Parkinson JA. (2011) Appetitive motivational deficits in individuals with Parkinson's disease. Movement Disorders : Official Journal of the Movement Disorder Society. 26: 1887-92
Aspden T, Ingledew DK, Parkinson JA. (2010) Motives and health-related behaviours: an investigation of equipotentiality and equifinality. Journal of Health Psychology. 15: 467-79
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