Ryuta Kawashima, M.D., Ph.D. - Publications

Department of Nuclear Medicine Tohoku University, Sendai, Japan 

287 high-probability publications. We are testing a new system for linking publications to authors. You can help! If you notice any inaccuracies, please sign in and mark papers as correct or incorrect matches. If you identify any major omissions or other inaccuracies in the publication list, please let us know.

Year Citation  Score
2020 Burin D, Liu Y, Yamaya N, Kawashima R. Virtual training leads to physical, cognitive and neural benefits in healthy adults. Neuroimage. 117297. PMID 32828927 DOI: 10.1016/J.Neuroimage.2020.117297  0.319
2020 Nouchi R, Kawata NYDS, Saito T, Himmelmeier RM, Nakamura R, Nouchi H, Kawashima R. Dorsolateral Prefrontal Cortex Activity during a Brain Training Game Predicts Cognitive Improvements after Four Weeks' Brain Training Game Intervention: Evidence from a Randomized Controlled Trial. Brain Sciences. 10. PMID 32824185 DOI: 10.3390/Brainsci10080560  0.325
2020 Takeuchi H, Maruyama T, Taki Y, Motoki K, Jeong H, Kotozaki Y, Shinada T, Nakagawa S, Nouchi R, Iizuka K, Yokoyama R, Yamamoto Y, Hanawa S, Araki T, Sakaki K, ... ... Kawashima R, et al. Effects of training of shadowing and reading aloud of second language on working memory and neural systems. Brain Imaging and Behavior. PMID 32705465 DOI: 10.1007/S11682-020-00324-4  0.325
2020 Takeuchi H, Taki Y, Nouchi R, Yokoyama R, Kotozaki Y, Nakagawa S, Sekiguchi A, Iizuka K, Hanawa S, Araki T, Miyauchi CM, Sakaki K, Nozawa T, Ikeda S, Yokota S, ... ... Kawashima R, et al. Succeeding in deactivating: associations of hair zinc levels with functional and structural neural mechanisms. Scientific Reports. 10: 12364. PMID 32704167 DOI: 10.1038/S41598-020-69277-4  0.365
2020 Oba K, Sugiura M, Hanawa S, Suzuki M, Jeong H, Kotozaki Y, Sasaki Y, Kikuchi T, Nozawa T, Nakagawa S, Kawashima R. Differential roles of amygdala and posterior superior temporal sulcus in social scene understanding. Social Neuroscience. 1-14. PMID 32692950 DOI: 10.1080/17470919.2020.1793811  0.358
2020 Takeuchi H, Taki Y, Nouchi R, Yokoyama R, Kotozaki Y, Nakagawa S, Sekiguchi A, Iizuka K, Hanawa S, Araki T, Miyauchi CM, Sakaki K, Sassa Y, Nozawa T, Ikeda S, ... ... Kawashima R, et al. Originality of divergent thinking is associated with working memory-related brain activity: Evidence from a large sample study. Neuroimage. 216: 116825. PMID 32344064 DOI: 10.1016/J.Neuroimage.2020.116825  0.363
2020 Sakaki K, Nozawa T, Ikeda S, Kawashima R. Neural correlates of cognitive bias modification for interpretation. Social Cognitive and Affective Neuroscience. 15: 247-260. PMID 32322880 DOI: 10.1093/Scan/Nsaa026  0.333
2020 Yuriko Santos Kawata N, Hashimoto T, Kawashima R. Neural mechanisms underlying concurrent listening of simultaneous speech. Brain Research. 1738: 146821. PMID 32259518 DOI: 10.1016/J.Brainres.2020.146821  0.346
2020 Takeuchi H, Taki Y, Matsudaira I, Ikeda S, Dos S Kawata KH, Nouchi R, Sakaki K, Nakagawa S, Nozawa T, Yokota S, Araki T, Hanawa S, Ishibashi R, Yamazaki S, Kawashima R. Convergent creative thinking performance is associated with white matter structures: Evidence from a large sample study. Neuroimage. 116577. PMID 31978544 DOI: 10.1016/J.Neuroimage.2020.116577  0.368
2020 Takeuchi H, Magistro D, Kotozaki Y, Motoki K, Nejad KK, Nouchi R, Jeong H, Sato C, Sessa S, Nagatomi R, Zecca M, Takanishi A, Kawashima R. Effects of Simultaneously Performed Dual-Task Training with Aerobic Exercise and Working Memory Training on Cognitive Functions and Neural Systems in the Elderly Neural Plasticity. 2020: 3859824. DOI: 10.1155/2020/3859824  0.326
2019 Kobayashi A, Yokota S, Takeuchi H, Asano K, Asano M, Sassa Y, Taki Y, Kawashima R. Increased grey matter volume of the right superior temporal gyrus in healthy children with autistic cognitive style: A VBM study. Brain and Cognition. 139: 105514. PMID 31902739 DOI: 10.1016/J.Bandc.2019.105514  0.317
2019 Miura N, Sugiura M, Nozawa T, Yamamoto Y, Sasaki Y, Hamamoto Y, Yamazaki S, Hirano K, Takahashi M, Kawashima R. Taking another's perspective promotes right parieto-frontal activity that reflects open-minded thought. Social Neuroscience. 1-14. PMID 31888419 DOI: 10.1080/17470919.2019.1710249  0.343
2019 Kageyama T, Dos Santos Kawata KH, Kawashima R, Sugiura M. Performance and Material-Dependent Holistic Representation of Unconscious Thought: A Functional Magnetic Resonance Imaging Study. Frontiers in Human Neuroscience. 13: 418. PMID 31866843 DOI: 10.3389/Fnhum.2019.00418  0.333
2019 Takeuchi H, Taki Y, Nouchi R, Yokoyama R, Kotozaki Y, Nakagawa S, Sekiguchi A, Iizuka K, Yamamoto Y, Hanawa S, Araki T, Miyauchi CM, Sakaki K, Sassa Y, Nozawa T, ... ... Kawashima R, et al. Mean diffusivity associated with trait emotional intelligence. Social Cognitive and Affective Neuroscience. PMID 31593230 DOI: 10.1093/Scan/Nsz059  0.312
2019 Nozawa T, Sakaki K, Ikeda S, Jeong H, Yamazaki S, Kawata KHDS, Kawata NYDS, Sasaki Y, Kulason K, Hirano K, Miyake Y, Kawashima R. Prior physical synchrony enhances rapport and inter-brain synchronization during subsequent educational communication. Scientific Reports. 9: 12747. PMID 31484977 DOI: 10.1038/S41598-019-49257-Z  0.315
2019 Nakagawa S, Takeuchi H, Taki Y, Nouchi R, Kotozaki Y, Shinada T, Maruyama T, Sekiguchi A, Iizuka K, Yokoyama R, Yamamoto Y, Hanawa S, Araki T, Makoto Miyauchi C, Magistro D, ... ... Kawashima R, et al. Mean diffusivity related to rule-breaking guilt: the Macbeth effect in the sensorimotor regions. Scientific Reports. 9: 12227. PMID 31439852 DOI: 10.1038/S41598-019-48654-8  0.356
2019 Kikuchi T, Sugiura M, Yamamoto Y, Sasaki Y, Hanawa S, Sakuma A, Matsumoto K, Matsuoka H, Kawashima R. Neural responses to action contingency error in different cortical areas are attributable to forward prediction or sensory processing. Scientific Reports. 9: 9847. PMID 31285501 DOI: 10.1038/S41598-019-46350-1  0.302
2019 Takeuchi H, Taki Y, Nouchi R, Yokoyama R, Kotozaki Y, Nakagawa S, Sekiguchi A, Iizuka K, Yamamoto Y, Hanawa S, Araki T, Miyauchi CM, Sakaki K, Sassa Y, Nozawa T, ... ... Kawashima R, et al. Empathizing associates with mean diffusivity. Scientific Reports. 9: 8856. PMID 31222093 DOI: 10.1038/S41598-019-45106-1  0.35
2019 Mekawy MM, Saito A, Sumiyoshi A, Riera JJ, Shimizu H, Kawashima R, Tominaga T. Hybrid magneto-fluorescent nano-probe for live apoptotic cells monitoring at brain cerebral ischemia. Materials Science & Engineering. C, Materials For Biological Applications. 100: 485-492. PMID 30948085 DOI: 10.1016/J.Msec.2019.03.032  0.654
2019 Nakagawa S, Takeuchi H, Taki Y, Nouchi R, Kotozaki Y, Shinada T, Maruyama T, Sekiguchi A, Iizuka K, Yokoyama R, Yamamoto Y, Hanawa S, Araki T, Miyauchi CM, Magistro D, ... ... Kawashima R, et al. Mean diffusivity related to collectivism among university students in Japan. Scientific Reports. 9: 1338. PMID 30718676 DOI: 10.1038/S41598-018-37995-5  0.393
2019 Takeuchi H, Taki Y, Nouchi R, Yokoyama R, Kotozaki Y, Nakagawa S, Sekiguchi A, Iizuka K, Yamamoto Y, Hanawa S, Araki T, Miyauchi CM, Sakaki K, Nozawa T, Ikeda S, ... ... Kawashima R, et al. Association of copper levels in the hair with gray matter volume, mean diffusivity, and cognitive functions. Brain Structure & Function. PMID 30656448 DOI: 10.1007/S00429-019-01830-Y  0.389
2019 Takeuchi H, Tomita H, Taki Y, Kikuchi Y, Ono C, Yu Z, Sekiguchi A, Nouchi R, Kotozaki Y, Nakagawa S, Miyauchi CM, Iizuka K, Yokoyama R, Shinada T, Yamamoto Y, ... ... Kawashima R, et al. Effect of the interaction between BDNF Val66Met polymorphism and daily physical activity on mean diffusivity. Brain Imaging and Behavior. PMID 30617785 DOI: 10.1007/S11682-018-0025-8  0.311
2018 Takeuchi H, Taki Y, Nouchi R, Yokoyama R, Kotozaki Y, Nakagawa S, Sekiguchi A, Iizuka K, Yamamoto Y, Hanawa S, Araki T, Miyauchi CM, Sakaki K, Nozawa T, Ikeda S, ... ... Kawashima R, et al. The Effects of Family Socioeconomic Status on Psychological and Neural Mechanisms as Well as Their Sex Differences. Frontiers in Human Neuroscience. 12: 543. PMID 30713493 DOI: 10.3389/Fnhum.2018.00543  0.315
2018 Takeuchi H, Taki Y, Nouchi R, Yokoyama R, Kotozaki Y, Nakagawa S, Sekiguchi A, Iizuka K, Hanawa S, Araki T, Miyauchi CM, Sakaki K, Sassa Y, Nozawa T, Ikeda S, ... ... Kawashima R, et al. General intelligence is associated with working memory-related brain activity: new evidence from a large sample study. Brain Structure & Function. PMID 30196431 DOI: 10.1007/S00429-018-1747-5  0.364
2018 Takeuchi H, Tomita H, Taki Y, Kikuchi Y, Ono C, Yu Z, Nouchi R, Yokoyama R, Kotozaki Y, Nakagawa S, Sekiguchi A, Iizuka K, Hanawa S, Araki T, Miyauchi CM, ... ... Kawashima R, et al. A Common CACNA1C Gene Risk Variant has Sex-Dependent Effects on Behavioral Traits and Brain Functional Activity. Cerebral Cortex (New York, N.Y. : 1991). PMID 30124797 DOI: 10.1093/Cercor/Bhy189  0.344
2018 Takeuchi H, Taki Y, Asano K, Asano M, Sassa Y, Yokota S, Kotozaki Y, Nouchi R, Kawashima R. Impact of frequency of internet use on development of brain structures and verbal intelligence: Longitudinal analyses. Human Brain Mapping. PMID 29956399 DOI: 10.1002/Hbm.24286  0.33
2018 Akimoto Y, Yamazaki R, Sugiura M, Nouchi R, Terao C, Tsukiura T, Kawashima R. Approach or avoidance: neural correlates of intelligence evaluation from faces. The European Journal of Neuroscience. PMID 29806978 DOI: 10.1111/Ejn.13974  0.354
2018 Maruyama T, Takeuchi H, Taki Y, Motoki K, Jeong H, Kotozaki Y, Nakagawa S, Nouchi R, Iizuka K, Yokoyama R, Yamamoto Y, Hanawa S, Araki T, Sakaki K, Sasaki Y, ... ... Kawashima R, et al. Effects of Time-Compressed Speech Training on Multiple Functional and Structural Neural Mechanisms Involving the Left Superior Temporal Gyrus. Neural Plasticity. 2018: 6574178. PMID 29675038 DOI: 10.1155/2018/6574178  0.327
2018 Takeuchi H, Taki Y, Nouchi R, Yokoyama R, Kotozaki Y, Nakagawa S, Sekiguchi A, Iizuka K, Yamamoto Y, Hanawa S, Araki T, Miyauchi CM, Sakaki K, Nozawa T, Ikeda S, ... ... Kawashima R, et al. Allergic tendencies are associated with larger gray matter volumes. Scientific Reports. 8: 3694. PMID 29487315 DOI: 10.1038/S41598-018-21985-8  0.308
2017 Takeuchi H, Kawashima R. Mean diffusivity in the dopaminergic system and neural differences related to dopaminergic system. Current Neuropharmacology. PMID 29119929 DOI: 10.2174/1570159X15666171109124839  0.316
2017 Oi H, Hashimoto T, Nozawa T, Kanno A, Kawata N, Hirano K, Yamamoto Y, Sugiura M, Kawashima R. Neural correlates of ambient thermal sensation: An fMRI study. Scientific Reports. 7: 11279. PMID 28900235 DOI: 10.1038/S41598-017-11802-Z  0.36
2017 Takeuchi H, Taki Y, Nouchi R, Yokoyama R, Kotozaki Y, Nakagawa S, Sekiguchi A, Iizuka K, Yamamoto Y, Hanawa S, Araki T, Miyauchi CM, Shinada T, Sakaki K, Sassa Y, ... ... Kawashima R, et al. Global associations between regional gray matter volume and diverse complex cognitive functions: evidence from a large sample study. Scientific Reports. 7: 10014. PMID 28855703 DOI: 10.1038/S41598-017-10104-8  0.373
2017 Hsieh MC, Jeong H, Dos Santos Kawata KH, Sasaki Y, Lee HC, Yokoyama S, Sugiura M, Kawashima R. Neural correlates of bilingual language control during interlingual homograph processing in a logogram writing system. Brain and Language. 174: 72-85. PMID 28750252 DOI: 10.1016/J.Bandl.2017.06.006  0.322
2017 Takeuchi H, Kawashima R. [Voxel-Based Morphometry and Cognitive Function]. Brain and Nerve = Shinkei Kenkyu No Shinpo. 69: 547-556. PMID 28479532 DOI: 10.11477/Mf.1416200781  0.327
2017 Takeuchi H, Taki Y, Nouchi R, Sekiguchi A, Kotozaki Y, Nakagawa S, Makoto Miyauchi C, Sassa Y, Kawashima R. Neural plasticity in amplitude of low frequency fluctuation, cortical hub construction, regional homogeneity resulting from working memory training. Scientific Reports. 7: 1470. PMID 28469197 DOI: 10.1038/S41598-017-01460-6  0.402
2017 Takeuchi H, Tomita H, Taki Y, Kikuchi Y, Ono C, Yu Z, Sekiguchi A, Nouchi R, Kotozaki Y, Nakagawa S, Miyauchi CM, Iizuka K, Yokoyama R, Shinada T, Yamamoto Y, ... ... Kawashima R, et al. The VEGF gene polymorphism impacts brain volume and arterial blood volume. Human Brain Mapping. PMID 28402004 DOI: 10.1002/Hbm.23606  0.304
2017 Ikeda S, Nozawa T, Yokoyama R, Miyazaki A, Sasaki Y, Sakaki K, Kawashima R. Steady Beat Sound Facilitates both Coordinated Group Walking and Inter-Subject Neural Synchrony. Frontiers in Human Neuroscience. 11: 147. PMID 28396632 DOI: 10.3389/Fnhum.2017.00147  0.318
2017 Shigemune Y, Tsukiura T, Nouchi R, Kambara T, Kawashima R. Neural mechanisms underlying the reward-related enhancement of motivation when remembering episodic memories with high difficulty. Human Brain Mapping. PMID 28374960 DOI: 10.1002/Hbm.23599  0.313
2017 Nakagawa S, Takeuchi H, Taki Y, Nouchi R, Kotozaki Y, Shinada T, Maruyama T, Sekiguchi A, Iizuka K, Yokoyama R, Yamamoto Y, Hanawa S, Araki T, Miyauchi CM, Magistro D, ... ... Kawashima R, et al. Lenticular nucleus correlates of general self-efficacy in young adults. Brain Structure & Function. PMID 28353199 DOI: 10.1007/S00429-017-1406-2  0.362
2017 Takeuchi H, Taki Y, Nouchi R, Yokoyama R, Kotozaki Y, Nakagawa S, Sekiguchi A, Iizuka K, Yamamoto Y, Hanawa S, Araki T, Makoto Miyauchi C, Shinada T, Sakaki K, Nozawa T, ... ... Kawashima R, et al. Regional homogeneity, resting-state functional connectivity and amplitude of low frequency fluctuation associated with creativity measured by divergent thinking in a sex-specific manner. Neuroimage. PMID 28257930 DOI: 10.1016/J.Neuroimage.2017.02.079  0.398
2017 Sumiyoshi A, Nonaka H, Kawashima R. Sexual differentiation of the adolescent rat brain: A longitudinal voxel-based morphometry study. Neuroscience Letters. PMID 28188846 DOI: 10.1016/J.Neulet.2016.12.023  0.32
2016 Nakagawa S, Sugiura M, Sekiguchi A, Kotozaki Y, Miyauchi CM, Hanawa S, Araki T, Takeuchi H, Sakuma A, Taki Y, Kawashima R. Effects of post-traumatic growth on the dorsolateral prefrontal cortex after a disaster. Scientific Reports. 6: 34364. PMID 27670443 DOI: 10.1038/Srep34364  0.348
2016 Yokoyama R, Sugiura M, Yamamoto Y, Nejad KK, Kawashima R. Neural bases of the adaptive mechanisms associated with reciprocal partner choice. Neuroimage. PMID 27664826 DOI: 10.1016/J.Neuroimage.2016.09.052  0.333
2016 Takeuchi H, Taki Y, Nouchi R, Yokoyama R, Kotozaki Y, Nakagawa S, Sekiguchi A, Iizuka K, Yamamoto Y, Hanawa S, Araki T, Makoto Miyauchi C, Shinada T, Sakaki K, Sassa Y, ... ... Kawashima R, et al. Creative females have larger white matter structures: Evidence from a large sample study. Human Brain Mapping. PMID 27647672 DOI: 10.1002/Hbm.23369  0.334
2016 Nouchi R, Takeuchi H, Taki Y, Sekiguchi A, Kotozaki Y, Nakagawa S, Miyauchi CM, Iizuka K, Yokoyama R, Shinada T, Yamamoto Y, Hanawa S, Araki T, Sassa Y, Kawashima R. Neuroanatomical bases of effortful control: evidence from a large sample of young healthy adults using voxel-based morphometry. Scientific Reports. 6: 31231. PMID 27503843 DOI: 10.1038/Srep31231  0.334
2016 Takeuchi H, Taki Y, Sekiguchi A, Nouchi R, Kotozaki Y, Nakagawa S, Miyauchi CM, Iizuka K, Yokoyama R, Shinada T, Yamamoto Y, Hanawa S, Araki T, Hashizume H, Kunitoki K, ... ... Kawashima R, et al. Differences in gray matter structure correlated to nationalism and patriotism. Scientific Reports. 6: 29912. PMID 27418362 DOI: 10.1038/Srep29912  0.343
2016 Hiraoka K, Sumiyoshi A, Nonaka H, Kikkawa T, Kawashima R, Osumi N. Regional Volume Decreases in the Brain of Pax6 Heterozygous Mutant Rats: MRI Deformation-Based Morphometry. Plos One. 11: e0158153. PMID 27355350 DOI: 10.1371/Journal.Pone.0158153  0.317
2016 Saito A, Mekawy MM, Sumiyoshi A, Riera JJ, Shimizu H, Kawashima R, Tominaga T. Noninvasive targeting delivery and in vivo magnetic resonance tracking method for live apoptotic cells in cerebral ischemia with functional Fe2O3 magnetic nanoparticles. Journal of Nanobiotechnology. 14: 19. PMID 26969152 DOI: 10.1186/S12951-016-0173-1  0.643
2016 Nakagawa S, Takeuchi H, Taki Y, Nouchi R, Sekiguchi A, Kotozaki Y, Miyauchi CM, Iizuka K, Yokoyama R, Shinada T, Yamamoto Y, Hanawa S, Araki T, Hashizume H, Kunitoki K, ... ... Kawashima R, et al. The anterior midcingulate cortex as a neural node underlying hostility in young adults. Brain Structure & Function. PMID 26897177 DOI: 10.1007/S00429-016-1200-6  0.366
2016 Nakagawa S, Takeuchi H, Taki Y, Nouchi R, Kotozaki Y, Shinada T, Maruyama T, Sekiguchi A, Iizuka K, Yokoyama R, Yamamoto Y, Hanawa S, Araki T, Miyauchi CM, Magistro D, ... ... Kawashima R, et al. Basal ganglia correlates of fatigue in young adults. Scientific Reports. 6: 21386. PMID 26893077 DOI: 10.1038/Srep21386  0.333
2016 Takeuchi H, Nagase T, Taki Y, Sassa Y, Hashizume H, Nouchi R, Kawashima R. Effects of Fast Simple Numerical Calculation Training on Neural Systems. Neural Plasticity. 2016: 5940634. PMID 26881117 DOI: 10.1155/2016/5940634  0.323
2016 Akimoto Y, Nozawa T, Kanno A, Kambara T, Ihara M, Ogawa T, Goto T, Taki Y, Yokoyama R, Kotozaki Y, Nouchi R, Sekiguchi A, Takeuchi H, Miyauchi CM, Sugiura M, ... ... Kawashima R, et al. High-gamma power changes after cognitive intervention: preliminary results from twenty-one senior adult subjects. Brain and Behavior. e00427. PMID 26855826 DOI: 10.1002/Brb3.427  0.588
2016 Hashimoto T, Fukui K, Takeuchi H, Yokota S, Kikuchi Y, Tomita H, Taki Y, Kawashima R. Effects of the BDNF Val66Met Polymorphism on Gray Matter Volume in Typically Developing Children and Adolescents. Cerebral Cortex (New York, N.Y. : 1991). PMID 26830347 DOI: 10.1093/Cercor/Bhw020  0.33
2016 Takeuchi H, Taki Y, Hashizume H, Asano K, Asano M, Sassa Y, Yokota S, Kotozaki Y, Nouchi R, Kawashima R. Impact of videogame play on the brain's microstructural properties: cross-sectional and longitudinal analyses. Molecular Psychiatry. PMID 26728566 DOI: 10.1038/Mp.2015.193  0.331
2015 Takeuchi H, Taki Y, Sassa Y, Sekiguchi A, Nagase T, Nouchi R, Fukushima A, Kawashima R. The Associations between Regional Gray Matter Structural Changes and Changes of Cognitive Performance in Control Groups of Intervention Studies. Frontiers in Human Neuroscience. 9: 681. PMID 26733852 DOI: 10.3389/Fnhum.2015.00681  0.34
2015 Nakagawa S, Takeuchi H, Taki Y, Nouchi R, Sekiguchi A, Kotozaki Y, Miyauchi CM, Iizuka K, Yokoyama R, Shinada T, Yamamoto Y, Hanawa S, Araki T, Hashizume H, Kunitoki K, ... ... Kawashima R, et al. White matter structures associated with loneliness in young adults. Scientific Reports. 5: 17001. PMID 26585372 DOI: 10.1038/Srep17001  0.348
2015 Miura N, Nozawa T, Takahashi M, Yokoyama R, Sasaki Y, Sakaki K, Kawashima R. Neural substrates underlying reconcentration for the preparation of an appropriate cognitive state to prevent future mistakes: a functional magnetic resonance imaging study. Frontiers in Human Neuroscience. 9: 603. PMID 26578943 DOI: 10.3389/Fnhum.2015.00603  0.347
2015 Takeuchi H, Kawashima R. Neural Mechanisms and Children's Intellectual Development: Multiple Impacts of Environmental Factors. The Neuroscientist : a Review Journal Bringing Neurobiology, Neurology and Psychiatry. PMID 26511040 DOI: 10.1177/1073858415610294  0.314
2015 Takeuchi H, Taki Y, Sekiguchi A, Nouchi R, Kotozaki Y, Nakagawa S, Miyauchi CM, Iizuka K, Yokoyama R, Shinada T, Yamamoto Y, Hanawa S, Araki T, Hashizume H, Kunitoki K, ... ... Kawashima R, et al. Amygdala and cingulate structure is associated with stereotype on sex-role. Scientific Reports. 5: 14220. PMID 26420574 DOI: 10.1038/Srep14220  0.332
2015 Magistro D, Takeuchi H, Nejad KK, Taki Y, Sekiguchi A, Nouchi R, Kotozaki Y, Nakagawa S, Miyauchi CM, Iizuka K, Yokoyama R, Shinada T, Yamamoto Y, Hanawa S, Araki T, ... ... Kawashima R, et al. The Relationship between Processing Speed and Regional White Matter Volume in Healthy Young People. Plos One. 10: e0136386. PMID 26397946 DOI: 10.1371/Journal.Pone.0136386  0.322
2015 Hanawa S, Sugiura M, Nozawa T, Kotozaki Y, Yomogida Y, Ihara M, Akimoto Y, Thyreau B, Izumi S, Kawashima R. The neural basis of the imitation drive. Social Cognitive and Affective Neuroscience. PMID 26168793 DOI: 10.1093/Scan/Nsv089  0.363
2015 Nozawa T, Taki Y, Kanno A, Akimoto Y, Ihara M, Yokoyama R, Kotozaki Y, Nouchi R, Sekiguchi A, Takeuchi H, Miyauchi CM, Ogawa T, Goto T, Sunda T, Shimizu T, ... ... Kawashima R, et al. Effects of Different Types of Cognitive Training on Cognitive Function, Brain Structure, and Driving Safety in Senior Daily Drivers: A Pilot Study. Behavioural Neurology. 2015: 525901. PMID 26161000 DOI: 10.1155/2015/525901  0.573
2015 Takeuchi H, Taki Y, Nouchi R, Sekiguchi A, Hashizume H, Sassa Y, Kotozaki Y, Miyauchi CM, Yokoyama R, Iizuka K, Nakagawa S, Nagase T, Kunitoki K, Kawashima R. Degree centrality and fractional amplitude of low-frequency oscillations associated with Stroop interference. Neuroimage. 119: 197-209. PMID 26123381 DOI: 10.1016/J.Neuroimage.2015.06.058  0.403
2015 Hashimoto T, Takeuchi H, Taki Y, Sekiguchi A, Nouchi R, Kotozaki Y, Nakagawa S, Miyauchi CM, Iizuka K, Yokoyama R, Shinada T, Yamamoto Y, Hanawa S, Araki T, Hashizume H, ... ... Kawashima R, et al. Neuroanatomical correlates of the sense of control: Gray and white matter volumes associated with an internal locus of control. Neuroimage. PMID 26123375 DOI: 10.1016/J.Neuroimage.2015.06.061  0.351
2015 Konoike N, Kotozaki Y, Jeong H, Miyazaki A, Sakaki K, Shinada T, Sugiura M, Kawashima R, Nakamura K. Temporal and Motor Representation of Rhythm in Fronto-Parietal Cortical Areas: An fMRI Study. Plos One. 10: e0130120. PMID 26076024 DOI: 10.1371/Journal.Pone.0130120  0.343
2015 Yokota S, Takeuchi H, Hashimoto T, Hashizume H, Asano K, Asano M, Sassa Y, Taki Y, Kawashima R. Individual differences in cognitive performance and brain structure in typically developing children. Developmental Cognitive Neuroscience. 14: 1-7. PMID 26046425 DOI: 10.1016/J.Dcn.2015.05.003  0.304
2015 Takeuchi H, Taki Y, Sekiguchi A, Nouchi R, Kotozaki Y, Nakagawa S, Miyauchi CM, Iizuka K, Yokoyama R, Shinada T, Yamamoto Y, Hanawa S, Araki T, Hashizume H, Kunitoki K, ... ... Kawashima R, et al. Regional gray matter density is associated with morningness-eveningness: Evidence from voxel-based morphometry. Neuroimage. 117: 294-304. PMID 26003859 DOI: 10.1016/J.Neuroimage.2015.05.037  0.37
2015 Yokoyama R, Nozawa T, Takeuchi H, Taki Y, Sekiguchi A, Nouchi R, Kotozaki Y, Nakagawa S, Miyauchi CM, Iizuka K, Shinada T, Yamamoto Y, Hanawa S, Araki T, Hashizume H, ... ... Kawashima R, et al. Regional gray matter density associated with cognitive reflectivity-impulsivity: evidence from voxel-based morphometry. Plos One. 10: e0122666. PMID 25803809 DOI: 10.1371/Journal.Pone.0122666  0.344
2015 Hashimoto T, Takeuchi H, Taki Y, Yokota S, Hashizume H, Asano K, Asano M, Sassa Y, Nouchi R, Kawashima R. Increased posterior hippocampal volumes in children with lower increase in body mass index: a 3-year longitudinal MRI study. Developmental Neuroscience. 37: 153-60. PMID 25721327 DOI: 10.1159/000370064  0.308
2015 Takeuchi H, Tomita H, Taki Y, Kikuchi Y, Ono C, Yu Z, Sekiguchi A, Nouchi R, Kotozaki Y, Nakagawa S, Miyauchi CM, Iizuka K, Yokoyama R, Shinada T, Yamamoto Y, ... ... Kawashima R, et al. Cognitive and neural correlates of the 5-repeat allele of the dopamine D4 receptor gene in a population lacking the 7-repeat allele. Neuroimage. 110: 124-35. PMID 25659462 DOI: 10.1016/J.Neuroimage.2015.01.053  0.312
2015 Takeuchi H, Taki Y, Sekiguchi A, Hashizume H, Nouchi R, Sassa Y, Kotozaki Y, Miyauchi CM, Yokoyama R, Iizuka K, Nakagawa S, Nagase T, Kunitoki K, Kawashima R. Mean diffusivity of globus pallidus associated with verbal creativity measured by divergent thinking and creativity-related temperaments in young healthy adults. Human Brain Mapping. 36: 1808-27. PMID 25627674 DOI: 10.1002/Hbm.22739  0.311
2015 Kashkouli Nejad K, Sugiura M, Nozawa T, Kotozaki Y, Furusawa Y, Nishino K, Nukiwa T, Kawashima R. Supramarginal activity in interoceptive attention tasks. Neuroscience Letters. 589: 42-6. PMID 25596444 DOI: 10.1016/J.Neulet.2015.01.031  0.325
2015 Nakagawa S, Takeuchi H, Taki Y, Nouchi R, Sekiguchi A, Kotozaki Y, Miyauchi CM, Iizuka K, Yokoyama R, Shinada T, Yamamoto Y, Hanawa S, Araki T, Hashizume H, Kunitoki K, ... ... Kawashima R, et al. Comprehensive neural networks for guilty feelings in young adults. Neuroimage. 105: 248-56. PMID 25462799 DOI: 10.1016/J.Neuroimage.2014.11.004  0.382
2015 Sekiguchi A, Kotozaki Y, Sugiura M, Nouchi R, Takeuchi H, Hanawa S, Nakagawa S, Miyauchi CM, Araki T, Sakuma A, Taki Y, Kawashima R. Resilience after 3/11: structural brain changes 1 year after the Japanese earthquake. Molecular Psychiatry. 20: 553-4. PMID 24776737 DOI: 10.1038/Mp.2014.28  0.318
2015 Wakusawa K, Sugiura M, Sassa Y, Jeong H, Yomogida Y, Horie K, Sato S, Yokoyama H, Kure S, Takei N, Mori N, Kawashima R. Adaptive ability to cope with atypical or novel situations involving tool use: an fMRI approach. Neuroscience Research. 90: 72-82. PMID 24709370 DOI: 10.1016/J.Neures.2014.03.008  0.399
2015 Takeuchi H, Taki Y, Hashizume H, Asano K, Asano M, Sassa Y, Yokota S, Kotozaki Y, Nouchi R, Kawashima R. The impact of television viewing on brain structures: cross-sectional and longitudinal analyses. Cerebral Cortex (New York, N.Y. : 1991). 25: 1188-97. PMID 24256892 DOI: 10.1093/Cercor/Bht315  0.331
2014 Asano M, Taki Y, Hashizume H, Takeuchi H, Thyreau B, Sassa Y, Asano K, Kawashima R. Correlations between brain structures and study time at home in healthy children: a longitudinal analysis. Brain and Behavior. 4: 801-11. PMID 25365804 DOI: 10.1002/Brb3.278  0.328
2014 Takeuchi H, Taki Y, Nouchi R, Hashizume H, Sekiguchi A, Kotozaki Y, Nakagawa S, Miyauchi CM, Sassa Y, Kawashima R. Working memory training improves emotional states of healthy individuals. Frontiers in Systems Neuroscience. 8: 200. PMID 25360090 DOI: 10.3389/Fnsys.2014.00200  0.317
2014 Taminato T, Miura N, Sugiura M, Kawashima R. Neuronal substrates characterizing two stages in visual object recognition. Neuroscience Research. 89: 61-8. PMID 25218238 DOI: 10.1016/J.Neures.2014.09.001  0.317
2014 Takeuchi H, Taki Y, Sekiguchi A, Nouchi R, Kotozaki Y, Nakagawa S, Miyauchi CM, Iizuka K, Yokoyama R, Shinada T, Yamamoto Y, Hanawa S, Araki T, Hashizume H, Sassa Y, ... Kawashima R, et al. Brain structures in the sciences and humanities. Brain Structure & Function. PMID 25079346 DOI: 10.1007/S00429-014-0857-Y  0.309
2014 Takeuchi H, Taki Y, Nouchi R, Hashizume H, Sekiguchi A, Kotozaki Y, Nakagawa S, Miyauchi CM, Sassa Y, Kawashima R. Working memory training impacts the mean diffusivity in the dopaminergic system. Brain Structure & Function. PMID 25023736 DOI: 10.1007/S00429-014-0845-2  0.339
2014 Akimoto Y, Nozawa T, Kanno A, Ihara M, Goto T, Ogawa T, Kambara T, Sugiura M, Okumura E, Kawashima R. High-gamma activity in an attention network predicts individual differences in elderly adults' behavioral performance. Neuroimage. 100: 290-300. PMID 24960420 DOI: 10.1016/J.Neuroimage.2014.06.037  0.619
2014 Asano K, Taki Y, Hashizume H, Sassa Y, Thyreau B, Asano M, Takeuchi H, Kawashima R. Healthy children show gender differences in correlations between nonverbal cognitive ability and brain activation during visual perception. Neuroscience Letters. 577: 66-71. PMID 24937269 DOI: 10.1016/J.Neulet.2014.06.015  0.35
2014 Nozawa T, Sugiura M, Yokoyama R, Ihara M, Kotozaki Y, Miyauchi CM, Kanno A, Kawashima R. Ongoing activity in temporally coherent networks predicts intra-subject fluctuation of response time to sporadic executive control demands. Plos One. 9: e99166. PMID 24901995 DOI: 10.1371/Journal.Pone.0099166  0.336
2014 Itabashi H, Jin K, Iwasaki M, Okumura E, Kanno A, Kato K, Tominaga T, Kawashima R, Nakasato N. Electro- and magneto-encephalographic spike source localization of small focal cortical dysplasia in the dorsal peri-rolandic region Clinical Neurophysiology. 125: 2358-2363. PMID 24856458 DOI: 10.1016/J.Clinph.2014.02.028  0.316
2014 Takeuchi H, Taki Y, Nouchi R, Sekiguchi A, Hashizume H, Sassa Y, Kotozaki Y, Miyauchi CM, Yokoyama R, Iizuka K, Nakagawa S, Nagase T, Kunitoki K, Kawashima R. Association between resting-state functional connectivity and empathizing/systemizing. Neuroimage. 99: 312-22. PMID 24844739 DOI: 10.1016/J.Neuroimage.2014.05.031  0.326
2014 Yomogida Y, Sugiura M, Akimoto Y, Miyauchi CM, Kawashima R. The neural basis of event simulation: an FMRI study. Plos One. 9: e96534. PMID 24789353 DOI: 10.1371/Journal.Pone.0096534  0.384
2014 Honjoh T, Ji ZG, Yokoyama Y, Sumiyoshi A, Shibuya Y, Matsuzaka Y, Kawashima R, Mushiake H, Ishizuka T, Yawo H. Optogenetic patterning of whisker-barrel cortical system in transgenic rat expressing channelrhodopsin-2. Plos One. 9: e93706. PMID 24695456 DOI: 10.1371/Journal.Pone.0093706  0.321
2014 Hashizume H, Taki Y, Sassa Y, Thyreau B, Asano M, Asano K, Takeuchi H, Nouchi R, Kotozaki Y, Jeong H, Sugiura M, Kawashima R. Developmental changes in brain activation involved in the production of novel speech sounds in children. Human Brain Mapping. 35: 4079-89. PMID 24585739 DOI: 10.1002/Hbm.22460  0.311
2014 Sekiguchi A, Kotozaki Y, Sugiura M, Nouchi R, Takeuchi H, Hanawa S, Nakagawa S, Miyauchi CM, Araki T, Sakuma A, Taki Y, Kawashima R. Long-term effects of postearthquake distress on brain microstructural changes. Biomed Research International. 2014: 180468. PMID 24551840 DOI: 10.1155/2014/180468  0.309
2014 Riera JJ, Goto T, Kawashima R. A methodology for fast assessments to the electrical activity of barrel fields in vivo: from population inputs to single unit outputs. Frontiers in Neural Circuits. 8: 4. PMID 24550785 DOI: 10.3389/Fncir.2014.00004  0.672
2014 Takeuchi H, Taki Y, Sassa Y, Hashizume H, Sekiguchi A, Fukushima A, Kawashima R. Regional gray matter volume is associated with empathizing and systemizing in young adults. Plos One. 9: e84782. PMID 24409308 DOI: 10.1371/Journal.Pone.0084782  0.318
2014 Takeuchi H, Taki Y, Nouchi R, Hashizume H, Sekiguchi A, Kotozaki Y, Nakagawa S, Miyauchi CM, Sassa Y, Kawashima R. Effects of multitasking-training on gray matter structure and resting state neural mechanisms. Human Brain Mapping. 35: 3646-60. PMID 24343872 DOI: 10.1002/Hbm.22427  0.384
2014 Sugiura M, Yomogida Y, Mano Y, Sassa Y, Kambara T, Sekiguchi A, Kawashima R. From social-signal detection to higher social cognition: an fMRI approach. Social Cognitive and Affective Neuroscience. 9: 1303-9. PMID 23887806 DOI: 10.1093/Scan/Nst119  0.321
2014 Takeuchi H, Taki Y, Nouchi R, Hashizume H, Sassa Y, Sekiguchi A, Kotozaki Y, Nakagawa S, Nagase T, Miyauchi CM, Kawashima R. Anatomical correlates of quality of life: evidence from voxel-based morphometry. Human Brain Mapping. 35: 1834-46. PMID 23671021 DOI: 10.1002/Hbm.22294  0.338
2014 Akimoto Y, Sugiura M, Yomogida Y, Miyauchi CM, Miyazawa S, Kawashima R. Irony comprehension: social conceptual knowledge and emotional response. Human Brain Mapping. 35: 1167-78. PMID 23408440 DOI: 10.1002/Hbm.22242  0.346
2014 Takeuchi H, Taki Y, Nouchi R, Sekiguchi A, Kotozaki Y, Miyauchi CM, Yokoyama R, Iizuka K, Hashizume H, Nakagawa S, Kunitoki K, Sassa Y, Kawashima R. Regional gray matter density is associated with achievement motivation: evidence from voxel-based morphometry. Brain Structure & Function. 219: 71-83. PMID 23212300 DOI: 10.1007/S00429-012-0485-3  0.376
2014 Takeuchi H, Taki Y, Nouchi R, Hashizume H, Sassa Y, Sekuguchi A, Kotozaki Y, Nakagawa S, Nagase T, Miyauchi CM, Kawashima R. Associations among imaging measures (2): the association between gray matter concentration and task-induced activation changes. Human Brain Mapping. 35: 185-98. PMID 22965755 DOI: 10.1002/Hbm.22167  0.374
2014 Tsukiura T, Shigemune Y, Nouchi R, Kambara T, Kawashima R. Age-related differences in prefrontal, parietal, and hippocampal activations during correct rejections of faces Japanese Psychological Research. 56: 2-14. DOI: 10.1111/Jpr.12017  0.316
2013 Takeuchi H, Taki Y, Nouchi R, Sekiguchi A, Hashizume H, Sassa Y, Kotozaki Y, Miyauchi CM, Yokoyama R, Iizuka K, Nakagawa S, Nagase T, Kunitoki K, Kawashima R. Resting state functional connectivity associated with trait emotional intelligence. Neuroimage. 83: 318-28. PMID 23792978 DOI: 10.1016/J.Neuroimage.2013.06.044  0.34
2013 Miura N, Akitsuki Y, Sekiguchi A, Kawashima R. Activity in the primary somatosensory cortex induced by reflexological stimulation is unaffected by pseudo-information: a functional magnetic resonance imaging study. Bmc Complementary and Alternative Medicine. 13: 114. PMID 23711332 DOI: 10.1186/1472-6882-13-114  0.346
2013 Wang K, Riera J, Enjieu-Kadji H, Kawashima R. The role of extracellular conductivity profiles in compartmental models for neurons: particulars for layer 5 pyramidal cells. Neural Computation. 25: 1807-52. PMID 23607554 DOI: 10.1162/Neco_A_00458  0.653
2013 Takeuchi H, Taki Y, Thyreau B, Sassa Y, Hashizume H, Sekiguchi A, Nagase T, Nouchi R, Fukushima A, Kawashima R. White matter structures associated with empathizing and systemizing in young adults. Neuroimage. 77: 222-36. PMID 23578577 DOI: 10.1016/J.Neuroimage.2013.04.004  0.331
2013 Wu K, Taki Y, Sato K, Qi H, Kawashima R, Fukuda H. A longitudinal study of structural brain network changes with normal aging. Frontiers in Human Neuroscience. 7: 113. PMID 23565087 DOI: 10.3389/Fnhum.2013.00113  0.328
2013 Suzuki H, Sumiyoshi A, Taki Y, Matsumoto Y, Fukumoto Y, Kawashima R, Shimokawa H. Voxel-based morphometry and histological analysis for evaluating hippocampal damage in a rat model of cardiopulmonary resuscitation. Neuroimage. 77: 215-21. PMID 23558096 DOI: 10.1016/J.Neuroimage.2013.03.042  0.304
2013 Akimoto Y, Kanno A, Kambara T, Nozawa T, Sugiura M, Okumura E, Kawashima R. Spatiotemporal dynamics of high-gamma activities during a 3-stimulus visual oddball task. Plos One. 8: e59969. PMID 23555852 DOI: 10.1371/Journal.Pone.0059969  0.342
2013 Sekiguchi A, Sugiura M, Yokoyama S, Sassa Y, Horie K, Sato S, Kawashima R. Neural correlates of adaptive social responses to real-life frustrating situations: a functional MRI study. Bmc Neuroscience. 14: 29. PMID 23497355 DOI: 10.1186/1471-2202-14-29  0.314
2013 Nakagawa S, Sugiura M, Akitsuki Y, Hosseini SM, Kotozaki Y, Miyauchi CM, Yomogida Y, Yokoyama R, Takeuchi H, Kawashima R. Compensatory effort parallels midbrain deactivation during mental fatigue: an fMRI study. Plos One. 8: e56606. PMID 23457592 DOI: 10.1371/Journal.Pone.0056606  0.307
2013 Suzuki H, Sumiyoshi A, Kawashima R, Shimokawa H. Different brain activation under left and right ventricular stimulation: an fMRI study in anesthetized rats. Plos One. 8: e56990. PMID 23451129 DOI: 10.1371/Journal.Pone.0056990  0.335
2013 Taki Y, Kinomura S, Ebihara S, Thyreau B, Sato K, Goto R, Kakizaki M, Tsuji I, Kawashima R, Fukuda H. Correlation between pulmonary function and brain volume in healthy elderly subjects. Neuroradiology. 55: 689-95. PMID 23440433 DOI: 10.1007/S00234-013-1157-6  0.328
2013 Nouchi R, Taki Y, Takeuchi H, Hashizume H, Nozawa T, Kambara T, Sekiguchi A, Miyauchi CM, Kotozaki Y, Nouchi H, Kawashima R. Brain training game boosts executive functions, working memory and processing speed in the young adults: a randomized controlled trial. Plos One. 8: e55518. PMID 23405164 DOI: 10.1371/Journal.Pone.0055518  0.313
2013 Wu K, Taki Y, Sato K, Hashizume H, Sassa Y, Takeuchi H, Thyreau B, He Y, Evans AC, Li X, Kawashima R, Fukuda H. Topological organization of functional brain networks in healthy children: differences in relation to age, sex, and intelligence. Plos One. 8: e55347. PMID 23390528 DOI: 10.1371/Journal.Pone.0055347  0.343
2013 Aizawa-Kohama M, Endo T, Kitada M, Wakao S, Sumiyoshi A, Matsuse D, Kuroda Y, Morita T, Riera JJ, Kawashima R, Tominaga T, Dezawa M. Transplantation of bone marrow stromal cell-derived neural precursor cells ameliorates deficits in a rat model of complete spinal cord transection. Cell Transplantation. 22: 1613-25. PMID 23127893 DOI: 10.3727/096368912X658791  0.646
2013 Takeuchi H, Taki Y, Nouchi R, Hashizume H, Sekiguchi A, Kotozaki Y, Nakagawa S, Miyauchi CM, Sassa Y, Kawashima R. Effects of working memory training on functional connectivity and cerebral blood flow during rest. Cortex; a Journal Devoted to the Study of the Nervous System and Behavior. 49: 2106-25. PMID 23079491 DOI: 10.1016/J.Cortex.2012.09.007  0.384
2013 Takeuchi H, Taki Y, Sassa Y, Hashizume H, Sekiguchi A, Fukushima A, Kawashima R. Brain structures associated with executive functions during everyday events in a non-clinical sample. Brain Structure & Function. 218: 1017-32. PMID 22851058 DOI: 10.1007/S00429-012-0444-Z  0.381
2013 Taki Y, Thyreau B, Kinomura S, Sato K, Goto R, Wu K, Kawashima R, Fukuda H. A longitudinal study of the relationship between personality traits and the annual rate of volume changes in regional gray matter in healthy adults. Human Brain Mapping. 34: 3347-53. PMID 22807062 DOI: 10.1002/Hbm.22145  0.333
2013 Taki Y, Hashizume H, Thyreau B, Sassa Y, Takeuchi H, Wu K, Kotozaki Y, Nouchi R, Asano M, Asano K, Fukuda H, Kawashima R. Linear and curvilinear correlations of brain gray matter volume and density with age using voxel-based morphometry with the Akaike information criterion in 291 healthy children Human Brain Mapping. 34: 1857-1871. PMID 22505237 DOI: 10.1002/Hbm.22033  0.342
2013 Taki Y, Thyreau B, Kinomura S, Sato K, Goto R, Wu K, Kakizaki M, Tsuji I, Kawashima R, Fukuda H. Correlation between high-sensitivity C-reactive protein and brain gray matter volume in healthy elderly subjects. Human Brain Mapping. 34: 2418-24. PMID 22438310 DOI: 10.1002/Hbm.22073  0.379
2013 Taki Y, Thyreau B, Kinomura S, Sato K, Goto R, Wu K, Kawashima R, Fukuda H. A longitudinal study of age- and gender-related annual rate of volume changes in regional gray matter in healthy adults. Human Brain Mapping. 34: 2292-301. PMID 22438299 DOI: 10.1002/Hbm.22067  0.344
2013 Taki Y, Thyreau B, Hashizume H, Sassa Y, Takeuchi H, Wu K, Kotozaki Y, Nouchi R, Asano M, Asano K, Fukuda H, Kawashima R. Linear and curvilinear correlations of brain white matter volume, fractional anisotropy, and mean diffusivity with age using voxel-based and region-of-interest analyses in 246 healthy children Human Brain Mapping. 34: 1842-1856. PMID 22438164 DOI: 10.1002/Hbm.22027  0.324
2013 Tsukiura T, Shigemune Y, Nouchi R, Kambara T, Kawashima R. Insular and hippocampal contributions to remembering people with an impression of bad personality Social Cognitive and Affective Neuroscience. 8: 515-522. PMID 22349799 DOI: 10.1093/Scan/Nss025  0.323
2013 Takeuchi H, Taki Y, Sassa Y, Hashizume H, Sekiguchi A, Nagase T, Nouchi R, Fukushima A, Kawashima R. White matter structures associated with emotional intelligence: Evidence from diffusion tensor imaging Human Brain Mapping. 34: 1025-1034. PMID 22139821 DOI: 10.1002/Hbm.21492  0.363
2013 Kambara T, Tsukiura T, Yokoyama S, Takahashi K, Shigemune Y, Miyamoto T, Takahashi D, Sato S, Kawashima R. Differential contributions of the inferior parietal and inferior frontal regions to the processing of grammatical and semantic relationships in wh-questions Language Sciences. 37: 14-21. DOI: 10.1016/J.Langsci.2012.07.003  0.35
2012 Taki Y, Kawashima R. Brain development in childhood. The Open Neuroimaging Journal. 6: 103-10. PMID 23166579 DOI: 10.2174/1874440001206010103  0.319
2012 Takeuchi H, Taki Y, Nouchi R, Sekiguchi A, Kotozaki Y, Miyauchi CM, Yokoyama R, Iizuka K, Hashizume H, Nakagawa S, Kunitoki K, Sassa Y, Kawashima R. A voxel-based morphometry study of gray and white matter correlates of a need for uniqueness. Neuroimage. 63: 1119-26. PMID 22926287 DOI: 10.1016/J.Neuroimage.2012.08.037  0.359
2012 Yokoyama S, Maki H, Hashimoto Y, Toma M, Kawashima R. Mechanism of case processing in the brain: an fMRI study. Plos One. 7: e40474. PMID 22808169 DOI: 10.1371/Journal.Pone.0040474  0.317
2012 Konoike N, Kotozaki Y, Miyachi S, Miyauchi CM, Yomogida Y, Akimoto Y, Kuraoka K, Sugiura M, Kawashima R, Nakamura K. Rhythm information represented in the fronto-parieto-cerebellar motor system. Neuroimage. 63: 328-38. PMID 22796994 DOI: 10.1016/J.Neuroimage.2012.07.002  0.357
2012 Riera JJ, Ogawa T, Goto T, Sumiyoshi A, Nonaka H, Evans A, Miyakawa H, Kawashima R. Pitfalls in the dipolar model for the neocortical EEG sources. Journal of Neurophysiology. 108: 956-75. PMID 22539822 DOI: 10.1152/Jn.00098.2011  0.744
2012 Sassa Y, Taki Y, Takeuchi H, Hashizume H, Asano M, Asano K, Wakabayashi A, Kawashima R. The correlation between brain gray matter volume and empathizing and systemizing quotients in healthy children Neuroimage. 60: 2035-2041. PMID 22369996 DOI: 10.1016/J.Neuroimage.2012.02.021  0.37
2012 Takeuchi H, Sugiura M, Sassa Y, Sekiguchi A, Yomogida Y, Taki Y, Kawashima R. Neural Correlates of the Difference between Working Memory Speed and Simple Sensorimotor Speed: An fMRI Study Plos One. 7. PMID 22291992 DOI: 10.1371/Journal.Pone.0030579  0.348
2012 Sumiyoshi A, Suzuki H, Ogawa T, Riera JJ, Shimokawa H, Kawashima R. Coupling between gamma oscillation and fMRI signal in the rat somatosensory cortex: its dependence on systemic physiological parameters. Neuroimage. 60: 738-46. PMID 22245345 DOI: 10.1016/J.Neuroimage.2011.12.082  0.746
2012 Takeuchi H, Taki Y, Hashizume H, Sassa Y, Nagase T, Nouchi R, Kawashima R. The association between resting functional connectivity and creativity Cerebral Cortex. 22: 2921-2929. PMID 22235031 DOI: 10.1093/Cercor/Bhr371  0.389
2012 Wu K, Taki Y, Sato K, Kinomura S, Goto R, Okada K, Kawashima R, He Y, Evans AC, Fukuda H. Age-related changes in topological organization of structural brain networks in healthy individuals. Human Brain Mapping. 33: 552-68. PMID 21391279 DOI: 10.1002/Hbm.21232  0.305
2012 Koizumi M, Kim J, Kimura N, Yokoyama S, Sato S, Horie K, Kawashima R. Left inferior frontal activations differentially modulated by scrambling in ditransitive sentences Open Medical Imaging Journal. 6: 70-79. DOI: 10.2174/1874347101206010070  0.377
2012 Hashimoto Y, Yokoyama S, Kawashima R. Neurotypology of sentence comprehension: Cross-linguistic difference in canonical word order affects brain responses during sentence comprehension Open Medical Imaging Journal. 6: 62-69. DOI: 10.2174/1874347101206010062  0.301
2011 Valdés-Hernández PA, Sumiyoshi A, Nonaka H, Haga R, Aubert-Vásquez E, Ogawa T, Iturria-Medina Y, Riera JJ, Kawashima R. An in vivo MRI Template Set for Morphometry, Tissue Segmentation, and fMRI Localization in Rats. Frontiers in Neuroinformatics. 5: 26. PMID 22275894 DOI: 10.3389/Fninf.2011.00026  0.758
2011 Ogawa T, Riera J, Goto T, Sumiyoshi A, Nonaka H, Jerbi K, Bertrand O, Kawashima R. Large-scale heterogeneous representation of sound attributes in rat primary auditory cortex: from unit activity to population dynamics. The Journal of Neuroscience : the Official Journal of the Society For Neuroscience. 31: 14639-53. PMID 21994380 DOI: 10.1523/Jneurosci.0086-11.2011  0.769
2011 Takeuchi H, Taki Y, Sassa Y, Hashizume H, Sekiguchi A, Nagase T, Nouchi R, Fukushima A, Kawashima R. Regional gray and white matter volume associated with Stroop interference: evidence from voxel-based morphometry. Neuroimage. 59: 2899-907. PMID 21988892 DOI: 10.1016/J.Neuroimage.2011.09.064  0.4
2011 Takeuchi H, Taki Y, Hashizume H, Sassa Y, Nagase T, Nouchi R, Kawashima R. Cerebral blood flow during rest associates with general intelligence and creativity. Plos One. 6: e25532. PMID 21980485 DOI: 10.1371/Journal.Pone.0025532  0.393
2011 Funayama R, Sugiura M, Sassa Y, Jeong H, Wakusawa K, Horie K, Sato S, Kawashima R. Neural bases of human mate choice: multiple value dimensions, sex difference, and self-assessment system. Social Neuroscience. 7: 59-73. PMID 21936741 DOI: 10.1080/17470919.2011.580120  0.33
2011 Taki Y, Hashizume H, Sassa Y, Takeuchi H, Asano M, Asano K, Kotozaki Y, Nouchi R, Wu K, Fukuda H, Kawashima R. Correlation among body height, intelligence, and brain gray matter volume in healthy children. Neuroimage. 59: 1023-7. PMID 21930215 DOI: 10.1016/J.Neuroimage.2011.08.092  0.324
2011 Takeuchi H, Taki Y, Sassa Y, Hashizume H, Sekiguchi A, Fukushima A, Kawashima R. Working memory training using mental calculation impacts regional gray matter of the frontal and parietal regions. Plos One. 6: e23175. PMID 21886781 DOI: 10.1371/Journal.Pone.0023175  0.325
2011 Takeuchi H, Taki Y, Hashizume H, Sassa Y, Nagase T, Nouchi R, Kawashima R. Effects of training of processing speed on neural systems. The Journal of Neuroscience : the Official Journal of the Society For Neuroscience. 31: 12139-48. PMID 21865456 DOI: 10.1523/Jneurosci.2948-11.2011  0.335
2011 Taki Y, Thyreau B, Kinomura S, Sato K, Goto R, Kawashima R, Fukuda H. Correlations among brain gray matter volumes, age, gender, and hemisphere in healthy individuals. Plos One. 6: e22734. PMID 21818377 DOI: 10.1371/Journal.Pone.0022734  0.326
2011 Taki Y, Hashizume H, Sassa Y, Takeuchi H, Wu K, Asano M, Asano K, Fukuda H, Kawashima R. Gender differences in partial-volume corrected brain perfusion using brain MRI in healthy children. Neuroimage. 58: 709-15. PMID 21782958 DOI: 10.1016/J.Neuroimage.2011.07.020  0.37
2011 Wu K, Taki Y, Sato K, Sassa Y, Inoue K, Goto R, Okada K, Kawashima R, He Y, Evans AC, Fukuda H. The overlapping community structure of structural brain network in young healthy individuals. Plos One. 6: e19608. PMID 21573111 DOI: 10.1371/Journal.Pone.0019608  0.304
2011 Sekiguchi A, Yokoyama S, Kasahara S, Yomogida Y, Takeuchi H, Ogawa T, Taki Y, Niwa S, Kawashima R. Neural bases of a specific strategy for visuospatial processing in rugby players. Medicine and Science in Sports and Exercise. 43: 1857-62. PMID 21407123 DOI: 10.1249/Mss.0B013E31821920F3  0.641
2011 Hosseini SMH, Mano Y, Rostami M, Takahashi M, Sugiura M, Kawashima R. Decoding what one likes or dislikes from single-trial fNIRS measurements. Neuroreport. 22: 269-273. PMID 21372746 DOI: 10.1097/Wnr.0B013E3283451F8F  0.355
2011 Taki Y, Hashizume H, Sassa Y, Takeuchi H, Wu K, Asano M, Asano K, Fukuda H, Kawashima R. Correlation between gray matter density-adjusted brain perfusion and age using brain MR images of 202 healthy children. Human Brain Mapping. 32: 1973-85. PMID 21259384 DOI: 10.1002/Hbm.21163  0.356
2011 Taki Y, Kinomura S, Sato K, Goto R, Wu K, Kawashima R, Fukuda H. Correlation between gray/white matter volume and cognition in healthy elderly people. Brain and Cognition. 75: 170-6. PMID 21131121 DOI: 10.1016/J.Bandc.2010.11.008  0.339
2011 Sumiyoshi A, Riera JJ, Ogawa T, Kawashima R. A mini-cap for simultaneous EEG and fMRI recording in rodents. Neuroimage. 54: 1951-65. PMID 20920590 DOI: 10.1016/J.Neuroimage.2010.09.056  0.754
2011 Taki Y, Kinomura S, Sato K, Goto R, Wu K, Kawashima R, Fukuda H. Correlation between baseline regional gray matter volume and global gray matter volume decline rate. Neuroimage. 54: 743-9. PMID 20920588 DOI: 10.1016/J.Neuroimage.2010.09.071  0.342
2011 Tsukiura T, Sekiguchi A, Yomogida Y, Nakagawa S, Shigemune Y, Kambara T, Akitsuki Y, Taki Y, Kawashima R. Effects of aging on hippocampal and anterior temporal activations during successful retrieval of memory for face-name associations. Journal of Cognitive Neuroscience. 23: 200-13. PMID 20350057 DOI: 10.1162/Jocn.2010.21476  0.317
2011 Akitsuki Y, Nakawaga S, Sugiura M, Kawashima R. Nutritional Quality of Breakfast Affects Cognitive Function: An fMRI Study Neuroscience and Medicine. 2: 192-197. DOI: 10.4236/Nm.2011.23026  0.399
2011 Jeong H, Hashizume H, Sugiura M, Sassa Y, Yokoyama S, Shiozaki S, Kawashima R. Testing Second Language Oral Proficiency in Direct and Semidirect Settings: A Social-Cognitive Neuroscience Perspective Language Learning. 61: 675-699. DOI: 10.1111/J.1467-9922.2011.00635.X  0.307
2011 Kambara T, Tsukiura T, Nouchi R, Shigemune Y, Yomogida Y, Kanno A, Kawashima R. Superior Temporal Activity for the Retrieval Process of Auditory-Word Associations I-Perception. 2: 787-787. DOI: 10.1068/Ic787  0.354
2011 Aizawa E, Kochiyama T, Sato Y, Morishita J, Sekiguchi A, Kotozaki Y, Kano M, Kanazawa M, Sugiura M, Kawashima R, Mushiake H, Fukudo S. Neural Substrates of Decision Making in Irritable Bowel Syndrome Gastroenterology. 140: S-365. DOI: 10.1016/S0016-5085(11)61491-1  0.345
2011 Ogawa T, Goto T, Sumiyoshi A, Nonaka H, Jerbi K, Bertrand O, Kawashima R, Riera J. Sparse and heterogeneous codification of sound attributes in rat primary auditory cortex revealed by laminar profile analysis Neuroscience Research. 71. DOI: 10.1016/J.Neures.2011.07.645  0.582
2011 Asano K, Taki Y, Hashizume H, Sassa Y, Takeuchi H, Asano M, Kawashima R. Sex difference in correlation between cognitive style and brain activity during visual delayed matching to sample task in children Neuroscience Research. 71: e387-e388. DOI: 10.1016/J.Neures.2011.07.1700  0.322
2010 Bosch-Bayard J, Riera-Diaz J, Biscay-Lirio R, Wong KF, Galka A, Yamashita O, Sadato N, Kawashima R, Aubert-Vazquez E, Rodriguez-Rojas R, Valdes-Sosa P, Miwakeichi F, Ozaki T. Spatio-temporal correlations from fMRI time series based on the NN-ARx model. Journal of Integrative Neuroscience. 9: 381-406. PMID 21213411 DOI: 10.1142/S0219635210002500  0.345
2010 Taki Y, Hashizume H, Sassa Y, Takeuchi H, Asano M, Asano K, Kawashima R. Breakfast staple types affect brain gray matter volume and cognitive function in healthy children. Plos One. 5: e15213. PMID 21170334 DOI: 10.1371/Journal.Pone.0015213  0.343
2010 Takeuchi H, Taki Y, Hashizume H, Sassa Y, Nagase T, Nouchi R, Kawashima R. Failing to deactivate: the association between brain activity during a working memory task and creativity. Neuroimage. 55: 681-7. PMID 21111830 DOI: 10.1016/J.Neuroimage.2010.11.052  0.356
2010 Goto T, Hatanaka R, Ogawa T, Sumiyoshi A, Riera J, Kawashima R. An evaluation of the conductivity profile in the somatosensory barrel cortex of Wistar rats. Journal of Neurophysiology. 104: 3388-412. PMID 20810682 DOI: 10.1152/Jn.00122.2010  0.75
2010 Takeuchi H, Taki Y, Sassa Y, Hashizume H, Sekiguchi A, Fukushima A, Kawashima R. Regional gray matter density associated with emotional intelligence: evidence from voxel-based morphometry. Human Brain Mapping. 32: 1497-510. PMID 20740644 DOI: 10.1002/Hbm.21122  0.347
2010 Yokoyama O, Miura N, Watanabe J, Takemoto A, Uchida S, Sugiura M, Horie K, Sato S, Kawashima R, Nakamura K. Right frontopolar cortex activity correlates with reliability of retrospective rating of confidence in short-term recognition memory performance. Neuroscience Research. 68: 199-206. PMID 20688112 DOI: 10.1016/J.Neures.2010.07.2041  0.341
2010 Hosseini SM, Rostami M, Yomogida Y, Takahashi M, Tsukiura T, Kawashima R. Aging and decision making under uncertainty: behavioral and neural evidence for the preservation of decision making in the absence of learning in old age. Neuroimage. 52: 1514-20. PMID 20472072 DOI: 10.1016/J.Neuroimage.2010.05.008  0.334
2010 Takeuchi H, Taki Y, Sassa Y, Hashizume H, Sekiguchi A, Fukushima A, Kawashima R. Regional gray matter volume of dopaminergic system associate with creativity: evidence from voxel-based morphometry. Neuroimage. 51: 578-85. PMID 20226253 DOI: 10.1016/J.Neuroimage.2010.02.078  0.36
2010 Takeuchi H, Taki Y, Sassa Y, Hashizume H, Sekiguchi A, Fukushima A, Kawashima R. White matter structures associated with creativity: evidence from diffusion tensor imaging. Neuroimage. 51: 11-8. PMID 20171286 DOI: 10.1016/J.Neuroimage.2010.02.035  0.373
2010 Riera J, Ogawa T, Hatanaka R, Goto T, Sumiyoshi A, Kadji HE, Nakauchi S, Kawashima R. Concurrent observations of astrocytic Ca(2+) activity and multisite extracellular potentials from an intact cerebral cortex. Journal of Biophotonics. 3: 147-60. PMID 19834885 DOI: 10.1002/Jbio.200910036  0.742
2010 Hashizume H, Taki Y, Sassa Y, Asano M, Asano K, Takeuchi H, Jeong H, Sugiura M, Kawashima R. Age-dependency in brain activation involved with imitation of unfamiliar foreign language sound: an fMRI study Neuroscience Research. 68: e300-e301. DOI: 10.1016/J.Neures.2010.07.1335  0.318
2010 Asano K, Taki Y, Hashizume H, Sassa Y, Takeuchi H, Asano M, Kawashima R. Correlation between cognitive style and brain activity in visual delayed matching task in children Neuroscience Research. 68: e295-e296. DOI: 10.1016/J.Neures.2010.07.1312  0.326
2009 Usui N, Haji T, Maruyama M, Katsuyama N, Uchida S, Hozawa A, Omori K, Tsuji I, Kawashima R, Taira M. Cortical areas related to performance of WAIS Digit Symbol Test: a functional imaging study. Neuroscience Letters. 463: 1-5. PMID 19631255 DOI: 10.1016/J.Neulet.2009.07.048  0.427
2009 Tachibana K, Suzuki K, Mori E, Miura N, Kawashima R, Horie K, Sato S, Tanji J, Mushiake H. Neural activity in the human brain signals logical rule identification. Journal of Neurophysiology. 102: 1526-37. PMID 19553481 DOI: 10.1152/Jn.90659.2008  0.378
2009 Wakusawa K, Sugiura M, Sassa Y, Jeong H, Horie K, Sato S, Yokoyama H, Tsuchiya S, Kawashima R. Neural correlates of processing situational relationships between a part and the whole: an fMRI study. Neuroimage. 48: 486-96. PMID 19539770 DOI: 10.1016/J.Neuroimage.2009.06.024  0.395
2009 Rostami M, Hosseini SM, Takahashi M, Sugiura M, Kawashima R. Neural bases of goal-directed implicit learning. Neuroimage. 48: 303-10. PMID 19524051 DOI: 10.1016/J.Neuroimage.2009.06.007  0.311
2009 Ikuta N, Sugiura M, Inoue K, Sato S, Horie K, Kawashima R. Neural basis of sentence processing in which incoming words form a sentence. Neuroreport. 20: 531-535. PMID 19240659 DOI: 10.1097/Wnr.0B013E3283294061  0.315
2009 Sugiura M, Wakusawa K, Sekiguchi A, Sassa Y, Jeong H, Horie K, Sato S, Kawashima R. Extraction of situational meaning by integrating multiple meanings in a complex environment: a functional MRI study. Human Brain Mapping. 30: 2676-88. PMID 19107751 DOI: 10.1002/Hbm.20699  0.362
2009 Sugiura M, Sassa Y, Watanabe J, Akitsuki Y, Maeda Y, Matsue Y, Kawashima R. Anatomical segregation of representations of personally familiar and famous people in the temporal and parietal cortices. Journal of Cognitive Neuroscience. 21: 1855-68. PMID 18855557 DOI: 10.1162/Jocn.2008.21150  0.368
2009 Hashizume H, Taki Y, Sassa Y, Asano M, Asano K, Takeuchi H, Lee M, Kawashima R. Developmental change of brain activation during Go/NoGo task with wide age range Neuroimage. 47: S87. DOI: 10.1016/S1053-8119(09)70667-6  0.308
2009 Asano K, Taki Y, Hashizume H, Sassa Y, Asano M, Takeuchi H, Lee M, Kawashima R. Correlation of verbal IQ and performance IQ with the brain activation during delayed matching task in healthy children Neuroimage. 47: S66. DOI: 10.1016/S1053-8119(09)70359-3  0.32
2009 Asano K, Taki Y, Hashizume H, Sassa Y, Asano M, Lee M, Takeuchi H, Kawashima R. Correlation between brain activity during delayed matching task and verbal IQ in healthy children Neuroscience Research. 65: S241. DOI: 10.1016/J.Neures.2009.09.1360  0.322
2009 Sugiura M, Yomogida Y, Kambara T, Mano Y, Sekiguchi A, Tsukiura T, Kawashima R. Neural basis of episode context: an fMRI study Neuroscience Research. 65: S236. DOI: 10.1016/J.Neures.2009.09.1330  0.305
2009 Yokoyama S, Yoshimoto K, Miyamoto T, Kawashima R. Neuro-physiological evidence of linguistic empathy processing in the human brain: A functional magnetic resonance imaging study Journal of Neurolinguistics. 22: 605-615. DOI: 10.1016/J.Jneuroling.2009.07.002  0.334
2009 Kim J, Koizumi M, Ikuta N, Fukumitsu Y, Kimura N, Iwata K, Watanabe J, Yokoyama S, Sato S, Horie K, Kawashima R. Scrambling effects on the processing of Japanese sentences: An fMRI study Journal of Neurolinguistics. 22: 151-166. DOI: 10.1016/J.Jneuroling.2008.07.005  0.369
2008 Nakamaru T, Miura N, Fukushima A, Kawashima R. Somatotopical relationships between cortical activity and reflex areas in reflexology: a functional magnetic resonance imaging study. Neuroscience Letters. 448: 6-9. PMID 18938220 DOI: 10.1016/J.Neulet.2008.10.022  0.318
2008 Taki Y, Kinomura S, Sato K, Inoue K, Goto R, Okada K, Uchida S, Kawashima R, Fukuda H. Relationship between body mass index and gray matter volume in 1,428 healthy individuals. Obesity (Silver Spring, Md.). 16: 119-24. PMID 18223623 DOI: 10.1038/Oby.2007.4  0.362
2008 Wan X, Sekiguchi A, Yokoyama S, Riera J, Kawashima R. Electromagnetic source imaging: Backus-Gilbert resolution spread function-constrained and functional MRI-guided spatial filtering. Human Brain Mapping. 29: 627-43. PMID 17598169 DOI: 10.1002/Hbm.20424  0.653
2008 Inoue K, Ito H, Uchida S, Taki Y, Kinomura S, Tsuji I, Sato S, Horie K, Kawashima R, Ito M, Fukuda H. Decrease in glucose metabolism in frontal cortex associated with deterioration of microstructure of corpus callosum measured by diffusion tensor imaging in healthy elderly. Human Brain Mapping. 29: 375-84. PMID 17450581 DOI: 10.1002/Hbm.20394  0.333
2008 Masunaga H, Kawashima R, Horn JL, Sassa Y, Sekiguchi A. Neural substrates of the Topology Test to measure fluid reasoning: An fMRI study Intelligence. 36: 607-615. DOI: 10.1016/J.Intell.2008.01.006  0.352
2008 Sato K, Taki Y, Kinomura S, Goto R, Kawashima R, Fukuda H. 122. Brain MRI databases of healthy subjects with a wide age range Clinical Neurophysiology. 119. DOI: 10.1016/J.Clinph.2008.04.138  0.301
2008 Riera J, Goto T, Enjieu-Kadji H, Ogawa T, Morito R, Kawashima R. 33. The micro-architecture of the cerebral cortex: Its impact on functional neuroimaging in humans Clinical Neurophysiology. 119: e107. DOI: 10.1016/J.Clinph.2008.04.049  0.311
2008 Evans AC, Lee JM, Kim SI, Fukuda H, Kawashima R, He Y, Jiang T, Kim JS, Chen Z, Im K, Lyttelton O, Lerch J, Singh V, Sato K, Taki Y, et al. Human cortical anatomical networks assessed by structural MRI Brain Imaging and Behavior. 2: 289-299. DOI: 10.1007/S11682-008-9034-3  0.314
2007 Wakusawa K, Sugiura M, Sassa Y, Jeong H, Horie K, Sato S, Yokoyama H, Tsuchiya S, Inuma K, Kawashima R. Comprehension of implicit meanings in social situations involving irony: a functional MRI study. Neuroimage. 37: 1417-26. PMID 17689103 DOI: 10.1016/J.Neuroimage.2007.06.013  0.386
2007 Sassa Y, Sugiura M, Jeong H, Horie K, Sato S, Kawashima R. Cortical mechanism of communicative speech production. Neuroimage. 37: 985-92. PMID 17627852 DOI: 10.1016/J.Neuroimage.2007.05.059  0.321
2007 Yokoyama S, Watanabe J, Iwata K, Ikuta N, Haji T, Usui N, Taira M, Miyamoto T, Nakamura W, Sato S, Horie K, Kawashima R. Is Broca's area involved in the processing of passive sentences? An event-related fMRI study. Neuropsychologia. 45: 989-96. PMID 17030047 DOI: 10.1016/J.Neuropsychologia.2006.09.003  0.379
2007 Riera JJ, Jimenez JC, Wan X, Kawashima R, Ozaki T. Nonlinear local electrovascular coupling. II: From data to neuronal masses. Human Brain Mapping. 28: 335-54. PMID 16933303 DOI: 10.1002/Hbm.20278  0.311
2007 Jeong H, Sugiura M, Sassa Y, Haji T, Usui N, Taira M, Horie K, Sato S, Kawashima R. Effect of syntactic similarity on cortical activation during second language processing: a comparison of English and Japanese among native Korean trilinguals. Human Brain Mapping. 28: 194-204. PMID 16767768 DOI: 10.1002/Hbm.20269  0.36
2007 Jeong H, Sugiura M, Sassa Y, Yokoyama S, Horie K, Sato S, Taira M, Kawashima R. Cross-linguistic influence on brain activation during second language processing: An fMRI study Bilingualism. 10: 175-187. DOI: 10.1017/S1366728907002921  0.307
2007 Ikuta N, Yokoyama S, Jeong H, Sugiura M, Horie K, Sato S, Kawashima R. Reanalysis in Japanese sentence comprehension: An fMRI study Neuroscience Research. 58: S174. DOI: 10.1016/J.Neures.2007.06.745  0.309
2007 Uchida S, Miura N, Nakamura K, Sato K, Fukuda H, Kawashima R. Changes of the brain activity related to the differences in manner of articulation Neuroscience Research. 58: S174. DOI: 10.1016/J.Neures.2007.06.744  0.312
2007 Tachibana Y, Sassa Y, Yokoyama S, Sugiura M, Kawashima R. Brain activities related to inferring familiar and unfamiliar persons’ decision-makings: An fMRI study Neuroscience Research. 58: S62. DOI: 10.1016/J.Neures.2007.06.366  0.311
2006 Yokoyama S, Miyamoto T, Riera J, Kim J, Akitsuki Y, Iwata K, Yoshimoto K, Horie K, Sato S, Kawashima R. Cortical mechanisms involved in the processing of verbs: an fMRI study. Journal of Cognitive Neuroscience. 18: 1304-13. PMID 16859416 DOI: 10.1162/Jocn.2006.18.8.1304  0.704
2006 Sugiura M, Sassa Y, Jeong H, Miura N, Akitsuki Y, Horie K, Sato S, Kawashima R. Multiple brain networks for visual self-recognition with different sensitivity for motion and body part. Neuroimage. 32: 1905-17. PMID 16806977 DOI: 10.1016/J.Neuroimage.2006.05.026  0.352
2006 Riera JJ, Wan X, Jimenez JC, Kawashima R. Nonlinear local electrovascular coupling. I: A theoretical model. Human Brain Mapping. 27: 896-914. PMID 16729288 DOI: 10.1002/Hbm.20230  0.668
2006 Wan X, Riera J, Iwata K, Takahashi M, Wakabayashi T, Kawashima R. The neural basis of the hemodynamic response nonlinearity in human primary visual cortex: Implications for neurovascular coupling mechanism. Neuroimage. 32: 616-25. PMID 16697664 DOI: 10.1016/J.Neuroimage.2006.03.040  0.683
2006 Riera JJ, Valdés PA, Tanabe K, Kawashima R. A theoretical formulation of the electrophysiological inverse problem on the sphere. Physics in Medicine and Biology. 51: 1737-58. PMID 16552101 DOI: 10.1088/0031-9155/51/7/007  0.663
2006 Sugiura M, Sassa Y, Watanabe J, Akitsuki Y, Maeda Y, Matsue Y, Fukuda H, Kawashima R. Cortical mechanisms of person representation: recognition of famous and personally familiar names. Neuroimage. 31: 853-60. PMID 16478667 DOI: 10.1016/J.Neuroimage.2006.01.002  0.356
2006 Wan X, Iwata K, Riera J, Kitamura M, Kawashima R. Artifact reduction for simultaneous EEG/fMRI recording: adaptive FIR reduction of imaging artifacts. Clinical Neurophysiology : Official Journal of the International Federation of Clinical Neurophysiology. 117: 681-92. PMID 16458593 DOI: 10.1016/J.Clinph.2005.07.025  0.672
2006 Wan X, Iwata K, Riera J, Ozaki T, Kitamura M, Kawashima R. Artifact reduction for EEG/fMRI recording: nonlinear reduction of ballistocardiogram artifacts. Clinical Neurophysiology : Official Journal of the International Federation of Clinical Neurophysiology. 117: 668-80. PMID 16458592 DOI: 10.1016/J.Clinph.2005.12.015  0.674
2006 Wan X, Riera J, Kawashima R. P31.5 Concurrent EEG correlates of event-related and spontaneous fMRI: Implications for neural basis of functional imaging Clinical Neurophysiology. 117: 150. DOI: 10.1016/J.Clinph.2006.06.545  0.316
2005 Ikuta N, Sugiura M, Sassa Y, Watanabe J, Akitsuki Y, Iwata K, Miura N, Okamoto H, Watanabe Y, Sato S, Horie K, Matsue Y, Kawashima R. Brain activation during the course of sentence comprehension. Brain and Language. 97: 154-61. PMID 16298427 DOI: 10.1016/J.Bandl.2005.10.006  0.383
2005 Taki Y, Kinomura S, Awata S, Inoue K, Sato K, Ito H, Goto R, Uchida S, Tsuji I, Arai H, Kawashima R, Fukuda H. Male elderly subthreshold depression patients have smaller volume of medial part of prefrontal cortex and precentral gyrus compared with age-matched normal subjects: a voxel-based morphometry. Journal of Affective Disorders. 88: 313-20. PMID 16150493 DOI: 10.1016/J.Jad.2005.08.003  0.332
2005 Riera J, Aubert E, Iwata K, Kawashima R, Wan X, Ozaki T. Fusing EEG and fMRI based on a bottom-up model: inferring activation and effective connectivity in neural masses. Philosophical Transactions of the Royal Society of London. Series B, Biological Sciences. 360: 1025-41. PMID 16087446 DOI: 10.1098/Rstb.2005.1646  0.376
2005 Miura N, Watanabe J, Iwata K, Sassa Y, Riera J, Tsuchiya H, Sato S, Horie K, Takahashi M, Kitamura M, Kawashima R. Cortical activation during reading of ancient versus modern Japanese texts: fMRI study. Neuroimage. 26: 426-31. PMID 15907300 DOI: 10.1016/J.Neuroimage.2005.01.041  0.696
2005 Kawashima R, Okita K, Yamazaki R, Tajima N, Yoshida H, Taira M, Iwata K, Sasaki T, Maeyama K, Usui N, Sugimoto K. Reading aloud and arithmetic calculation improve frontal function of people with dementia. The Journals of Gerontology. Series a, Biological Sciences and Medical Sciences. 60: 380-4. PMID 15860478 DOI: 10.1093/Gerona/60.3.380  0.338
2005 Sugiura M, Watanabe J, Maeda Y, Matsue Y, Fukuda H, Kawashima R. Cortical mechanisms of visual self-recognition. Neuroimage. 24: 143-9. PMID 15588605 DOI: 10.1016/J.Neuroimage.2004.07.063  0.336
2004 Riera J, Bosch J, Yamashita O, Kawashima R, Sadato N, Okada T, Ozaki T. fMRI activation maps based on the NN-ARx model. Neuroimage. 23: 680-97. PMID 15488418 DOI: 10.1016/J.Neuroimage.2004.06.039  0.338
2004 Sugiura M, Watanabe J, Maeda Y, Matsue Y, Fukuda H, Kawashima R. Different roles of the frontal and parietal regions in memory-guided saccade: a PCA approach on time course of BOLD signal changes. Human Brain Mapping. 23: 129-39. PMID 15449357 DOI: 10.1002/Hbm.20049  0.365
2004 Matsumura M, Sadato N, Kochiyama T, Nakamura S, Naito E, Matsunami K, Kawashima R, Fukuda H, Yonekura Y. Role of the cerebellum in implicit motor skill learning: a PET study. Brain Research Bulletin. 63: 471-83. PMID 15249112 DOI: 10.1016/J.Brainresbull.2004.04.008  0.325
2004 Yomogida Y, Sugiura M, Watanabe J, Akitsuki Y, Sassa Y, Sato T, Matsue Y, Kawashima R. Mental Visual Synthesis is Originated in the Fronto-temporal Network of the Left Hemisphere Cerebral Cortex. 14: 1376-1383. PMID 15142959 DOI: 10.1093/Cercor/Bhh098  0.34
2004 Sugiura M, Gotoh R, Okada K, Yamaguchi K, Itoh M, Fukuda H, Kawashima R. Target dependency of brain mechanism involved in dispositional inference: a PET study. Neuroimage. 21: 1377-86. PMID 15050563 DOI: 10.1016/J.Neuroimage.2003.11.021  0.374
2004 Watanabe J, Sugiura M, Miura N, Watanabe Y, Maeda Y, Matsue Y, Kawashima R. The human parietal cortex is involved in spatial processing of tongue movement-an fMRI study. Neuroimage. 21: 1289-99. PMID 15050556 DOI: 10.1016/J.Neuroimage.2003.10.024  0.36
2004 Taki Y, Goto R, Evans A, Zijdenbos A, Neelin P, Lerch J, Sato K, Ono S, Kinomura S, Nakagawa M, Sugiura M, Watanabe J, Kawashima R, Fukuda H. Voxel-based morphometry of human brain with age and cerebrovascular risk factors. Neurobiology of Aging. 25: 455-63. PMID 15013566 DOI: 10.1016/J.Neurobiolaging.2003.09.002  0.308
2004 Riera JJ, Watanabe J, Kazuki I, Naoki M, Aubert E, Ozaki T, Kawashima R. A state-space model of the hemodynamic approach: nonlinear filtering of BOLD signals. Neuroimage. 21: 547-67. PMID 14980557 DOI: 10.1016/J.Neuroimage.2003.09.052  0.673
2004 Kawashima R, Taira M, Okita K, Inoue K, Tajima N, Yoshida H, Sasaki T, Sugiura M, Watanabe J, Fukuda H. A functional MRI study of simple arithmetic--a comparison between children and adults. Brain Research. Cognitive Brain Research. 18: 227-33. PMID 14741309 DOI: 10.1016/J.Cogbrainres.2003.10.009  0.37
2003 Sato K, Taki Y, Fukuda H, Kawashima R. Neuroanatomical database of normal Japanese brains. Neural Networks : the Official Journal of the International Neural Network Society. 16: 1301-10. PMID 14622886 DOI: 10.1016/J.Neunet.2003.06.004  0.318
2003 Miura N, Iwata K, Watanabe J, Sugiura M, Akitsuki Y, Sassa Y, Ikuta N, Okamoto H, Watanabe Y, Riera J, Maeda Y, Matsue Y, Kawashima R. Cortical activation during reading aloud of long sentences: fMRI study. Neuroreport. 14: 1563-1566. PMID 14502076 DOI: 10.1097/00001756-200308260-00004  0.701
2003 Akitsuki Y, Sugiura M, Watanabe J, Yamashita K, Sassa Y, Awata S, Matsuoka H, Maeda Y, Matsue Y, Fukuda H, Kawashima R. Context-dependent cortical activation in response to financial reward and penalty: an event-related fMRI study. Neuroimage. 19: 1674-85. PMID 12948722 DOI: 10.1016/S1053-8119(03)00250-7  0.354
2003 Okuda J, Fujii T, Ohtake H, Tsukiura T, Tanji K, Suzuki K, Kawashima R, Fukuda H, Itoh M, Yamadori A. Thinking of the future and past: the roles of the frontal pole and the medial temporal lobes. Neuroimage. 19: 1369-80. PMID 12948695 DOI: 10.1016/S1053-8119(03)00179-4  0.372
2002 Tsukiura T, Fujii T, Okuda J, Ohtake H, Kawashima R, Itoh M, Fukuda H, Yamadori A. Time-dependent contribution of the hippocampal complex when remembering the past: a PET study. Neuroreport. 13: 2319-23. PMID 12488819 DOI: 10.1097/00001756-200212030-00030  0.308
2002 Umetsu A, Okuda J, Fujii T, Tsukiura T, Nagasaka T, Yanagawa I, Sugiura M, Inoue K, Kawashima R, Suzuki K, Tabuchi M, Murata T, Mugikura S, Higano S, Takahashi S, et al. Brain activation during the fist-edge-palm test: a functional MRI study. Neuroimage. 17: 385-92. PMID 12482091 DOI: 10.1006/Nimg.2002.1218  0.364
2002 Fujii T, Okuda J, Tsukiura T, Ohtake H, Suzuki M, Kawashima R, Itoh M, Fukuda H, Yamadori A. Encoding-related brain activity during deep processing of verbal materials: a PET study. Neuroscience Research. 44: 429-38. PMID 12445630 DOI: 10.1016/S0168-0102(02)00160-8  0.364
2002 Tsukiura T, Fujii T, Fukatsu R, Otsuki T, Okuda J, Umetsu A, Suzuki K, Tabuchi M, Yanagawa I, Nagasaka T, Kawashima R, Fukuda H, Takahashi S, Yamadori A. Neural basis of the retrieval of people's names: evidence from brain-damaged patients and fMRI. Journal of Cognitive Neuroscience. 14: 922-37. PMID 12191459 DOI: 10.1162/089892902760191144  0.33
2002 Ito H, Yokoyama I, Tamura Y, Kinoshita T, Hatazawa J, Kawashima R, Iida H. Regional changes in human cerebral blood flow during dipyridamole stress: neural activation in the thalamus and prefrontal cortex. Neuroimage. 16: 788-793. PMID 12169262 DOI: 10.1006/Nimg.2002.1123  0.331
2002 Kawashima R, Watanabe J, Kato T, Nakamura A, Hatano K, Schormann T, Sato K, Fukuda H, Ito K, Zilles K. Direction of cross-modal information transfer affects human brain activation: a PET study. The European Journal of Neuroscience. 16: 137-44. PMID 12153538 DOI: 10.1046/J.1460-9568.2002.02053.X  0.387
2002 Awata S, Konno M, Kawashima R, Suzuki K, Sato T, Matsuoka H, Fukuda H, Sato M. Changes in regional cerebral blood flow abnormalities in late-life depression following response to electroconvulsive therapy. Psychiatry and Clinical Neurosciences. 56: 31-40. PMID 11929569 DOI: 10.1046/J.1440-1819.2002.00927.X  0.307
2002 Fujii T, Okuda J, Tsukiura T, Ohtake H, Miura R, Fukatsu R, Suzuki K, Kawashima R, Itoh M, Fukuda H, Yamadori A. The role of the basal forebrain in episodic memory retrieval: a positron emission tomography study. Neuroimage. 15: 501-8. PMID 11848693 DOI: 10.1006/Nimg.2001.0995  0.339
2002 Inoue K, Kawashima R, Sugiura M, Ogawa A, Schormann T, Zilles K, Fukuda H. Activation in the ipsilateral posterior parietal cortex during tool use: a PET study. Neuroimage. 14: 1469-75. PMID 11707103 DOI: 10.1006/Nimg.2001.0942  0.36
2001 Kikuchi A, Takeda A, Kimpara T, Nakagawa M, Kawashima R, Sugiura M, Kinomura S, Fukuda H, Chida K, Okita N, Takase S, Itoyama Y. Hypoperfusion in the supplementary motor area, dorsolateral prefrontal cortex and insular cortex in Parkinson's disease. Journal of the Neurological Sciences. 193: 29-36. PMID 11718747 DOI: 10.1016/S0022-510X(01)00641-4  0.344
2001 Sugiura M, Kawashima R, Takahashi T, Xiao R, Tsukiura T, Sato K, Kawano K, Iijima T, Fukuda H. Different distribution of the activated areas in the dorsal premotor cortex during visual and auditory reaction-time tasks Neuroimage. 14: 1168-1174. PMID 11697948 DOI: 10.1006/Nimg.2001.0898  0.354
2001 Nakamura K, Kawashima R, Sugiura M, Kato T, Nakamura A, Hatano K, Nagumo S, Kubota K, Fukuda H, Ito K, Kojima S. Neural substrates for recognition of familiar voices: a PET study. Neuropsychologia. 39: 1047-54. PMID 11440757 DOI: 10.1016/S0028-3932(01)00037-9  0.372
2001 Sugiura M, Kawashima R, Nakamura K, Sato N, Nakamura A, Kato T, Hatano K, Schormann T, Zilles K, Sato K, Ito K, Fukuda H. Activation reduction in anterior temporal cortices during repeated recognition of faces of personal acquaintances. Neuroimage. 13: 877-90. PMID 11304083 DOI: 10.1006/Nimg.2001.0747  0.358
2001 Kawashima R, Hatano G, Oizumi K, Sugiura M, Fukuda H, Itoh K, Kato T, Nakamura A, Hatano K, Kojima S. Different neural systems for recognizing plants, animals, and artifacts. Brain Research Bulletin. 54: 313-317. PMID 11287136 DOI: 10.1016/S0361-9230(00)00440-8  0.378
2001 Zilles K, Kawashima R, Dabringhaus A, Fukuda H, Schormann T. Hemispheric shape of European and Japanese brains: 3-D MRI analysis of intersubject variability, ethnical, and gender differences. Neuroimage. 13: 262-71. PMID 11162267 DOI: 10.1006/Nimg.2000.0688  0.33
2001 Kawashima R, Tajima N, Yoshida H, Okita K, Sasaki T, Schormann T, Ogawa A, Fukuda H, Zilles K. The effect of verbal feedback on motor learning--a PET study. Positron emission tomography. Neuroimage. 12: 698-706. PMID 11112401 DOI: 10.1006/Nimg.2000.0643  0.352
2001 Sugiura M, Kawashima R, Watanabe J, Sato Y, Maeda Y, Matsue Y, Sato K, Harada A, Fukuda H. Different functional roles of human frontal and parietal cortices in memory-guided saccade: An event-related fMRI study Neuroimage. 13: 365. DOI: 10.1016/S1053-8119(01)91708-2  0.33
2001 Sugiura M, Kawashima R, Watanabe J, Sato Y, Maeda Y, Matsue Y, Sato K, Harada A, Fukuda H. Can we measure spontaneous thinking? Regional amplitude of low-frequency fluctuation of cortical BOLD signal during resting state and task execution Neuroimage. 13: 261. DOI: 10.1016/S1053-8119(01)91604-0  0.31
2000 Qureshy A, Kawashima R, Imran MB, Sugiura M, Goto R, Okada K, Inoue K, Itoh M, Schormann T, Zilles K, Fukuda H. Functional mapping of human brain in olfactory processing: a PET study. Journal of Neurophysiology. 84: 1656-66. PMID 10980035 DOI: 10.1152/Jn.2000.84.3.1656  0.32
2000 Nakamura K, Kawashima R, Sato N, Nakamura A, Sugiura M, Kato T, Hatano K, Ito K, Fukuda H, Schormann T, Zilles K. Functional delineation of the human occipito-temporal areas related to face and scene processing. A PET study. Brain : a Journal of Neurology. 123: 1903-12. PMID 10960054 DOI: 10.1093/Brain/123.9.1903  0.34
2000 Sugiura M, Kawashima R, Nakagawa M, Okada K, Sato T, Goto R, Sato K, Ono S, Schormann T, Zilles K, Fukuda H. Correlation between human personality and neural activity in cerebral cortex. Neuroimage. 11: 541-6. PMID 10806039 DOI: 10.1006/Nimg.2000.0564  0.337
2000 Inoue K, Kawashima R, Satoh K, Kinomura S, Sugiura M, Goto R, Ito M, Fukuda H. A PET study of visuomotor learning under optical rotation. Neuroimage. 11: 505-16. PMID 10806036 DOI: 10.1006/Nimg.2000.0554  0.334
2000 Naito E, Kinomura S, Geyer S, Kawashima R, Roland PE, Zilles K. Fast reaction to different sensory modalities activates common fields in the motor areas, but the anterior cingulate cortex is involved in the speed of reaction. Journal of Neurophysiology. 83: 1701-9. PMID 10712490 DOI: 10.1152/Jn.2000.83.3.1701  0.587
2000 Sugiura M, Kawashima R, Nakamura K, Okada K, Kato T, Nakamura A, Hatano K, Itoh K, Kojima S, Fukuda H. Passive and active recognition of one's own face. Neuroimage. 11: 36-48. PMID 10686115 DOI: 10.1006/Nimg.1999.0519  0.324
2000 Okuda J, Fujii T, Yamadori A, Kawashima R, Tsukiura T, Ohtake H, Fukatsu R, Suzuki K, Itoh M, Fukuda H. Retention of words in long-term memory: a functional neuroanatomical study with PET. Neuroreport. 11: 323-8. PMID 10674479 DOI: 10.1097/00001756-200002070-00020  0.344
2000 Kawashima R, Okuda J, Umetsu A, Sugiura M, Inoue K, Suzuki K, Tabuchi M, Tsukiura T, Narayan SL, Nagasaka T, Yanagawa I, Fujii T, Takahashi S, Fukuda H, Yamadori A. Human cerebellum plays an important role in memory-timed finger movement: an fMRI study. Journal of Neurophysiology. 83: 1079-87. PMID 10669519 DOI: 10.1152/Jn.2000.83.2.1079  0.358
2000 Watanabe J, Sugiura M, Kawashima R, Sato K, Maeda Y, Sato Y, Matsue K, Fukuda H. The human prefrontal and parietal association cortices are involved in NO-GO performances—an event-related fMRI study Neuroimage. 11: S830. DOI: 10.1016/S1053-8119(00)91758-0  0.411
2000 Hanazawa A, Kawashima R, Nakamura K, Sato Y, Sugiura M, Watanabe J, Sato K, Maeda Y, Matsue K, Fukuda H. The human posterior parietal cortex participates in stereoscopic depth perception. An fMRI study Neuroimage. 11: S694. DOI: 10.1016/S1053-8119(00)91624-0  0.339
2000 Tsukiura T, Fujii T, Okuda J, Tabuchi M, Kurata K, Suzuki K, Umetsu A, Kawashima R, Yanagawa I, Nagasaka T, Yamadori A, Takahashi S, Fukuda H. Contribution of the rostral part of the left temporal lobe to retrieving people's names: A functional MRI study Neuroimage. 11: S373. DOI: 10.1016/S1053-8119(00)91304-1  0.302
1999 Nakamura K, Kawashima R, Ito K, Sugiura M, Kato T, Nakamura A, Hatano K, Nagumo S, Kubota K, Fukuda H, Kojima S. Activation of the right inferior frontal cortex during assessment of facial emotion. Journal of Neurophysiology. 82: 1610-4. PMID 10482774 DOI: 10.1152/Jn.1999.82.3.1610  0.353
1999 Imran MB, Kawashima R, Awata S, Sato K, Kinomura S, Ono S, Sato M, Fukuda H. Tc-99m HMPAO SPECT in the evaluation of Alzheimer's disease: correlation between neuropsychiatric evaluation and CBF images. Journal of Neurology, Neurosurgery, and Psychiatry. 66: 228-32. PMID 10071106 DOI: 10.1136/Jnnp.66.2.228  0.307
1999 Tatsumi IF, Fushimi T, Sadato N, Kawashima R, Yokoyama E, Kanno I, Senda M. Verb generation in Japanese--A multicenter PET activation study. Neuroimage. 9: 154-64. PMID 9918737 DOI: 10.1006/Nimg.1998.0382  0.343
1998 Okuda J, Fujii T, Yamadori A, Kawashima R, Tsukiura T, Fukatsu R, Suzuki K, Ito M, Fukuda H. Participation of the prefrontal cortices in prospective memory: evidence from a PET study in humans. Neuroscience Letters. 253: 127-30. PMID 9774166 DOI: 10.1016/S0304-3940(98)00628-4  0.351
1998 Awata S, Ito H, Konno M, Ono S, Kawashima R, Fukuda H, Sato M. Regional cerebral blood flow abnormalities in late-life depression: relation to refractoriness and chronification. Psychiatry and Clinical Neurosciences. 52: 97-105. PMID 9682941 DOI: 10.1111/J.1440-1819.1998.Tb00980.X  0.326
1998 Taira M, Kawashima R, Inoue K, Fukuda H. A PET study of axis orientation discrimination. Neuroreport. 9: 283-8. PMID 9507970 DOI: 10.1097/00001756-199801260-00020  0.352
1998 Roland PE, O'Sullivan B, Kawashima R. Shape and roughness activate different somatosensory areas in the human brain. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America. 95: 3295-300. PMID 9501256 DOI: 10.1073/pnas.95.6.3295  0.556
1998 Naito E, Kinomura S, Kawashima R, Geyer S, Zilles K, Roland P. Correlation of the rCBF in anterior cingulate cortex with reaction time Neuroimage. 7: S948. DOI: 10.1016/S1053-8119(18)31781-6  0.547
1998 Motooka N, Okuda J, Fujii T, Yamadori A, Tsukiura T, Kawashima R, Suzuki K, Fukatsu R, Ito M, Fukuda H. Functions of parahippocampal regions and frontal lobes in novelty and familiarity assessment for auditorily presented words Neuroimage. 7: S823. DOI: 10.1016/S1053-8119(18)31656-2  0.313
1998 Kinomura S, Kawashima R, Inoue K, Sugiura M, Okada K, Fukuda H, Itoh M, Fujiwara T. Shifting Attention to Left or Right Hemi-Visualfield Activates Left Parietal Cortex. : A PET Study Neuroimage. 7: S72. DOI: 10.1016/S1053-8119(18)30905-4  0.326
1997 Imaizumi S, Mori K, Kiritani S, Kawashima R, Sugiura M, Fukuda H, Itoh K, Kato T, Nakamura A, Hatano K, Kojima S, Nakamura K. Vocal identification of speaker and emotion activates differerent brain regions Neuroreport. 8: 2809-2812. PMID 9295122 DOI: 10.1097/00001756-199708180-00031  0.332
1997 Kawashima R, Inoue K, Sato K, Fukuda H. Functional asymmetry of cortical motor control in left-handed subjects. Neuroreport. 8: 1729-32. PMID 9189922 DOI: 10.1097/00001756-199705060-00032  0.305
1997 Fujii T, Okuda J, Kawashima R, Yamadori A, Fukatsu R, Suzuki K, Ito M, Goto R, Fukuda H. Different roles of the left and right parahippocampal regions in verbal recognition: a PET study. Neuroreport. 8: 1113-7. PMID 9175095 DOI: 10.1097/00001756-199703240-00010  0.362
1996 Klingberg T, Kawashima R, Roland PE. Activation of multi-modal cortical areas underlies short-term memory. The European Journal of Neuroscience. 8: 1965-71. PMID 8921287 DOI: 10.1111/J.1460-9568.1996.Tb01340.X  0.705
1996 Kawashima R, Itoh H, Ono S, Satoh K, Furumoto S, Gotoh R, Koyama M, Yoshioka S, Takahashi T, Takahashi K, Yanagisawa T, Fukuda H. Changes in regional cerebral blood flow during self-paced arm and finger movements. A PET study. Brain Research. 716: 141-148. PMID 8738230 DOI: 10.1016/0006-8993(96)00032-7  0.328
1996 Matsumura M, Kawashima R, Naito E, Satoh K, Takahashi T, Yanagisawa T, Fukuda H. Changes in rCBF during grasping in humans examined by PET Neuroreport. 7: 749-752. PMID 8733737 DOI: 10.1097/00001756-199602290-00017  0.336
1996 Roland P, O'Sullivan B, Kawashima R, Ledberg A. Somatosensory perception of microgeometry and macrogeometry activate different somatosensory association areas Neuroimage. 3: S338. DOI: 10.1016/S1053-8119(96)80340-5  0.554
1996 Kawashima R, Satoh K, Itoh H, Ono S, Furumoto S, Gotoh R, Koyama M, Yoshioka S, Takahashi T, Takahashi K, Yanagisawa T, Fukuda H. Functional anatomy of GO/NO-GO discrimination and response selection : a PET study in man Brain Research. 728: 79-89. DOI: 10.1016/S0006-8993(96)00389-7  0.342
1995 Kawashima R, Fukuda H. Functional organization of the human primary motor area: an update on current concepts. Reviews in the Neurosciences. 5: 347-54. PMID 7697202 DOI: 10.1515/Revneuro.1994.5.4.347  0.308
1995 Kawashima R, Roland PE, O'Sullivan BT. Functional anatomy of reaching and visuomotor learning: a positron emission tomography study. Cerebral Cortex (New York, N.Y. : 1991). 5: 111-22. PMID 7620288 DOI: 10.1093/Cercor/5.2.111  0.577
1995 Kawashima R, O'Sullivan BT, Roland PE. Positron-emission tomography studies of cross-modality inhibition in selective attentional tasks: closing the "mind's eye". Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America. 92: 5969-72. PMID 7597062 DOI: 10.1073/Pnas.92.13.5969  0.522
1994 Kawashima R, Roland PE, O'Sullivan BT. Fields in human motor areas involved in preparation for reaching, actual reaching, and visuomotor learning: a positron emission tomography study. The Journal of Neuroscience : the Official Journal of the Society For Neuroscience. 14: 3462-74. PMID 8207466 DOI: 10.1523/Jneurosci.14-06-03462.1994  0.515
1994 O'Sullivan BT, Roland PE, Kawashima R. A PET study of somatosensory discrimination in man. microgeometry versus macrogeometry. The European Journal of Neuroscience. 6: 137-48. PMID 8130929 DOI: 10.1111/j.1460-9568.1994.tb00255.x  0.538
1994 Kawashima R, Roland PE, O'Sullivan BT. Activity in the human primary motor cortex related to ipsilateral hand movements. Brain Research. 663: 251-6. PMID 7874508 DOI: 10.1016/0006-8993(94)91270-X  0.536
1994 Kinomura S, Kawashima R, Yamada K, Ono S, Itoh M, Yoshioka S, Yamaguchi T, Matsui H, Miyazawa H, Itoh H, Goto R, Fujiwara T, Satoh K, Fukuda H. Functional anatomy of taste perception in the human brain studied with positron emission tomography Brain Research. 659: 263-266. PMID 7820672 DOI: 10.1016/0006-8993(94)90890-7  0.344
1994 Klingberg T, Roland PE, Kawashima R. The human entorhinal cortex participates in associative memory. Neuroreport. 6: 57-60. PMID 7703429 DOI: 10.1097/00001756-199412300-00016  0.704
1993 Kawashima R, Yamada K, Kinomura S, Yamaguchi T, Matsui H, Yoshioka S, Fukuda H. Regional cerebral blood flow changes of cortical motor areas and prefrontal areas in humans related to ipsilateral and contralateral hand movement. Brain Research. 623: 33-40. PMID 8221091 DOI: 10.1016/0006-8993(93)90006-9  0.304
1993 Roland PE, Levin B, Kawashima R, Åkerman S. Three-dimensional analysis of clustered voxels in 15O-butanol brain activation images Human Brain Mapping. 1: 3-19. DOI: 10.1002/hbm.460010103  0.5
1992 Decety J, Kawashima R, Gulyás B, Roland PE. Preparation for reaching: a PET study of the participating structures in the human brain. Neuroreport. 3: 761-4. PMID 1421133 DOI: 10.1097/00001756-199209000-00010  0.74
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