Andrew J Murray - Publications

Sainsbury Wellcome Centre, UCL 
Motor control, vestibular system, posture, balance, viral technologu

21 high-probability publications. We are testing a new system for linking publications to authors. You can help! If you notice any inaccuracies, please sign in and mark papers as correct or incorrect matches. If you identify any major omissions or other inaccuracies in the publication list, please let us know.

Year Citation  Score
2023 Witts EC, Mathews MA, Murray AJ. The locus coeruleus directs sensory-motor reflex amplitude across environmental contexts. Current Biology : Cb. PMID 37741282 DOI: 10.1016/j.cub.2023.08.085  0.71
2022 Ronzano R, Skarlatou S, Barriga BK, Bannatyne BA, Bhumbra GS, Foster JD, Moore JD, Lancelin C, Pocratsky AM, Özyurt MG, Smith CC, Todd AJ, Maxwell DJ, Murray AJ, Pfaff SL, et al. Spinal premotor interneurons controlling antagonistic muscles are spatially intermingled. Elife. 11. PMID 36512397 DOI: 10.7554/eLife.81976  0.726
2022 Chalif JI, Martínez-Silva ML, Pagiazitis JG, Murray AJ, Mentis GZ. Control of mammalian locomotion by ventral spinocerebellar tract neurons. Cell. 185: 328-344.e26. PMID 35063074 DOI: 10.1016/j.cell.2021.12.014  0.346
2020 Mitrevica Z, Murray AJ. Orienting Movements: Brainstem Neurons at the Wheel. Current Biology : Cb. 30: R1418-R1420. PMID 33290707 DOI: 10.1016/j.cub.2020.09.060  0.371
2020 Obata Y, Castaño Á, Boeing S, Bon-Frauches AC, Fung C, Fallesen T, de Agüero MG, Yilmaz B, Lopes R, Huseynova A, Horswell S, Maradana MR, Boesmans W, Vanden Berghe P, Murray AJ, et al. Neuronal programming by microbiota regulates intestinal physiology. Nature. PMID 32025031 DOI: 10.1038/S41586-020-1975-8  0.378
2019 Witts EC, Murray AJ. Vestibulospinal contributions to mammalian locomotion Current Opinion in Physiology. 8: 56-62. DOI: 10.1016/J.Cophys.2018.12.010  0.715
2018 Murray AJ. Rabies on the Brain. Scientific American. 319: 68-73. PMID 30273305 DOI: 10.1038/Scientificamerican1018-68  0.328
2018 Mayer WP, Murray AJ, Brenner-Morton S, Jessell TM, Tourtellotte WG, Akay T. Role of muscle spindle feedback in regulating muscle activity strength during walking at different speed in mice. Journal of Neurophysiology. PMID 30133381 DOI: 10.1152/Jn.00250.2018  0.499
2018 Mathews MA, Camp AJ, Murray AJ. Corrigendum: Reviewing the Role of the Efferent Vestibular System in Motor and Vestibular Circuits. Frontiers in Physiology. 9: 687. PMID 29875704 DOI: 10.3389/Fphys.2018.00687  0.33
2018 Murray AJ, Croce K, Belton T, Akay T, Jessell TM. Balance Control Mediated by Vestibular Circuits Directing Limb Extension or Antagonist Muscle Co-activation. Cell Reports. 22: 1325-1338. PMID 29386118 DOI: 10.1016/J.Celrep.2018.01.009  0.584
2017 Mathews MA, Camp AJ, Murray AJ. Reviewing the Role of the Efferent Vestibular System in Motor and Vestibular Circuits. Frontiers in Physiology. 8: 552. PMID 28824449 DOI: 10.3389/Fphys.2017.00552  0.388
2017 Hernandez-Miranda LR, Ruffault PL, Bouvier JC, Murray AJ, Morin-Surun MP, Zampieri N, Cholewa-Waclaw JB, Ey E, Brunet JF, Champagnat J, Fortin G, Birchmeier C. Genetic identification of a hindbrain nucleus essential for innate vocalization. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America. PMID 28698373 DOI: 10.1073/Pnas.1702893114  0.686
2016 Reardon TR, Murray AJ, Turi GF, Wirblich C, Croce KR, Schnell MJ, Jessell TM, Losonczy A. Rabies Virus CVS-N2c(ΔG) Strain Enhances Retrograde Synaptic Transfer and Neuronal Viability. Neuron. PMID 26804990 DOI: 10.1016/J.Neuron.2016.01.004  0.713
2015 Murray AJ, Woloszynowska-Fraser MU, Ansel-Bollepalli L, Cole KL, Foggetti A, Crouch B, Riedel G, Wulff P. Parvalbumin-positive interneurons of the prefrontal cortex support working memory and cognitive flexibility. Scientific Reports. 5: 16778. PMID 26608841 DOI: 10.1038/Srep16778  0.6
2015 Mathews MA, Murray A, Wijesinghe R, Cullen K, Tung VW, Camp AJ. Efferent Vestibular Neurons Show Homogenous Discharge Output But Heterogeneous Synaptic Input Profile In Vitro. Plos One. 10: e0139548. PMID 26422206 DOI: 10.1371/Journal.Pone.0139548  0.44
2014 Zampieri N, Jessell TM, Murray AJ. Mapping sensory circuits by anterograde transsynaptic transfer of recombinant rabies virus. Neuron. 81: 766-78. PMID 24486087 DOI: 10.1016/J.Neuron.2013.12.033  0.698
2012 Murray AJ, Peace AG, Tucker SJ, Shewan DA. Mammalian growth cone turning assays identify distinct cell signalling mechanisms that underlie axon growth, guidance and regeneration. Methods in Molecular Biology (Clifton, N.J.). 846: 167-78. PMID 22367810 DOI: 10.1007/978-1-61779-536-7_15  0.306
2011 McClure C, Cole KL, Wulff P, Klugmann M, Murray AJ. Production and titering of recombinant adeno-associated viral vectors. Journal of Visualized Experiments : Jove. e3348. PMID 22143312 DOI: 10.3791/3348  0.586
2011 Murray AJ, Sauer JF, Riedel G, McClure C, Ansel L, Cheyne L, Bartos M, Wisden W, Wulff P. Parvalbumin-positive CA1 interneurons are required for spatial working but not for reference memory. Nature Neuroscience. 14: 297-9. PMID 21278730 DOI: 10.1038/Nn.2751  0.656
2009 Wisden W, Murray AJ, McClure C, Wulff P. Studying Cerebellar Circuits by Remote Control of Selected Neuronal Types with GABA(A) Receptors. Frontiers in Molecular Neuroscience. 2: 29. PMID 20076763 DOI: 10.3389/Neuro.02.029.2009  0.679
2008 Murray AJ, Shewan DA. Epac mediates cyclic AMP-dependent axon growth, guidance and regeneration. Molecular and Cellular Neurosciences. 38: 578-88. PMID 18583150 DOI: 10.1016/J.Mcn.2008.05.006  0.318
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