Machteld A. Ouwens, Ph.D. - Publications

2005 Radboud University Nijmegen, Nijmegen, Gelderland, Netherlands 

18 high-probability publications. We are testing a new system for linking publications to authors. You can help! If you notice any inaccuracies, please sign in and mark papers as correct or incorrect matches. If you identify any major omissions or other inaccuracies in the publication list, please let us know.

Year Citation  Score
2020 Strien Tv, Konttinen HM, Ouwens MA, Laar FAvd, Winkens LHH. Mediation of emotional and external eating between dieting and food intake or BMI gain in women Appetite. 145: 104493. PMID 31626834 DOI: 10.1016/J.Appet.2019.104493  0.366
2019 Khasho DA, Alphen SPJv, Heijnen-Kohl SMJ, Ouwens MA, Arntz A, Videler AC. The effectiveness of individual schema therapy in older adults with borderline personality disorder : Protocol of a multiple-baseline study Contemporary Clinical Trials Communications. 14: 100330. PMID 30775612 DOI: 10.1016/J.Conctc.2019.100330  0.315
2019 Höppener MM, Larsen JK, Strien Tv, Ouwens MA, Winkens LHH, Eisinga R. Depressive symptoms and emotional eating: Mediated by mindfulness? Mindfulness. 10: 670-678. DOI: 10.1007/S12671-018-1002-4  0.367
2018 Klein AM, Bakens R, van Niekerk RE, Ouwens MA, Rapee RM, Bögels SM, Becker ES, Rinck M. The relation between generalized anxiety disorder symptoms and content-specific interpretation biases for auditory stimuli in children. Journal of Behavior Therapy and Experimental Psychiatry. 61: 121-127. PMID 29990681 DOI: 10.1016/J.Jbtep.2018.06.011  0.316
2016 Strien Tv, Donker MH, Ouwens MA. Is desire to eat in response to positive emotions an 'obese' eating style: Is Kummerspeck for some people a misnomer? Appetite. 100: 225-235. PMID 26916726 DOI: 10.1016/J.Appet.2016.02.035  0.436
2016 Rutten EAP, Bachrach N, Balkom AJLMv, Braeken J, Ouwens MA, Bekker MHJ. Anxiety, depression and autonomy–connectedness: The mediating role of alexithymia and assertiveness Psychology and Psychotherapy-Theory Research and Practice. 89: 385-401. PMID 26499179 DOI: 10.1111/Papt.12083  0.308
2015 Lammers MW, Vroling MS, Ouwens MA, Engels RC, van Strien T. Predictors of outcome for cognitive behaviour therapy in binge eating disorder. European Eating Disorders Review : the Journal of the Eating Disorders Association. 23: 219-28. PMID 25802175 DOI: 10.1002/Erv.2356  0.321
2014 Strien Tv, Ouwens MA, Engel C, Weerth Cd. Hunger, inhibitory control and distress-induced emotional eating Appetite. 79: 124-133. PMID 24768894 DOI: 10.1016/J.Appet.2014.04.020  0.431
2013 Lehmann V, Ouwens MA, Braeken J, Danner UN, Van Elburg AA, van Elburg AA, Bekker MHJ, Breurkens A, van Strien T. Psychometric properties of the dutch version of the eating disorder inventory–3 Sage Open. 3. DOI: 10.1177/2158244013508415  0.332
2012 Ouwens MA, Cebolla A, Strien Tv. Eating style, television viewing and snacking in pre-adolescent children Nutricion Hospitalaria. 27: 1072-1078. PMID 23165544 DOI: 10.3305/Nh.2012.27.4.5805  0.434
2009 Ouwens MA, Strien Tv, Leeuwe JFJv. Possible pathways between depression, emotional and external eating. A structural equation model Appetite. 53: 245-248. PMID 19505515 DOI: 10.1016/J.Appet.2009.06.001  0.398
2009 Van Strien T, van Niekerk R, Ouwens MA. Perceived parental food controlling practices are related to obesogenic or leptogenic child life style behaviors Appetite. 53: 151-154. PMID 19467280 DOI: 10.1016/J.Appet.2009.05.011  0.307
2009 Ouwens MA, Strien Tv, Leeuwe JFJv, Staak CPFvd. The dual pathway model of overeating. Replication and extension with actual food consumption Appetite. 52: 234-237. PMID 18723058 DOI: 10.1016/J.Appet.2008.07.010  0.37
2007 Ouwens MA, Strien Tv, Staak CPFvd. Neither restrained eating nor tendency toward overeating predict food consumption after tension induction. Eating and Weight Disorders-Studies On Anorexia Bulimia and Obesity. 12. PMID 17984631 DOI: 10.1007/Bf03327644  0.416
2007 Strien Tv, Ouwens MA. Effects of distress, alexithymia and impulsivity on eating Eating Behaviors. 8: 251-257. PMID 17336795 DOI: 10.1016/J.Eatbeh.2006.06.004  0.435
2003 Strien Tv, Ouwens MA. Counterregulation in female obese emotional eaters: Schachter, Goldman, and Gordon's (1968) test of psychosomatic theory revisited. Eating Behaviors. 3: 329-340. PMID 15000994 DOI: 10.1016/S1471-0153(02)00092-2  0.452
2003 Ouwens MA, Strien Tv, Staak CPFvd. Absence of a disinhibition effect of alcohol on food consumption Eating Behaviors. 4: 323-332. PMID 15000959 DOI: 10.1016/S1471-0153(03)00033-3  0.397
2003 Ouwens MA, Strien Tv, Staak CPFvd. Tendency toward overeating and restraint as predictors of food consumption Appetite. 40: 291-298. PMID 12798787 DOI: 10.1016/S0195-6663(03)00006-0  0.43
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