Bernd Wursig, Ph.D. - Publications

Texas A & M University, College Station, TX, United States 
Ecology Biology, Zoology Biology, Behavioral Psychology

56 high-probability publications. We are testing a new system for linking publications to authors. You can help! If you notice any inaccuracies, please sign in and mark papers as correct or incorrect matches. If you identify any major omissions or other inaccuracies in the publication list, please let us know.

Year Citation  Score
2020 Orbach DN, Eaton J, Fiori L, Piwetz S, Weir JS, Würsig M, Würsig B. Mating patterns of dusky dolphins (Lagenorhynchus obscurus) explored using an unmanned aerial vehicle Marine Mammal Science. DOI: 10.1111/Mms.12695  0.731
2019 Orbach DN, Packard JM, Keener W, Ziltener A, Würsig B. Testes size, vaginal complexity, and behavior in toothed whales (odontocetes): Arms race or tradeoff model for dusky dolphins (Lagenorhynchus obscurus), harbor porpoises (Phocoena phocoena), and bottlenose dolphins (Tursiops spp.)? Journal of Comparative Psychology (Washington, D.C. : 1983). PMID 30777769 DOI: 10.1037/Com0000162  0.303
2018 Srinivasan M, Swannack TM, Grant WE, Rajan J, Würsig B. To feed or not to feed? Bioenergetic impacts of fear-driven behaviors in lactating dolphins. Ecology and Evolution. 8: 1384-1398. PMID 29375805 DOI: 10.1002/Ece3.3732  0.757
2018 Munger L, Piwetz S, Lammers MO, Würsig B. Passive Acoustic Monitoring and Concurrent Theodolite Observations of Indo-Pacific Humpback Dolphins (Sousa chinensis) in Hong Kong: A Case Study Aquatic Mammals. 44: 729-735. DOI: 10.1578/Am.44.6.2018.729  0.728
2018 Piwetz S, Gailey G, Munger L, Lammers MO, Jefferson TA, Würsig B. Theodolite Tracking in Marine Mammal Research: From Roger Payne to the Present Aquatic Mammals. 44: 683-693. DOI: 10.1578/Am.44.6.2018.683  0.72
2018 Orbach DN, Pearson HC, Beier-Engelhaupt A, Deutsch S, Srinivasan M, Weir JS, Yin S, Würsig B. Long-Term Assessment of Spatio-Temporal Association Patterns of Dusky Dolphins (Lagenorhynchus obscurus) off Kaikoura, New Zealand Aquatic Mammals. 44: 608-619. DOI: 10.1578/Am.44.6.2018.608  0.734
2018 Weir JS, Fiori L, Orbach DN, Piwetz S, Protheroe C, Würsig B. Dusky Dolphin (Lagenorhynchus obscurus) Mother–Calf Pairs: An Aerial Perspective Aquatic Mammals. 44: 603-607. DOI: 10.1578/Am.44.6.2018.603  0.718
2017 Orbach DN, Marshall CD, Mesnick SL, Würsig B. Patterns of cetacean vaginal folds yield insights into functionality. Plos One. 12: e0175037. PMID 28362830 DOI: 10.1371/Journal.Pone.0175037  0.302
2017 Bacon CE, Smultea MA, Fertl D, Würsig B, Burgess EA, Hawks-Johnson S. Mixed-Species Associations of Marine Mammals in the Southern California Bight, with Emphasis on Risso’s Dolphins (Grampus griseus) Aquatic Mammals. 43: 177-184. DOI: 10.1578/Am.43.2.2017.177  0.314
2017 Pearson HC, Markowitz TM, Weir JS, Würsig B. Dusky dolphin (Lagenorhynchus obscurus) social structure characterized by social fluidity and preferred companions Marine Mammal Science. 33: 251-276. DOI: 10.1111/Mms.12370  0.721
2016 Munger L, Lammers MO, Cifuentes M, Würsig B, Jefferson TA, Hung SK. Indo-Pacific humpback dolphin occurrence north of Lantau Island, Hong Kong, based on year-round passive acoustic monitoring. The Journal of the Acoustical Society of America. 140: 2754. PMID 27794297 DOI: 10.1121/1.4963874  0.346
2016 Würsig B, Parsons EC, Piwetz S, Porter L. The Behavioural Ecology of Indo-Pacific Humpback Dolphins in Hong Kong. Advances in Marine Biology. 73: 65-90. PMID 26790888 DOI: 10.1016/Bs.Amb.2015.08.008  0.769
2016 MacKay MM, Mackay MM, Würsig B, Bacon CE, Selwyn JD. North Atlantic humpback whale (Megaptera novaeangliae) hotspots defined by bathymetric features off Western Puerto Rico Canadian Journal of Zoology. 94: 517-527. DOI: 10.1139/Cjz-2015-0198  0.356
2015 Piwetz S, Lundquist D, Würsig B. Humpback Dolphin (Genus Sousa) Behavioural Responses to Human Activities. Advances in Marine Biology. 72: 17-45. PMID 26555621 DOI: 10.1016/Bs.Amb.2015.08.007  0.743
2015 Orbach DN, Packard JM, Piwetz S, Würsig B. Sex-specific variation in conspecific-acquired marking prevalence among dusky dolphins (Lagenorhynchus obscurus) Canadian Journal of Zoology. 93: 383-390. DOI: 10.1139/Cjz-2014-0302  0.748
2014 Deutsch S, Pearson H, Würsig B. Development of leaps in dusky dolphin (Lagenorhynchus obscurus) calves Behaviour. 151: 1555-1577. DOI: 10.1163/1568539X-00003200  0.709
2014 Orbach DN, Packard JM, Würsig B. Mating Group Size in Dusky Dolphins (Lagenorhynchus obscurus): Costs and Benefits of Scramble Competition Ethology. 120: 804-815. DOI: 10.1111/Eth.12253  0.307
2014 Bonizzoni S, Furey NB, Pirotta E, Valavanis VD, Würsig B, Bearzi G. Fish farming and its appeal to common bottlenose dolphins: modelling habitat use in a Mediterranean embayment Aquatic Conservation-Marine and Freshwater Ecosystems. 24: 696-711. DOI: 10.1002/Aqc.2401  0.355
2013 Vaughn-Hirshorn RL, Muzi E, Richardson JL, Fox GJ, Hansen LN, Salley AM, Dudzinski KM, Würsig B. Dolphin underwater bait-balling behaviors in relation to group and prey ball sizes. Behavioural Processes. 98: 1-8. PMID 23608148 DOI: 10.1016/J.Beproc.2013.04.003  0.347
2013 Robertson FC, Koski WR, Thomas TA, Richardson WJ, Würsig B, Trites AW. Seismic operations have variable effects on dive-cycle behavior of bowhead whales in the Beaufort Sea Endangered Species Research. 21: 143-160. DOI: 10.3354/Esr00515  0.344
2013 Lundquist D, Sironi M, Würsig B, Rowntree V, Martino J, Lundquist L. Response of southern right whales to simulated swim-with-whale tourism at Península Valdés, Argentina Marine Mammal Science. 29: E24-E45. DOI: 10.1111/J.1748-7692.2012.00583.X  0.373
2013 Lundquist D, Gemmell N, Würsig B, Markowitz T. Dusky dolphin movement patterns: short-term effects of tourism New Zealand Journal of Marine and Freshwater Research. 47: 430-449. DOI: 10.1080/00288330.2013.778301  0.352
2012 Sims PQ, Vaughn R, Hung SK, Würsig B. Sounds of Indo-Pacific humpback dolphins (Sousa chinensis) in West Hong Kong: a preliminary description. The Journal of the Acoustical Society of America. 131: EL48-53. PMID 22280729 DOI: 10.1121/1.3663281  0.752
2012 Sims PQ, Hung SK, Würsig B. High-Speed Vessel Noises in West Hong Kong Waters and Their Contributions Relative to Indo-Pacific Humpback Dolphins (Sousa chinensis) Journal of Marine Biology. 2012: 1-11. DOI: 10.1155/2012/169103  0.327
2012 Srinivasan M, Pearson HC, Vaughn-Hirshorn RL, Würsig B, Murtugudde R. Using climate downscaling to hypothesise impacts on apex predator marine ecosystem dynamics New Zealand Journal of Marine and Freshwater Research. 46: 575-584. DOI: 10.1080/00288330.2012.712978  0.747
2012 Pearson H, Vaughn-Hirshorn R, Srinivasan M, Würsig B. Avoidance of mussel farms by dusky dolphins (Lagenorhynchus obscurus) in New Zealand New Zealand Journal of Marine and Freshwater Research. 46: 567-574. DOI: 10.1080/00288330.2012.712977  0.729
2011 Capuska GEM, Vaughn RL, Würsig B, Katzir G, Raubenheimer D. Dive strategies and foraging effort in the Australasian gannet Morus serrator revealed by underwater videography Marine Ecology Progress Series. 442: 255-261. DOI: 10.3354/Meps09458  0.771
2011 Vaughn RL, Muzi E, Richardson JL, Würsig B. Dolphin bait-balling behaviors in relation to prey ball escape behaviors Ethology. 117: 859-871. DOI: 10.1111/J.1439-0310.2011.01939.X  0.763
2010 Vaughn R, Würsig B, Packard J. Dolphin prey herding: Prey ball mobility relative to dolphin group and prey ball sizes, multispecies associates, and feeding duration Marine Mammal Science. 26: 213-225. DOI: 10.1111/J.1748-7692.2009.00317.X  0.762
2010 Ross PS, Dungan SZ, Hung SK, Jefferson TA, Macfarquhar C, Perrin WF, Riehl KN, Slooten E, Tsai J, Wang JY, White BN, Würsig B, Yang SC, Reeves RR. Averting the baiji syndrome: Conserving habitat for critically endangered dolphins in Eastern Taiwan Strait Aquatic Conservation: Marine and Freshwater Ecosystems. 20: 685-694. DOI: 10.1002/Aqc.1141  0.368
2009 Benoit-Bird KJ, Dahood AD, Würsig B. Using active acoustics to compare lunar effects on predator-prey behavior in two marine mammal species Marine Ecology Progress Series. 395: 119-135. DOI: 10.3354/Meps07793  0.33
2009 Jefferson TA, Hung SK, Würsig B. Protecting small cetaceans from coastal development: Impact assessment and mitigation experience in Hong Kong Marine Policy. 33: 305-311. DOI: 10.1016/J.Marpol.2008.07.011  0.306
2008 Vaughn RL, Würsig B, Shelton DS, Timm LL, Watson LA. Dusky dolphins influence prey accessibility for seabirds in Admiralty Bay, New Zealand Journal of Mammalogy. 89: 1051-1058. DOI: 10.1644/07-Mamm-A-145.1  0.766
2008 Weir JS, Duprey NMT, Würsig B. Dusky dolphin (Lagenorhynchus obscurus) subgroup distribution: are shallow waters a refuge for nursery groups? Canadian Journal of Zoology. 86: 1225-1234. DOI: 10.1139/Z08-101  0.334
2007 Gowans S, Würsig B, Karczmarski L. The social structure and strategies of delphinids: predictions based on an ecological framework. Advances in Marine Biology. 53: 195-294. PMID 17936137 DOI: 10.1016/S0065-2881(07)53003-8  0.39
2007 Harlin-Cognato AD, Markowitz T, Würsig B, Honeycutt RL. Multi-locus phylogeography of the dusky dolphin (Lagenorhynchus obscurus): passive dispersal via the west-wind drift or response to prey species and climate change? Bmc Evolutionary Biology. 7: 131. PMID 17683557 DOI: 10.1186/1471-2148-7-131  0.355
2007 Johnson SR, Richardson WJ, Yazvenko SB, Blokhin SA, Gailey G, Jenkerson MR, Meier SK, Melton HR, Newcomer MW, Perlov AS, Rutenko SA, Würsig B, Martin CR, Egging DE. A western gray whale mitigation and monitoring program for a 3-D seismic survey, Sakhalin Island, Russia. Environmental Monitoring and Assessment. 134: 1-19. PMID 17657576 DOI: 10.1007/S10661-007-9813-0  0.362
2007 Gailey G, Würsig B, McDonald TL. Abundance, behavior, and movement patterns of western gray whales in relation to a 3-D seismic survey, Northeast Sakhalin Island, Russia. Environmental Monitoring and Assessment. 134: 75-91. PMID 17616825 DOI: 10.1007/S10661-007-9812-1  0.342
2007 Vaughn RL, Shelton DE, Timm LL, Watson LA, Würsig B. Dusky dolphin (Lagenorhynchus obscurus) feeding tactics and multi‐species associations New Zealand Journal of Marine and Freshwater Research. 41: 391-400. DOI: 10.1080/00288330709509929  0.777
2005 Karczmarski L, Würsig B, Gailey G, Larson KW, Vanderlip C. Spinner dolphins in a remote Hawaiian atoll: social grouping and population structure Behavioral Ecology. 16: 675-685. DOI: 10.1093/Beheco/Ari028  0.403
2004 Benoit‐Bird KJ, Würsig B, Mfadden CJ. Dusky Dolphin (Lagenorhynchus Obscurus) Foraging In Two Different Habitats: Active Acoustic Detection Of Dolphins And Their Prey Marine Mammal Science. 20: 215-231. DOI: 10.1111/J.1748-7692.2004.Tb01152.X  0.352
2004 Markowitz TM, Harlin AD, Würsig B, Mcfadden CJ. Dusky dolphin foraging habitat: Overlap with aquaculture in New Zealand Aquatic Conservation: Marine and Freshwater Ecosystems. 14: 133-149. DOI: 10.1002/Aqc.602  0.403
2003 Harlin AD, Markowitz T, Baker CS, Würsig B, Honeycutt RL. Genetic structure, diversity, and historical demography of New Zealand's dusky dolphin (Lagenorhynchus obscurus) Journal of Mammalogy. 84: 702-717. DOI: 10.1644/1545-1542(2003)084<0702:Gsdahd>2.0.Co;2  0.348
2002 Würsig B, Greene CR. Underwater sounds near a fuel receiving facility in western Hong Kong: Relevance to dolphins Marine Environmental Research. 54: 129-145. PMID 12206406 DOI: 10.1016/S0141-1136(02)00099-5  0.312
2001 Ding W, Würsig B, Leatherwood S. Whistles of boto, Inia geoffrensis, and tucuxi, Sotalia fluviatilis Journal of the Acoustical Society of America. 109: 407-411. PMID 11206170 DOI: 10.1121/1.1326082  0.675
2000 Würsig B, Greene CR, Jefferson TA. Development of an air bubble curtain to reduce underwater noise of percussive piling Marine Environmental Research. 49: 79-93. PMID 11444016 DOI: 10.1016/S0141-1136(99)00050-1  0.305
1999 Weller DW, Würsig B, Bradford AL, Burdin AM, Blokhin SA, Minakuchi H, Brownell RL. Gray Whales (Eschrichtius Robustus) Off Sakhalin Island, Russia: Seasonal And Annual Patterns Of Occurrence1 Marine Mammal Science. 15: 1208-1227. DOI: 10.1111/J.1748-7692.1999.Tb00886.X  0.342
1999 Bräger S, Chong A, Dawson S, Slooten E, Würsig B. A combined stereo-photogrammetry and underwater-video system to study group composition of dolphins Helgoland Marine Research. 53: 122-128. DOI: 10.1007/S101520050015  0.322
1995 Evans WE, Ding W, Würsig B. Comparison of the whistle structure of six species of dolphin Journal of the Acoustical Society of America. 97: 3370-3370. DOI: 10.1121/1.412648  0.688
1994 Bräger S, Würsig B, Acevedo A, Henningsen T. Association Patterns of Bottlenose Dolphins (Tursiops truncatus) in Galveston Bay, Texas Journal of Mammalogy. 75: 431-437. DOI: 10.2307/1382564  0.364
1986 Wursig B, Wells RS, Croll DA. Behavior of gray whales summering near St. Lawrence Island, Bering Sea Canadian Journal of Zoology. 64: 611-621. DOI: 10.1139/Z86-091  0.33
1986 Shane SH, Wells RS, Wursig B. ECOLOGY, BEHAVIOR AND SOCIAL ORGANIZATION OF THE BOTTLENOSE DOLPHIN: A REVIEW Marine Mammal Science. 2: 34-63. DOI: 10.1111/J.1748-7692.1986.Tb00026.X  0.376
1985 Boeuf BJL, Würsig B. Beyond Bean Counting And Whale Tales Marine Mammal Science. 1: 128-148. DOI: 10.1111/J.1748-7692.1985.Tb00002.X  0.349
1984 Würsig B, Dorsey EM, Fraker MA, Payne RS, Richardson WJ, Wells RS. Behavior of bowhead whales, Balaena mysticetus, summering in the Beaufort Sea: surfacing, respiration, and dive characteristics Canadian Journal of Zoology. 62: 1910-1921. DOI: 10.1139/Z84-281  0.305
1978 Würsig B. Occurrence And Group Organization Of Atlantic Bottlenose Porpoises (Tursiops Truncatus) In An Argentine Bay The Biological Bulletin. 154: 348-359. DOI: 10.2307/1541132  0.329
1977 Würsig B, Würsig M. The Photographic Determination of Group Size, Composition, and Stability of Coastal Porpoises (Tursiops truncatus) Science. 198: 755-756. DOI: 10.1126/Science.198.4318.755  0.3
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