People with institution matching "Davidson College": Advanced Search
Name Institution Area Added by Date  
Elliot Aronson (Info) UC Santa Cruz social psychology, group processes NLindner 2009‑06‑04 Sim
Jennifer Crocker (Info) University of Michigan jegood 2013‑09‑09 Sim
Jessica J. Good (Info) Davidson College discrimination, identity, social psychology jegood 2013‑09‑09 Sim
Andy Masami Kazama (Info) Emory Behavioral Neuroscience jraper 2007‑10‑02 Sim
Ryan T. Lacy (Info) Franklin and Marshall College Behavioral Pharmacology rtlacy 2013‑09‑09 Sim
Barbara Lom (Info) Davidson College developmental neurobiology balom 2017‑08‑05 Sim
David Mettee (Info) jegood 2013‑09‑09 Sim
Kristi S. Multhaup (Info) Davidson College Cognitive Aging, Memory krmulthaup 2024‑03‑20 Sim
Julio J. Ramirez (Info) Davidson College akazama 2010‑11‑30 Sim
Aaron N. Rice (Info) Davidson College, Boston University, Chicago, Cornell, Cornell marine ecology, anatomy, physiology, biomechanics, evolutionary biology Parancanthurus 2016‑12‑01 Sim
Andrea M. Robinson (Info) Davidson College learning, memory, attention buccidj 2009‑11‑21 Sim
Mark Andrew Smith (Info) Davidson College Behavioral Pharmacology masmith0200 2009‑09‑30 Sim
Mark T. Stanback (Info) Davidson College avian behavioral ecology mastanback 2014‑01‑09 Sim
Shelley Taylor (Info) UCLA mdlieber 2010‑06‑04 Sim
Nick Upright (Info) Mount Sinai School of Medicine prefrontal cortex, cognition, memory niupright 2018‑04‑24 Sim
John Williamson (Info) Davidson College Dietrich 2008‑04‑17 Sim
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