Year |
Citation |
Score |
2024 |
Adams G, Fabbri AR, Ladhak F, McKeown K, Elhadad N. Generating EDU Extracts for Plan-Guided Summary Re-Ranking. Proceedings of the Conference. Association For Computational Linguistics. Meeting. 2023: 2680-2697. PMID 38770277 DOI: 10.18653/v1/2023.acl-long.151 |
0.551 |
2019 |
Plunz RA, Zhou Y, Vintimilla MIC, Mckeown K, Yu T, Uguccioni L, Sutto MP. Twitter sentiment in New York City parks as measure of well-being Landscape and Urban Planning. 189: 235-246. DOI: 10.1016/J.Landurbplan.2019.04.024 |
0.304 |
2018 |
Rasooli MS, Farra N, Radeva A, Yu T, McKeown K. Cross-lingual sentiment transfer with limited resources Machine Translation. 32: 143-165. DOI: 10.1007/S10590-017-9202-6 |
0.379 |
2017 |
Rosenthal S, Mckeown K. Detecting Influencers in Multiple Online Genres Acm Transactions On Internet Technology. 17: 1-22. DOI: 10.1145/3014164 |
0.356 |
2012 |
Nenkova A, McKeown K. A survey of text summarization techniques Mining Text Data. 2147483647: 43-76. DOI: 10.1007/978-1-4614-3223-4_3 |
0.647 |
2011 |
Nenkova A, McKeown K. Automatic summarization Foundations and Trends in Information Retrieval. 5: 103-233. DOI: 10.1561/1500000015 |
0.681 |
2011 |
Siddharthan A, Nenkova A, McKeown K. Information status distinctions and referring expressions: An empirical study of references to people in news summaries Computational Linguistics. 37: 811-842. DOI: 10.1162/Coli_A_00077 |
0.718 |
2007 |
Nenkova A, Passonneau R, Mckeown K. The Pyramid Method: Incorporating human content selection variation in summarization evaluation Acm Transactions On Speech and Language Processing. 4. DOI: 10.1145/1233912.1233913 |
0.68 |
2005 |
Elhadad N, McKeown K, Kaufman D, Jordan D. Facilitating physicians' access to information via tailored text summarization. Amia ... Annual Symposium Proceedings / Amia Symposium. Amia Symposium. 226-30. PMID 16779035 |
0.594 |
2005 |
Elhadad N, Kan MY, Klavans JL, McKeown KR. Customization in a unified framework for summarizing medical literature. Artificial Intelligence in Medicine. 33: 179-98. PMID 15811784 DOI: 10.1016/J.Artmed.2004.07.018 |
0.737 |
2005 |
Barzilay R, McKeown KR. Sentence fusion for multidocument news summarization Computational Linguistics. 31: 297-327. DOI: 10.1162/089120105774321091 |
0.661 |
2005 |
McKeown K, Passonneau RJ, Elson DK, Nenkova A, Hirschberg J. Do summaries help? A task-based evaluation of multi-document summarization Sigir 2005 - Proceedings of the 28th Annual International Acm Sigir Conference On Research and Development in Information Retrieval. 210-217. DOI: 10.1145/1076034.1076072 |
0.656 |
2005 |
Nenkova A, Siddharthan A, McKeown K. Automatically learning cognitive status for multi-document summarization of newswire Hlt/Emnlp 2005 - Human Language Technology Conference and Conference On Empirical Methods in Natural Language Processing, Proceedings of the Conference. 241-248. |
0.635 |
2004 |
Jordan D, Whalen G, Bell B, McKeown K, Feiner S. An evaluation of automatically generated briefings of patient status Studies in Health Technology and Informatics. 107: 227-231. DOI: 10.7916/D89C75Sn |
0.321 |
2003 |
McKeown KR, Elhadad N, Hatzivassiloglou V. Leveraging a common representation for personalized search and summarization in a medical digital library Proceedings of the Acm/Ieee Joint Conference On Digital Libraries. 2003: 159-170. DOI: 10.1109/JCDL.2003.1204856 |
0.538 |
2002 |
Kushniruk AW, Kan MY, McKeown K, Klavans J, Jordan D, LaFlamme M, Patel VL. Usability evaluation of an experimental text summarization system and three search engines: implications for the reengineering of health care interfaces. Proceedings / Amia ... Annual Symposium. Amia Symposium. 420-4. PMID 12463858 |
0.637 |
2002 |
Barzilay R, Elhadad N, McKeown KR. Inferring strategies for sentence ordering in multidocument news summarization Journal of Artificial Intelligence Research. 17: 35-55. DOI: 10.1613/Jair.991 |
0.704 |
2002 |
Radev DR, Hovy E, McKeown K. Introduction to the Special Issue on Summarization Computational Linguistics. 28: 399-408. DOI: 10.1162/089120102762671927 |
0.675 |
2002 |
Pan S, McKeown K, Hirschberg J. Exploring features from natural language generation for prosody modeling Computer Speech and Language. 16: 457-490. DOI: 10.1016/S0885-2308(02)00022-0 |
0.628 |
2001 |
Jordan DA, McKeown KR, Concepcion KJ, Feiner SK, Hatzivassiloglou V. Generation and evaluation of intraoperative inferences for automated health care briefings on patient status after bypass surgery. Journal of the American Medical Informatics Association : Jamia. 8: 267-80. PMID 11320071 DOI: 10.1136/Jamia.2001.0080267 |
0.325 |
2000 |
Siegel EV, McKeown KR. Learning methods to combine linguistic indicators: Improving aspectual classification and revealing linguistic insights Computational Linguistics. 26: 594-628. DOI: 10.1162/089120100750105957 |
0.374 |
2000 |
McKeown KR, Pan S. Prosody modelling in concept-to-speech generation: Methodological issues Philosophical Transactions of the Royal Society a: Mathematical, Physical and Engineering Sciences. 358: 1419-1431. DOI: 10.1098/Rsta.2000.0595 |
0.605 |
1999 |
Mckeown K, Radev DR. Generating natural language summaries from multiple on-line sources: language reuse and regeneration Dermatologic Surgery. DOI: 10.7916/D8W09Dss |
0.64 |
1999 |
McKeown KR, Klavans JL, Hatzivassiloglou V, Barzilay R, Eskin E. Towards multidocument summarization by reformulation: progress and prospects Proceedings of the National Conference On Artificial Intelligence. 453-460. |
0.512 |
1998 |
McKeown KR, Feiner SK, Dalal M, Chang SF. Generating multimedia briefings: Coordinating language and illustration Artificial Intelligence. 103: 95-116. DOI: 10.1016/S0004-3702(98)00072-1 |
0.448 |
1998 |
Radev DR, McKeown KR. Generating Natural Language Summaries from Multiple On-Line Sources Computational Linguistics. 24: 468-500. |
0.61 |
1997 |
McKeown K, Fung P. Finding Terminology Translations From Non-Parallel Corpora Journal of Visual Languages and Computing. DOI: 10.7916/D8G1685J |
0.351 |
1997 |
Elhadad M, Robin J, McKeown K. Floating Constraints in Lexical Choice Computational Linguistics. 23: x-239. DOI: 10.7916/D82V2S0J |
0.363 |
1997 |
Fung P, McKeown K. A Technical Word- and Term-Translation Aid Using Noisy Parallel Corpora across Language Groups Machine Translation. 12: 53-87. DOI: 10.1023/A:1007974605290 |
0.368 |
1997 |
Aho AV, Chang SF, Mckeown KR, Radev DR, Smith JR, Zaman KA. Columbia digital news project: An environment for briefing and search over multimedia information International Journal On Digital Libraries. 1: 377-385. DOI: 10.1007/S007990050030 |
0.607 |
1996 |
Smadja F, Hatzivassiloglou V, McKeown KR. Translating Collocations for Bilingual Lexicons: A Statistical Approach Computational Linguistics. 22: x-38. DOI: 10.7916/D8C82M3R |
0.382 |
1996 |
Robin J, McKeown K. Empirically designing and evaluating a new revision-based model for summary generation Artificial Intelligence. 85: 135-179. DOI: 10.1016/0004-3702(95)00125-5 |
0.429 |
1995 |
Cole R, Hermansky H, Novick DG, Oviatt S, Hirschman L, Atlas L, Beckman M, Biermann A, Bush M, Clements M, Cohen J, Garcia O, Hanson B, Levinson S, McKeown K, et al. The Challenge of Spoken Language Systems: Research Directions for the Nineties Ieee Transactions On Speech and Audio Processing. 3: 1-21. DOI: 10.1109/89.365385 |
0.427 |
1995 |
McKeown K, Robin J, Kukich K. Generating concise natural language summaries Information Processing and Management. 31: 703-733. DOI: 10.1016/0306-4573(95)00026-D |
0.433 |
1995 |
McKeown K, Radev DR. Generating summaries of multiple news articles Sigir Forum (Acm Special Interest Group On Information Retrieval). 74-82. |
0.581 |
1985 |
McKeown KR. Discourse strategies for generating natural-language text Artificial Intelligence. 27: 1-41. DOI: 10.1016/0004-3702(85)90082-7 |
0.415 |
1983 |
Webber B, Joshi A, Mays E, McKeown K. Extended natural language data base interactions Computers and Mathematics With Applications. 9: 233-244. DOI: 10.1016/0898-1221(83)90017-2 |
0.686 |
1980 |
McKeown KR, Badler NI. Creating polyhedral stellations Acm Siggraph Computer Graphics. 14: 19-24. DOI: 10.1145/965105.807463 |
0.399 |
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