Benjamin D. Greenberg, M.D., Ph.D. - Publications

Psychiatry and Human Behavior Brown University, Providence, RI 

132 high-probability publications. We are testing a new system for linking publications to authors. You can help! If you notice any inaccuracies, please sign in and mark papers as correct or incorrect matches. If you identify any major omissions or other inaccuracies in the publication list, please let us know.

Year Citation  Score
2023 Morris AT, Temereanca S, Zandvakili A, Thorpe R, Sliva DD, Greenberg BD, Carpenter LL, Philip NS, Jones SR. Fronto-central resting-state 15-29 Hz transient beta events change with therapeutic transcranial magnetic stimulation for posttraumatic stress disorder and major depressive disorder. Scientific Reports. 13: 6366. PMID 37076496 DOI: 10.1038/s41598-023-32801-3  0.519
2023 Morris AT, Temereanca S, Zandvakili A, Thorpe R, Sliva DD, Greenberg BD, Carpenter LL, Philip NS, Jones SR. Fronto-central resting-state 15-29Hz transient beta events change with therapeutic transcranial magnetic stimulation for posttraumatic stress disorder and major depressive disorder. Medrxiv : the Preprint Server For Health Sciences. PMID 36993547 DOI: 10.1101/2023.03.11.23286902  0.519
2020 van 't Wout-Frank M, Shea MT, Sorensen DO, Faucher CR, Greenberg BD, Philip NS. A Secondary Analysis on Effects of Theta Burst Transcranial Magnetic Stimulation to Reduce Anger in Veterans With Posttraumatic Stress Disorder. Neuromodulation : Journal of the International Neuromodulation Society. PMID 32945055 DOI: 10.1111/Ner.13256  0.382
2020 Eaton E, Swearingen HR, Zand Vakili A, Jones SR, Greenberg BD. A Brief Report on an 8-Week Course of Mindfulness-based Care for Chronic Pain in the Treatment of Veterans With Back Pain: Barriers Encountered to Treatment Engagement and Lessons Learned. Medical Care. 58: S94-S100. PMID 32826778 DOI: 10.1097/Mlr.0000000000001377  0.516
2020 Testo AA, Garnaat SL, Corse AK, McLaughlin N, Greenberg BD, Deckersbach T, Eskandar EN, Dougherty DD, Widge AS. A CASE of non-affective psychosis followed by extended response to non-stimulation in deep brain stimulation for obsessive-compulsive disorder. Brain Stimulation. PMID 32622060 DOI: 10.1016/J.Brs.2020.06.019  0.365
2020 Martínez-Rivera FJ, Sánchez-Navarro MJ, Huertas-Pérez CI, Greenberg BD, Rasmussen SA, Quirk GJ. Prolonged avoidance training exacerbates OCD-like behaviors in a rodent model. Translational Psychiatry. 10: 212. PMID 32620740 DOI: 10.1038/S41398-020-00892-5  0.301
2020 Zandvakili A, Barredo J, Swearingen HR, Aiken EM, Berlow YA, Greenberg BD, Carpenter LL, Philip NS. Mapping PTSD symptoms to brain networks: a machine learning study. Translational Psychiatry. 10: 195. PMID 32555146 DOI: 10.1038/S41398-020-00879-2  0.305
2020 Philip NS, Barredo J, Aiken E, Larson V, Jones RN, Shea MT, Greenberg BD, van 't Wout-Frank M. Informing Further Research in the Use of Brain Stimulation in Psychiatric Disorders: Response to Syed and Smith. The American Journal of Psychiatry. 177: 466-467. PMID 32354271 DOI: 10.1176/Appi.Ajp.2019.19101052R  0.359
2020 Sha Z, Versace A, Edmiston EK, Fournier J, Graur S, Greenberg T, Santos JPL, Chase HW, Stiffler RS, Bonar L, Hudak R, Yendiki A, Greenberg BD, Rasmussen S, Liu H, et al. Functional disruption in prefrontal-striatal network in obsessive-compulsive disorder. Psychiatry Research. Neuroimaging. 300: 111081. PMID 32344156 DOI: 10.1016/J.Pscychresns.2020.111081  0.324
2019 Sha Z, Edmiston EK, Versace A, Fournier JC, Graur S, Greenberg T, Lima Santos JP, Chase HW, Stiffler RS, Bonar L, Hudak R, Yendiki A, Greenberg BD, Rasmussen S, Liu H, et al. Functional Disruption of Cerebello-thalamo-cortical Networks in Obsessive-Compulsive Disorder. Biological Psychiatry. Cognitive Neuroscience and Neuroimaging. PMID 32033923 DOI: 10.1016/J.Bpsc.2019.12.002  0.33
2019 Copetti ME, Lopes AC, Requena G, Johnson INS, Greenberg BD, Noren G, McLaughlin NCR, Shavitt RG, Miguel EC, Batistuzzo MC, Hoexter MQ. Obsessive-Compulsive Personality Symptoms Predict Poorer Response to Gamma Ventral Capsulotomy for Intractable OCD. Frontiers in Psychiatry. 10: 936. PMID 31998155 DOI: 10.3389/Fpsyt.2019.00936  0.377
2019 Samuels J, Bienvenu OJ, Krasnow J, Wang Y, Grados MA, Cullen B, Goes FS, Maher B, Greenberg BD, Mclaughlin NC, Rasmussen SA, Fyer AJ, Knowles JA, Mccracken JT, Piacentini J, et al. General personality dimensions, impairment and treatment response in obsessive-compulsive disorder. Personality and Mental Health. PMID 31859455 DOI: 10.1002/Pmh.1472  0.345
2019 Gerstenblith TA, Jaramillo-Huff A, Ruutiainen T, Nestadt PS, Samuels JF, Grados MA, Cullen BA, Riddle MA, Liang KY, Greenberg BD, Rasmussen SA, Rauch SL, McCracken JT, Piacentini J, Knowles JA, et al. Trichotillomania comorbidity in a sample enriched for familial obsessive-compulsive disorder. Comprehensive Psychiatry. 94: 152123. PMID 31518848 DOI: 10.1016/J.Comppsych.2019.152123  0.327
2019 Philip NS, Barredo J, Aiken E, Larson V, Jones RN, Shea MT, Greenberg BD, van 't Wout-Frank M. Theta-Burst Transcranial Magnetic Stimulation for Posttraumatic Stress Disorder. The American Journal of Psychiatry. appiajp201918101160. PMID 31230462 DOI: 10.1176/Appi.Ajp.2019.18101160  0.381
2019 Zandvakili A, Philip NS, Jones SR, Tyrka AR, Greenberg BD, Carpenter LL. Use of machine learning in predicting clinical response to transcranial magnetic stimulation in comorbid posttraumatic stress disorder and major depression: A resting state electroencephalography study. Journal of Affective Disorders. 252: 47-54. PMID 30978624 DOI: 10.1016/J.Jad.2019.03.077  0.566
2019 Abrantes AM, Farris SG, Brown RA, Greenberg BD, Strong DR, McLaughlin NC, Riebe D. Acute effects of aerobic exercise on negative affect and obsessions and compulsions in individuals with obsessive-compulsive disorder. Journal of Affective Disorders. 245: 991-997. PMID 30699885 DOI: 10.1016/J.Jad.2018.11.074  0.316
2019 Phillips M, Chase H, Bertocci M, Graur S, Stiffler R, Greenberg B. Reward circuitry-targeted transcranial direct current stimulation impacts underlying reward circuitry function and affect: A promising intervention for bipolar disorder Brain Stimulation. 12: 397. DOI: 10.1016/J.Brs.2018.12.278  0.352
2018 Sliva DD, Black CJ, Bowary P, Agrawal U, Santoyo JF, Philip NS, Greenberg BD, Moore CI, Jones SR. A Prospective Study of the Impact of Transcranial Alternating Current Stimulation on EEG Correlates of Somatosensory Perception. Frontiers in Psychology. 9: 2117. PMID 30515114 DOI: 10.3389/Fpsyg.2018.02117  0.718
2018 Mariano TY, Burgess FW, Bowker M, Kirschner J, Van't Wout-Frank M, Jones RN, Halladay CW, Stein M, Greenberg BD. Transcranial Direct Current Stimulation for Affective Symptoms and Functioning in Chronic Low Back Pain: A Pilot Double-Blinded, Randomized, Placebo-Controlled Trial. Pain Medicine (Malden, Mass.). PMID 30358864 DOI: 10.1093/Pm/Pny188  0.737
2018 van 't Wout-Frank M, Shea MT, Larson VC, Greenberg BD, Philip NS. Combined transcranial direct current stimulation with virtual reality exposure for posttraumatic stress disorder: Feasibility and pilot results. Brain Stimulation. PMID 30266416 DOI: 10.1016/J.Brs.2018.09.011  0.37
2018 Bowary P, Greenberg BD. Noninvasive Focused Ultrasound for Neuromodulation: A Review. The Psychiatric Clinics of North America. 41: 505-514. PMID 30098661 DOI: 10.1016/J.Psc.2018.04.010  0.72
2018 Miguel EC, Lopes AC, McLaughlin NCR, Norén G, Gentil AF, Hamani C, Shavitt RG, Batistuzzo MC, Vattimo EFQ, Canteras M, De Salles A, Gorgulho A, Salvajoli JV, Fonoff ET, Paddick I, ... ... Greenberg BD, et al. Evolution of gamma knife capsulotomy for intractable obsessive-compulsive disorder. Molecular Psychiatry. PMID 29743581 DOI: 10.1038/S41380-018-0054-0  0.361
2018 Carpenter LL, Conelea C, Tyrka AR, Welch ES, Greenberg BD, Price LH, Niedzwiecki M, Yip AG, Barnes J, Philip NS. 5 Hz Repetitive transcranial magnetic stimulation for posttraumatic stress disorder comorbid with major depressive disorder. Journal of Affective Disorders. 235: 414-420. PMID 29677606 DOI: 10.1016/J.Jad.2018.04.009  0.372
2018 Bari AA, Mikell CB, Abosch A, Ben-Haim S, Buchanan RJ, Burton AW, Carcieri S, Cosgrove GR, D'Haese PF, Daskalakis ZJ, Eskandar EN, Gerrard JL, Goodman WK, Greenberg BD, Gross RE, et al. Charting the road forward in psychiatric neurosurgery: proceedings of the 2016 American Society for Stereotactic and Functional Neurosurgery workshop on neuromodulation for psychiatric disorders. Journal of Neurology, Neurosurgery, and Psychiatry. PMID 29371415 DOI: 10.1136/Jnnp-2017-317082  0.366
2017 Rasmussen SA, Norén G, Greenberg BD, Marsland R, McLaughlin NC, Malloy PJ, Salloway SP, Strong DR, Eisen JL, Jenike MA, Rauch SL, Baer L, Lindquist C. Gamma Ventral Capsulotomy in Intractable Obsessive-Compulsive Disorder. Biological Psychiatry. PMID 29361268 DOI: 10.1016/J.Biopsych.2017.11.034  0.383
2017 Samuels J, Bienvenu OJ, Krasnow J, Wang Y, Grados MA, Cullen B, Goes FS, Maher B, Greenberg BD, McLaughlin NC, Rasmussen SA, Fyer AJ, Knowles JA, McCracken JT, Piacentini J, et al. Self-reported executive function and hoarding in adults with obsessive-compulsive disorder. Comprehensive Psychiatry. 81: 53-59. PMID 29268152 DOI: 10.1016/J.Comppsych.2017.11.009  0.36
2017 Paiva RR, Batistuzzo MC, McLaughlin NC, Canteras MM, de Mathis ME, Requena G, Shavitt RG, Greenberg BD, Norén G, Rasmussen SA, Tavares H, Miguel EC, Lopes AC, Hoexter MQ. Personality measures after gamma ventral capsulotomy in intractable OCD. Progress in Neuro-Psychopharmacology & Biological Psychiatry. PMID 29100975 DOI: 10.1016/J.Pnpbp.2017.10.023  0.332
2017 Guo W, Samuels JF, Wang Y, Cao H, Ritter M, Nestadt PS, Krasnow J, Greenberg BD, Fyer AJ, McCracken JT, Geller DA, Murphy DL, Knowles JA, Grados MA, Riddle MA, et al. Polygenic risk score and heritability estimates reveals a genetic relationship between ASD and OCD. European Neuropsychopharmacology : the Journal of the European College of Neuropsychopharmacology. 27: 657-666. PMID 28641744 DOI: 10.1016/J.Euroneuro.2017.03.011  0.319
2017 Van't Wout M, Longo SM, Reddy MK, Philip NS, Bowker MT, Greenberg BD. Transcranial direct current stimulation may modulate extinction memory in posttraumatic stress disorder. Brain and Behavior. 7: e00681. PMID 28523223 DOI: 10.1002/Brb3.681  0.357
2017 Samuels J, Bienvenu OJ, Krasnow J, Wang Y, Grados MA, Cullen B, Goes FS, Maher B, Greenberg BD, McLaughlin NC, Rasmussen SA, Fyer AJ, Knowles JA, Nestadt P, McCracken JT, et al. An investigation of doubt in obsessive-compulsive disorder. Comprehensive Psychiatry. 75: 117-124. PMID 28359017 DOI: 10.1016/J.Comppsych.2017.03.004  0.372
2017 McLaughlin NC, Conelea C, Blanchette B, Greenberg BD, Mariano T. Modulation of Prefrontal Function Through Transcranial Direct Current Stimulation (tDCS) Brain Stimulation. 10: e37. DOI: 10.1016/J.Brs.2017.04.062  0.306
2017 Vakili AZ, Philip NS, Carpenter LL, Greenberg BD. Changes in EEG signal after 5-Hz Dorsolateral Prefrontal cortex (DLPFC) Transcranial Magnetic Stimulation in patients with Comorbid Posttraumatic Stress Disorder and Major Depression Brain Stimulation. 10: e28. DOI: 10.1016/J.Brs.2017.04.030  0.36
2017 Philip N, Conelea C, Yip A, Barnes J, Niedzwiecki M, Greenberg B, Tyrka A, Carpenter L. 170. 5 Hz Repetitive Transcranial Magnetic Stimulation for Posttraumatic Stress Disorder Comorbid with Major Depressive Disorder Biological Psychiatry. 81: S70-S71. DOI: 10.1016/J.Biopsych.2017.02.183  0.372
2016 Chen D, Bienvenu OJ, Krasnow J, Wang Y, Grados MA, Cullen B, Goes FS, Maher B, Greenberg BD, McLaughlin NC, Rasmussen SA, Fyer AJ, Knowles JA, McCracken JT, Piacentini J, et al. Parental bonding and hoarding in obsessive-compulsive disorder. Comprehensive Psychiatry. 73: 43-52. PMID 27915218 DOI: 10.1016/J.Comppsych.2016.11.004  0.321
2016 Park JM, Samuels JF, Grados MA, Riddle MA, Bienvenu OJ, Goes FS, Cullen B, Wang Y, Krasnow J, Murphy DL, Rasmussen SA, McLaughlin NC, Piacentini J, Pauls DL, Stewart SE, ... ... Greenberg BD, et al. ADHD and executive functioning deficits in OCD youths who hoard. Journal of Psychiatric Research. 82: 141-148. PMID 27501140 DOI: 10.1016/J.Jpsychires.2016.07.024  0.314
2016 Nanda P, Banks GP, Pathak Y, Paulo DL, Horga G, Hoexter MQ, Xu Z, Lopes A, McLaughlin N, Greenberg B, Sheehan JP, Miguel EC, Sheth SA. 205 Tractography Characterizing Lesions Differentiating Responders to Stereotactic Capsulotomy for Obsessive-Compulsive Disorder. Neurosurgery. 63: 180-181. PMID 27399484 DOI: 10.1227/01.Neu.0000489774.66889.98  0.34
2016 McLaughlin NC, Kirschner J, Foster H, O'Connell C, Rasmussen SA, Greenberg BD. Stop Signal Reaction Time Deficits in a Lifetime Obsessive-Compulsive Disorder Sample. Journal of the International Neuropsychological Society : Jins. 1-5. PMID 27334752 DOI: 10.1017/S1355617716000540  0.327
2016 Rodriguez-Romaguera J, Greenberg BD, Rasmussen SA, Quirk GJ. An Avoidance-Based Rodent Model of Exposure With Response Prevention Therapy for Obsessive-Compulsive Disorder. Biological Psychiatry. PMID 27086546 DOI: 10.1016/J.Biopsych.2016.02.012  0.365
2016 van 't Wout M, Mariano TY, Garnaat SL, Reddy MK, Rasmussen SA, Greenberg BD. Can Transcranial Direct Current Stimulation Augment Extinction of Conditioned Fear? Brain Stimulation. PMID 27037186 DOI: 10.1016/J.Brs.2016.03.004  0.721
2016 Dougherty DD, Chou T, Corse AK, Arulpragasam AR, Widge AS, Cusin C, Evans KC, Greenberg BD, Haber SN, Deckersbach T. Acute deep brain stimulation changes in regional cerebral blood flow in obsessive-compulsive disorder. Journal of Neurosurgery. 1-7. PMID 26894459 DOI: 10.3171/2015.9.Jns151387  0.38
2015 Mariano TY, Van't Wout M, Garnaat SL, Rasmussen SA, Greenberg BD. Transcranial Direct Current Stimulation (tDCS) Targeting Left Dorsolateral Prefrontal Cortex Modulates Task-Induced Acute Pain in Healthy Volunteers. Pain Medicine (Malden, Mass.). PMID 26814276 DOI: 10.1093/Pm/Pnv042  0.745
2015 Garnaat SL, Boisseau CL, Yip A, Sibrava NJ, Greenberg BD, Mancebo MC, McLaughlin NC, Eisen JL, Rasmussen SA. Predicting course of illness in patients with severe obsessive-compulsive disorder. The Journal of Clinical Psychiatry. 76: e1605-10. PMID 26717540 DOI: 10.4088/Jcp.14M09468  0.338
2015 Mroczkowski MM, Goes FS, Riddle MA, Grados MA, Bienvenu OJ, Greenberg BD, Fyer AJ, McCracken JT, Rauch SL, Murphy DL, Knowles JA, Piacentini J, Cullen B, Rasmussen SA, Pauls DL, et al. Dependent personality, separation anxiety disorder and other anxiety disorders in OCD. Personality and Mental Health. PMID 26542617 DOI: 10.1002/Pmh.1321  0.358
2015 Mariano TY, Van't Wout M, Jacobson BL, Garnaat SL, Kirschner JL, Rasmussen SA, Greenberg BD. Effects of Transcranial Direct Current Stimulation (tDCS) on Pain Distress Tolerance: A Preliminary Study. Pain Medicine (Malden, Mass.). PMID 26115372 DOI: 10.1111/Pme.12798  0.738
2015 Batistuzzo MC, Hoexter MQ, Taub A, Gentil AF, Cesar RC, Joaquim MA, D'Alcante CC, McLaughlin NC, Canteras MM, Shavitt RG, Savage CR, Greenberg BD, Norén G, Miguel EC, Lopes AC. Visuospatial Memory Improvement after Gamma Ventral Capsulotomy in Treatment Refractory Obsessive-Compulsive Disorder Patients. Neuropsychopharmacology : Official Publication of the American College of Neuropsychopharmacology. 40: 1837-45. PMID 25645373 DOI: 10.1038/Npp.2015.33  0.32
2015 McLaughlin NC, Strong D, Abrantes A, Garnaat S, Cerny A, O'Connell C, Fadok R, Spofford C, Rasmussen SA, Milad MR, Greenberg BD. Extinction retention and fear renewal in a lifetime obsessive-compulsive disorder sample. Behavioural Brain Research. 280: 72-7. PMID 25446749 DOI: 10.1016/J.Bbr.2014.11.011  0.325
2015 Yu D, Mathews CA, Scharf JM, Neale BM, Davis LK, Gamazon ER, Derks EM, Evans P, Edlund CK, Crane J, Fagerness JA, Osiecki L, Gallagher P, Gerber G, Haddad S, ... ... Greenberg BD, et al. Cross-disorder genome-wide analyses suggest a complex genetic relationship between Tourette's syndrome and OCD. The American Journal of Psychiatry. 172: 82-93. PMID 25158072 DOI: 10.1176/Appi.Ajp.2014.13101306  0.334
2014 Samuels J, Grados MA, Riddle MA, Bienvenu OJ, Goes FS, Cullen B, Wang Y, Greenberg BD, Fyer AJ, McCracken JT, Geller D, Murphy DL, Knowles JA, Rasmussen SA, McLaughlin NC, et al. Hoarding in Children and Adolescents with Obsessive-Compulsive Disorder. Journal of Obsessive-Compulsive and Related Disorders. 3: 325-331. PMID 25309849 DOI: 10.1016/J.Jocrd.2014.08.001  0.313
2014 McGrath LM, Yu D, Marshall C, Davis LK, Thiruvahindrapuram B, Li B, Cappi C, Gerber G, Wolf A, Schroeder FA, Osiecki L, O'Dushlaine C, Kirby A, Illmann C, Haddad S, ... ... Greenberg BD, et al. Copy number variation in obsessive-compulsive disorder and tourette syndrome: a cross-disorder study. Journal of the American Academy of Child and Adolescent Psychiatry. 53: 910-9. PMID 25062598 DOI: 10.1016/J.Jaac.2014.04.022  0.34
2014 Lopes AC, Greenberg BD, Canteras MM, Batistuzzo MC, Hoexter MQ, Gentil AF, Pereira CA, Joaquim MA, de Mathis ME, D'Alcante CC, Taub A, de Castro DG, Tokeshi L, Sampaio LA, Leite CC, et al. Gamma ventral capsulotomy for obsessive-compulsive disorder: a randomized clinical trial. Jama Psychiatry. 71: 1066-76. PMID 25054836 DOI: 10.1001/Jamapsychiatry.2014.1193  0.358
2014 Gentil AF, Lopes AC, Dougherty DD, Rück C, Mataix-Cols D, Lukacs TL, Canteras MM, Eskandar EN, Larsson KJ, Hoexter MQ, Batistuzzo MC, Greenberg BD, Miguel EC. Hoarding symptoms and prediction of poor response to limbic system surgery for treatment-refractory obsessive-compulsive disorder. Journal of Neurosurgery. 121: 123-30. PMID 24702323 DOI: 10.3171/2014.2.Jns131423  0.335
2014 Garnaat SL, Greenberg BD, Sibrava NJ, Goodman WK, Mancebo MC, Eisen JL, Rasmussen SA. Who qualifies for deep brain stimulation for OCD? Data from a naturalistic clinical sample. The Journal of Neuropsychiatry and Clinical Neurosciences. 26: 81-6. PMID 24515679 DOI: 10.1176/Appi.Neuropsych.12090226  0.357
2014 Spofford CM, McLaughlin NC, Penzel F, Rasmussen SA, Greenberg BD. OCD behavior therapy before and after gamma ventral capsulotomy: case report. Neurocase. 20: 42-5. PMID 23057416 DOI: 10.1080/13554794.2012.732083  0.323
2013 Davis LK, Yu D, Keenan CL, Gamazon ER, Konkashbaev AI, Derks EM, Neale BM, Yang J, Lee SH, Evans P, Barr CL, Bellodi L, Benarroch F, Berrio GB, Bienvenu OJ, ... ... Greenberg BD, et al. Partitioning the heritability of Tourette syndrome and obsessive compulsive disorder reveals differences in genetic architecture. Plos Genetics. 9: e1003864. PMID 24204291 DOI: 10.1371/Journal.Pgen.1003864  0.311
2013 Kubu CS, Malone DA, Chelune G, Malloy P, Rezai AR, Frazier T, Machado A, Rasmussen S, Friehs G, Greenberg BD. Neuropsychological outcome after deep brain stimulation in the ventral capsule/ventral striatum for highly refractory obsessive-compulsive disorder or major depression. Stereotactic and Functional Neurosurgery. 91: 374-8. PMID 24108099 DOI: 10.1159/000348321  0.398
2013 Stewart SE, Mayerfeld C, Arnold PD, Crane JR, O'Dushlaine C, Fagerness JA, Yu D, Scharf JM, Chan E, Kassam F, Moya PR, Wendland JR, Delorme R, Richter MA, Kennedy JL, ... ... Greenberg BD, et al. Meta-analysis of association between obsessive-compulsive disorder and the 3' region of neuronal glutamate transporter gene SLC1A1. American Journal of Medical Genetics. Part B, Neuropsychiatric Genetics : the Official Publication of the International Society of Psychiatric Genetics. 162: 367-79. PMID 23606572 DOI: 10.1002/Ajmg.B.32137  0.306
2013 Rasmussen SA, Eisen JL, Greenberg BD. Toward a neuroanatomy of obsessive-compulsive disorder revisited. Biological Psychiatry. 73: 298-9. PMID 23351888 DOI: 10.1016/J.Biopsych.2012.12.010  0.358
2013 McLaughlin NC, Didie ER, Machado AG, Haber SN, Eskandar EN, Greenberg BD. Improvements in anorexia symptoms after deep brain stimulation for intractable obsessive-compulsive disorder. Biological Psychiatry. 73: e29-31. PMID 23128051 DOI: 10.1016/J.Biopsych.2012.09.015  0.376
2013 Goldin G, Wout Mvt, Sloman SA, Evans DW, Greenberg BD, Rasmussen SA. Risk judgment in Obsessive-Compulsive Disorder: Testing a dual-systems account Journal of Obsessive-Compulsive and Related Disorders. 2: 406-411. DOI: 10.1016/J.Jocrd.2013.08.002  0.328
2013 Mantovani A, Shubeck J, Gowatsky J, Simpson H, Greenberg B. P 247. Incompleteness and harm avoidance in obsessive compulsive disorder: Different response to transcranial magnetic stimulation Clinical Neurophysiology. 124: e182-e183. DOI: 10.1016/J.Clinph.2013.04.323  0.361
2012 Abrantes AM, McLaughlin N, Greenberg BD, Strong DR, Riebe D, Mancebo M, Rasmussen S, Desaulniers J, Brown RA. Design and Rationale for a Randomized Controlled Trial Testing the Efficacy of Aerobic Exercise for Patients with Obsessive-Compulsive Disorder. Mental Health and Physical Activity. 5: 155-165. PMID 23189089 DOI: 10.1016/J.Mhpa.2012.06.002  0.354
2012 Zohar J, Greenberg B, Denys D. Obsessive-compulsive disorder. Handbook of Clinical Neurology. 106: 375-90. PMID 22608632 DOI: 10.1016/B978-0-444-52002-9.00021-8  0.357
2012 Bienvenu OJ, Samuels JF, Wuyek LA, Liang KY, Wang Y, Grados MA, Cullen BA, Riddle MA, Greenberg BD, Rasmussen SA, Fyer AJ, Pinto A, Rauch SL, Pauls DL, McCracken JT, et al. Is obsessive-compulsive disorder an anxiety disorder, and what, if any, are spectrum conditions? A family study perspective. Psychological Medicine. 42: 1-13. PMID 21733222 DOI: 10.1017/S0033291711000742  0.374
2011 Mroczkowski MM, Goes FS, Riddle MA, Grados MA, Bienvenu OJ, Greenberg BD, Fyer AJ, McCracken JT, Rauch SL, Murphy DL, Knowles JA, Piacentini J, Cullen B, Rasmussen SA, Geller DA, et al. Separation anxiety disorder in OCD. Depression and Anxiety. 28: 256-62. PMID 21308883 DOI: 10.1002/Da.20773  0.362
2011 Loo C, Katalinic N, Mitchell PB, Greenberg B. Physical treatments for bipolar disorder: A review of electroconvulsive therapy, stereotactic surgery and other brain stimulation techniques Journal of Affective Disorders. 132: 1-13. PMID 20858566 DOI: 10.1016/J.Jad.2010.08.017  0.397
2010 Gouvêa F, Lopes A, Greenberg B, Canteras M, Taub A, Mathis M, Miguel E. Response to sham and active gamma ventral capsulotomy in otherwise intractable obsessive-compulsive disorder Stereotactic and Functional Neurosurgery. 88: 177-182. PMID 20431329 DOI: 10.1159/000313870  0.354
2010 Goodman WK, Foote KD, Greenberg BD, Ricciuti N, Bauer R, Ward H, Shapira NA, Wu SS, Hill CL, Rasmussen SA, Okun MS. Deep brain stimulation for intractable obsessive compulsive disorder: pilot study using a blinded, staggered-onset design. Biological Psychiatry. 67: 535-42. PMID 20116047 DOI: 10.1016/J.Biopsych.2009.11.028  0.398
2010 Greenberg BD, Rauch SL, Haber SN. Invasive circuitry-based neurotherapeutics: stereotactic ablation and deep brain stimulation for OCD. Neuropsychopharmacology : Official Publication of the American College of Neuropsychopharmacology. 35: 317-36. PMID 19759530 DOI: 10.1038/Npp.2009.128  0.392
2010 Greenberg BD, Gabriels LA, Malone DA, Rezai AR, Friehs GM, Okun MS, Shapira NA, Foote KD, Cosyns PR, Kubu CS, Malloy PF, Salloway SP, Giftakis JE, Rise MT, Machado AG, et al. Deep brain stimulation of the ventral internal capsule/ventral striatum for obsessive-compulsive disorder: worldwide experience. Molecular Psychiatry. 15: 64-79. PMID 18490925 DOI: 10.1038/mp.2008.55  0.38
2009 Taub A, Lopes AC, Fuentes D, D'Alcante CC, de Mathis ME, Canteras MM, Siviero M, Greenberg BD, Norén G, Batistuzzo M, Hoexter MQ, Cecílio S, Savage C, Rasmussen S, Miguel EC. Neuropsychological outcome of ventral capsular/ventral striatal gamma capsulotomy for refractory obsessive-compulsive disorder: a pilot study. The Journal of Neuropsychiatry and Clinical Neurosciences. 21: 393-7. PMID 19996247 DOI: 10.1176/Jnp.2009.21.4.393  0.317
2009 Lopes AC, Greenberg BD, Norén G, Canteras MM, Busatto GF, de Mathis ME, Taub A, D'Alcante CC, Hoexter MQ, Gouvea FS, Cecconi JP, Gentil AF, Ferrão YA, Fuentes D, de Castro CC, et al. Treatment of resistant obsessive-compulsive disorder with ventral capsular/ventral striatal gamma capsulotomy: a pilot prospective study. The Journal of Neuropsychiatry and Clinical Neurosciences. 21: 381-92. PMID 19996246 DOI: 10.1176/Appi.Neuropsych.21.4.381  0.373
2009 Machado A, Haber S, Sears N, Greenberg B, Malone D, Rezai A. Functional topography of the ventral striatum and anterior limb of the internal capsule determined by electrical stimulation of awake patients. Clinical Neurophysiology : Official Journal of the International Federation of Clinical Neurophysiology. 120: 1941-8. PMID 19781987 DOI: 10.1016/J.Clinph.2009.05.030  0.351
2009 Rabins P, Appleby BS, Brandt J, DeLong MR, Dunn LB, Gabriëls L, Greenberg BD, Haber SN, Holtzheimer PE, Mari Z, Mayberg HS, McCann E, Mink SP, Rasmussen S, Schlaepfer TE, et al. Scientific and ethical issues related to deep brain stimulation for disorders of mood, behavior, and thought. Archives of General Psychiatry. 66: 931-7. PMID 19736349 DOI: 10.1001/Archgenpsychiatry.2009.113  0.393
2009 Read CN, Greenberg BD. Psychiatric neurosurgery 2009: review and perspective. Seminars in Neurology. 29: 256-65. PMID 19551602 DOI: 10.1055/S-0029-1223879  0.37
2009 Bienvenu OJ, Wang Y, Shugart YY, Welch JM, Grados MA, Fyer AJ, Rauch SL, McCracken JT, Rasmussen SA, Murphy DL, Cullen B, Valle D, Hoehn-Saric R, Greenberg BD, Pinto A, et al. Sapap3 and pathological grooming in humans: Results from the OCD collaborative genetics study. American Journal of Medical Genetics. Part B, Neuropsychiatric Genetics : the Official Publication of the International Society of Psychiatric Genetics. 150: 710-20. PMID 19051237 DOI: 10.1002/Ajmg.B.30897  0.319
2009 Nestadt G, Di CZ, Riddle MA, Grados MA, Greenberg BD, Fyer AJ, McCracken JT, Rauch SL, Murphy DL, Rasmussen SA, Cullen B, Pinto A, Knowles JA, Piacentini J, Pauls DL, et al. Obsessive-compulsive disorder: subclassification based on co-morbidity. Psychological Medicine. 39: 1491-501. PMID 19046474 DOI: 10.1017/S0033291708004753  0.364
2009 Malone DA, Dougherty DD, Rezai AR, Carpenter LL, Friehs GM, Eskandar EN, Rauch SL, Rasmussen SA, Machado AG, Kubu CS, Tyrka AR, Price LH, Stypulkowski PH, Giftakis JE, Rise MT, ... ... Greenberg BD, et al. Deep brain stimulation of the ventral capsule/ventral striatum for treatment-resistant depression. Biological Psychiatry. 65: 267-75. PMID 18842257 DOI: 10.1016/J.Biopsych.2008.08.029  0.304
2009 Greenberg BD. Deep Brain Stimulation for Highly Refractory Depression Neuromodulation. 2: 689-701. DOI: 10.1016/B978-0-12-374248-3.00057-4  0.338
2008 Cecconi JP, Lopes AC, Duran FL, Santos LC, Hoexter MQ, Gentil AF, Canteras MM, Castro CC, Norén G, Greenberg BD, Rauch SL, Busatto GF, Miguel EC. Gamma ventral capsulotomy for treatment of resistant obsessive-compulsive disorder: a structural MRI pilot prospective study. Neuroscience Letters. 447: 138-42. PMID 18835422 DOI: 10.1016/J.Neulet.2008.09.061  0.366
2008 Samuels JF, Bienvenu OJ, Pinto A, Murphy DL, Piacentini J, Rauch SL, Fyer AJ, Grados MA, Greenberg BD, Knowles JA, McCracken JT, Cullen B, Riddle MA, Rasmussen SA, Pauls DL, et al. Sex-specific clinical correlates of hoarding in obsessive-compulsive disorder. Behaviour Research and Therapy. 46: 1040-6. PMID 18692168 DOI: 10.1016/J.Brat.2008.06.005  0.327
2008 Greenberg BD, Askland KD, Carpenter LL. The evolution of deep brain stimulation for neuropsychiatric disorders. Frontiers in Bioscience : a Journal and Virtual Library. 13: 4638-48. PMID 18508535 DOI: 10.2741/3029  0.414
2008 Mancebo MC, Greenberg B, Grant JE, Pinto A, Eisen JL, Dyck I, Rasmussen SA. Correlates of occupational disability in a clinical sample of obsessive-compulsive disorder. Comprehensive Psychiatry. 49: 43-50. PMID 18063040 DOI: 10.1016/J.Comppsych.2007.05.016  0.382
2008 Kopell BH, Greenberg BD. Anatomy and physiology of the basal ganglia: implications for DBS in psychiatry. Neuroscience and Biobehavioral Reviews. 32: 408-22. PMID 17854894 DOI: 10.1016/J.Neubiorev.2007.07.004  0.389
2008 Cullen B, Samuels JF, Pinto A, Fyer AJ, McCracken JT, Rauch SL, Murphy DL, Greenberg BD, Knowles JA, Piacentini J, Bienvenu OJ, Grados MA, Riddle MA, Rasmussen SA, Pauls DL, et al. Demographic and clinical characteristics associated with treatment status in family members with obsessive-compulsive disorder. Depression and Anxiety. 25: 218-24. PMID 17345603 DOI: 10.1002/Da.20293  0.353
2007 Ferrão YA, Diniz JB, Lopes AC, Shavitt RG, Greenberg B, Miguel E. Resistance and refractoriness in obsessive-compulsive disorder | Resistência e refratariedade no transtorno obsessivo-compulsivo Revista Brasileira De Psiquiatria. 29: S66-S76. PMID 18172943 DOI: 10.1590/S1516-44462006005000059  0.363
2007 Pinto A, Eisen JL, Mancebo MC, Greenberg BD, Stout RL, Rasmussen SA. Taboo thoughts and doubt/checking: a refinement of the factor structure for obsessive-compulsive disorder symptoms. Psychiatry Research. 151: 255-8. PMID 17368563 DOI: 10.1016/J.Psychres.2006.09.005  0.324
2007 Hasler G, Pinto A, Greenberg BD, Samuels J, Fyer AJ, Pauls D, Knowles JA, McCracken JT, Piacentini J, Riddle MA, Rauch SL, Rasmussen SA, Willour VL, Grados MA, Cullen B, et al. Familiality of factor analysis-derived YBOCS dimensions in OCD-affected sibling pairs from the OCD Collaborative Genetics Study. Biological Psychiatry. 61: 617-25. PMID 17027929 DOI: 10.1016/J.Biopsych.2006.05.040  0.316
2007 Samuels JF, Bienvenu OJ, Pinto A, Fyer AJ, McCracken JT, Rauch SL, Murphy DL, Grados MA, Greenberg BD, Knowles JA, Piacentini J, Cannistraro PA, Cullen B, Riddle MA, Rasmussen SA, et al. Hoarding in obsessive-compulsive disorder: results from the OCD Collaborative Genetics Study. Behaviour Research and Therapy. 45: 673-86. PMID 16824483 DOI: 10.1016/J.Brat.2006.05.008  0.373
2006 Mancebo MC, Eisen JL, Pinto A, Greenberg BD, Dyck IR, Rasmussen SA. The brown longitudinal obsessive compulsive study: treatments received and patient impressions of improvement. The Journal of Clinical Psychiatry. 67: 1713-20. PMID 17196050 DOI: 10.4088/Jcp.V67N1107  0.311
2006 Greenberg BD, Nuttin B, Rezai AR. Education and neuromodulation for psychiatric disorders: a perspective for practitioners. Neurosurgery. 59: 717-9. PMID 17038937 DOI: 10.1227/01.Neu.0000243349.97248.Aa  0.314
2006 Greenberg BD, Malone DA, Friehs GM, Rezai AR, Kubu CS, Malloy PF, Salloway SP, Okun MS, Goodman WK, Rasmussen SA. Three-year outcomes in deep brain stimulation for highly resistant obsessive-compulsive disorder. Neuropsychopharmacology : Official Publication of the American College of Neuropsychopharmacology. 31: 2384-93. PMID 16855529 DOI: 10.1038/Sj.Npp.1301165  0.371
2006 Rauch SL, Dougherty DD, Malone D, Rezai A, Friehs G, Fischman AJ, Alpert NM, Haber SN, Stypulkowski PH, Rise MT, Rasmussen SA, Greenberg BD. A functional neuroimaging investigation of deep brain stimulation in patients with obsessive-compulsive disorder. Journal of Neurosurgery. 104: 558-65. PMID 16619660 DOI: 10.3171/Jns.2006.104.4.558  0.379
2006 Samuels JF, Riddle MA, Greenberg BD, Fyer AJ, McCracken JT, Rauch SL, Murphy DL, Grados MA, Pinto A, Knowles JA, Piacentini J, Cannistraro PA, Cullen B, Bienvenu OJ, Rasmussen SA, et al. The OCD collaborative genetics study: methods and sample description. American Journal of Medical Genetics. Part B, Neuropsychiatric Genetics : the Official Publication of the International Society of Psychiatric Genetics. 141: 201-7. PMID 16511842 DOI: 10.1002/Ajmg.B.30224  0.368
2006 Shapira NA, Okun MS, Wint D, Foote KD, Byars JA, Bowers D, Springer US, Lang PJ, Greenberg BD, Haber SN, Goodman WK. Panic and fear induced by deep brain stimulation. Journal of Neurology, Neurosurgery, and Psychiatry. 77: 410-2. PMID 16484657 DOI: 10.1136/Jnnp.2005.069906  0.353
2006 Greenberg BD, Malone DA, Friehs GM, Rezai AR, Kubu CS, Malloy PF, Salloway SP, Okun MS, Goodman WK, Rasmussen SA. Erratum: Three-Year Outcomes in Deep Brain Stimulation for Highly Resistant Obsessive–Compulsive Disorder Neuropsychopharmacology. 31: 2394-2394. DOI: 10.1038/Sj.Npp.1301201  0.327
2005 Hasler G, LaSalle-Ricci VH, Ronquillo JG, Crawley SA, Cochran LW, Kazuba D, Greenberg BD, Murphy DL. Obsessive-compulsive disorder symptom dimensions show specific relationships to psychiatric comorbidity. Psychiatry Research. 135: 121-32. PMID 15893825 DOI: 10.1016/J.Psychres.2005.03.003  0.366
2004 Okun MS, Bowers D, Springer U, Shapira NA, Malone D, Rezai AR, Nuttin B, Heilman KM, Morecraft RJ, Rasmussen SA, Greenberg BD, Foote KD, Goodman WK. What's in a "smile?" Intra-operative observations of contralateral smiles induced by deep brain stimulation. Neurocase. 10: 271-9. PMID 15788264 DOI: 10.1080/13554790490507632  0.347
2004 Mosimann UP, Schmitt W, Greenberg BD, Kosel M, Müri RM, Berkhoff M, Hess CW, Fisch HU, Schlaepfer TE. Repetitive transcranial magnetic stimulation: a putative add-on treatment for major depression in elderly patients. Psychiatry Research. 126: 123-33. PMID 15123391 DOI: 10.1016/J.Psychres.2003.10.006  0.32
2004 Kopell BH, Greenberg B, Rezai AR. Deep brain stimulation for psychiatric disorders. Journal of Clinical Neurophysiology : Official Publication of the American Electroencephalographic Society. 21: 51-67. PMID 15097294 DOI: 10.1097/00006123-200208000-00044  0.413
2004 Malone DA, Greenberg BD, Rezai AR. The use of deep brain stimulation in psychiatric disorders Clinical Neuroscience Research. 4: 107-112. DOI: 10.1016/J.Cnr.2004.06.010  0.391
2003 Ozaki N, Goldman D, Kaye WH, Plotnicov K, Greenberg BD, Lappalainen J, Rudnick G, Murphy DL. Serotonin transporter missense mutation associated with a complex neuropsychiatric phenotype. Molecular Psychiatry. 8: 933-6. PMID 14593431 DOI: 10.1038/Sj.Mp.4001365  0.338
2003 Greenberg BD, Rezai AR. Mechanisms and the current state of deep brain stimulation in neuropsychiatry. Cns Spectrums. 8: 522-6. PMID 12894033 DOI: 10.1017/S109285290001899X  0.37
2003 George MS, Nahas Z, Lisanby SH, Schlaepfer T, Kozel FA, Greenberg BD. Transcranial magnetic stimulation. Neurosurgery Clinics of North America. 14: 283-301. PMID 12856495 DOI: 10.1016/S1042-3680(02)00120-1  0.318
2003 Greenberg BD, Price LH, Rauch SL, Friehs G, Noren G, Malone D, Carpenter LL, Rezai AR, Rasmussen SA. Neurosurgery for intractable obsessive-compulsive disorder and depression: critical issues. Neurosurgery Clinics of North America. 14: 199-212. PMID 12856488 DOI: 10.1016/S1042-3680(03)00005-6  0.391
2003 Nuttin B, Gybels J, Cosyns P, Gabriels L, Meyerson B, Andreewitch S, Rasmussen SA, Greenberg B, Friehs G, Rezai AR, Montgomery E, Malone D, Fins JJ. Deep brain stimulation for psychiatric disorders. Neurosurgery Clinics of North America. 14: xv-xvi. PMID 12856486 DOI: 10.1016/S1042-3680(03)00007-X  0.4
2002 Greenberg BD. Update on deep brain stimulation. The Journal of Ect. 18: 193-6. PMID 12468994 DOI: 10.1097/00124509-200212000-00005  0.378
2001 Hoehn-Saric R, Schlaepfer TE, Greenberg BD, McLeod DR, Pearlson GD, Wong SH. Cerebral blood flow in obsessive-compulsive patients with major depression: effect of treatment with sertraline or desipramine on treatment responders and non-responders. Psychiatry Research. 108: 89-100. PMID 11738543 DOI: 10.1016/S0925-4927(01)00114-7  0.308
2001 Wassermann EM, Greenberg BD, Nguyen MB, Murphy DL. Motor cortex excitability correlates with an anxiety-related personality trait. Biological Psychiatry. 50: 377-82. PMID 11543742 DOI: 10.1016/S0006-3223(01)01210-0  0.337
2001 Enoch MA, Greenberg BD, Murphy DL, Goldman D. Sexually dimorphic relationship of a 5-HT2A promoter polymorphism with obsessive-compulsive disorder. Biological Psychiatry. 49: 385-8. PMID 11239910 DOI: 10.1016/S0006-3223(00)01040-4  0.335
2000 Greenberg BD, Murphy DL, Rasmussen SA. Neuroanatomically based approaches to obsessive-compulsive disorder. Neurosurgery and transcranial magnetic stimulation. The Psychiatric Clinics of North America. 23: 671-86, xii. PMID 10986735 DOI: 10.1016/S0193-953X(05)70188-X  0.408
2000 Greenberg BD, Ziemann U, Corá-Locatelli G, Harmon A, Murphy DL, Keel JC, Wassermann EM. Altered cortical excitability in obsessive-compulsive disorder. Neurology. 54: 142-7. PMID 10636140 DOI: 10.1212/Wnl.54.1.142  0.381
2000 Rasmussen S, Greenberg B, Mindus P, Friehs G, Noren G. Neurosurgical approaches to intractable obsessive-compulsive disorder Cns Spectrums. 5: 23-34. DOI: 10.1017/S1092852900021891  0.328
1999 Padberg F, Zwanzger P, Thoma H, Kathmann N, Haag C, Greenberg BD, Hampel H, Möller HJ. Repetitive transcranial magnetic stimulation (rTMS) in pharmacotherapy-refractory major depression: comparative study of fast, slow and sham rTMS. Psychiatry Research. 88: 163-71. PMID 10622338 DOI: 10.1016/S0165-1781(99)00092-X  0.316
1999 Bengel D, Greenberg BD, Corá-Locatelli G, Altemus M, Heils A, Li Q, Murphy DL. Association of the serotonin transporter promoter regulatory region polymorphism and obsessive-compulsive disorder. Molecular Psychiatry. 4: 463-6. PMID 10523819 DOI: 10.1038/Sj.Mp.4000550  0.346
1999 Altemus M, Greenberg BD, Keuler D, Jacobson KR, Murphy DL. Open trial of flutamide for treatment of obsessive-compulsive disorder. The Journal of Clinical Psychiatry. 60: 442-5. PMID 10453797 DOI: 10.4088/Jcp.V60N0704  0.322
1999 Rauch SL, Benkelfat C, Dager SR, Greenberg BD, Hendler T, Hollander E, Laruelle M, Rosenberg DR, Saxena S, Zohar J, Baxter L.R. J. Neuroimaging research and neurocircuitry models of obsessive-compulsive disorder: Proceedings of the Third IOCDC Cns Spectrums. 4: 25-34. DOI: 10.1017/S1092852900007392  0.343
1998 Greenberg BD, Benjamin J, Martin JD, Keuler D, Huang SJ, Altemus M, Murphy DL. Delayed obsessive-compulsive disorder symptom exacerbation after a single dose of a serotonin antagonist in fluoxetine-treated but not untreated patients. Psychopharmacology. 140: 434-44. PMID 9888619 DOI: 10.1007/S002130050787  0.347
1998 Corá-Locatelli G, Greenberg BD, Martin J, Murphy DL. Gabapentin augmentation for fluoxetine-treated patients with obsessive-compulsive disorder. The Journal of Clinical Psychiatry. 59: 480-1. PMID 9771822 DOI: 10.4088/Jcp.V59N0907D  0.363
1998 Greenberg BD, Murphy DL, Swedo SE. Symptom exacerbation of vocal tics and other symptoms associated with streptococcal pharyngitis in a patient with obsessive-compulsive disorder and tics. The American Journal of Psychiatry. 155: 1459-60. PMID 9766784 DOI: 10.1176/Ajp.155.10.1459  0.325
1998 Greenberg BD, Ziemann U, Harmon A, Murphy DL, Wassermann EM. Decreased neuronal inhibition in cerebral cortex in obsessive-compulsive disorder on transcranial magnetic stimulation. Lancet. 352: 881-2. PMID 9742988 DOI: 10.1016/S0140-6736(05)60009-8  0.349
1998 Greenberg BD, McMahon FJ, Murphy DL. Serotonin transporter candidate gene studies in affective disorders and personality: promises and potential pitfalls. Molecular Psychiatry. 3: 186-9. PMID 9672885 DOI: 10.1038/Sj.Mp.4000415  0.322
1998 Enoch MA, Kaye WH, Rotondo A, Greenberg BD, Murphy DL, Goldman D. 5-HT2A promoter polymorphism -1438G/A, anorexia nervosa, and obsessive-compulsive disorder. Lancet. 351: 1785-6. PMID 9635956 DOI: 10.1016/S0140-6736(05)78746-8  0.317
1998 Greenberg BD, Corá-Locatelli G, Wassermann EM, Ziemann U, Murphy DL. Transcranial Magnetic Stimulation as a Probe and Potential Treatment in Obsessive-Compulsive Disorder Cns Spectrums. 3: 30-32. DOI: 10.1017/S1092852900007197  0.364
1997 George MS, Wassermann EM, Kimbrell TA, Little JT, Williams WE, Danielson AL, Greenberg BD, Hallett M, Post RM. Mood improvement following daily left prefrontal repetitive transcranial magnetic stimulation in patients with depression: a placebo-controlled crossover trial. The American Journal of Psychiatry. 154: 1752-6. PMID 9396958 DOI: 10.1176/Ajp.154.12.1752  0.326
1997 Greenberg BD, George MS, Martin JD, Benjamin J, Schlaepfer TE, Altemus M, Wassermann EM, Post RM, Murphy DL. Effect of prefrontal repetitive transcranial magnetic stimulation in obsessive-compulsive disorder: a preliminary study. The American Journal of Psychiatry. 154: 867-9. PMID 9167520 DOI: 10.1176/Ajp.154.6.867  0.381
1997 Greenberg BD, Altemus M, Murphy DL. The role of neurotransmitters and neurohormones in obsessive-compulsive disorder International Review of Psychiatry. 9: 31-44. DOI: 10.1080/09540269775574  0.326
1997 Hoehn-Saric R, Greenberg BD. Psychobiology of obsessive-compulsive disorder: Anatomical and physiological considerations International Review of Psychiatry. 9: 15-29. DOI: 10.1080/09540269775565  0.362
1997 Greenberg BD, McCann UD, Benjamin J, Murphy DL. Repetitive TMS as a probe in anxiety disorders: Theoretical considerations and case reports Cns Spectrums. 2: 47-52. DOI: 10.1017/S109285290000448X  0.407
1997 Rubinow D, Schmidt P, Zhang L, Roca C, Su T, Greenberg B, Murphy D. Gonadal steroids and serotonin: Development and treatment of mood disorders Biological Psychiatry. 42: 6S. DOI: 10.1016/S0006-3223(97)86889-8  0.352
1996 Michelson D, Altemus M, Galliven E, Hill L, Greenberg BD, Gold P. Naloxone-induced pituitary-adrenal activation does not differ in patients with depression, obsessive compulsive disorder, and healthy controls. Neuropsychopharmacology : Official Publication of the American College of Neuropsychopharmacology. 15: 207-12. PMID 8840357 DOI: 10.1016/0893-133X(95)00210-5  0.301
1996 Altemus M, Murphy DL, Greenberg B, Lesch KP. Intact coding region of the serotonin transporter gene in obsessive-compulsive disorder. American Journal of Medical Genetics. 67: 409-11. PMID 8837711 DOI: 10.1002/(Sici)1096-8628(19960726)67:4<409::Aid-Ajmg16>3.0.Co;2-N  0.339
1996 Keuler DJ, Altemus M, Michelson D, Greenberg B, Murphy DL. Behavioral effects of naloxone infusion in obsessive-compulsive disorder. Biological Psychiatry. 40: 154-6. PMID 8793049 DOI: 10.1016/0006-3223(95)00632-X  0.339
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