People with institution matching "Childrens National Medical Center": Advanced Search | |||||
Name | Institution | Area | Added by | Date | Zeynep Atak (Info) | CNMC | Fore brain development / Down syndrome | zatak | 2023‑07‑30 | Sim | Miguel Ezeiza-Ortega (Info) | Childrens National Medical Center | Visual pathway, neuronal morphology | mezeizaortega | 2023‑12‑06 | Sim | Tarik F. Haydar (Info) | BU School of Medicine | Down syndrome, Forebrain Development | thaydar | 2010‑02‑16 | Sim | Eric Hoffman (Info) | Childrens National Medical Center | UCONN_ | 2023‑08‑23 | Sim | Louis Kunkel (Info) | Childrens Hospital | Human genetics, muscular dystrophy | jscharf | 2014‑06‑27 | Sim | Anup K Srivastava (Info) | Childrens National Medical Center | Neuroscience | asrivastava | 2024‑08‑09 | Sim | Jason W. Triplett (Info) | UC Santa Cruz | Visual System, Topographic Mapping, Multisensory Integration | jwtriplett | 2008‑09‑15 | Sim |
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