Similar researchers to Andreas Frick: Advanced Search
Name Institution Area Added by Date  
Andreas Frick (Info) NeuroCentre Magendie neocortex, neural circuits, information processing, dendrites, plasticity, synapses, cognitive disorders africk 2005‑12‑07 Sim
Yousheng Shu (Info) ION, CAS davidmccormick 2006‑03‑31 Sim(0.22)
Melanie D. White (Info) Melbourne mfn 2011‑12‑20 Sim(0.25)
Jon-Kar Zubieta (Info) University of Michigan hamdan 2010‑05‑08 Sim(0.25)
Christian Hannes (Info) German Center for Neurodegenerative Diseases (DZNE) doctorremy 2016‑03‑08 Sim(0.26)
Charles Trogdon Anderson (Info) West Virginia University Cortical cirucits chuklz101 2009‑04‑02 Sim(0.27)
Jonathan T. Brown (Info) University of Bristol Network activity, Intrinsic plasticity anjtb 2007‑12‑06 Sim(0.28)
Qian-Quan Sun (Info) University of Wyoming mhuntsman 2005‑12‑11 Sim(0.28)
Jinhyun Kim (Info) Janelia Farm Molecular Neurobiology hoffmand 2007‑06‑21 Sim(0.28)
Lorna Role (Info) Columbia, SUNY Stony Brook nicotine, cholinergic circuits jjayc 2005‑12‑07 Sim(0.29)
Caroline Saucier (Info) Université de Sherbrooke (Cell Biology Tree) Met oncogene RNA 2012‑03‑09 Sim(0.29)
Nelson Spruston (Info) Northwestern hanks 2005‑10‑30 Sim(0.29)
Andreea O. Diaconescu (Info) Universität Zürich multisensory integration, reward learning, decision-making diacone1 2011‑10‑23 Sim(0.3)
Stephanie Luce (Info) The Graduate School and University Center, The City University of New York (SocTree) Labor studies joeyvandernaald 2020‑06‑08 Sim(0.3)
Kevin J. Bender (Info) UCSF Axon initial segment, Ca channels, plasticity kbender 2006‑03‑28 Sim(0.3)
Gilberto Jose Soler-llavina (Info) Harvard Medical School Synaptic physiology, calcium imaging, plasticity, consumption of fine whiskey hooks 2007‑09‑15 Sim(0.3)
Brandon Gavett (Info) University of Colorado, Colorado Springs Alzheimer's Disease bgavett 2014‑05‑02 Sim(0.3)
Gerrit Hilgen (Info) Carl von Ossietzky Universität Oldenburg, Newcastle University, UK Retinal Processing, Visual System, Leech Nervous System, Voltage Sensitive Dyes GerritHilgen 2012‑07‑24 Sim(0.3)
M. Joan Dawson (Info) UIUC (Physiology Academic Tree) doug.morris 2019‑06‑13 Sim(0.31)
Alison Barth (Info) Carnegie Mellon Plasticity of sensory systems mhuntsman 2005‑12‑11 Sim(0.31)
Philip Haydon (Info) Tufts Medical School, Children’s Hospital of Philadelphia / University of Pennsylvania, Iowa State, Penn Neuroscience, Neuron-Glial Interactions, Astrocyte, Sleep, Epilepsy reez 2008‑08‑27 Sim(0.32)
Casey Sarapas (Info) University of Illinois, Chicago (PsychTree) ccs 2012‑10‑09 Sim(0.32)
Baoji Xu (Info) Georgetown Neuroscience Biology, Molecular Biology pq 2016‑02‑29 Sim(0.32)
Mikael Huss (Info) Royal Institute of Technology hjorth 2011‑10‑30 Sim(0.32)
Kara G. Pratt (Info) University of Wyoming acgray 2005‑11‑29 Sim(0.32)
Stefan Remy (Info) German Center for Neurodegenerative Diseases (DZNE), Leibniz Institute for Neurobiology Magdeburg Dendritic signal integration, Synaptic plasticity, Hippocampus, Theta Oscillations, Locomotion, Alzheimer's disease dnichlsn 2006‑10‑17 Sim(0.32)
C. Savio Chan (Info) Northwestern Ion channels, neurotransmission, basal ganglia, Parkinson's disease saviochan 2007‑11‑16 Sim(0.32)
Annalisa Scimemi (Info) SUNY Albany Synaptic transmission annalisa 2008‑02‑06 Sim(0.33)
Anita Scheuber (Info) Glaxo-Smith-Kline jcponcer 2011‑01‑25 Sim(0.33)
Lianne Schmaal (Info) AMC Amsterdam Neuro2012 2012‑10‑07 Sim(0.33)
Joshua Garfield (Info) UNSW gmcnally 2011‑02‑16 Sim(0.33)
Stanislav S. Zakharenko (Info) St. Jude Children's Research Hospital Synaptic plasticity stas11 2008‑06‑05 Sim(0.34)
Jun Ding (Info) Stanford Medical School Basal ganglia, Parkinson disease, synaptic plasticity junito 2007‑03‑04 Sim(0.34)
Christian R. Lee (Info) NYU School of Medicine electrophysiology, basal ganglia Christian.Lee 2007‑08‑29 Sim(0.34)
Matthew Evan Larkum (Info) HU Berlin Dendritic integration luscher 2007‑03‑11 Sim(0.34)
DongWon Oh (Info) Seoul National University, Princeton, NYU, National University of Singapore, Columbia Social perception, face processing, face perception, stereotypes dongwonoh 2011‑11‑03 Sim(0.34)
A. Paul Alivisatos (Info) Chicago (Chemistry Tree) colloidal inorganic nanocrystals jandh 2012‑03‑03 Sim(0.34)
Charles W. Bourque (Info) McGill Hypothalamus, osmoregulation Derjean 2009‑11‑05 Sim(0.34)
Tina Huang (Info) saviochan 2012‑09‑30 Sim(0.34)
Edit Papp (Info) Institute of Experimental Medicine, Hungarian Academy of Sciences, Hungary Attila 2009‑11‑30 Sim(0.35)
Janina Kowalski (Info) IST, Austria ivida 2014‑02‑15 Sim(0.35)
Ileana Hanganu-Opatz (Info) ZMNH, University Medical Center Hamburg-Eppendorf development, prefrontal cortex, neuronal networks, schizophrenia, multisensory hangop 2011‑05‑12 Sim(0.35)
Adam G. Carter (Info) NYU agcarter 2006‑03‑25 Sim(0.35)
Jochen Roeper (Info) Goethe-Universität Frankfurt Parkinson felipe 2009‑07‑07 Sim(0.35)
Vincenzo Crunelli (Info) Cardiff University cellular physiology of the thalamus neuroman 2006‑02‑02 Sim(0.36)
Thomas Stephen Otis (Info) UCLA, Roche Pharma, University College London stephanb 2006‑03‑17 Sim(0.36)
John R. Huguenard (Info) Stanford synaptic transmission MHuntsman 2005‑11‑23 Sim(0.36)
Bernardo L. Sabatini (Info) Harvard Medical School Synaptic Transmission and Plasticity patluri 2005‑12‑30 Sim(0.36)
Michael Russier (Info) CNRS Marseille Neuroscience debanne 2008‑12‑06 Sim(0.36)
Olivia Maynard (Info) University of Bristol apheia 2019‑11‑06 Sim(0.36)
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