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Rafael Antonio Garcia, M.A. - Publications

Ethology and Evolutionary Psychology University of Arizona, Tucson, AZ 
methodology, statistics, evolutionary psychology, spatial navigation, pragmatic behaviorism,

10 high-probability publications. We are testing a new system for linking publications to authors. You can help! If you notice any inaccuracies, please sign in and mark papers as correct or incorrect matches. If you identify any major omissions or other inaccuracies in the publication list, please let us know.

Year Citation  Score
2017 Figueredo AJ, Garcia RA, Menke JM, Jacobs WJ, Gladden PR, Bianchi J, Patch EA, Beck CJ, Kavanagh PS, Sotomayor-Peterson M, Jiang Y, Li NP. The K-SF-42. Evolutionary Psychology : An International Journal of Evolutionary Approaches to Psychology and Behavior. 15: 1474704916676276. PMID 28152626 DOI: 10.1177/1474704916676276  0.615
2017 Fernandes HB, Figueredo AJ, Garcia RA, Wolf P. Regional Variations Between Phenotypic and Economic Diversity and Their Ecological Predictors in Italy, Spain and Mexico Mankind Quarterly. 57: 355-374. DOI: 10.46469/Mq.2017.57.3.6  0.546
2016 de Baca TC, Garcia RA, Woodley MA, Figueredo AJ. Considering the role of ecology on individual differentiation. The Behavioral and Brain Sciences. 39: e145. PMID 28355782 DOI: 10.1017/S0140525X15001338  0.545
2016 Cabeza de Baca T, Figueredo AJ, Garcia RA. Commentary on Fuerst and Kirkegaard: Some groups have all the luck, some groups have all the pain, some groups get all the breaks Mankind Quarterly. 56: 395-404. DOI: 10.46469/Mq.2016.56.3.5  0.569
2016 Garcia RA, Cabeza de Baca T, Black CJ, Sotomayor-Peterson M, Smith-Castro V, Figueredo AJ. Measures of domain-specific resource allocations in life history strategy: Indicators of a latent common factor or ordered developmental sequence? Journal of Methods and Measurement in the Social Sciences. 7. DOI: 10.2458/V7I1.18798  0.744
2016 Figueredo AJ, Cabeza de Baca T, Fernandes HBF, Black CJ, Peñaherrera M, Hertler S, García RA, Meisenberg G, Woodley of Menie MA. A Sequential Canonical Cascade Model of Social Biogeography: Plants, Parasites, and People Evolutionary Psychological Science. 3: 40-61. DOI: 10.1007/S40806-016-0073-5  0.693
2015 Figueredo AJ, Cabeza de Baca T, Black CJ, García RA, Fernandes HB, Wolf PS, Woodley of Menie MA. Methodologically sound: Evaluating the psychometric approach to the assessment of human life history [reply to Copping, Campbell, and Muncer, 2014]. Evolutionary Psychology : An International Journal of Evolutionary Approaches to Psychology and Behavior. 13: 299-338. PMID 25844774 DOI: 10.1177/147470491501300202  0.64
2015 Garcia RA, Davis MF. Special Issue Introduction: Teaching the General Linear Model Journal of Methods and Measurement in the Social Sciences. 6. DOI: 10.2458/V6I2.18810  0.492
2015 Figueredo AJ, de Baca TC, Black CJ, García RA, Fernandes HBF, Wolf PSA, Anthony M. Methodologically Sound: Evaluating the Psychometric Approach to the Assessment of Human Life History [Reply to ] Evolutionary Psychology. 13: 147470491501300. DOI: 10.1177/147470491501300202  0.716
2013 Figueredo AJ, Garcia RA, Cabeza de Baca T, Gable JC, Weise D. Revisiting Mediation in the Social and Behavioral Sciences Journal of Methods and Measurement in the Social Sciences. 4: 1. DOI: 10.2458/V4I1.17761  0.584
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