Patricia M. Greenfield

University of California, Los Angeles, Los Angeles, CA 
Development, Culture, Digital Media
"Patricia Greenfield"
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Kristen M. Gillespie-Lynch grad student UCLA
Lauren Sherman grad student UCLA
Kaveri Subrahmanyam grad student (PsychTree)
L. Monique Ward grad student University of Michigan
Campbell Leaper grad student 1985 UCLA
Colin Allen grad student 1982-1989 UCLA
Lalita K. Suzuki grad student 2000 UCLA
Brendesha M. Tynes grad student 2005 UCLA
Adriana M. Manago grad student 2011 UCLA
Jason D. Ludington grad student 2012 UCLA
Yalda Tehranian grad student 2013 UCLA
Heejung Park grad student 2014 UCLA
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Uhls YT, Broome J, Levi S, et al. (2020) Mobile Technologies and Their Relationship to Children's Ability to Read Nonverbal Emotional Cues: A Cross-Temporal Comparison. Cyberpsychology, Behavior and Social Networking. 23: 465-470
Gillespie-Lynch KM, Savage-Rumbaugh ES, Lyn H, et al. (2019) What Did Language Grow From? Ape Hands, Mouths, or Both? Frontiers For Young Minds. 7
Abu Aleon T, Weinstock M, Manago AM, et al. (2019) Social Change and Intergenerational Value Differences in a Bedouin Community in Israel Journal of Cross-Cultural Psychology. 50: 708-727
Sherman LE, Hernandez LM, Greenfield PM, et al. (2018) What the Brain "Likes:" Neural Correlates of Providing Feedback on Social Media. Social Cognitive and Affective Neuroscience
Greenfield PM. (2018) Studying social change, culture, and human development: A theoretical framework and methodological guidelines Developmental Review. 50: 16-30
Greenfield PM. (2017) Cultural Change Over Time: Why Replicability Should Not Be the Gold Standard in Psychological Science. Perspectives On Psychological Science : a Journal of the Association For Psychological Science. 12: 762-771
Sherman LE, Greenfield PM, Hernandez LM, et al. (2017) Peer Influence Via Instagram: Effects on Brain and Behavior in Adolescence and Young Adulthood. Child Development
Zhou C, Yiu WYV, Wu MS, et al. (2017) Perception of Cross-Generational Differences in Child Behavior and Parent Socialization: A Mixed-Method Interview Study With Grandmothers in China Journal of Cross-Cultural Psychology. 49: 62-81
Garcia C, Greenfield PM, Montiel-Acevedo D, et al. (2017) Implications of 43 Years of Sociodemographic Change in Mexico for the Socialization of Achievement Behavior: Two Quasi-Experiments Journal of Cross-Cultural Psychology. 48: 611-619
Olson DR, Greenfield PM, Gardner HE, et al. (2017) In Memoriam: Jerome Bruner (1915–2016). Polymath and pioneer in cognitive development and education / In Memoriam: Jerome Bruner (1915–2016). Erudito y pionero del desarrollo cognitivo y la educación Infancia Y Aprendizaje. 40: 744-753
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