Verena Buchholz - Publications

Radboud University Nijmegen, Nijmegen, Gelderland, Netherlands 

9 high-probability publications. We are testing a new system for linking publications to authors. You can help! If you notice any inaccuracies, please sign in and mark papers as correct or incorrect matches. If you identify any major omissions or other inaccuracies in the publication list, please let us know.

Year Citation  Score
2019 Schubert JTW, Buchholz VN, Föcker J, Engel AK, Röder B, Heed T. Alpha-band oscillations reflect external spatial coding for tactile stimuli in sighted, but not in congenitally blind humans. Scientific Reports. 9: 9215. PMID 31239467 DOI: 10.1038/s41598-019-45634-w  0.423
2019 Buchholz VN, David N, Sengelmann M, Engel AK. Belief of agency changes dynamics in sensorimotor networks. Scientific Reports. 9: 1995. PMID 30760743 DOI: 10.1038/s41598-018-37912-w  0.396
2015 Schubert JT, Buchholz VN, Föcker J, Engel AK, Röder B, Heed T. Oscillatory activity reflects differential use of spatial reference frames by sighted and blind individuals in tactile attention. Neuroimage. 117: 417-28. PMID 26032885 DOI: 10.1016/j.neuroimage.2015.05.068  0.438
2014 Buchholz VN, Jensen O, Medendorp WP. Different roles of alpha and beta band oscillations in anticipatory sensorimotor gating. Frontiers in Human Neuroscience. 8: 446. PMID 24987348 DOI: 10.3389/Fnhum.2014.00446  0.533
2013 Buchholz VN, Jensen O, Medendorp WP. Parietal oscillations code nonvisual reach targets relative to gaze and body. The Journal of Neuroscience : the Official Journal of the Society For Neuroscience. 33: 3492-9. PMID 23426676 DOI: 10.1523/Jneurosci.3208-12.2013  0.589
2013 Van Der Werf J, Buchholz VN, Jensen O, Medendorp WP. Reorganization of oscillatory activity in human parietal cortex during spatial updating. Cerebral Cortex (New York, N.Y. : 1991). 23: 508-19. PMID 22414770 DOI: 10.1093/Cercor/Bhr387  0.575
2011 Buchholz VN, Jensen O, Medendorp WP. Multiple reference frames in cortical oscillatory activity during tactile remapping for saccades. The Journal of Neuroscience : the Official Journal of the Society For Neuroscience. 31: 16864-71. PMID 22090512 DOI: 10.1523/Jneurosci.3404-11.2011  0.579
2011 Medendorp WP, Buchholz VN, Van Der Werf J, Leoné FT. Parietofrontal circuits in goal-oriented behaviour. The European Journal of Neuroscience. 33: 2017-27. PMID 21645097 DOI: 10.1111/j.1460-9568.2011.07701.x  0.526
2009 Van Der Werf J, Buchholz VN, Jensen O, Medendorp WP. Neuronal synchronization in human parietal cortex during saccade planning. Behavioural Brain Research. 205: 329-35. PMID 19523986 DOI: 10.1016/J.Bbr.2009.06.011  0.549
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