Monica Manglani - Publications

2015- National Institutes of Health-NINDS 

11 high-probability publications. We are testing a new system for linking publications to authors. You can help! If you notice any inaccuracies, please sign in and mark papers as correct or incorrect matches. If you identify any major omissions or other inaccuracies in the publication list, please let us know.

Year Citation  Score
2022 Rebejac J, Eme-Scolan E, Arnaud Paroutaud L, Kharbouche S, Teleman M, Spinelli L, Gallo E, Roussel-Queval A, Zarubica A, Sansoni A, Bardin Q, Hoest P, Michallet MC, Brousse C, Crozat K, ... Manglani M, et al. Meningeal macrophages protect against viral neuroinfection. Immunity. 55: 2103-2117.e10. PMID 36323311 DOI: 10.1016/j.immuni.2022.10.005  0.561
2021 Vezina A, Manglani M, Morris D, Foster B, McCord M, Song H, Zhang M, Davis D, Zhang W, Bills J, Nagashima K, Shankarappa P, Kindrick J, Walbridge S, Peer CJ, et al. Adenosine A2A receptor activation enhances blood-tumor barrier permeability in a rodent glioma model. Molecular Cancer Research : McR. PMID 34521765 DOI: 10.1158/1541-7786.MCR-19-0995  0.502
2019 Riggle BA, Manglani M, Maric D, Johnson KR, Lee MH, Lopes Abath Neto O, Taylor TE, Seydel KB, Nath A, Miller LH, McGavern DB, Pierce SK. CD8+ T cells target cerebrovasculature in children with cerebral malaria. The Journal of Clinical Investigation. PMID 31821175 DOI: 10.1172/Jci133474  0.548
2019 Manglani M, Rua R, Hendricksen A, Braunschweig D, Gao Q, Tan W, Houser B, McGavern DB, Oh K. Method to Quantify Cytokines and Chemokines in Mouse Brain Tissue Using Bio-Plex Multiplex Immunoassays. Methods (San Diego, Calif.). PMID 30742997 DOI: 10.1016/J.Ymeth.2019.02.007  0.667
2018 Manglani M, Gossa S, McGavern DB. Leukocyte Isolation from Brain, Spinal Cord, and Meninges for Flow Cytometric Analysis. Current Protocols in Immunology. 121: e44. PMID 30040211 DOI: 10.1002/Cpim.44  0.518
2018 Manglani M, McGavern DB. Intravital Imaging of Neuroimmune Interactions Through a Thinned Skull. Current Protocols in Immunology. 120: 24.2.1-24.2.12. PMID 29512146 DOI: 10.1002/Cpim.46  0.523
2018 Manglani M, McGavern DB. New advances in CNS immunity against viral infection. Current Opinion in Virology. 28: 116-126. PMID 29289900 DOI: 10.1016/J.Coviro.2017.12.003  0.588
2016 Wu T, Ji Y, Moseman EA, Xu HC, Manglani M, Kirby M, Anderson SM, Handon R, Kenyon E, Elkahloun A, Wu W, Lang PA, Gattinoni L, McGavern DB, Schwartzberg PL. The TCF1-Bcl6 axis counteracts type I interferon to repress exhaustion and maintain T cell stemness. Science Immunology. 1. PMID 28018990 DOI: 10.1126/Sciimmunol.Aai8593  0.675
2016 Gabel LA, Manglani M, Escalona N, Cysner J, Hamilton R, Pfaffmann J, Johnson E. Translating dyslexia across species. Annals of Dyslexia. PMID 27013331 DOI: 10.1007/S11881-016-0125-3  0.63
2013 Gabel LA, Manglani M, Ibanez N, Roberts J, Ramos RL, Rosen GD. Differential seizure response in two models of cortical heterotopia. Brain Research. 1494: 84-90. PMID 23201443 DOI: 10.1016/J.Brainres.2012.11.040  0.626
2011 Gabel LA, Marin I, LoTurco JJ, Che A, Murphy C, Manglani M, Kass S. Mutation of the dyslexia-associated gene Dcdc2 impairs LTM and visuo-spatial performance in mice. Genes, Brain, and Behavior. 10: 868-75. PMID 21883923 DOI: 10.1111/J.1601-183X.2011.00727.X  0.631
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