Paulo Guilhardi, Ph.D. - Publications

2005 Brown University, Providence, RI 
Animal behavior

20 high-probability publications. We are testing a new system for linking publications to authors. You can help! If you notice any inaccuracies, please sign in and mark papers as correct or incorrect matches. If you identify any major omissions or other inaccuracies in the publication list, please let us know.

Year Citation  Score
2021 Machado A, Guilhardi P, Caetano MS, Silva FJ. Correction to: Rules of Conduct for Behavior Analysts in the Presence of Hypothetical Constructs: A Commentary on Eckard and Lattal (2020). Perspectives On Behavior Science. 44: 129. PMID 33997621 DOI: 10.1007/s40614-020-00275-7  0.615
2020 Machado A, Guilhardi P, Caetano MS, Silva FJ. Rules of Conduct for Behavior Analysts in the Presence of Hypothetical Constructs: A Commentary on Eckard and Lattal (2020). Perspectives On Behavior Science. 43: 791-802. PMID 33381689 DOI: 10.1007/s40614-020-00272-w  0.658
2017 Braga-Kenyon P, Guilhardi P, Lionello-Denolf KM, Dube WV. Teaching visual conditional discriminations using errorless learning: The role of prompts requiring simple and conditional discriminative control European Journal of Behavior Analysis. 18: 180-194. DOI: 10.1080/15021149.2017.1309624  0.386
2012 Gastelum ED, Guilhardi P, Burwell RD. The effects of combined perirhinal and postrhinal damage on complex discrimination tasks. Hippocampus. 22: 2059-67. PMID 22987682 DOI: 10.1002/Hipo.22063  0.389
2012 Caetano MS, Guilhardi P, Church RM. Stimulus control in multiple temporal discriminations. Learning & Behavior. 40: 520-9. PMID 22447102 DOI: 10.3758/S13420-012-0071-9  0.756
2010 Guilhardi P, Menez M, Caetano MS, Church RM. The effect of stimulus discriminability on strategies for learning multiple temporal discriminations. Behavioural Processes. 84: 476-83. PMID 20067826 DOI: 10.1016/J.Beproc.2010.01.004  0.756
2009 Guilhardi P, Church RM. The generality of empirical and theoretical explanations of behavior. Behavioural Processes. 81: 205-15. PMID 19429213 DOI: 10.1016/J.Beproc.2009.01.013  0.64
2009 Guilhardi P. A comparison of empirical and theoretical explanations of temporal discrimination. Journal of Experimental Psychology. Animal Behavior Processes. 35: 51-73. PMID 19159162 DOI: 10.1037/A0013259  0.538
2007 Guilhardi P, Yi L, Church RM. A modular theory of learning and performance. Psychonomic Bulletin & Review. 14: 543-59. PMID 17972717 DOI: 10.3758/Bf03196805  0.688
2007 Caetano MS, Guilhardi P, Church RM. Differences between simultaneous and blocked training detected by a transfer test. Behavioural Processes. 75: 176-81. PMID 17403584 DOI: 10.1016/J.Beproc.2007.02.020  0.761
2007 Guilhardi P, Macinnis ML, Church RM, Machado A. Shifts in the psychophysical function in rats. Behavioural Processes. 75: 167-75. PMID 17360131 DOI: 10.1016/J.Beproc.2007.02.002  0.731
2006 Guilhardi P, Church RM. The pattern of responding after extensive extinction. Learning & Behavior. 34: 269-84. PMID 17089595 DOI: 10.3758/Bf03192883  0.691
2006 Guilhardi P, Yi L, Church RM. Effects of repeated acquisitions and extinctions on response rate and pattern. Journal of Experimental Psychology. Animal Behavior Processes. 32: 322-8. PMID 16834499 DOI: 10.1037/0097-7403.32.3.322  0.71
2005 Guilhardi P, Church RM. Dynamics of temporal discrimination. Learning & Behavior. 33: 399-416. PMID 16573211 DOI: 10.3758/Bf03193179  0.672
2005 Guilhardi P, Keen R, MacInnis ML, Church RM. How rats combine temporal cues. Behavioural Processes. 69: 189-205. PMID 15845307 DOI: 10.1016/J.Beproc.2005.02.004  0.735
2005 Church RM, Guilhardi P. A Turing test of a timing theory. Behavioural Processes. 69: 45-58. PMID 15795069 DOI: 10.1016/J.Beproc.2005.01.001  0.621
2005 Keen R, Macinnis M, Guilhardi P, Chamberland K, Church R. The lack of behavioral effects of fenbendazole: a medication for pinworm infection. Contemporary Topics in Laboratory Animal Science / American Association For Laboratory Animal Science. 44: 17-23. PMID 15773771  0.708
2005 Keen RG, Macinnis MLM, Guilhardi P, Chamberland KA, Church RM. The lack of behavioral effects of fenbendazole: A medication for pinworm infection Contemporary Topics in Laboratory Animal Science. 44: 17-23.  0.521
2004 Guilhardi P, Church RM. Measures of temporal discrimination in fixed-interval performance: a case study in archiving data. Behavior Research Methods, Instruments, & Computers : a Journal of the Psychonomic Society, Inc. 36: 661-9. PMID 15641413 DOI: 10.3758/Bf03206548  0.637
2000 Machado A, Guilhardi P. Shifts in the psychometric function and their implications for models of timing. Journal of the Experimental Analysis of Behavior. 74: 25-54. PMID 10966095 DOI: 10.1901/Jeab.2000.74-25  0.451
Show low-probability matches.