Stephen D. Miller - US grants

1984-1988 Plant Sciences University of Wyoming, Laramie, WY, United States 

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High-probability grants

According to our matching algorithm, Stephen D. Miller is the likely recipient of the following grants.
Years Recipients Code Title / Keywords Matching
1986 — 1989 Miller, Stephen D [⬀]
R01Activity Code Description:
To support a discrete, specified, circumscribed project to be performed by the named investigator(s) in an area representing his or her specific interest and competencies.

Suppressor T Cell Pathways in T Cell Tolerance

@ Northwestern University

1988 — 2016 Miller, Stephen D [⬀]
R01Activity Code Description:
To support a discrete, specified, circumscribed project to be performed by the named investigator(s) in an area representing his or her specific interest and competencies.

Immunoregulation and Pathology of Chronic-Relapsing Eae

@ Northwestern University

1989 — 2007 Miller, Stephen D [⬀]
P01Activity Code Description:
For the support of a broadly based, multidisciplinary, often long-term research program which has a specific major objective or a basic theme. A program project generally involves the organized efforts of relatively large groups, members of which are conducting research projects designed to elucidate the various aspects or components of this objective. Each research project is usually under the leadership of an established investigator. The grant can provide support for certain basic resources used by these groups in the program, including clinical components, the sharing of which facilitates the total research effort. A program project is directed toward a range of problems having a central research focus, in contrast to the usually narrower thrust of the traditional research project. Each project supported through this mechanism should contribute or be directly related to the common theme of the total research effort. These scientifically meritorious projects should demonstrate an essential element of unity and interdependence, i.e., a system of research activities and projects directed toward a well-defined research program goal.

Cns Damage From Theiler's Virus Persistence: Ms Model

@ Northwestern University

1992 — 1993 Miller, Stephen D [⬀]
P01Activity Code Description:
For the support of a broadly based, multidisciplinary, often long-term research program which has a specific major objective or a basic theme. A program project generally involves the organized efforts of relatively large groups, members of which are conducting research projects designed to elucidate the various aspects or components of this objective. Each research project is usually under the leadership of an established investigator. The grant can provide support for certain basic resources used by these groups in the program, including clinical components, the sharing of which facilitates the total research effort. A program project is directed toward a range of problems having a central research focus, in contrast to the usually narrower thrust of the traditional research project. Each project supported through this mechanism should contribute or be directly related to the common theme of the total research effort. These scientifically meritorious projects should demonstrate an essential element of unity and interdependence, i.e., a system of research activities and projects directed toward a well-defined research program goal.

Cns Damage From Theiler's Virus Persistence--Ms Model

@ Northwestern University

1993 — 2010 Miller, Stephen D [⬀]
R01Activity Code Description:
To support a discrete, specified, circumscribed project to be performed by the named investigator(s) in an area representing his or her specific interest and competencies.

Pathogenesis and Immunoregulation of Plp-Induced R-Eae

@ Northwestern University

1994 — 1996 Miller, Stephen D [⬀]
P01Activity Code Description:
For the support of a broadly based, multidisciplinary, often long-term research program which has a specific major objective or a basic theme. A program project generally involves the organized efforts of relatively large groups, members of which are conducting research projects designed to elucidate the various aspects or components of this objective. Each research project is usually under the leadership of an established investigator. The grant can provide support for certain basic resources used by these groups in the program, including clinical components, the sharing of which facilitates the total research effort. A program project is directed toward a range of problems having a central research focus, in contrast to the usually narrower thrust of the traditional research project. Each project supported through this mechanism should contribute or be directly related to the common theme of the total research effort. These scientifically meritorious projects should demonstrate an essential element of unity and interdependence, i.e., a system of research activities and projects directed toward a well-defined research program goal.

Cns Damage From Theiler's Virus Persistence--a Ms Model

@ Northwestern University

1995 Miller, Stephen D [⬀]
P01Activity Code Description:
For the support of a broadly based, multidisciplinary, often long-term research program which has a specific major objective or a basic theme. A program project generally involves the organized efforts of relatively large groups, members of which are conducting research projects designed to elucidate the various aspects or components of this objective. Each research project is usually under the leadership of an established investigator. The grant can provide support for certain basic resources used by these groups in the program, including clinical components, the sharing of which facilitates the total research effort. A program project is directed toward a range of problems having a central research focus, in contrast to the usually narrower thrust of the traditional research project. Each project supported through this mechanism should contribute or be directly related to the common theme of the total research effort. These scientifically meritorious projects should demonstrate an essential element of unity and interdependence, i.e., a system of research activities and projects directed toward a well-defined research program goal.

Cns Damage From Theilers Virus

@ Northwestern University

1996 — 2000 Miller, Stephen D [⬀]
T32Activity Code Description:
To enable institutions to make National Research Service Awards to individuals selected by them for predoctoral and postdoctoral research training in specified shortage areas.

Training Program in Immunology &Molecular Pathogenesis

@ Northwestern University

1996 — 1999 Miller, Stephen D [⬀]
R01Activity Code Description:
To support a discrete, specified, circumscribed project to be performed by the named investigator(s) in an area representing his or her specific interest and competencies.

B7/Cd28 Mediated Costimulation in the Pathology of R Eae

@ Northwestern University

1997 — 2000 Miller, Stephen D [⬀]
R01Activity Code Description:
To support a discrete, specified, circumscribed project to be performed by the named investigator(s) in an area representing his or her specific interest and competencies.

Immunoregulation and Pathology of Chronic Relapsing Eae

@ Northwestern University

1997 Miller, Stephen D [⬀]
R01Activity Code Description:
To support a discrete, specified, circumscribed project to be performed by the named investigator(s) in an area representing his or her specific interest and competencies.

T Cell Immunity in Theilers Virus Induced Demyelination

@ Northwestern University

1998 — 2002 Miller, Stephen D [⬀]
P01Activity Code Description:
For the support of a broadly based, multidisciplinary, often long-term research program which has a specific major objective or a basic theme. A program project generally involves the organized efforts of relatively large groups, members of which are conducting research projects designed to elucidate the various aspects or components of this objective. Each research project is usually under the leadership of an established investigator. The grant can provide support for certain basic resources used by these groups in the program, including clinical components, the sharing of which facilitates the total research effort. A program project is directed toward a range of problems having a central research focus, in contrast to the usually narrower thrust of the traditional research project. Each project supported through this mechanism should contribute or be directly related to the common theme of the total research effort. These scientifically meritorious projects should demonstrate an essential element of unity and interdependence, i.e., a system of research activities and projects directed toward a well-defined research program goal.

T Cell Immunity in Tmev Induced Demyelination

@ Northwestern University

1998 — 2002 Miller, Stephen D [⬀]
P01Activity Code Description:
For the support of a broadly based, multidisciplinary, often long-term research program which has a specific major objective or a basic theme. A program project generally involves the organized efforts of relatively large groups, members of which are conducting research projects designed to elucidate the various aspects or components of this objective. Each research project is usually under the leadership of an established investigator. The grant can provide support for certain basic resources used by these groups in the program, including clinical components, the sharing of which facilitates the total research effort. A program project is directed toward a range of problems having a central research focus, in contrast to the usually narrower thrust of the traditional research project. Each project supported through this mechanism should contribute or be directly related to the common theme of the total research effort. These scientifically meritorious projects should demonstrate an essential element of unity and interdependence, i.e., a system of research activities and projects directed toward a well-defined research program goal.

Cns Damage From Theilers Virus Persistence--Ms Model

@ Northwestern University

2000 — 2003 Miller, Stephen D [⬀]
R01Activity Code Description:
To support a discrete, specified, circumscribed project to be performed by the named investigator(s) in an area representing his or her specific interest and competencies.

B7/Cd28/Ctla-4 Costimulation in Pathogenesis of R-Eae

@ Northwestern University

2000 — 2008 Miller, Stephen D [⬀]
R01Activity Code Description:
To support a discrete, specified, circumscribed project to be performed by the named investigator(s) in an area representing his or her specific interest and competencies.

A Virus-Induced Molecular Mimicry Model of Ms

@ Northwestern University

2001 — 2011 Miller, Stephen D [⬀]
T32Activity Code Description:
To enable institutions to make National Research Service Awards to individuals selected by them for predoctoral and postdoctoral research training in specified shortage areas.

Immunology and Molecular Pathogenesis Training Program

@ Northwestern University

2003 — 2007 Miller, Stephen D [⬀]
P01Activity Code Description:
For the support of a broadly based, multidisciplinary, often long-term research program which has a specific major objective or a basic theme. A program project generally involves the organized efforts of relatively large groups, members of which are conducting research projects designed to elucidate the various aspects or components of this objective. Each research project is usually under the leadership of an established investigator. The grant can provide support for certain basic resources used by these groups in the program, including clinical components, the sharing of which facilitates the total research effort. A program project is directed toward a range of problems having a central research focus, in contrast to the usually narrower thrust of the traditional research project. Each project supported through this mechanism should contribute or be directly related to the common theme of the total research effort. These scientifically meritorious projects should demonstrate an essential element of unity and interdependence, i.e., a system of research activities and projects directed toward a well-defined research program goal.

Core a: Administrative Core

@ Northwestern University

2003 — 2007 Miller, Stephen D [⬀]
P01Activity Code Description:
For the support of a broadly based, multidisciplinary, often long-term research program which has a specific major objective or a basic theme. A program project generally involves the organized efforts of relatively large groups, members of which are conducting research projects designed to elucidate the various aspects or components of this objective. Each research project is usually under the leadership of an established investigator. The grant can provide support for certain basic resources used by these groups in the program, including clinical components, the sharing of which facilitates the total research effort. A program project is directed toward a range of problems having a central research focus, in contrast to the usually narrower thrust of the traditional research project. Each project supported through this mechanism should contribute or be directly related to the common theme of the total research effort. These scientifically meritorious projects should demonstrate an essential element of unity and interdependence, i.e., a system of research activities and projects directed toward a well-defined research program goal.

Cd4+ T Cell Immunity in Tmev-Induced Demyelination

@ Northwestern University

2005 — 2008 Miller, Stephen D [⬀]
R01Activity Code Description:
To support a discrete, specified, circumscribed project to be performed by the named investigator(s) in an area representing his or her specific interest and competencies.

Mechanisms of Cd4+Cd25+ T Regulatory Cells in Eae

@ Northwestern University

2010 — 2014 Miller, Stephen D [⬀]
R01Activity Code Description:
To support a discrete, specified, circumscribed project to be performed by the named investigator(s) in an area representing his or her specific interest and competencies.

Innate Regulation and Cd4+Th1/17 Immunity in Tmev-Induced Demyelination

@ Northwestern University At Chicago

2010 — 2011 Borensztajn, Jayme
Miller, Stephen D (co-PI) [⬀]
R21Activity Code Description:
To encourage the development of new research activities in categorical program areas. (Support generally is restricted in level of support and in time.)

An Immune Tolerance Strategy For Prevention and Treatment of Atherosclerosis

@ Northwestern University At Chicago

2011 — 2018 Miller, Stephen D (co-PI) [⬀] Miller, Stephen D (co-PI) [⬀]
Shea, Lonnie D [⬀]
R01Activity Code Description:
To support a discrete, specified, circumscribed project to be performed by the named investigator(s) in an area representing his or her specific interest and competencies.

Antigen Loaded Particles For Tolerance Induction

@ University of Michigan

2012 — 2016 Hering, Bernhard Josef
Luo, Xunrong
Miller, Stephen D (co-PI) [⬀] Miller, Stephen D (co-PI) [⬀]
U01Activity Code Description:
To support a discrete, specified, circumscribed project to be performed by the named investigator(s) in an area representing his or her specific interest and competencies.

Alloantigen Delivery Via Ecdi-Fixed Cells For Tolerance to Monkey Islet Grafts

@ University of Minnesota

2015 — 2016 Koh, Sookyong
Miller, Stephen D [⬀]
R21Activity Code Description:
To encourage the development of new research activities in categorical program areas. (Support generally is restricted in level of support and in time.)

Novel Therapies For Epilepsy Using Biodegradable Immune-Modifying Nanoparticles

@ Northwestern University At Chicago

2017 — 2021 Miller, Stephen D [⬀]
Popko, Brian J
R01Activity Code Description:
To support a discrete, specified, circumscribed project to be performed by the named investigator(s) in an area representing his or her specific interest and competencies.

Regulation of Cd4+ T Cell-Mediated Demyelination Following Oligo Ablation

@ Northwestern University At Chicago

2018 — 2019 Miller, Stephen D [⬀]
Varga, John
R21Activity Code Description:
To encourage the development of new research activities in categorical program areas. (Support generally is restricted in level of support and in time.)

Regulation of the Profibrotic Mechanisms of Macro+ Myeloid Cells in Scleroderma

@ Northwestern University At Chicago

2019 — 2020 Miller, Stephen D [⬀]
R21Activity Code Description:
To encourage the development of new research activities in categorical program areas. (Support generally is restricted in level of support and in time.)

Combining Immune Tolerance and Myelin Repair Therapy in T Cell-Driven Ms Models

@ Northwestern University At Chicago

2021 Miller, Stephen D [⬀]
R21Activity Code Description:
To encourage the development of new research activities in categorical program areas. (Support generally is restricted in level of support and in time.)

Regulation of Neuromyelitis Optica Via Tolerance Induced by Plg Nanoparticles Encapsulating Aquaporin 4 Epitopes

@ Northwestern University At Chicago

2021 Miller, Stephen D
Shea, Lonnie D [⬀]
R01Activity Code Description:
To support a discrete, specified, circumscribed project to be performed by the named investigator(s) in an area representing his or her specific interest and competencies.

Allergen Loaded Nanoparticles For Food Allergy Tolerance

@ University of Michigan At Ann Arbor
