Yair Weiss - Publications

Hebrew University, Jerusalem, Jerusalem, Israel 
Human and machine vision, Machine Learning, Bayesian methods, Neural computation

22 high-probability publications. We are testing a new system for linking publications to authors. You can help! If you notice any inaccuracies, please sign in and mark papers as correct or incorrect matches. If you identify any major omissions or other inaccuracies in the publication list, please let us know.

Year Citation  Score
2011 Levin A, Weiss Y, Durand F, Freeman WT. Understanding Blind Deconvolution Algorithms. Ieee Transactions On Pattern Analysis and Machine Intelligence. PMID 21788664 DOI: 10.1109/TPAMI.2011.148  0.527
2011 Levin A, Weiss Y, Durand F, Freeman WT. Efficient marginal likelihood optimization in blind deconvolution Proceedings of the Ieee Computer Society Conference On Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition. 2657-2664. DOI: 10.1109/CVPR.2011.5995308  0.401
2009 Chang HS, Weiss Y, Freeman WT. Informative sensing of natural images Proceedings - International Conference On Image Processing, Icip. 3025-3028. DOI: 10.1109/ICIP.2009.5414426  0.443
2009 Levin A, Weiss Y, Durand F, Freeman WT. Understanding and evaluating blind deconvolution algorithms 2009 Ieee Computer Society Conference On Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition Workshops, Cvpr Workshops 2009. 1964-1971. DOI: 10.1109/CVPRW.2009.5206815  0.434
2008 Liu C, Freeman WT, Adelson EH, Weiss Y. Human-assisted motion annotation 26th Ieee Conference On Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition, Cvpr. DOI: 10.1109/CVPR.2008.4587845  0.693
2008 Sontag D, Meltzer T, Globerson A, Jaakkola T, Weiss Y. Tightening LP relaxations for MAP using message passing Proceedings of the 24th Conference On Uncertainty in Artificial Intelligence, Uai 2008. 503-510.  0.467
2007 Weiss Y, Freeman WT. What makes a good model of natural images? Proceedings of the Ieee Computer Society Conference On Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition. DOI: 10.1109/CVPR.2007.383092  0.444
2007 Gruber A, Weiss Y. Incorporating non-motion cues into 3D motion segmentation Computer Vision and Image Understanding. 108: 261-271. DOI: 10.1016/j.cviu.2006.11.021  0.37
2007 Weiss Y, Chang HS, Freeman WT. Learning compressed sensing 45th Annual Allerton Conference On Communication, Control, and Computing 2007. 1: 535-541.  0.406
2005 Yedidia JS, Freeman WT, Weiss Y. Constructing free-energy approximations and generalized belief propagation algorithms Ieee Transactions On Information Theory. 51: 2282-2312. DOI: 10.1109/TIT.2005.850085  0.503
2002 Weiss Y, Simoncelli EP, Adelson EH. Motion illusions as optimal percepts. Nature Neuroscience. 5: 598-604. PMID 12021763 DOI: 10.1038/nn858  0.686
2002 Ng AY, Jordan MI, Weiss Y. On spectral clustering: Analysis and an algorithm Advances in Neural Information Processing Systems 0.373
2001 McDermott J, Weiss Y, Adelson EH. Beyond junctions: nonlocal form constraints on motion interpretation. Perception. 30: 905-23. PMID 11578077 DOI: 10.1068/p3219  0.695
2001 Weiss Y, Freeman WT. Correctness of belief propagation in Gaussian graphical models of arbitrary topology. Neural Computation. 13: 2173-200. PMID 11570995 DOI: 10.1162/089976601750541769  0.449
2001 Weiss Y, Freeman WT. On the optimality of solutions of the max-product belief-propagation algorithm in arbitrary graphs Ieee Transactions On Information Theory. 47: 736-744. DOI: 10.1109/18.910585  0.499
2000 Weiss Y, Adelson EH. Adventures with gelatinous ellipses--constraints on models of human motion analysis. Perception. 29: 543-66. PMID 10992953 DOI: 10.1068/P3032  0.613
1997 McDermott J, Weiss Y, Adelson EH. Surface perception and motion integration Investigative Ophthalmology and Visual Science. 38: S237.  0.664
1996 Weiss Y, Adelson EH. Interaction of Multiple Surface Cues in Motion Grouping Perception. 25: 178-178. DOI: 10.1068/V96L0204  0.544
1996 Weiss Y, Adelson EH. Integration and segmentation of non-rigid motion: A computational model Investigative Ophthalmology and Visual Science. 37: S742.  0.569
1996 Weiss Y, Adelson EH. Unified mixture framework for motion segmentation: incorporating spatial coherence and estimating the number of models Proceedings of the Ieee Computer Society Conference On Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition. 321-326.  0.569
1995 Weiss Y, Adelson EH. Motion estimation and segmentation using a recurrent mixture of experts architecture Neural Networks For Signal Processing - Proceedings of the Ieee Workshop. 293-302.  0.564
1993 Weiss Y, Edelman S, Fahle M. Models of Perceptual Learning in Vernier Hyperacuity Neural Computation. 5: 695-718. DOI: 10.1162/neco.1993.5.5.695  0.493
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