Barna Dudok - Publications

Stanford University Medical School 
Neuroscience, Interneurons, Endocannabinoids

21 high-probability publications. We are testing a new system for linking publications to authors. You can help! If you notice any inaccuracies, please sign in and mark papers as correct or incorrect matches. If you identify any major omissions or other inaccuracies in the publication list, please let us know.

Year Citation  Score
2024 Barti B, Dudok B, Kenesei K, Zöldi M, Miczán V, Balla GY, Zala D, Tasso M, Sagheddu C, Kisfali M, Tóth B, Ledri M, Vizi ES, Melis M, Barna L, et al. Presynaptic nanoscale components of retrograde synaptic signaling. Science Advances. 10: eado0077. PMID 38809980 DOI: 10.1126/sciadv.ado0077  0.701
2024 Farrell JS, Hwaun E, Dudok B, Soltesz I. Neural and behavioural state switching during hippocampal dentate spikes. Nature. PMID 38480889 DOI: 10.1038/s41586-024-07192-8  0.496
2024 Dudok B, Fan LZ, Farrell JS, Malhotra S, Homidan J, Kim DK, Wenardy C, Ramakrishnan C, Li Y, Deisseroth K, Soltesz I. Retrograde endocannabinoid signaling at inhibitory synapses in vivo. Science (New York, N.Y.). 383: 967-970. PMID 38422134 DOI: 10.1126/science.adk3863  0.652
2024 Nguyen QA, Klein PM, Xie C, Benthall KN, Iafrati J, Homidan J, Bendor JT, Dudok B, Farrell JS, Gschwind T, Porter CL, Keravala A, Dodson GS, Soltesz I. Acetylcholine receptor based chemogenetics engineered for neuronal inhibition and seizure control assessed in mice. Nature Communications. 15: 601. PMID 38238329 DOI: 10.1038/s41467-024-44853-8  0.519
2022 Szabo GG, Farrell JS, Dudok B, Hou WH, Ortiz AL, Varga C, Moolchand P, Gulsever CI, Gschwind T, Dimidschstein J, Capogna M, Soltesz I. Ripple-selective GABAergic projection cells in the hippocampus. Neuron. PMID 35489331 DOI: 10.1016/j.neuron.2022.04.002  0.662
2021 Dudok B, Klein PM, Soltesz I. Toward Understanding the Diverse Roles of Perisomatic Interneurons in Epilepsy. Epilepsy Currents. 22: 54-60. PMID 35233202 DOI: 10.1177/15357597211053687  0.611
2021 Dudok B, Soltesz I. Imaging the endocannabinoid signaling system. Journal of Neuroscience Methods. 367: 109451. PMID 34921843 DOI: 10.1016/j.jneumeth.2021.109451  0.584
2021 Farrell JS, Lovett-Barron M, Klein PM, Sparks FT, Gschwind T, Ortiz AL, Ahanonu B, Bradbury S, Terada S, Oijala M, Hwaun E, Dudok B, Szabo G, Schnitzer MJ, Deisseroth K, et al. Supramammillary regulation of locomotion and hippocampal activity. Science (New York, N.Y.). 374: 1492-1496. PMID 34914519 DOI: 10.1126/science.abh4272  0.713
2021 Dong A, He K, Dudok B, Farrell JS, Guan W, Liput DJ, Puhl HL, Cai R, Wang H, Duan J, Albarran E, Ding J, Lovinger DM, Li B, Soltesz I, et al. A fluorescent sensor for spatiotemporally resolved imaging of endocannabinoid dynamics in vivo. Nature Biotechnology. PMID 34764491 DOI: 10.1038/s41587-021-01074-4  0.569
2021 Prokop S, Ábrányi-Balogh P, Barti B, Vámosi M, Zöldi M, Barna L, Urbán GM, Tóth AD, Dudok B, Egyed A, Deng H, Leggio GM, Hunyady L, van der Stelt M, Keserű GM, et al. PharmacoSTORM nanoscale pharmacology reveals cariprazine binding on Islands of Calleja granule cells. Nature Communications. 12: 6505. PMID 34764251 DOI: 10.1038/s41467-021-26757-z  0.55
2021 Dudok B, Szoboszlay M, Paul A, Klein PM, Liao Z, Hwaun E, Szabo GG, Geiller T, Vancura B, Wang BS, McKenzie S, Homidan J, Klaver LMF, English DF, Huang ZJ, et al. Recruitment and inhibitory action of hippocampal axo-axonic cells during behavior. Neuron. PMID 34648750 DOI: 10.1016/j.neuron.2021.09.033  0.749
2021 Farrell JS, Colangeli R, Dong A, George AG, Addo-Osafo K, Kingsley PJ, Morena M, Wolff MD, Dudok B, He K, Patrick TA, Sharkey KA, Patel S, Marnett LJ, Hill MN, et al. In vivo endocannabinoid dynamics at the timescale of physiological and pathological neural activity. Neuron. 109: 2398-2403.e4. PMID 34352214 DOI: 10.1016/j.neuron.2021.05.026  0.58
2021 Dudok B, Klein PM, Hwaun E, Lee BR, Yao Z, Fong O, Bowler JC, Terada S, Sparks FT, Szabo GG, Farrell JS, Berg J, Daigle TL, Tasic B, Dimidschstein J, et al. Alternating sources of perisomatic inhibition during behavior. Neuron. PMID 33529646 DOI: 10.1016/j.neuron.2021.01.003  0.74
2020 Farrell JS, Colangeli R, Dudok B, Wolff MD, Nguyen SL, Jackson J, Dickson CT, Soltesz I, Teskey GC. In vivo assessment of mechanisms underlying the neurovascular basis of postictal amnesia. Scientific Reports. 10: 14992. PMID 32929133 DOI: 10.1038/S41598-020-71935-6  0.543
2016 Lee SH, Dudok B, Parihar VK, Jung KM, Zöldi M, Kang YJ, Maroso M, Alexander AL, Nelson GA, Piomelli D, Katona I, Limoli CL, Soltesz I. Neurophysiology of space travel: energetic solar particles cause cell type-specific plasticity of neurotransmission. Brain Structure & Function. PMID 27905022 DOI: 10.1007/S00429-016-1345-3  0.709
2016 Younts TJ, Monday HR, Dudok B, Klein ME, Jordan BA, Katona I, Castillo PE. Presynaptic Protein Synthesis Is Required for Long-Term Plasticity of GABA Release. Neuron. 92: 479-492. PMID 27764673 DOI: 10.1016/J.Neuron.2016.09.040  0.586
2016 Barna L, Dudok B, Miczán V, Horváth A, László ZI, Katona I. Correlated confocal and super-resolution imaging by VividSTORM. Nature Protocols. 11: 163-83. PMID 26716705 DOI: 10.1038/Nprot.2016.002  0.437
2015 Lee SH, Ledri M, Tóth B, Marchionni I, Henstridge CM, Dudok B, Kenesei K, Barna L, Szabó SI, Renkecz T, Oberoi M, Watanabe M, Limoli CL, Horvai G, Soltesz I, et al. Multiple Forms of Endocannabinoid and Endovanilloid Signaling Regulate the Tonic Control of GABA Release. The Journal of Neuroscience : the Official Journal of the Society For Neuroscience. 35: 10039-57. PMID 26157003 DOI: 10.1523/Jneurosci.4112-14.2015  0.745
2015 Neuhofer D, Henstridge CM, Dudok B, Sepers M, Lassalle O, Katona I, Manzoni OJ. Functional and structural deficits at accumbens synapses in a mouse model of Fragile X. Frontiers in Cellular Neuroscience. 9: 100. PMID 25859182 DOI: 10.3389/Fncel.2015.00100  0.553
2015 Dudok B, Barna L, Ledri M, Szabó SI, Szabadits E, Pintér B, Woodhams SG, Henstridge CM, Balla GY, Nyilas R, Varga C, Lee SH, Matolcsi M, Cervenak J, Kacskovics I, et al. Cell-specific STORM super-resolution imaging reveals nanoscale organization of cannabinoid signaling. Nature Neuroscience. 18: 75-86. PMID 25485758 DOI: 10.1038/Nn.3892  0.731
2008 Nyilas R, Dudok B, Urbán GM, Mackie K, Watanabe M, Cravatt BF, Freund TF, Katona I. Enzymatic machinery for endocannabinoid biosynthesis associated with calcium stores in glutamatergic axon terminals. The Journal of Neuroscience : the Official Journal of the Society For Neuroscience. 28: 1058-63. PMID 18234884 DOI: 10.1523/Jneurosci.5102-07.2008  0.759
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