People with institution matching "Stanford Neuroscience": Advanced Search
Name Institution Area Added by Date  
Marc V. Fuccillo (Info) NYU, Penn david 2015‑06‑30 Sim
Matthew G. MacDougall (Info) Stanford Brain Implants, Functional Neurosurgery, Marmoset, Optogenetics mmacdougall 2017‑03‑06 Sim
Josef Parvizi (Info) Stanford Cognitive neuroscience/ Clinical Neurology jparvizi 2007‑10‑01 Sim
Wisam Reid (Info) Harvard Medical School, MIT, Stanford, UC Berkeley Computational Neuroscience, Auditory Neuroscience, Biological Intelligence, Machine Learning, Spatial Audio wisamreid 2016‑04‑08 Sim
Iran Roman (Info) Stanford Neuroscience wisamreid 2017‑08‑07 Sim
Krishna V. Shenoy (Info) Stanford Motor control / prostheses david 2005‑01‑17 Sim
Thomas C. Sudhof (Info) Stanford, Brigham and Women's Hospital, University Of Texas Sw Med Ctr/dallas Synapse miso 2006‑12‑03 Sim
Jennifer D. Townsend (Info) UC Berkeley, Stanford, UCLA fMRI, emotion, mood disorders, layer fMRI, neuropsychiatry jtownsend 2019‑06‑14 Sim
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