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Trina A. Schroer, PhD - Publications

Biology Johns Hopkins University, Baltimore, MD 
Biological Sciences

82 high-probability publications. We are testing a new system for linking publications to authors. You can help! If you notice any inaccuracies, please sign in and mark papers as correct or incorrect matches. If you identify any major omissions or other inaccuracies in the publication list, please let us know.

Year Citation  Score
2018 Sladewski TE, Billington N, Ali MY, Bookwalter CS, Lu H, Krementsova EB, Schroer TA, Trybus KM. Recruitment of two dyneins to an mRNA-dependent Bicaudal D transport complex. Elife. 7. PMID 29944116 DOI: 10.7554/Elife.36306  0.379
2018 Grotjahn DA, Chowdhury S, Xu Y, McKenney RJ, Schroer TA, Lander GC. Cryo-electron tomography reveals that dynactin recruits a team of dyneins for processive motility. Nature Structural & Molecular Biology. PMID 29416113 DOI: 10.1038/S41594-018-0027-7  0.502
2018 Höing S, Yeh TY, Baumann M, Martinez NE, Habenberger P, Kremer L, Drexler HCA, Küchler P, Reinhardt P, Choidas A, Zischinsky ML, Zischinsky G, Nandini S, Ledray AP, Ketcham SA, ... ... Schroer TA, et al. Dynarrestin, a Novel Inhibitor of Cytoplasmic Dynein. Cell Chemical Biology. PMID 29396292 DOI: 10.1016/J.Chembiol.2017.12.014  0.71
2017 Li J, White JT, Saavedra H, Wrabl JO, Motlagh HN, Liu K, Sowers J, Schroer T, Thompson EB, Hilser VJ. Genetically tunable frustration controls allostery in an intrinsically disordered transcription factor. Elife. 6. PMID 29022880 DOI: 10.7554/Elife.30688  0.306
2016 Baumann M, Höing S, Yeh T, Martinez N, Habenberger P, Kremer L, Drexler HC, Küchler P, Reinhardt P, Choidas A, Zischinsky M, Zischinsky G, Ketcham SA, Wagner L, Nussbaumer P, ... ... Schroer T, et al. Abstract 2997: Dynarrestin, a novel dynein inhibitor that does not block ciliogenesis Cancer Research. 76: 2997-2997. DOI: 10.1158/1538-7445.Am2016-2997  0.395
2015 Cavolo SL, Zhou C, Ketcham SA, Suzuki MM, Ukalovic K, Silverman MA, Schroer TA, Levitan ES. Mycalolide B dissociates dynactin and abolishes retrograde axonal transport of dense-core vesicles. Molecular Biology of the Cell. 26: 2664-72. PMID 26023088 DOI: 10.1091/Mbc.E14-11-1564  0.322
2015 Chowdhury S, Ketcham SA, Schroer TA, Lander GC. Structural organization of the dynein-dynactin complex bound to microtubules. Nature Structural & Molecular Biology. 22: 345-7. PMID 25751425 DOI: 10.1038/Nsmb.2996  0.515
2015 Day CA, Baetz NW, Copeland CA, Kraft LJ, Han B, Tiwari A, Drake KR, De Luca H, Chinnapen DJ, Davidson MW, Holmes RK, Jobling MG, Schroer TA, Lencer WI, Kenworthy AK. Microtubule motors power plasma membrane tubulation in clathrin-independent endocytosis. Traffic (Copenhagen, Denmark). 16: 572-90. PMID 25690058 DOI: 10.1111/Tra.12269  0.383
2015 Chowdhury S, Ketcham SA, Schroer TA, Lander GC. Ultrastructure of Dynactin Complex: A Mediator of Cytoplasmic Dynein Biophysical Journal. 108: 22a. DOI: 10.1016/J.Bpj.2014.11.142  0.472
2014 Imai H, Narita A, Maéda Y, Schroer TA. Dynactin 3D structure: implications for assembly and dynein binding. Journal of Molecular Biology. 426: 3262-71. PMID 25046383 DOI: 10.1016/J.Jmb.2014.07.010  0.417
2014 Cheong FK, Feng L, Sarkeshik A, Yates JR, Schroer TA. Dynactin integrity depends upon direct binding of dynamitin to Arp1. Molecular Biology of the Cell. 25: 2171-80. PMID 24829381 DOI: 10.1091/Mbc.E14-03-0842  0.806
2013 DeBerg HA, Blehm BH, Sheung J, Thompson AR, Bookwalter CS, Torabi SF, Schroer TA, Berger CL, Lu Y, Trybus KM, Selvin PR. Motor domain phosphorylation modulates kinesin-1 transport. The Journal of Biological Chemistry. 288: 32612-21. PMID 24072715 DOI: 10.1074/Jbc.M113.515510  0.45
2013 Wang S, Ketcham SA, Schön A, Goodman B, Wang Y, Yates J, Freire E, Schroer TA, Zheng Y. Nudel/NudE and Lis1 promote dynein and dynactin interaction in the context of spindle morphogenesis. Molecular Biology of the Cell. 24: 3522-33. PMID 24025714 DOI: 10.1091/Mbc.E13-05-0283  0.515
2013 Yeh TY, Kowalska AK, Scipioni BR, Cheong FK, Zheng M, Derewenda U, Derewenda ZS, Schroer TA. Dynactin helps target Polo-like kinase 1 to kinetochores via its left-handed beta-helical p27 subunit. The Embo Journal. 32: 1023-35. PMID 23455152 DOI: 10.1038/Emboj.2013.30  0.742
2013 Blehm BH, Schroer TA, Trybus KM, Chemla YR, Selvin PR. In vivo optical trapping indicates kinesin's stall force is reduced by dynein during intracellular transport. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America. 110: 3381-6. PMID 23404705 DOI: 10.1073/Pnas.1219961110  0.376
2013 Selvin PR, Blehm BH, Tonks-Hoffman M, Trybus KM, Schroer TA, Berger CL, Yildiz A, Chemla YR. Single Molecule Fluorescence and Optical Traps Applied to Molecular Motors: Two can do it better than One Biophysical Journal. 104: 185a. DOI: 10.1016/J.Bpj.2012.11.1043  0.428
2012 Yeh TY, Quintyne NJ, Scipioni BR, Eckley DM, Schroer TA. Dynactin's pointed-end complex is a cargo-targeting module. Molecular Biology of the Cell. 23: 3827-37. PMID 22918948 DOI: 10.1091/Mbc.E12-07-0496  0.781
2010 Yamada M, Toba S, Takitoh T, Yoshida Y, Mori D, Nakamura T, Iwane AH, Yanagida T, Imai H, Yu-Lee LY, Schroer T, Wynshaw-Boris A, Hirotsune S. MNUDC is required for plus-end-directed transport of cytoplasmic dynein and dynactins by kinesin-1 Embo Journal. 29: 517-531. PMID 20019668 DOI: 10.1038/Emboj.2009.378  0.439
2010 Cheong F, Sarkeshik A, Yates JR, Schroer T. The dynamitin N-terminus: a potential link between the two structural domains of dynactin F1000research. 1. DOI: 10.7490/F1000Research.95.1  0.746
2010 Yeh T, Scipioni BR, Schroer TA. The dynactin subunits p27 and p25 are membrane-targeting factors F1000research. 1. DOI: 10.7490/F1000Research.30.1  0.752
2008 Drecktrah D, Levine-Wilkinson S, Dam T, Winfree S, Knodler LA, Schroer TA, Steele-Mortimer O. Dynamic behavior of Salmonella-induced membrane tubules in epithelial cells. Traffic (Copenhagen, Denmark). 9: 2117-29. PMID 18785994 DOI: 10.1111/J.1600-0854.2008.00830.X  0.765
2008 Maier KC, Godfrey JE, Echeverri CJ, Cheong FK, Schroer TA. Dynamitin mutagenesis reveals protein-protein interactions important for dynactin structure. Traffic (Copenhagen, Denmark). 9: 481-91. PMID 18182012 DOI: 10.1111/J.1600-0854.2008.00702.X  0.806
2007 Melkonian KA, Maier KC, Godfrey JE, Rodgers M, Schroer TA. Mechanism of dynamitin-mediated disruption of dynactin. The Journal of Biological Chemistry. 282: 19355-64. PMID 17449914 DOI: 10.1074/Jbc.M700003200  0.473
2007 Berezuk MA, Schroer TA. Dynactin enhances the processivity of kinesin-2. Traffic (Copenhagen, Denmark). 8: 124-9. PMID 17181772 DOI: 10.1111/J.1600-0854.2006.00517.X  0.784
2006 Schramm B, de Haan CAM, Young J, Doglio L, Schleich S, Reese C, Popov AV, Steffen W, Schroer T, Locker JK. Vaccinia-virus-induced cellular contractility facilitates the subcellular localization of the viral replication sites Traffic. 7: 1352-1367. PMID 16899087 DOI: 10.1111/J.1600-0854.2006.00470.X  0.371
2006 Imai H, Narita A, Schroer TA, Maéda Y. Two-dimensional averaged images of the dynactin complex revealed by single particle analysis. Journal of Molecular Biology. 359: 833-9. PMID 16697405 DOI: 10.1016/J.Jmb.2006.03.071  0.345
2005 Brown CL, Maier KC, Stauber T, Ginkel LM, Wordeman L, Vernos I, Schroer TA. Kinesin-2 is a motor for late endosomes and lysosomes. Traffic (Copenhagen, Denmark). 6: 1114-24. PMID 16262723 DOI: 10.1111/J.1600-0854.2005.00347.X  0.488
2005 Pfister KK, Fisher EM, Gibbons IR, Hays TS, Holzbaur EL, McIntosh JR, Porter ME, Schroer TA, Vaughan KT, Witman GB, King SM, Vallee RB. Cytoplasmic dynein nomenclature. The Journal of Cell Biology. 171: 411-3. PMID 16260502 DOI: 10.1083/Jcb.200508078  0.564
2004 Schroer TA. Dynactin. Annual Review of Cell and Developmental Biology. 20: 759-79. PMID 15473859 DOI: 10.1146/annurev.cellbio.20.012103.094623  0.424
2004 Berezuk MA, Schroer TA. Fractionation and characterization of kinesin II species in vertebrate brain. Traffic (Copenhagen, Denmark). 5: 503-13. PMID 15180827 DOI: 10.1111/J.1398-9219.2004.00197.X  0.781
2003 King SJ, Brown CL, Maier KC, Quintyne NJ, Schroer TA. Analysis of the dynein-dynactin interaction in vitro and in vivo. Molecular Biology of the Cell. 14: 5089-97. PMID 14565986 DOI: 10.1091/Mbc.E03-01-0025  0.792
2003 Harrison RE, Bucci C, Vieira OV, Schroer TA, Grinstein S. Phagosomes fuse with late endosomes and/or lysosomes by extension of membrane protrusions along microtubules: role of Rab7 and RILP. Molecular and Cellular Biology. 23: 6494-506. PMID 12944476 DOI: 10.1128/Mcb.23.18.6494-6506.2003  0.492
2003 Eckley DM, Schroer TA. Interactions between the evolutionarily conserved, actin-related protein, Arp11, actin, and Arp1. Molecular Biology of the Cell. 14: 2645-54. PMID 12857853 DOI: 10.1091/Mbc.E03-01-0049  0.453
2003 Goodson HV, Skube SB, Stalder R, Valetti C, Kreis TE, Morrison EE, Schroer TA. CLIP-170 interacts with dynactin complex and the APC-binding protein EB1 by different mechanisms. Cell Motility and the Cytoskeleton. 55: 156-73. PMID 12789661 DOI: 10.1002/Cm.10114  0.512
2002 Quintyne NJ, Schroer TA. Distinct cell cycle-dependent roles for dynactin and dynein at centrosomes. The Journal of Cell Biology. 159: 245-54. PMID 12391026 DOI: 10.1083/Jcb.200203089  0.791
2002 King SJ, Bonilla M, Rodgers ME, Schroer TA. Subunit organization in cytoplasmic dynein subcomplexes. Protein Science : a Publication of the Protein Society. 11: 1239-50. PMID 11967380 DOI: 10.1110/Ps.2520102  0.693
2002 Salina D, Bodoor K, Eckley DM, Schroer TA, Rattner JB, Burke B. Cytoplasmic dynein as a facilitator of nuclear envelope breakdown. Cell. 108: 97-107. PMID 11792324 DOI: 10.1016/S0092-8674(01)00628-6  0.383
2001 Schroer TA. Microtubules don and doff their caps: dynamic attachments at plus and minus ends. Current Opinion in Cell Biology. 13: 92-6. PMID 11163139 DOI: 10.1016/S0955-0674(00)00179-4  0.453
2001 Habermann A, Schroer TA, Griffiths G, Burkhardt JK. Immunolocalization of cytoplasmic dynein and dynactin subunits in cultured macrophages: enrichment on early endocytic organelles. Journal of Cell Science. 114: 229-240. PMID 11112706  0.343
2000 Schroer TA. Motors, clutches and brakes for membrane traffic: a commemorative review in honor of Thomas Kreis. Traffic (Copenhagen, Denmark). 1: 3-10. PMID 11208053 DOI: 10.1034/J.1600-0854.2000.010102.X  0.41
2000 Schrader M, King SJ, Stroh TA, Schroer TA. Real time imaging reveals a peroxisomal reticulum in living cells. Journal of Cell Science. 113: 3663-71. PMID 11017881  0.367
2000 King SJ, Schroer TA. Dynactin increases the processivity of the cytoplasmic dynein motor. Nature Cell Biology. 2: 20-4. PMID 10620802 DOI: 10.1038/71338  0.528
1999 Schafer DA, Schroer TA. Actin-related proteins. Annual Review of Cell and Developmental Biology. 15: 341-63. PMID 10611965 DOI: 10.1146/Annurev.Cellbio.15.1.341  0.39
1999 Valetti C, Wetzel DM, Schrader M, Hasbani MJ, Gill SR, Kreis TE, Schroer TA. Role of dynactin in endocytic traffic: effects of dynamitin overexpression and colocalization with CLIP-170. Molecular Biology of the Cell. 10: 4107-20. PMID 10588646 DOI: 10.1091/Mbc.10.12.4107  0.553
1999 Quintyne NJ, Gill SR, Eckley DM, Crego CL, Compton DA, Schroer TA. Dynactin is required for microtubule anchoring at centrosomes. The Journal of Cell Biology. 147: 321-34. PMID 10525538 DOI: 10.1083/Jcb.147.2.321  0.824
1999 Eckley DM, Gill SR, Melkonian KA, Bingham JB, Goodson HV, Heuser JE, Schroer TA. Analysis of dynactin subcomplexes reveals a novel actin-related protein associated with the arp1 minifilament pointed end. The Journal of Cell Biology. 147: 307-20. PMID 10525537 DOI: 10.1083/Jcb.147.2.307  0.51
1999 Allan VJ, Schroer TA. Membrane motors. Current Opinion in Cell Biology. 11: 476-82. PMID 10449338 DOI: 10.1016/S0955-0674(99)80068-4  0.352
1999 Bingham JB, Schroer TA. Self-regulated polymerization of the actin-related protein Arp1. Current Biology : Cb. 9: 223-6. PMID 10074429 DOI: 10.1016/S0960-9822(99)80095-5  0.446
1999 Balczon R, Varden CE, Schroer TA. Role for microtubules in centrosome doubling in Chinese hamster ovary cells. Cell Motility and the Cytoskeleton. 42: 60-72. PMID 9915585 DOI: 10.1002/(Sici)1097-0169(1999)42:1<60::Aid-Cm6>3.0.Co;2-7  0.484
1998 Dujardin D, Wacker UI, Moreau A, Schroer TA, Rickard JE, De Mey JR. Evidence for a role of CLIP-170 in the establishment of metaphase chromosome alignment. The Journal of Cell Biology. 141: 849-62. PMID 9585405 DOI: 10.1083/Jcb.141.4.849  0.467
1998 Ihrke G, Martin GV, Shanks MR, Schrader M, Schroer TA, Hubbard AL. Apical plasma membrane proteins and endolyn-78 travel through a subapical compartment in polarized WIF-B hepatocytes. The Journal of Cell Biology. 141: 115-33. PMID 9531552 DOI: 10.1083/Jcb.141.1.115  0.325
1998 Marples D, Schroer TA, Ahrens N, Taylor A, Knepper MA, Nielsen S. Dynein and dynactin colocalize with AQP2 water channels in intracellular vesicles from kidney collecting duct. The American Journal of Physiology. 274: F384-94. PMID 9486234 DOI: 10.1152/Ajprenal.1998.274.2.F384  0.414
1997 Presley JF, Cole NB, Schroer TA, Hirschberg K, Zaal KJ, Lippincott-Schwartz J. ER-to-Golgi transport visualized in living cells. Nature. 389: 81-5. PMID 9288971 DOI: 10.1038/38001  0.395
1997 Blocker A, Severin FF, Burkhardt JK, Bingham JB, Yu H, Olivo JC, Schroer TA, Hyman AA, Griffiths G. Molecular requirements for bi-directional movement of phagosomes along microtubules. The Journal of Cell Biology. 137: 113-29. PMID 9105041 DOI: 10.1083/Jcb.137.1.113  0.679
1996 Schroer TA, Bingham JB, Gill SR. Actin-related protein 1 and cytoplasmic dynein-based motility - what's the connection? Trends in Cell Biology. 6: 212-5. PMID 15157458 DOI: 10.1016/0962-8924(96)20014-5  0.538
1996 Gaglio T, Saredi A, Bingham JB, Hasbani MJ, Gill SR, Schroer TA, Compton DA. Opposing motor activities are required for the organization of the mammalian mitotic spindle pole. The Journal of Cell Biology. 135: 399-414. PMID 8896597 DOI: 10.1083/Jcb.135.2.399  0.47
1996 Schroer TA, Gill SR. Chapter 3 Interactions between Microtubules and Intracellular Membranes: The Roles of Microtubule-Based Motors and Accessory Proteins Current Topics in Membranes and Transport. 43: 27-52. DOI: 10.1016/S0070-2161(08)60383-4  0.475
1996 Schroer TA. Structure and function of dynactin Seminars in Cell and Developmental Biology. 7: 321-328. DOI: 10.1006/Scdb.1996.0041  0.422
1995 Meads T, Schroer TA. Polarity and nucleation of microtubules in polarized epithelial cells. Cell Motility and the Cytoskeleton. 32: 273-88. PMID 8608606 DOI: 10.1002/Cm.970320404  0.426
1994 Schroer TA. Structure, function and regulation of cytoplasmic dynein. Current Opinion in Cell Biology. 6: 69-73. PMID 8167028 DOI: 10.1016/0955-0674(94)90118-X  0.376
1994 Gill SR, Cleveland DW, Schroer TA. Characterization of DLC-A and DLC-B, two families of cytoplasmic dynein light chain subunits. Molecular Biology of the Cell. 5: 645-54. PMID 7949421 DOI: 10.1091/Mbc.5.6.645  0.369
1994 Schafer DA, Korshunova YO, Schroer TA, Cooper JA. Differential localization and sequence analysis of capping protein beta-subunit isoforms of vertebrates. The Journal of Cell Biology. 127: 453-65. PMID 7929588 DOI: 10.1083/Jcb.127.2.453  0.311
1994 Schroer TA. New insights into the interaction of cytoplasmic dynein with the actin-related protein, Arp1. The Journal of Cell Biology. 127: 1-4. PMID 7929555 DOI: 10.1083/Jcb.127.1.1  0.426
1994 Schafer DA, Gill SR, Cooper JA, Heuser JE, Schroer TA. Ultrastructural analysis of the dynactin complex: an actin-related protein is a component of a filament that resembles F-actin. The Journal of Cell Biology. 126: 403-12. PMID 7518465 DOI: 10.1083/Jcb.126.2.403  0.418
1993 Ihrke G, Neufeld EB, Meads T, Shanks MR, Cassio D, Laurent M, Schroer TA, Pagano RE, Hubbard AL. WIF-B cells: an in vitro model for studies of hepatocyte polarity. The Journal of Cell Biology. 123: 1761-75. PMID 7506266 DOI: 10.1083/Jcb.123.6.1761  0.367
1992 Lees-Miller JP, Helfman DM, Schroer TA. A vertebrate actin-related protein is a component of a multisubunit complex involved in microtubule-based vesicle motility. Nature. 359: 244-6. PMID 1528266 DOI: 10.1038/359244A0  0.475
1992 Schroer TA. Motors for fast axonal transport. Current Opinion in Neurobiology. 2: 618-21. PMID 1384849 DOI: 10.1016/0960-9822(92)90167-9  0.414
1991 Schroer TA, Sheetz MP. Functions of microtubule-based motors. Annual Review of Physiology. 53: 629-52. PMID 2042975 DOI: 10.1146/Annurev.Ph.53.030191.003213  0.619
1991 Gill SR, Schroer TA, Szilak I, Steuer ER, Sheetz MP, Cleveland DW. Dynactin, a conserved, ubiquitously expressed component of an activator of vesicle motility mediated by cytoplasmic dynein. The Journal of Cell Biology. 115: 1639-50. PMID 1836789 DOI: 10.1083/Jcb.115.6.1639  0.613
1991 Schroer TA, Sheetz MP. Two activators of microtubule-based vesicle transport. The Journal of Cell Biology. 115: 1309-18. PMID 1835460 DOI: 10.1083/Jcb.115.5.1309  0.602
1991 Schroer TA. Association of motor proteins with membranes. Current Opinion in Cell Biology. 3: 133-7. PMID 1830207 DOI: 10.1016/0955-0674(91)90176-Y  0.471
1990 Bomsel M, Parton R, Kuznetsov SA, Schroer TA, Gruenberg J. Microtubule- and motor-dependent fusion in vitro between apical and basolateral endocytic vesicles from MDCK cells. Cell. 62: 719-31. PMID 2143699 DOI: 10.1016/0092-8674(90)90117-W  0.516
1990 Steuer ER, Wordeman L, Schroer TA, Sheetz MP. Localization of cytoplasmic dynein to mitotic spindles and kinetochores. Nature. 345: 266-8. PMID 2139718 DOI: 10.1038/345266A0  0.635
1990 Sheetz MP, Dabora SL, Steuer E, Schroer TA. Chapter 10 Control of Organelle Movements and Endoplasmic Reticulum Extension Powered by Kinesin and Cytoplasmic Dynein Current Topics in Membranes and Transport. 36: 117-128. DOI: 10.1016/S0070-2161(08)60172-0  0.664
1990 SHEETZ M, SCHROER T, STEUER E, YU H. Cytoplasmic dynein in organelle movements and mitosis Cell Biology International Reports. 14: 29. DOI: 10.1016/0309-1651(90)90226-O  0.675
1989 Schroer TA, Steuer ER, Sheetz MP. Cytoplasmic dynein is a minus end-directed motor for membranous organelles. Cell. 56: 937-46. PMID 2522353 DOI: 10.1016/0092-8674(89)90627-2  0.64
1989 Sheetz MP, Steuer ER, Schroer TA. The mechanism and regulation of fast axonal transport. Trends in Neurosciences. 12: 474-8. PMID 2479151 DOI: 10.1016/0166-2236(89)90099-4  0.608
1988 Schroer TA, Schnapp BJ, Reese TS, Sheetz MP. The role of kinesin and other soluble factors in organelle movement along microtubules. The Journal of Cell Biology. 107: 1785-92. PMID 3141429 DOI: 10.1083/Jcb.107.5.1785  0.594
1987 Sheetz MP, Vale R, Schnapp B, Schroer T, Reese T. Movements of vesicles on microtubules Annals of the New York Academy of Sciences. 493: 409-416. PMID 3109300 DOI: 10.1111/J.1749-6632.1987.Tb27227.X  0.702
1986 Sheetz MP, Vale R, Schnapp B, Schroer T, Reese T. Vesicle movements and microtubule-based motors Journal of Cell Science. Supplement. 5: 181-188. PMID 2443518 DOI: 10.1242/Jcs.1986.Supplement_5.11  0.704
1985 Schroer TA, Brady ST, Kelly RB. Fast axonal transport of foreign synaptic vesicles in squid axoplasm. The Journal of Cell Biology. 101: 568-72. PMID 3848436 DOI: 10.1083/Jcb.101.2.568  0.36
1985 Schroer TA, Kelly RB. In vitro translocation of organelles along microtubules. Cell. 40: 729-30. PMID 2580633 DOI: 10.1016/0092-8674(85)90329-0  0.447
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