Karine Loulier - Publications

Institut de la Vision  INSERM, Rennes, Bretagne, France 
forebrain development

22 high-probability publications. We are testing a new system for linking publications to authors. You can help! If you notice any inaccuracies, please sign in and mark papers as correct or incorrect matches. If you identify any major omissions or other inaccuracies in the publication list, please let us know.

Year Citation  Score
2024 Farhat B, Bordeu I, Jagla B, Ibrahim S, Stefanovic S, Blanc H, Loulier K, Simons BD, Beaurepaire E, Livet J, Pucéat M. Understanding the cell fate and behavior of progenitors at the origin of the mouse cardiac mitral valve. Developmental Cell. PMID 38198889 DOI: 10.1016/j.devcel.2023.12.006  0.614
2021 Ho S, Lajaunie R, Lerat M, Le M, Crépel V, Loulier K, Livet J, Kessler JP, Marcaggi P. A stable proportion of Purkinje cell inputs from parallel fibers are silent during cerebellar maturation. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America. 118. PMID 34740966 DOI: 10.1073/pnas.2024890118  0.59
2020 Kumamoto T, Maurinot F, Barry-Martinet R, Vaslin C, Vandormael-Pournin S, Le M, Lerat M, Niculescu D, Cohen-Tannoudji M, Rebsam A, Loulier K, Nedelec S, Tozer S, Livet J. Direct Readout of Neural Stem Cell Transgenesis with an Integration-Coupled Gene Expression Switch. Neuron. PMID 32559415 DOI: 10.1016/J.Neuron.2020.05.038  0.644
2020 Dumas L, Clavreul S, Durand J, Hernandez-Garzon E, Abdeladim L, Barry-Martinet R, Caballero-Megido A, Beaurepaire E, Bonvento G, Livet J, Loulier K. In Utero Electroporation of Multiaddressable Genome-Integrating Color (MAGIC) Markers to Individualize Cortical Mouse Astrocytes. Journal of Visualized Experiments : Jove. PMID 32510512 DOI: 10.3791/61110  0.779
2019 Clavreul S, Abdeladim L, Hernández-Garzón E, Niculescu D, Durand J, Ieng SH, Barry R, Bonvento G, Beaurepaire E, Livet J, Loulier K. Cortical astrocytes develop in a plastic manner at both clonal and cellular levels. Nature Communications. 10: 4884. PMID 31653848 DOI: 10.1038/S41467-019-12791-5  0.767
2019 Abdeladim L, Matho KS, Clavreul S, Mahou P, Sintes JM, Solinas X, Arganda-Carreras I, Turney SG, Lichtman JW, Chessel A, Bemelmans AP, Loulier K, Supatto W, Livet J, Beaurepaire E. Publisher Correction: Multicolor multiscale brain imaging with chromatic multiphoton serial microscopy. Nature Communications. 10: 2160. PMID 31073140 DOI: 10.1038/S41467-019-10225-W  0.714
2019 Abdeladim L, Matho KS, Clavreul S, Mahou P, Sintes JM, Solinas X, Arganda-Carreras I, Turney SG, Lichtman JW, Chessel A, Bemelmans AP, Loulier K, Supatto W, Livet J, Beaurepaire E. Multicolor multiscale brain imaging with chromatic multiphoton serial microscopy. Nature Communications. 10: 1662. PMID 30971684 DOI: 10.1038/S41467-019-09552-9  0.745
2019 Abdeladim L, Matho K, Clavreul S, Mahou P, Sintes J, Solinas X, Arganda-Carreras I, Chessel A, Turney S, Lichtman JW, Bemelmans A, Loulier K, Supatto W, Livet J, Beaurepaire E. Chromatic serial multiphoton microscopy for high-content multiscale analysis of large brain volumes Brain. DOI: 10.1364/Brain.2019.Bm2A.3  0.745
2018 Guesmi K, Abdeladim L, Tozer S, Mahou P, Kumamoto T, Jurkus K, Rigaud P, Loulier K, Dray N, Georges P, Hanna M, Livet J, Supatto W, Beaurepaire E, Druon F. Dual-color deep-tissue three-photon microscopy with a multiband infrared laser. Light, Science & Applications. 7: 12. PMID 30839589 DOI: 10.1038/S41377-018-0012-2  0.783
2017 Abdeladim L, Matho K, Vuillemin N, Clavreul S, Mahou P, Chessel A, Morin X, Loulier K, Supatto W, Livet J, Beaurepaire E. Volumetric multicolor multiphoton microscopy for neuron connectivity and cell lineage analysis Brain. DOI: 10.1364/Brain.2017.Brtu2B.2  0.75
2014 Loulier K, Barry R, Mahou P, Le Franc Y, Supatto W, Matho KS, Ieng S, Fouquet S, Dupin E, Benosman R, Chédotal A, Beaurepaire E, Morin X, Livet J. Multiplex cell and lineage tracking with combinatorial labels. Neuron. 81: 505-20. PMID 24507188 DOI: 10.1016/J.Neuron.2013.12.016  0.767
2013 Tabansky I, Lenarcic A, Draft RW, Loulier K, Keskin DB, Rosains J, Rivera-Feliciano J, Lichtman JW, Livet J, Stern JN, Sanes JR, Eggan K. Developmental bias in cleavage-stage mouse blastomeres. Current Biology : Cb. 23: 21-31. PMID 23177476 DOI: 10.1016/J.Cub.2012.10.054  0.715
2012 Mahou P, Zimmerley M, Loulier K, Matho KS, Labroille G, Morin X, Supatto W, Livet J, Débarre D, Beaurepaire E. Multicolor two-photon tissue imaging by wavelength mixing. Nature Methods. 9: 815-8. PMID 22772730 DOI: 10.1038/Nmeth.2098  0.764
2010 Fouquet S, Matho K, Loulier K, Bauer E, Livet J. Brainbow: A molecular kaleidoscope to visualize neurons | Brainbow: Un kaléidoscope moléculaire pour visualiser les neurones Biofutur. 26-35.  0.728
2009 Loulier K, Lathia JD, Marthiens V, Relucio J, Mughal MR, Tang SC, Coksaygan T, Hall PE, Chigurupati S, Patton B, Colognato H, Rao MS, Mattson MP, Haydar TF, Ffrench-Constant C. beta1 integrin maintains integrity of the embryonic neocortical stem cell niche. Plos Biology. 7: e1000176. PMID 19688041 DOI: 10.1371/Journal.Pbio.1000176  0.667
2008 Angot E, Loulier K, Nguyen-Ba-Charvet KT, Gadeau AP, Ruat M, Traiffort E. Chemoattractive activity of sonic hedgehog in the adult subventricular zone modulates the number of neural precursors reaching the olfactory bulb. Stem Cells (Dayton, Ohio). 26: 2311-20. PMID 18617686 DOI: 10.1634/Stemcells.2008-0297  0.762
2006 Loulier K, Ruat M, Traiffort E. Increase of proliferating oligodendroglial progenitors in the adult mouse brain upon Sonic hedgehog delivery in the lateral ventricle. Journal of Neurochemistry. 98: 530-42. PMID 16805844 DOI: 10.1111/J.1471-4159.2006.03896.X  0.662
2006 Angot E, Loulier K, Traiffort E, Ruat M. [P4]: Analysis of cell proliferation in the mouse brain upon the adenovirus‐mediated transfer of sonic hedgehog and hedgehog interacting protein International Journal of Developmental Neuroscience. 24: 496-497. DOI: 10.1016/J.Ijdevneu.2006.09.068  0.638
2005 Loulier K, Ruat M, Traiffort E. Analysis of hedgehog interacting protein in the brain and its expression in nitric oxide synthase-positive cells. Neuroreport. 16: 1959-62. PMID 16272887 DOI: 10.1097/01.Wnr.0000187632.91375.81  0.648
2005 Rossel M, Loulier K, Feuillet C, Alonso S, Carroll P. Reelin signaling is necessary for a specific step in the migration of hindbrain efferent neurons. Development (Cambridge, England). 132: 1175-85. PMID 15703280 DOI: 10.1242/Dev.01683  0.351
2004 Coulombe J, Traiffort E, Loulier K, Faure H, Ruat M. Hedgehog interacting protein in the mature brain: membrane-associated and soluble forms. Molecular and Cellular Neurosciences. 25: 323-33. PMID 15019948 DOI: 10.1016/J.Mcn.2003.10.024  0.634
2002 Hack I, Bancila M, Loulier K, Carroll P, Cremer H. Reelin is a detachment signal in tangential chain-migration during postnatal neurogenesis. Nature Neuroscience. 5: 939-45. PMID 12244323 DOI: 10.1038/Nn923  0.374
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