Sascha D. Hein - Publications

Psychological, Health and Learning Sciences University of Houston, Houston, TX, United States 

33 high-probability publications. We are testing a new system for linking publications to authors. You can help! If you notice any inaccuracies, please sign in and mark papers as correct or incorrect matches. If you identify any major omissions or other inaccuracies in the publication list, please let us know.

Year Citation  Score
2020 Britto PR, Hanöz-Penney S, Ponguta LA, Sunar D, Issa G, Hein SD, do Rosário MC, Almuneef MA, Korucu I, Togo Y, Kurbonov J, Choibekov N, Phan HTT, Fallon NS, Artukoğlu BB, et al. Pathways to a more peaceful and sustainable world: The transformative power of children in families. Development and Psychopathology. 1-12. PMID 32935656 DOI: 10.1017/S0954579420000681  0.337
2020 Slaughter AM, Hein S, Hong JH, Mire SS, Grigorenko EL. Correction to: Criminal Behavior and School Discipline in Juvenile Justice-Involved Youth with Autism. Journal of Autism and Developmental Disorders. PMID 32248326 DOI: 10.1007/S10803-020-04454-Y  0.72
2020 Hein S, Bick J, Issa G, Aoude L, Maalouf C, Awar A, Nourallah S, Zonderman AL, Householder S, Katsovich L, Khoshnood K, Moore C, Salah R, Britto PR, Leckman JF, et al. Maternal perceptions of father involvement among refugee and disadvantaged families in Beirut, Lebanon. Plos One. 15: e0229670. PMID 32134961 DOI: 10.1371/Journal.Pone.0229670  0.338
2020 Rangel VS, Hein S, Rotramel C, Marquez B. A Researcher–Practitioner Agenda for Studying and Supporting Youth Reentering School After Involvement in the Juvenile Justice System: Educational Researcher. 49: 212-219. DOI: 10.3102/0013189X20909822  0.365
2020 Hong JH, Hein S, Slaughter AM, Foley Geib C, Gopalakrishnan A, Grigorenko EL. The Roles of Race, Ethnicity, Gender, and Mental Health in Predicting Truancy Recidivism Criminal Justice and Behavior. 47: 649-667. DOI: 10.1177/0093854820910185  0.703
2019 Slaughter AM, Hein S, Hong JH, Mire SS, Grigorenko EL. Criminal Behavior and School Discipline in Juvenile Justice-Involved Youth with Autism. Journal of Autism and Developmental Disorders. PMID 30734178 DOI: 10.1007/S10803-019-03883-8  0.725
2019 Li N, Hein S. Parenting, Autonomy in Learning, and Development During Adolescence in China. New Directions For Child and Adolescent Development. 2019: 67-80. PMID 30615264 DOI: 10.1002/Cad.20272  0.32
2018 Hein S, Stone L, Tan M, Barbot B, Luthar SS, Grigorenko EL. Child internalizing problems and mother-child discrepancies in maternal rejection: Evidence for bidirectional associations. Journal of Family Psychology : Jfp : Journal of the Division of Family Psychology of the American Psychological Association (Division 43). 32: 229-239. PMID 29658760 DOI: 10.1037/Fam0000358  0.323
2017 Hein S, Barbot B, Square A, Chapman J, Geib CF, Grigorenko EL. Violent Offending Among Juveniles: A 7-year Longitudinal Study of Recidivism, Desistance, and Associations With Mental Health. Law and Human Behavior. PMID 28383985 DOI: 10.1037/Lhb0000241  0.319
2017 Hein S, Tan M, Rakhlin N, Doyle N, Hart L, Macomber D, Ruchkin V, Grigorenko EL. Psychological and Sociocultural Adaptation of Children Adopted from Russia and their Associations with Pre-Adoption Risk Factors and Parenting Journal of Child and Family Studies. 26: 2669-2680. DOI: 10.1007/S10826-017-0782-9  0.381
2016 Hein S, Röder M, Fingerle M. The role of emotion regulation in situational empathy-related responding and prosocial behaviour in the presence of negative affect. International Journal of Psychology : Journal International De Psychologie. PMID 27978597 DOI: 10.1002/Ijop.12405  0.736
2016 Hein S, Tan M, Reich J, Thuma PE, Grigorenko EL. School effects on non-verbal intelligence and nutritional status in rural Zambia. Learning and Individual Differences. 46: 25-37. PMID 27175053 DOI: 10.1016/J.Lindif.2015.04.004  0.361
2016 Rakhlin N, Hein S, Doyle N, Hart L, Koposov R, Macomber D, Ruchkin V, Strelina A, Tan M, Grigorenko EL. Sources of Heterogeneity in Developmental Outcomes of Children With Past and Current Experiences of Institutionalization in Russia: A Four-Group Comparison. The American Journal of Orthopsychiatry. PMID 27078048 DOI: 10.1037/Ort0000146  0.343
2016 Naumova OY, Hein S, Suderman M, Barbot B, Lee M, Raefski A, Dobrynin PV, Brown PJ, Szyf M, Luthar SS, Grigorenko EL. Epigenetic Patterns Modulate the Connection Between Developmental Dynamics of Parenting and Offspring Psychosocial Adjustment. Child Development. 87: 98-110. PMID 26822446 DOI: 10.1111/Cdev.12485  0.302
2016 Mourgues CV, Hein S, Tan M, Iii RD, Grigorenko EL. The Role of noncognitive factors in predicting academic trajectories of high school students in a selective private school European Journal of Psychological Assessment. 32: 84-94. DOI: 10.1027/1015-5759/A000332  0.323
2015 Rakhlin N, Hein S, Doyle N, Hart L, Macomber D, Ruchkin V, Tan M, Grigorenko EL. Language development of internationally adopted children: Adverse early experiences outweigh the age of acquisition effect. Journal of Communication Disorders. PMID 26385197 DOI: 10.1016/J.Jcomdis.2015.08.003  0.311
2015 Tan M, Mourgues C, Hein S, MacCormick J, Barbot B, Grigorenko E. Differences in Judgments of Creativity: How Do Academic Domain, Personality, and Self-Reported Creativity Influence Novice Judges’ Evaluations of Creative Productions? Journal of Intelligence. 3: 73-90. DOI: 10.3390/Jintelligence3030073  0.311
2015 Hein S, Tan M, Aljughaiman A, Grigorenko EL. Gender differences and school influences with respect to three indicators of general intelligence: Evidence from Saudi Arabia Journal of Educational Psychology. 107: 486-501. DOI: 10.1037/A0037519  0.397
2015 Röder M, Hein S, Fingerle M. The Child Attachment Interview: Application in a German-Speaking Sample and its Correlations With Personality and Aggression Child Indicators Research. 8: 789-799. DOI: 10.1007/S12187-014-9273-3  0.748
2014 Barbot B, Hein S, Luthar SS, Grigorenko EL. Capturing Age-group Differences and Developmental Change with the BASC Parent Rating Scales. Journal of Applied Developmental Psychology. 35: 294-303. PMID 25045196 DOI: 10.1016/J.Appdev.2014.04.003  0.321
2014 Graf FA, Röder M, Hein S, Müller AR, Ganzorig O. Cultural Influences on Socialization Goals and Parenting Behaviors of Mongolian Parents Journal of Cross-Cultural Psychology. 45: 1317-1327. DOI: 10.1177/0022022114537702  0.306
2014 Hein S, Tan M, Aljughaiman A, Grigorenko EL. Characteristics of the home context for the nurturing of gifted children in Saudi Arabia High Ability Studies. 25: 23-33. DOI: 10.1080/13598139.2014.906970  0.374
2014 Mourgues CV, Tan M, Hein S, Al-Harbi K, Aljughaiman A, Grigorenko EL. The relationship between analytical and creative cognitive skills from middle childhood to adolescence: Testing the threshold theory in the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia Learning and Individual Differences. DOI: 10.1016/J.Lindif.2015.05.005  0.32
2014 Graf FA, Grumm M, Hein S, Fingerle M. Improving Parental Competencies: Subjectively Perceived Usefulness of a Parent Training Matters Journal of Child and Family Studies. 23: 20-28. DOI: 10.1007/S10826-012-9682-1  0.721
2013 Reich J, Hein S, Krivulskaya S, Hart L, Gumkowski N, Grigorenko EL. Associations between household responsibilities and academic competencies in the context of education accessibility in Zambia. Learning and Individual Differences. 27. PMID 24347996 DOI: 10.1016/J.Lindif.2013.02.005  0.433
2013 Grumm M, Hein S, Fingerle M. Schulische Präventionsprogramme. Eine Onlinebefragung an hessischen Grundschulen zu Nutzung und Beurteilung Psychologie in Erziehung Und Unterricht. 60: 81-93. DOI: 10.2378/Peu2013.Art07D  0.698
2013 Grumm M, Hein S. Correlates of teachers' ways of handling bullying School Psychology International. 34: 299-312. DOI: 10.1177/0143034312461467  0.404
2013 Grumm M, Hein S, Fingerle M. Measuring acceptance of prevention programmes in children European Journal of Developmental Psychology. 10: 410-416. DOI: 10.1080/17405629.2012.707311  0.754
2013 Grumm M, Hein S, Fingerle M. Improving prevention programs: first results on the relation between subjectively perceived levels of usefulness and social competencies European Journal of Psychology of Education. 28: 121-131. DOI: 10.1007/S10212-012-0105-X  0.743
2012 Grumm M, Hein S, Fingerle M. Children's Subjective Perceptions of an Aggression Prevention Program International Journal of Developmental Science. 6: 97-106. DOI: 10.3233/Dev-2012-11071  0.734
2012 Graf FA, Grumm M, Hein S, Fingerle M. Elterliches Kompetenzgefühl als Mediator zwischen wahrgenommenem kindlichen Problemverhalten und Erwartungen an ein Elterntraining Kindheit Und Entwicklung. 21: 114-121. DOI: 10.1026/0942-5403/A000070  0.697
2011 Grumm M, Hein S, Fingerle M. Predicting Aggressive Behavior in Children with the Help of Measures of Implicit and Explicit Aggression. International Journal of Behavioral Development. 35: 352-357. DOI: 10.1177/0165025411405955  0.758
2011 Hein S, Grumm M, Fingerle M. Is contact with people with disabilities a guarantee for positive implicit and explicit attitudes European Journal of Special Needs Education. 26: 509-522. DOI: 10.1080/08856257.2011.597192  0.721
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