Ilja Sligte - Publications

Psychology University of Amsterdam, Amsterdam, Netherlands 
Consciousness, Attention, Visual short-term memory, Retinotopic mapping

35 high-probability publications. We are testing a new system for linking publications to authors. You can help! If you notice any inaccuracies, please sign in and mark papers as correct or incorrect matches. If you identify any major omissions or other inaccuracies in the publication list, please let us know.

Year Citation  Score
2019 Lindh D, Sligte IG, Assecondi S, Shapiro KL, Charest I. Conscious perception of natural images is constrained by category-related visual features. Nature Communications. 10: 4106. PMID 31511514 DOI: 10.1038/s41467-019-12135-3  0.415
2019 Cuperus AA, Disco RT, Sligte IG, van der Kuil MNA, Evers AWM, van der Ham IJM. Memory-related perceptual illusions directly affect physical activity in humans. Plos One. 14: e0216988. PMID 31095650 DOI: 10.1371/journal.pone.0216988  0.538
2017 Zerr P, Gayet S, Mulder K, Pinto Y, Sligte I, Van der Stigchel S. Remapping high-capacity, pre-attentive, fragile sensory memory. Scientific Reports. 7: 15940. PMID 29162899 DOI: 10.1038/S41598-017-16156-0  0.883
2017 Pinto Y, Vandenbroucke AR, Otten M, Sligte IG, Seth AK, Lamme VA. Conscious visual memory with minimal attention. Journal of Experimental Psychology. General. 146: 214-226. PMID 28134544 DOI: 10.1037/Xge0000255  0.859
2017 van Elk M, Duizer M, Sligte I, van Schie H. Transcranial direct current stimulation of the right temporoparietal junction impairs third-person perspective taking. Cognitive, Affective & Behavioral Neuroscience. 17: 9-23. PMID 27649972 DOI: 10.3758/S13415-016-0462-Z  0.305
2017 Lindh D, Assecondi S, Sligte I, Shapiro K, Charest I. Categorical differences in the conscious access to visual objects Journal of Vision. 17: 964. DOI: 10.1167/17.10.964  0.499
2017 Zerr P, Gayet S, Mulder K, Sligte I, Van der Stigchel S. Beyond the magic number four: Remapping high-capacity, pre-attentive, fragile working memory. Journal of Vision. 17: 1281. DOI: 10.1167/17.10.1281  0.882
2015 Vandenbroucke AR, Sligte IG, de Vries JG, Cohen MX, Lamme VA. Neural Correlates of Visual STM Dissociate between Fragile and Working Memory Representations. Journal of Cognitive Neuroscience. 1-14. PMID 26351862 DOI: 10.1162/Jocn_A_00870  0.856
2015 Scholte HS, Sligte I, Groen I, Ghebreab S. The posterior part of area LO responds to image statistics, the anterior part to categorical differences. Journal of Vision. 15: 767. PMID 26326455 DOI: 10.1167/15.12.767  0.767
2015 van Moorselaar D, Olivers CN, Theeuwes J, Lamme VA, Sligte IG. Forgotten But Not Gone: Retro-Cue Costs and Benefits in a Double-Cueing Paradigm Suggest Multiple States in Visual Short-Term Memory. Journal of Experimental Psychology. Learning, Memory, and Cognition. PMID 25867613 DOI: 10.1037/Xlm0000124  0.769
2015 Sligte IG. Multiple levels in visual short-term memory Journal of Vision. 15: 1404. DOI: 10.1167/15.12.1404  0.632
2014 Vandenbroucke AR, Sligte IG, Barrett AB, Seth AK, Fahrenfort JJ, Lamme VA. Accurate metacognition for visual sensory memory representations. Psychological Science. 25: 861-73. PMID 24549293 DOI: 10.1177/0956797613516146  0.853
2014 Vandenbroucke AR, Fahrenfort JJ, Sligte IG, Lamme VA. Seeing without knowing: neural signatures of perceptual inference in the absence of report. Journal of Cognitive Neuroscience. 26: 955-69. PMID 24283494 DOI: 10.1162/Jocn_A_00530  0.766
2014 Sligte IG, van der Leij AR, Shapiro KL, Scholte HS. A link between brain structure/connectivity and visual short-term memory capacity Journal of Vision. 14: 170-170. DOI: 10.1167/14.10.170  0.833
2013 Pinto Y, van der Leij AR, Sligte IG, Lamme VA, Scholte HS. Bottom-up and top-down attention are independent. Journal of Vision. 13: 16. PMID 23863334 DOI: 10.1167/13.3.16  0.78
2013 Pinto Y, Sligte IG, Shapiro KL, Lamme VA. Fragile visual short-term memory is an object-based and location-specific store. Psychonomic Bulletin & Review. 20: 732-9. PMID 23456410 DOI: 10.3758/S13423-013-0393-4  0.877
2013 Sligte IG, van Moorselaar D, Vandenbroucke AR. Decoding the contents of visual working memory: evidence for process-based and content-based working memory areas? The Journal of Neuroscience : the Official Journal of the Society For Neuroscience. 33: 1293-4. PMID 23345204 DOI: 10.1523/Jneurosci.4860-12.2013  0.88
2013 Sligte IG, Scholte HS, van Loon AM, Lamme VAF. A direct link between primary visual cortex functioning and iconic memory capacity Journal of Vision. 13: 460-460. DOI: 10.1167/13.9.460  0.843
2013 Pinto Y, Sligte I, Lamme V. Working memory requires focal attention, fragile VSTM does not. Journal of Vision. 13: 459-459. DOI: 10.1167/13.9.459  0.838
2013 Vandenbroucke A, Sligte I, de Vries J, Fahrenfort J, Cohen MX, Lamme V. Different electrophysiological correlates underlying fragile and robust Visual Short-Term Memory. Journal of Vision. 13: 12-12. DOI: 10.1167/13.9.12  0.843
2013 Scholte HS, Sligte I, Groen I, Lamme V, Ghebreab S. The posterior part of the lateral occipital complex analyzes the spatial correlation structure of natural visual scenes. Journal of Vision. 13: 1098-1098. DOI: 10.1167/13.9.1098  0.795
2012 Vandenbroucke AR, Sligte IG, Fahrenfort JJ, Ambroziak KB, Lamme VA. Non-attended representations are perceptual rather than unconscious in nature. Plos One. 7: e50042. PMID 23209639 DOI: 10.1371/Journal.Pone.0050042  0.849
2012 Wokke ME, Sligte IG, Steven Scholte H, Lamme VA. Two critical periods in early visual cortex during figure-ground segregation. Brain and Behavior. 2: 763-77. PMID 23170239 DOI: 10.1002/Brb3.91  0.794
2011 Vandenbroucke AR, Sligte IG, Lamme VA. Manipulations of attention dissociate fragile visual short-term memory from visual working memory. Neuropsychologia. 49: 1559-68. PMID 21236273 DOI: 10.1016/J.Neuropsychologia.2010.12.044  0.867
2011 Sligte IG, Wokke ME, Tesselaar JP, Scholte HS, Lamme VA. Magnetic stimulation of the dorsolateral prefrontal cortex dissociates fragile visual short-term memory from visual working memory. Neuropsychologia. 49: 1578-88. PMID 21168424 DOI: 10.1016/J.Neuropsychologia.2010.12.010  0.868
2010 Sligte IG, Vandenbroucke AR, Scholte HS, Lamme VA. Detailed sensory memory, sloppy working memory. Frontiers in Psychology. 1: 175. PMID 21897823 DOI: 10.3389/Fpsyg.2010.00175  0.843
2010 Sligte IG, Scholte HS, Lamme VAF. Grey matter volume explains individual differences in visual short-term memory capacity Journal of Vision. 9: 598-598. DOI: 10.1167/9.8.598  0.841
2010 Sligte IG, Scholte HS, Lamme VA. Activation in V4 predicts fragile or durable storage in visual working memory Journal of Vision. 8: 212-212. DOI: 10.1167/8.6.212  0.876
2010 Sligte IG, Lamme VAF, Scholte HS. Iconic memory revisited: A plea for a distinction between a retinal and cortical icon Journal of Vision. 6: 989-989. DOI: 10.1167/6.6.989  0.47
2010 Sligte IG, Scholte HS, Lamme VAF. Magnetic stimulation of frontal brain areas: visual working memory suffers, other forms of visual short-term memory not Journal of Vision. 10: 753-753. DOI: 10.1167/10.7.753  0.862
2010 Vandenbroucke ARE, Sligte IG, Lamme VAF. Visual memory encoding is independent of attention Journal of Vision. 10: 319-319. DOI: 10.1167/10.7.319  0.683
2009 Sligte IG, Scholte HS, Lamme VA. V4 activity predicts the strength of visual short-term memory representations. The Journal of Neuroscience : the Official Journal of the Society For Neuroscience. 29: 7432-8. PMID 19515911 DOI: 10.1523/JNEUROSCI.0784-09.2009  0.888
2008 Sligte IG, Scholte HS, Lamme VA. Are there multiple visual short-term memory stores? Plos One. 3: e1699. PMID 18301775 DOI: 10.1371/Journal.Pone.0001699  0.879
2007 Landman R, Sligte IG. Can we equate iconic memory with visual awareness? Behavioral and Brain Sciences. 30: 512-513. DOI: 10.1017/S0140525X07002932  0.765
2005 Scholte HS, Sligte IG, Lamme VAF. Neural correlates of edge detection and scene segmentation during inattentional blindness Journal of Vision. 5: 968-968. DOI: 10.1167/5.8.968  0.686
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