People with institution matching "Neurocentre Magendie, INSERM U1215, Bordeaux": Advanced Search
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Christelle Durand (Info) Neurocentre Magendie, INSERM U1215, Bordeaux nsans 2020‑12‑01 Sim
Andreas Frick (Info) NeuroCentre Magendie neocortex, neural circuits, information processing, dendrites, plasticity, synapses, cognitive disorders africk 2005‑12‑07 Sim
Muna Hilal (Info) Neurocentre Magendie, INSERM U1215, Bordeaux nsans 2020‑12‑01 Sim
Anes Ju (Info) Neurocentre Magendie, INSERM U1215, Bordeaux neural circuits, psychiatric disorder, electrophysiology, behavior, IFC anes_ju 2020‑10‑27 Sim
Mireille Montcouquiol (Info) Université de Bordeaux JeffreyTCorwin 2015‑12‑07 Sim
Vera Pinheiro (Info) Neurocentre Magendie, INSERM U1215, Bordeaux nsans 2020‑12‑01 Sim
Nathalie Sans (Info) Neurocentre Magendie, INSERM U1215, Bordeaux Glutamate Receptors, NMDAR, PDZ proteins, Scribble, Vangl2, Polarity nsans 2020‑12‑01 Sim
Liangying ZHU (Info) Neurocentre Magendie, INSERM U1215, Bordeaux long term memory Liangying 2020‑02‑18 Sim
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