People with institution matching "George Washington University Medical Center": Advanced Search
Name Institution Area Added by Date  
Srikanya Kundu (Info) George Washington University Medical Center LornaRole 2016‑12‑21 Sim
Noelle D L'Etoile (Info) UCSF Circuits neurobiology ndletoile 2017‑10‑07 Sim
Damien O'Halloran (Info) George Washington University Medical Center ndletoile 2017‑10‑07 Sim
Lorna Role (Info) Columbia, SUNY Stony Brook nicotine, cholinergic circuits jjayc 2005‑12‑07 Sim
Parag Shukla (Info) George Washington University Medical Center Patch-Clamp Electrophysiology Parag.Shukla 2016‑09‑24 Sim
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