Zachary P. Kilpatrick, Ph.D. - Publications

2010 Mathematics University of Utah, Salt Lake City, UT 
Theoretical Neurocience

44 high-probability publications. We are testing a new system for linking publications to authors. You can help! If you notice any inaccuracies, please sign in and mark papers as correct or incorrect matches. If you identify any major omissions or other inaccuracies in the publication list, please let us know.

Year Citation  Score
2023 Cihak HL, Kilpatrick ZP. Multiscale motion and deformation of bumps in stochastic neural fields with dynamic connectivity. Arxiv. PMID 37426453  0.334
2020 Karamched B, Stolarczyk S, Kilpatrick ZP, Josić K. Bayesian Evidence Accumulation on Social Networks. Siam Journal On Applied Dynamical Systems. 19: 1884-1919. PMID 36051948 DOI: 10.1137/19m1283793  0.717
2020 Karamched B, Stickler M, Ott W, Lindner B, Kilpatrick ZP, Josić K. Heterogeneity Improves Speed and Accuracy in Social Networks. Physical Review Letters. 125: 218302. PMID 33274999 DOI: 10.1103/PhysRevLett.125.218302  0.718
2020 Wang Y, Kilpatrick ZP, Josić K. A hierarchical model of perceptual multistability involving interocular grouping. Journal of Computational Neuroscience. PMID 32338341 DOI: 10.1007/S10827-020-00743-8  0.345
2020 Karamched B, Stolarczyk S, Kilpatrick ZP, Josić K. Bayesian Evidence Accumulation on Social Networks Siam Journal On Applied Dynamical Systems. 19: 1884-1919. DOI: 10.1137/19M1283793  0.401
2019 Bidari S, Peleg O, Kilpatrick ZP. Social inhibition maintains adaptivity and consensus of honeybees foraging in dynamic environments. Royal Society Open Science. 6: 191681. PMID 31903216 DOI: 10.1098/Rsos.191681  0.303
2019 Barendregt NW, Josić K, Kilpatrick ZP. Analyzing dynamic decision-making models using Chapman-Kolmogorov equations. Journal of Computational Neuroscience. PMID 31734803 DOI: 10.1007/S10827-019-00733-5  0.385
2019 Nguyen KP, Josić K, Kilpatrick ZP. Optimizing sequential decisions in the drift-diffusion model. Journal of Mathematical Psychology. 88: 32-47. PMID 31564753 DOI: 10.1016/J.Jmp.2018.11.001  0.353
2019 Kilpatrick ZP, Holmes WR, Eissa TL, Josić K. Optimal models of decision-making in dynamic environments. Current Opinion in Neurobiology. 58: 54-60. PMID 31326724 DOI: 10.1016/J.Conb.2019.06.006  0.327
2019 Kilpatrick ZP, Gjorgjieva J, Rosenbaum R. Special Issue from the 2017 International Conference on Mathematical Neuroscience. Journal of Mathematical Neuroscience. 9: 1. PMID 30617922 DOI: 10.1186/S13408-018-0069-5  0.327
2018 Kilpatrick ZP. Synaptic mechanisms of interference in working memory. Scientific Reports. 8: 7879. PMID 29777113 DOI: 10.1038/S41598-018-25958-9  0.3
2018 Krishnan N, Poll DB, Kilpatrick ZP. Synaptic efficacy shapes resource limitations in working memory. Journal of Computational Neuroscience. PMID 29546529 DOI: 10.1007/S10827-018-0679-7  0.403
2018 Faye G, Kilpatrick ZP. Threshold of Front Propagation in Neural Fields: An Interface Dynamics Approach Siam Journal On Applied Mathematics. 78: 2575-2596. DOI: 10.1137/18M1165797  0.444
2017 Kilpatrick ZP, Poll DB. Neural field model of memory-guided search. Physical Review. E. 96: 062411. PMID 29347320 DOI: 10.1103/Physreve.96.062411  0.323
2017 Radillo AE, Veliz-Cuba A, Josić K, Kilpatrick ZP. Evidence Accumulation and Change Rate Inference in Dynamic Environments. Neural Computation. 1-50. PMID 28333591 DOI: 10.1162/Neco_A_00957  0.341
2017 Poll DB, Kilpatrick ZP. Velocity Integration in a Multilayer Neural Field Model of Spatial Working Memory Siam Journal On Applied Dynamical Systems. 16: 1197-1234. DOI: 10.1137/16M1102471  0.402
2016 McCleney ZT, Kilpatrick ZP. Entrainment in up and down states of neural populations: non-smooth and stochastic models. Journal of Mathematical Biology. PMID 26972459 DOI: 10.1007/S00285-016-0984-6  0.362
2016 Poll DB, Nguyen K, Kilpatrick ZP. Sensory feedback in a bump attractor model of path integration. Journal of Computational Neuroscience. PMID 26754972 DOI: 10.1007/S10827-015-0588-Y  0.359
2016 Kilpatrick ZP. Ghosts of bump attractors in stochastic neural fields: Bottlenecks and extinction Discrete and Continuous Dynamical Systems - Series B. 21: 2211-2231. DOI: 10.3934/Dcdsb.2016044  0.419
2016 Veliz-Cuba A, Kilpatrick ZP, Josić K. Stochastic Models of Evidence Accumulation in Changing Environments Siam Review. 58: 264-289. DOI: 10.1137/15M1028443  0.395
2015 Veliz-Cuba A, Shouval HZ, Josić K, Kilpatrick ZP. Networks that learn the precise timing of event sequences. Journal of Computational Neuroscience. PMID 26334992 DOI: 10.1007/S10827-015-0574-4  0.325
2015 Kilpatrick ZP. Stochastic synchronization of neural activity waves. Physical Review. E, Statistical, Nonlinear, and Soft Matter Physics. 91: 040701. PMID 25974427 DOI: 10.1103/Physreve.91.040701  0.367
2015 Poll D, Kilpatrick ZP. Stochastic motion of bumps in planar neural fields Siam Journal On Applied Mathematics. 75: 1553-1577. DOI: 10.1137/140999505  0.41
2015 Bressloff PC, Kilpatrick ZP. Nonlinear Langevin equations for wandering patterns in stochastic neural fields Siam Journal On Applied Dynamical Systems. 14: 305-334. DOI: 10.1137/140990371  0.572
2015 Kilpatrick ZP. Delay stabilizes stochastic motion of bumps in layered neural fields Physica D: Nonlinear Phenomena. 295: 30-45. DOI: 10.1016/J.Physd.2014.12.011  0.326
2014 Kilpatrick ZP. Coupling layers regularizes wave propagation in stochastic neural fields. Physical Review. E, Statistical, Nonlinear, and Soft Matter Physics. 89: 022706. PMID 25353508 DOI: 10.1103/Physreve.89.022706  0.399
2014 Carroll S, Josić K, Kilpatrick ZP. Encoding certainty in bump attractors. Journal of Computational Neuroscience. 37: 29-48. PMID 24271061 DOI: 10.1007/S10827-013-0486-0  0.455
2014 Kilpatrick ZP, Faye G. Pulse bifurcations in stochastic neural fields Siam Journal On Applied Dynamical Systems. 13: 830-860. DOI: 10.1137/140951369  0.477
2014 Ermentrout GB, Folias SE, Kilpatrick ZP. Spatiotemporal pattern formation in neural fields with linear adaptation Neural Fields: Theory and Applications. 119-151. DOI: 10.1007/978-3-642-54593-1_4  0.695
2013 Kilpatrick ZP, Ermentrout B, Doiron B. Optimizing working memory with heterogeneity of recurrent cortical excitation. The Journal of Neuroscience : the Official Journal of the Society For Neuroscience. 33: 18999-9011. PMID 24285904 DOI: 10.1523/Jneurosci.1641-13.2013  0.385
2013 Kilpatrick ZP. Interareal coupling reduces encoding variability in multi-area models of spatial working memory. Frontiers in Computational Neuroscience. 7: 82. PMID 23898260 DOI: 10.3389/Fncom.2013.00082  0.329
2013 Kilpatrick ZP. Short term synaptic depression improves information transfer in perceptual multistability. Frontiers in Computational Neuroscience. 7: 85. PMID 23847523 DOI: 10.3389/Fncom.2013.00085  0.399
2013 Kilpatrick ZP, Ermentrout B. Wandering bumps in stochastic neural fields Siam Journal On Applied Dynamical Systems. 12: 61-94. DOI: 10.1137/120877106  0.464
2012 Kilpatrick ZP, Ermentrout B. Response of traveling waves to transient inputs in neural fields. Physical Review. E, Statistical, Nonlinear, and Soft Matter Physics. 85: 021910. PMID 22463247 DOI: 10.1103/Physreve.85.021910  0.488
2012 Jayasuriya S, Kilpatrick ZP. Effects of time-dependent stimuli in a competitive neural network model of perceptual rivalry. Bulletin of Mathematical Biology. 74: 1396-1426. PMID 22314546 DOI: 10.1007/S11538-012-9718-0  0.399
2012 Kilpatrick ZP, Bard Ermentrout G. Hallucinogen persisting perception disorder in neuronal networks with adaptation. Journal of Computational Neuroscience. 32: 25-53. PMID 21671074 DOI: 10.1007/S10827-011-0335-Y  0.476
2011 Kilpatrick ZP, Ermentrout B. Sparse gamma rhythms arising through clustering in adapting neuronal networks. Plos Computational Biology. 7: e1002281. PMID 22125486 DOI: 10.1371/Journal.Pcbi.1002281  0.378
2011 Bressloff PC, Kilpatrick ZP. Two-dimensional bumps in piecewise smooth neural fields with synaptic depression* Siam Journal On Applied Mathematics. 71: 379-408. DOI: 10.1137/100799423  0.568
2010 Kilpatrick ZP, Bressloff PC. Spatially structured oscillations in a two-dimensional excitatory neuronal network with synaptic depression. Journal of Computational Neuroscience. 28: 193-209. PMID 19866351 DOI: 10.1007/S10827-009-0199-6  0.607
2010 Kilpatrick ZP, Bressloff PC. Stability of bumps in piecewise smooth neural fields with nonlinear adaptation Physica D: Nonlinear Phenomena. 239: 1048-1060. DOI: 10.1016/J.Physd.2010.02.016  0.609
2010 Kilpatrick ZP, Bressloff PC. Effects of synaptic depression and adaptation on spatiotemporal dynamics of an excitatory neuronal network Physica D: Nonlinear Phenomena. 239: 547-560. DOI: 10.1016/J.Physd.2009.06.003  0.634
2009 Kilpatrick ZP, Bressloff PC. Oscillations in an excitatory neuronal network with synaptic depression and adaptation Bmc Neuroscience. 10. DOI: 10.1186/1471-2202-10-S1-P238  0.624
2008 Bressloff PC, Kilpatrick ZP. Nonlocal Ginzburg-Landau equation for cortical pattern formation. Physical Review. E, Statistical, Nonlinear, and Soft Matter Physics. 78: 041916. PMID 18999464 DOI: 10.1103/Physreve.78.041916  0.582
2008 Kilpatrick ZP, Folias SE, Bressloff PC. Traveling pulses and wave propagation failure in inhomogeneous neural media Siam Journal On Applied Dynamical Systems. 7: 161-185. DOI: 10.1137/070699214  0.703
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