Ronald L. Alkana - Publications

University of Southern California, Los Angeles, CA, United States 

99 high-probability publications. We are testing a new system for linking publications to authors. You can help! If you notice any inaccuracies, please sign in and mark papers as correct or incorrect matches. If you identify any major omissions or other inaccuracies in the publication list, please let us know.

Year Citation  Score
2015 Asatryan L, Khoja S, Rodgers KE, Alkana RL, Tsukamoto H, Davies DL. Chronic ethanol exposure combined with high fat diet up-regulates P2X7 receptors that parallels neuroinflammation and neuronal loss in C57BL/6J mice. Journal of Neuroimmunology. 285: 169-79. PMID 26198936 DOI: 10.1016/J.Jneuroim.2015.06.007  0.528
2015 Yardley MM, Huynh N, Rodgers KE, Alkana RL, Davies DL. Oral delivery of ivermectin using a fast dissolving oral film: Implications for repurposing ivermectin as a pharmacotherapy for alcohol use disorder. Alcohol (Fayetteville, N.Y.). PMID 26095588 DOI: 10.1016/J.Alcohol.2015.03.006  0.428
2015 Naito A, Muchhala KH, Trang J, Asatryan L, Trudell JR, Homanics GE, Alkana RL, Davies DL. Manipulations of extracellular Loop 2 in α1 GlyR ultra-sensitive ethanol receptors (USERs) enhance receptor sensitivity to isoflurane, ethanol, and lidocaine, but not propofol. Neuroscience. 297: 68-77. PMID 25827497 DOI: 10.1016/J.Neuroscience.2015.03.034  0.657
2014 Naito A, Muchhala KH, Asatryan L, Trudell JR, Homanics GE, Perkins DI, Davies DL, Alkana RL. Glycine and GABA(A) ultra-sensitive ethanol receptors as novel tools for alcohol and brain research. Molecular Pharmacology. 86: 635-46. PMID 25245406 DOI: 10.1124/Mol.114.093773  0.871
2014 Yardley MM, Neely M, Huynh N, Asatryan L, Louie SG, Alkana RL, Davies DL. Multiday administration of ivermectin is effective in reducing alcohol intake in mice at doses shown to be safe in humans. Neuroreport. 25: 1018-23. PMID 25004078 DOI: 10.1097/Wnr.0000000000000211  0.319
2014 Wyatt LR, Finn DA, Khoja S, Yardley MM, Asatryan L, Alkana RL, Davies DL. Contribution of P2X4 receptors to ethanol intake in male C57BL/6 mice. Neurochemical Research. 39: 1127-39. PMID 24671605 DOI: 10.1007/S11064-014-1271-9  0.876
2014 Asatryan L, Yardley MM, Khoja S, Trudell JR, Hyunh N, Louie SG, Petasis NA, Alkana RL, Davies DL. Avermectins differentially affect ethanol intake and receptor function: implications for developing new therapeutics for alcohol use disorders. The International Journal of Neuropsychopharmacology / Official Scientific Journal of the Collegium Internationale Neuropsychopharmacologicum (Cinp). 17: 907-16. PMID 24451653 DOI: 10.1017/S1461145713001703  0.696
2014 Olsen RW, Li GD, Wallner M, Trudell JR, Bertaccini EJ, Lindahl E, Miller KW, Alkana RL, Davies DL. Structural models of ligand-gated ion channels: sites of action for anesthetics and ethanol. Alcoholism, Clinical and Experimental Research. 38: 595-603. PMID 24164436 DOI: 10.1111/Acer.12283  0.509
2013 Popova M, Trudell J, Li K, Alkana R, Davies D, Asatryan L. Tryptophan 46 is a site for ethanol and ivermectin action in P2X4 receptors. Purinergic Signalling. 9: 621-32. PMID 23817978 DOI: 10.1007/S11302-013-9373-4  0.883
2013 Wyatt LR, Godar SC, Khoja S, Jakowec MW, Alkana RL, Bortolato M, Davies DL. Sociocommunicative and sensorimotor impairments in male P2X4-deficient mice. Neuropsychopharmacology : Official Publication of the American College of Neuropsychopharmacology. 38: 1993-2002. PMID 23604007 DOI: 10.1038/Npp.2013.98  0.768
2013 Bortolato M, Yardley MM, Khoja S, Godar SC, Asatryan L, Finn DA, Alkana RL, Louie SG, Davies DL. Pharmacological insights into the role of P2X4 receptors in behavioural regulation: lessons from ivermectin. The International Journal of Neuropsychopharmacology / Official Scientific Journal of the Collegium Internationale Neuropsychopharmacologicum (Cinp). 16: 1059-70. PMID 23174033 DOI: 10.1017/S1461145712000909  0.406
2012 Yardley MM, Wyatt L, Khoja S, Asatryan L, Ramaker MJ, Finn DA, Alkana RL, Huynh N, Louie SG, Petasis NA, Bortolato M, Davies DL. Ivermectin reduces alcohol intake and preference in mice. Neuropharmacology. 63: 190-201. PMID 22465817 DOI: 10.1016/J.Neuropharm.2012.03.014  0.777
2012 Perkins DI, Trudell JR, Asatryan L, Davies DL, Alkana RL. Charge and geometry of residues in the loop 2 β hairpin differentially affect agonist and ethanol sensitivity in glycine receptors. The Journal of Pharmacology and Experimental Therapeutics. 341: 543-51. PMID 22357974 DOI: 10.1124/Jpet.111.190942  0.865
2011 Ostrovskaya O, Asatryan L, Wyatt L, Popova M, Li K, Peoples RW, Alkana RL, Davies DL. Ethanol is a fast channel inhibitor of P2X4 receptors. The Journal of Pharmacology and Experimental Therapeutics. 337: 171-9. PMID 21212160 DOI: 10.1124/Jpet.110.176990  0.857
2010 Asatryan L, Popova M, Perkins D, Trudell JR, Alkana RL, Davies DL. Ivermectin antagonizes ethanol inhibition in purinergic P2X4 receptors. The Journal of Pharmacology and Experimental Therapeutics. 334: 720-8. PMID 20543096 DOI: 10.1124/jpet.110.167908  0.86
2010 Perkins DI, Trudell JR, Crawford DK, Alkana RL, Davies DL. Molecular targets and mechanisms for ethanol action in glycine receptors. Pharmacology & Therapeutics. 127: 53-65. PMID 20399807 DOI: 10.1016/J.Pharmthera.2010.03.003  0.846
2010 Popova M, Asatryan L, Ostrovskaya O, Wyatt LR, Li K, Alkana RL, Davies DL. A point mutation in the ectodomain-transmembrane 2 interface eliminates the inhibitory effects of ethanol in P2X4 receptors. Journal of Neurochemistry. 112: 307-17. PMID 19878433 DOI: 10.1111/J.1471-4159.2009.06460.X  0.864
2009 Perkins DI, Trudell JR, Crawford DK, Asatryan L, Alkana RL, Davies DL. Loop 2 structure in glycine and GABA(A) receptors plays a key role in determining ethanol sensitivity. The Journal of Biological Chemistry. 284: 27304-14. PMID 19656948 DOI: 10.1074/Jbc.M109.023598  0.843
2009 Popova M, Li K, Asatryan L, Alkana RL, Davies DL. Molecular Weight and Volume at Position 46 in Transmembrane Domain 1 (TM1) are Important Determinants for Ethanol Sensitivity in P2X4 Receptors Biophysical Journal. 96: 486a. DOI: 10.1016/J.Bpj.2008.12.2506  0.878
2008 Crawford DK, Perkins DI, Trudell JR, Bertaccini EJ, Davies DL, Alkana RL. Roles for loop 2 residues of alpha1 glycine receptors in agonist activation. The Journal of Biological Chemistry. 283: 27698-706. PMID 18658152 DOI: 10.1074/Jbc.M802384200  0.757
2008 Asatryan L, Popova M, Woodward JJ, King BF, Alkana RL, Davies DL. Roles of ectodomain and transmembrane regions in ethanol and agonist action in purinergic P2X2 and P2X3 receptors. Neuropharmacology. 55: 835-43. PMID 18639563 DOI: 10.1016/J.Neuropharm.2008.06.044  0.87
2008 Perkins DI, Trudell JR, Crawford DK, Alkana RL, Davies DL. Targets for ethanol action and antagonism in loop 2 of the extracellular domain of glycine receptors. Journal of Neurochemistry. 106: 1337-49. PMID 18485105 DOI: 10.1111/J.1471-4159.2008.05476.X  0.856
2007 Crawford DK, Trudell JR, Bertaccini EJ, Li K, Davies DL, Alkana RL. Evidence that ethanol acts on a target in Loop 2 of the extracellular domain of alpha1 glycine receptors. Journal of Neurochemistry. 102: 2097-109. PMID 17561937 DOI: 10.1111/J.1471-4159.2007.04680.X  0.834
2006 Davies DL, Asatryan L, Kuo ST, Woodward JJ, King BF, Alkana RL, Xiao C, Ye JH, Sun H, Zhang L, Hu XQ, Hayrapetyan V, Lovinger DM, Machu TK. Effects of ethanol on adenosine 5'-triphosphate-gated purinergic and 5-hydroxytryptamine receptors. Alcoholism, Clinical and Experimental Research. 30: 349-58. PMID 16441284 DOI: 10.1111/J.1530-0277.2006.00023.X  0.669
2005 Davies DL, Kochegarov AA, Kuo ST, Kulkarni AA, Woodward JJ, King BF, Alkana RL. Ethanol differentially affects ATP-gated P2X(3) and P2X(4) receptor subtypes expressed in Xenopus oocytes. Neuropharmacology. 49: 243-53. PMID 15993446 DOI: 10.1016/J.Neuropharm.2005.03.015  0.713
2005 Davies DL, Kuo ST, Alkana RL. Differential effects of propofol and ethanol on P2X4 receptors expressed in Xenopus oocytes International Congress Series. 1283: 285-287. DOI: 10.1016/j.ics.2005.07.090  0.58
2005 Davies DL, Crawford DK, Trudell JR, Alkana RL. Propofol acts on different sites than ethanol and butanol in recombinant glycine receptors: Evidence from pressure studies International Congress Series. 1283: 312-314. DOI: 10.1016/j.ics.2005.07.087  0.804
2004 Davies DL, Crawford DK, Trudell JR, Mihic SJ, Alkana RL. Multiple sites of ethanol action in alpha1 and alpha2 glycine receptors suggested by sensitivity to pressure antagonism. Journal of Neurochemistry. 89: 1175-85. PMID 15147510 DOI: 10.1111/J.1471-4159.2004.02390.X  0.833
2004 Alkana RL, Crawford DK, Davies DL. A NEW HYPOTHESIS FOR A MECHANISM OF ETHANOL ACTION IN GLYCINE RECEPTORS INVOLVING INCREASED AGONIST ACTIVATION. Alcoholism: Clinical & Experimental Research. 28: 36A. DOI: 10.1097/00000374-200408002-00177  0.822
2003 Davies DL, Alkana RL. Benzodiazepine agonist and inverse agonist coupling in GABAA receptors antagonized by increased atmospheric pressure. European Journal of Pharmacology. 469: 37-45. PMID 12782183 DOI: 10.1016/S0014-2999(03)01733-3  0.389
2003 Davies DL, Trudell JR, Mihic SJ, Crawford DK, Alkana RL. Ethanol potentiation of glycine receptors expressed in Xenopus oocytes antagonized by increased atmospheric pressure. Alcoholism, Clinical and Experimental Research. 27: 743-55. PMID 12766618 DOI: 10.1097/01.Alc.0000065722.31109.A1  0.849
2002 Davies DL, Machu TK, Guo Y, Alkana RL. Ethanol sensitivity in ATP-gated P2X receptors is subunit dependent. Alcoholism, Clinical and Experimental Research. 26: 773-8. PMID 12068244 DOI: 10.1111/J.1530-0277.2002.Tb02604.X  0.699
2001 Davies DL, McCauley LD, Bolger MB, Alkana RL. Pressure-sensitive and -insensitive coupling in γ-aminobutyric acida receptors Psychopharmacology. 157: 401-410. PMID 11605100 DOI: 10.1007/S002130100825  0.403
2001 Davies DL, Alkana RL. Direct evidence for a cause-effect link between ethanol potentiation of GABAA receptor function and intoxication from hyperbaric studies in C57, LS, and SS mice Alcoholism: Clinical and Experimental Research. 25: 1098-1106. PMID 11505039 DOI: 10.1111/J.1530-0277.2001.Tb02322.X  0.718
2001 Davies DL, Alkana RL. Ethanol enhances GABAA receptor function in short sleep and long sleep mouse brain membranes Alcoholism: Clinical and Experimental Research. 25: 478-483. PMID 11290862 DOI: 10.1111/J.1530-0277.2001.Tb02238.X  0.716
2001 Ladner CJ, Babbini M, Davies DL, Parker ES, Alkana RL. Effects of posttraining ethanol on an appetitive task Neurobiology of Learning and Memory. 75: 111-120. PMID 11124050 DOI: 10.1006/Nlme.2000.3960  0.55
1999 Davies DL, Bolger MB, Brinton RD, Finn DA, Alkana RL. In vivo and in vitro hyperbaric studies in mice suggest novel sites of action for ethanol. Psychopharmacology. 141: 339-50. PMID 10090641 DOI: 10.1007/S002130050843  0.659
1998 Davies DL, Alkana RL. Direct antagonism of ethanol's effects on GABA(A) receptors by increased atmospheric pressure Alcoholism: Clinical and Experimental Research. 22: 1689-1697. PMID 9835282 DOI: 10.1111/J.1530-0277.1998.Tb03967.X  0.655
1997 Pal N, Alkana RL. Use of inhalation to study the effect of ethanol and ethanol dependence on neonatal mouse development without maternal separation: A preliminary study Life Sciences. 61: 1269-1281. PMID 9324069 DOI: 10.1016/S0024-3205(97)00672-3  0.678
1996 Musleh W, Alvarez S, Baudry M, Alkana RL. Effects of ethanol and temperature on NMDA receptor function in different mouse genotypes. Alcoholism, Clinical and Experimental Research. 20: 1299-304. PMID 8904985 DOI: 10.1111/J.1530-0277.1996.Tb01126.X  0.645
1996 Syapin PJ, Jones BL, Finn DA, Davies DL, Alkana RL. Effect of 12 atmospheres helium-oxygen on the response of mice to convulsant drugs. Undersea & Hyperbaric Medicine : Journal of the Undersea and Hyperbaric Medical Society, Inc. 23: 35-41. PMID 8653064  0.359
1996 Davies DL, Bejanian M, Parker ES, Mørland J, Bolger MB, Brinton RD, Alkana RL. Low level hyperbaric antagonism of diazepam's locomotor depressant and anticonvulsant properties in mice. The Journal of Pharmacology and Experimental Therapeutics. 276: 667-75. PMID 8632335  0.414
1995 Alkana RL, Davies DL, Morland J, Parker ES, Bejanian M. Low-level hyperbaric exposure antagonizes locomotor effects of ethanol and n-propanol but not morphine in C57BL mice Alcoholism: Clinical and Experimental Research. 19: 693-700. PMID 7573795 DOI: 10.1111/J.1530-0277.1995.Tb01569.X  0.537
1994 Finn DA, Syapin PJ, Bejanian M, Jones BL, Alkana RL. Temperature dependence of ethanol depression in mice: dose response. Alcoholism, Clinical and Experimental Research. 18: 382-6. PMID 8048742 DOI: 10.1111/J.1530-0277.1994.Tb00029.X  0.524
1994 Davies DL, Morland J, Jones BL, Alkana RL. Low-level hyperbaric antagonism of ethanol's anticonvulsant property in C57BL/6J mice Alcoholism: Clinical and Experimental Research. 18: 1190-1195. PMID 7847605 DOI: 10.1111/J.1530-0277.1994.Tb00103.X  0.657
1993 Bejanian M, Jones BL, Alkana RL. Low-level hyperbaric antagonism of ethanol-induced locomotor depression in C57BL/6J mice: Dose response Alcoholism: Clinical and Experimental Research. 17: 935-939. PMID 8279677 DOI: 10.1111/J.1530-0277.1993.Tb05644.X  0.649
1992 Alkana RL, Finn DA, Jones BL, Kobayashi LS, Babbini M, Bejanian M, Syapin PJ. Genetically determined differences in the antagonistic effect of pressure on ethanol-induced loss of righting reflex in mice. Alcoholism, Clinical and Experimental Research. 16: 17-22. PMID 1558298 DOI: 10.1111/J.1530-0277.1992.Tb00629.X  0.619
1991 Alkana RL, DeBold JF, Finn DA, Babbini M, Syapin PJ. Ethanol-induced depression of aggression in mice antagonized by hyperbaric exposure. Pharmacology, Biochemistry, and Behavior. 38: 639-44. PMID 2068201 DOI: 10.1016/0091-3057(91)90026-X  0.632
1991 Bejanian M, Alkana RL, von Hungen K, Baxter CF, Syapin PJ. Temperature alters ethanol-induced fluidization of C57 mouse brain membranes. Alcohol (Fayetteville, N.Y.). 8: 117-21. PMID 2064752 DOI: 10.1016/0741-8329(91)91319-W  0.606
1991 Finn DA, Syapin PJ, Bejanian M, Jones BL, Alkana RL. Body temperature influences ethanol and ethanol/pentobarbital lethality in mice. Alcohol (Fayetteville, N.Y.). 8: 39-41. PMID 2006984 DOI: 10.1016/0741-8329(91)91232-Q  0.593
1991 Bejanian M, Jones BL, Syapin PJ, Finn DA, Alkana RL. Brain temperature and ethanol sensitivity in C57 mice: a radiotelemetric study. Pharmacology, Biochemistry, and Behavior. 39: 457-63. PMID 1946586 DOI: 10.1016/0091-3057(91)90208-J  0.575
1991 Finn DA, Bejanian M, Jones BL, Babbini M, Syapin PJ, Alkana RL. The relationship between brain temperature during intoxication and ethanol sensitivity in LS and SS mice. Alcoholism, Clinical and Experimental Research. 15: 717-24. PMID 1928649 DOI: 10.1111/J.1530-0277.1991.Tb00585.X  0.55
1991 Babbini M, Jones BL, Alkana RL. Effects of post-training ethanol and group housing upon memory of an appetitive task in mice Behavioral and Neural Biology. 56: 32-42. PMID 1867625 DOI: 10.1016/0163-1047(91)90267-T  0.503
1990 Bejanian M, Finn DA, Syapin PJ, Alkana RL. Body temperature and ethanol pharmacokinetics in temperature-challenged mice. Alcohol (Fayetteville, N.Y.). 7: 331-7. PMID 2390209 DOI: 10.1016/0741-8329(90)90092-Q  0.657
1990 Finn DA, Bejanian M, Jones BL, McGivern RF, Syapin PJ, Crabbe JC, Alkana RL. Body temperature differentially affects ethanol sensitivity in both inbred strains and selected lines of mice. The Journal of Pharmacology and Experimental Therapeutics. 253: 1229-35. PMID 2359024  0.608
1990 Syapin PJ, Jones BL, Kobayashi LS, Finn DA, Alkana RL. Interactions between benzodiazepine antagonists, inverse agonists, and acute behavioral effects of ethanol in mice. Brain Research Bulletin. 24: 705-9. PMID 2162723 DOI: 10.1016/0361-9230(90)90012-O  0.652
1989 Finn DA, Bejanian M, Jones BL, Syapin PJ, Alkana RL. Temperature affects ethanol lethality in C57BL/6, 129, LS and SS mice. Pharmacology, Biochemistry, and Behavior. 34: 375-80. PMID 2622994 DOI: 10.1016/0091-3057(89)90329-8  0.54
1988 Syapin PJ, Chen J, Finn DA, Alkana RL. Antagonism of ethanol-induced depression of mouse locomotor activity by hyperbaric exposure. Life Sciences. 43: 2221-9. PMID 3210903 DOI: 10.1016/0024-3205(88)90415-8  0.677
1988 Alkana RL, Finn DA, Bejanian M, Crabbe JC. Genetically determined differences in ethanol sensitivity influenced by body temperature during intoxication. Life Sciences. 43: 1973-82. PMID 3210897 DOI: 10.1016/0024-3205(88)90570-X  0.644
1988 Syapin PJ, Alkana RL. Chronic ethanol exposure increases peripheral-type benzodiazepine receptors in brain European Journal of Pharmacology. 147: 101-109. PMID 2836214 DOI: 10.1016/0014-2999(88)90638-3  0.625
1987 Syapin PJ, Gee KW, Alkana RL. Rol5-4513 differentially affects ethanol-induced hypnosis and hypothermia Brain Research Bulletin. 19: 603-605. PMID 3690369 DOI: 10.1016/0361-9230(87)90078-5  0.724
1987 Alkana RL, Bejanian M, Syapin PJ, Finn DA. Chronic functional ethanol tolerance in mice influenced by body temperature during acquisition. Life Sciences. 41: 413-20. PMID 3600185 DOI: 10.1016/0024-3205(87)90216-5  0.6
1987 Alkana RL, Syapin PJ, Galleisky GG, Finn DA. Hyperbaric exposure acts as an ethanol antagonist: evidence from chronic ethanol studies. Alcohol and Alcoholism (Oxford, Oxfordshire). Supplement. 1: 417-21. PMID 3426711  0.603
1987 Bejanian M, Finn DA, Syapin PJ, Alkana RL. Rectal and brain temperatures in ethanol intoxicated mice. Psychopharmacology. 92: 301-7. PMID 3114782 DOI: 10.1007/Bf00210834  0.396
1986 Finn DA, Boone DC, Alkana RL. Temperature dependence of ethanol depression in rats. Psychopharmacology. 90: 185-9. PMID 3097698 DOI: 10.1007/Bf00181238  0.551
1986 Syapin PJ, Alkana RL. Ethanol-induced inhibition of mouse brain adenosine triphosphatase activities: Lack of interaction with norepinephrine in vitro Alcoholism: Clinical and Experimental Research. 10: 635-640. PMID 3028199 DOI: 10.1111/J.1530-0277.1986.Tb05159.X  0.545
1985 Alkana RL, Boone DC, Finn DA. Temperature dependence of ethanol depression: linear models in male and female mice. Pharmacology, Biochemistry, and Behavior. 23: 309-16. PMID 4059316 DOI: 10.1016/0091-3057(85)90575-1  0.527
1985 Alkana RL, Finn DA, Galleisky GG, Syapin PJ, Malcolm RD. Ethanol withdrawal in mice precipitated and exacerbated by hyperbaric exposure. Science (New York, N.Y.). 229: 772-4. PMID 4040651 DOI: 10.1126/Science.4040651  0.613
1985 Alkana RL, Finn DA, Galleisky GG, Bejanian M, Boone DC, Jones B, Syapin PJ. Temperature modulates ethanol sensitivity in mice: generality across strain and sex. Alcohol (Fayetteville, N.Y.). 2: 281-5. PMID 4015848 DOI: 10.1016/0741-8329(85)90060-6  0.517
1985 Malcolm RD, Finn DA, Syapin PJ, Alkana RL. Reduced lethality from ethanol or ethanol plus pentobarbital in mice exposed to 1 or 12 atmospheres absolute helium-oxygen. Psychopharmacology. 86: 409-12. PMID 3929311 DOI: 10.1007/Bf00427900  0.588
1985 Syapin PJ, Chen J, Alkana RL. Effect of norepinephrine on inhibition of mouse brain (Na+ + K+)-stimulated, (Mg++)-dependent, and (Ca++)-dependent ATPase activities by ethanol Alcohol. 2: 145-148. PMID 2990500 DOI: 10.1016/0741-8329(85)90032-1  0.552
1985 Alkana RL, Syapin PJ, Malcolm RD, Finn DA. Hyperbaric exposure attenuates the development of ethanol tolerance in mice Federation Proceedings. 44: No. 6269.  0.507
1984 Wenger JR, Alkana RL. Temperature dependence of ethanol depression in C57BL/6 and BALB/c mice Alcohol. 1: 297-303. PMID 6536291 DOI: 10.1016/0741-8329(84)90052-1  0.563
1983 Alkana RL, Finn DA, Malcolm RD. The importance of experience in the development of tolerance to ethanol hypothermia. Life Sciences. 32: 2685-92. PMID 6855464 DOI: 10.1016/0024-3205(83)90361-2  0.65
1983 Malcolm RD, Alkana RL. Temperature dependence of ethanol lethality in mice Journal of Pharmacy and Pharmacology. 35: 306-311. PMID 6134799 DOI: 10.1111/J.2042-7158.1983.Tb02939.X  0.478
1982 West JR, Lind MD, Demuth RM, Parker ES, Alkana RL, Cassell M, Black AC. Lesion-induced sprouting in the rat dentate gyrus is inhibited by repeated ethanol administration. Science (New York, N.Y.). 218: 808-10. PMID 17771040 DOI: 10.1126/Science.218.4574.808  0.558
1982 Alkana RL, Malcolm RD. Hyperbaric ethanol antagonism in mice: Time course Substance and Alcohol Actions/Misuse. 3: 41-46. PMID 7135157  0.538
1982 West JR, Lind MD, Demuth RM, Parker ES, Alkana RL, Cassell M, Black AC. Lesion-induced sprouting in the rat dentate gyrus is inhibited by repeated ethanol administration. Science (New York, N.Y.). 218: 809-10. PMID 7134977 DOI: 10.1126/science.7134977  0.474
1982 Malcolm RD, Alkana RL. Hyperbaric ethanol antagonism: Role of temperature, blood and brain ethanol concentrations Pharmacology, Biochemistry and Behavior. 16: 341-346. PMID 7071084 DOI: 10.1016/0091-3057(82)90169-1  0.671
1982 Alkana RL, Malcolm RD. Hyperbaric ethanol antagonism in mice: Studies on oxygen, nitrogen, strain and sex Psychopharmacology. 77: 11-16. PMID 6812114 DOI: 10.1007/Bf00436093  0.465
1982 Alkana RL, Parker ES, Malcolm RD, Cohen HB, Birch H, Noble EP. Interaction of apomorphine and amantadine with ethanol in men. Alcoholism, Clinical and Experimental Research. 6: 403-11. PMID 6751137  0.637
1981 West JR, Black AC, Reimann PC, Alkana RL. Polydactyly and polysyndactyly induced by prenatal exposure to ethanol Teratology. 24: 13-18. PMID 7302870 DOI: 10.1002/Tera.1420240103  0.541
1981 Alkana RL, Malcolm RD. Low-level hyperbaric ethanol antagonism in mice: Dose and pressure response Pharmacology. 22: 199-208. PMID 7208603 DOI: 10.1159/000137491  0.577
1981 Alkana RL, Finn DA, Malcolm RD. Hyperbaric ethanol antagonism in mice: Studies on air and oxygen partial pressure Alcoholism: Clinical and Experimental Research. 5: No.4.  0.439
1981 Alkana RL, Finn DA, Malcolm RD. The development of tolerance to ethanol's hypothermic effect requires learning Pharmacologist. 23: No. 151.  0.461
1981 Malcolm D, Hatch LL, Finn DA, Alkana RL. Temperature dependence of ethanol lethality in mice Pharmacologist. 23: No. 150.  0.51
1980 Alkana RL, Malcolm RD. The effects of low level hyperbaric treatment on acute ethanol intoxication Advances in Experimental Medicine and Biology. 126: 499-507. PMID 7190768 DOI: 10.1007/978-1-4684-3632-7_37  0.6
1980 Alkana RL, Malcolm RD. Antagonism of ethanol narcosis in mice by hyperbaric pressures of 4-8 atmospheres Alcoholism: Clinical and Experimental Research. 4: 350-353. PMID 7004231 DOI: 10.1111/J.1530-0277.1980.Tb04830.X  0.62
1980 Alkana RL, Parker ES, Cohen HB, Birch H, Noble EP. Interaction of Sted-eze, nikethamide, pipradrol, or ammonium chloride with ethanol in human males. Alcoholism, Clinical and Experimental Research. 4: 84-92. PMID 6101937 DOI: 10.1111/J.1530-0277.1980.Tb04796.X  0.582
1980 Malcolm RD, Alkana RL. Hyperbaric ethanol antagonism in mice: Role of temperature and brain ethanol concentrations Alcoholism: Clinical and Experimental Research. 4: No. 85.  0.597
1980 Malcolm RD, Alkana RL. Temperature dependence of ethanol narcosis in mice Pharmacologist. 22: No. 663.  0.512
1979 Alkana RL, Syapin PJ. Antagonism of ethanol narcosis in mice by low level hyperbaric treatment with pure oxygen Currents in Alcoholism. 5: 165-171. PMID 573676  0.443
1979 Alkana RL, Parker ES. Memory facilitation by post-training injection of ethanol Psychopharmacology. 66: 117-119. PMID 119253 DOI: 10.1007/Bf00427617  0.593
1979 West JR, Black AC, Alkana RL, Reimann PC. Polydactyly induced by prenatal exposure to ethanol Anatomical Record. 193: 718.  0.534
1978 Alkana RL, Malcolm RD, Van Mouwerik TJ. Antagonism of ethanol and barbiturate narcosis in C57 and HA/ICR mice by low level hyperbaric treatment Pharmacologist. 20: No. 249.  0.454
1977 Alkana RL, Parker ES, Cohen HB, Birch H, Noble EP. Reversal of ethanol intoxication in humans: an assessment of the efficacy of L-dopa, aminophylline, and ephedrine. Psychopharmacology. 55: 203-12. PMID 414280 DOI: 10.1007/Bf00497849  0.579
1977 Alkana RL, Willingham TA, Cohen HB. Apomorphine and amantadine: interaction with ethanol in humans Federation Proceedings. 36: No. 322.  0.535
1976 Alkana RL, Parker ES, Cohen HB, Birch H, Noble EP. Reversal of ethanol intoxications in humans: an assessment of the efficacy of propranolol. Psychopharmacology. 51: 29-37. PMID 827773 DOI: 10.1007/BF00426317  0.577
1976 Alkana RL, Parker ES, Cohen HB. L DOPA, aminophylline, ephedrine: antagonistic interaction with ethanol in humans Federation Proceedings. 35: No. 1440.  0.47
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