Bangor University

Name Area Department Start Year Stop Year Advisor
Biddy Andrews Psychology2014 Ayelet Sapir (grad student)
Dace ApšvalkaCognitive Neuroscience
Trefor Aspden Psychology Psychology David Ingledew (grad student), John A. Parkinson (grad student)
Richard J. BinneySemantic Cognition, Language, Aphasia
Bastien Boutonnet20092013 Guillaume L. Thierry (grad student)
Robert Martyn Bracewellvision, motor control, neurology Richard A. Andersen (grad student), John F. Stein (research assistant)
Emily S. Crossaction perception, action execution, motor imagery, dance
Giovanni d'Avossa Psychology20012007 Maurizio Corbetta (grad student)
Paul Edward Downingcognitive neuroscience
Martin Gareth Edwardspsychology, perception and action, neuropsychology, fMRI, sport science19941995 Stephen R. Jackson (research assistant)
Mihela Erjavec Psychology Pauline J. Horne (grad student)
Marco GandolfoVisual Perception
Tirso RJ Gonzalez AlamfMRI, Semantic cognition, Hemispheric differences, Networks, Cortical Organisation
James A. Grange George Houghton (grad student)
Gareth Jon HarveyConsumer Psychology, Atmospherics Psychology Psychology20082012 James Matthew Intriligator (grad student), David Ingledew (grad student)
Peter Haswell School of Biological Science2013 Matt W. Hayward (grad student)
Matt W. HaywardConservation ecology, threatened species, reintroduction, predator-prey interactions20132017 Julia Jones (research scientist)
Chris HillierConsumer psychology, Behaviour change, Gamification, Sustainability, 2012 James Matthew Intriligator (grad student)
Pauline J. Horne
George Houghton
David Ingledew
Kate Rebecca IsherwoodMotivation, Positive Psychology & Behaviour Change Psychology Gareth Jon Harvey (grad student)
Julia Jones
Louise Kirsch20112014 Emily S. Cross (grad student)
Kami Koldewynautism, social perception, fragile X, visual motion
Ioannis Kontariscognitive neuroscience20092012 Paul Edward Downing (grad student)
Jan-Rouke Kuipers
Guy LabanHuman-Robot interaction, Social Robotics, Affective Computing, Conversational Agents20192023 Val Morrison (grad student)
Choo Ying Lau Psychology2018 Rebecca Anne Sharp (grad student)
E. Charles LeekVisual Object Recognition
Juan LupiáñezAttention19961998 Stephen P. Tipper (post-doc)
Kevin J. MacKenzieVirtual reality, 3D vision, 3D displays20082011 Simon J. Watt (post-doc)
Catherine A. MacLeodEpisodic memory, Individual differences
Tom Major College of Natural Sciences20162021 Matt W. Hayward (grad student)
Myrto Mantziara School of Psychology2017 Katja Kornysheva (grad student)
Debra L MillsLanguage development, bilingualism, Williams syndrome
Val Morrison
Nikolaas N. Oosterhofcognitive neuroscience20082011 Paul Edward Downing (grad student)
John A. ParkinsonMotivation, stimulus-induced behaviour
Robert Rafal
Irene ReppaVisual Object Recognition, Cognitive Psychology E. Charles Leek (grad student)
Darren RhodesTime perception, Bayesian Modeling, Psychophysics20092011 Kimron Shapiro (research assistant), Robert Rafal (research assistant), Stephan Boehm (research scientist)
Daniel John RobertsNeuropsychology, language, reading, dyslexia, vision, perception, aphasia Psychology20102013 Marie-Josephe Tainturier (post-doc)
Ayelet SapirSpatial attention
Manuela SellittoIntertemporal Choice Paul Edward Downing (research scientist)
Shanti ShankerMemory, Cognitive Control20102011 Robert Martyn Bracewell (grad student)
Rebecca Anne Sharpapplied behavior analysis
Catherine Angharad Sharpchildren; health behaviours; psychology; behaviour change; physical activity; healthy eating Psychology Psychology Pauline J. Horne (grad student), Mihela Erjavec (grad student)
Leanne Kate SimpsonMental Resilience, Cognition Psychology20132018 Paul Edward Downing (grad student)
Sofia Tuulia StrommerPsychology, health psychology, motives, exercise, food choice Psychology David Ingledew (grad student)
Marie-Josephe Tainturier
Rin Voigt-HillSocial Interaction Perception
Olivier Whitecomputational motor control2007 Jörn Diedrichsen (post-doc)
Emma E.M WilliamsApplied behavior analysis
Emma Williams Psychology2018 Rebecca Anne Sharp (grad student)
Rhi A. WillmotPositive Psychology, Motivational Psychology, Healthcare Behaviour Psychology20162019 John A. Parkinson (grad student)
Rhys Yewbrey School of Psychology2019 Katja Kornysheva (grad student)
Kenneth S.L. YuenEmotion processing, Pattern classification, neuropsychology20082010 E. Charles Leek (collaborator), David E. Linden (post-doc)