2013 — 2015 |
Bergold, Peter J |
R01Activity Code Description: To support a discrete, specified, circumscribed project to be performed by the named investigator(s) in an area representing his or her specific interest and competencies. |
Remyelination After Traumatic Brain Injury @ Suny Downstate Medical Center
DESCRIPTION (provided by applicant): Little is known about the ability of the brain to repair traumatic brain injury (TBI). Drugs have been developed that treat TBI by preventing injury, but to date these drugs have failed clinical trials. As a result, there are no treatments available to the 1.7 million Americans who annually sustain TBI. Recently, however, the FDA-approved drugs, minocycline plus N-acetyl cysteine, have been shown to improve cognition and memory after experimental TBI. The mechanism of how these drugs work is unknown. These observations provide the justification for the long-term goal to improve brain function by repairing, rather than preventing, TBI. This proposal will test a central hypothesis that: Minocycline (MINO) and N-acetyl cysteine (NAC) promote remyelination and improve cognition and memory following TBI. Three specific aims will test this hypothesis: 1) When and where does MINO plus NAC induce remyelination in the controlled cortical impact (CCI) model of TBI? Preliminary data show that CCI produces widespread demyelination of midline white matter structures, and MINO plus NAC has little effect on this demyelination. Within 2 weeks, MINO plus NAC treatment increased myelin content in previously demyelinated white matter tracts. 2) Which cell types are modulated by MINO plus NAC? Preliminary data indicate that MINO plus NAC modulate microglial polarity in injured white matter by increasing the numbers of anti-inflammatory, tissue-remodeling M2 microglia while decreasing pro-inflammatory M1 microglia. MINO plus NAC also induce oligodendrocytes to increase myelin content in demyelinated white matter. 3) Does remyelination improve cognition and memory? Preliminary data show that CCI prevents acquisition and long-term retention of an active place avoidance task. Both acquisition and retention are improved by MINO plus NAC treatment. Preliminary data also show that an unilateral stereotaxic injection of lysophosphotidylcholine (LPC) into the fimbria produces a localized demyelination and cognitive deficits similar to CCI. Unlike CCI, the LPC-demyelinated fimbria spontaneously remyelinates. Remyelination of the fimbria is accompanied by reversal of the cognition deficits produced by demyelination. This proposed research is both innovative and significant because it explores the novel finding that the ability to remyelinate is not lost following TBI and can be restored with drugs. If successful, the proposed experiments will substantively increase our knowledge of the pathophysiology of TBI as well as provide important information on the drug action of MINO and NAC. The safety and efficacy of MINO and NAC are well-established because both drugs are FDA-approved for uses other than TBI and are in clinical trials, as single drugs, for a variety of brain diseases. The re-use of FDA-approved drugs is perhaps the fastest route to get new drugs to treat TBI into clinical trials. Ultimately, the knowledge gained from this proposal has the potential to greatly improve quality of life after traumatic brain injury.
0.958 |
2019 — 2021 |
Bergold, Peter J Sacktor, Todd C (co-PI) [⬀] |
R01Activity Code Description: To support a discrete, specified, circumscribed project to be performed by the named investigator(s) in an area representing his or her specific interest and competencies. |
Minocycline Plus N-Acetylcysteine Improves Brain Structure and Function After Experimental Brain Injury With Clinically Useful Time Windows @ Suny Downstate Medical Center
Therapeutic time window is a key element of any drug to treat TBI. Patients with moderate to severe TBI can be treated hours after injury;? those with mild TBI may delay treatment for days until their symptoms do not abate. Few drugs have been developed with therapeutic time windows long enough to treat TBI, in part, because little is known about which cellular functions can be targeted by drugs dosed hours to days post-injury (PI). The combination of minocycline (MINO) plus N-acetylcysteine (NAC) retains high potency when first dosed 12h PI (MN12). Published and preliminary data suggest that MN12 prevents neuronal loss and protects dendrites in the hippocampal ipsilateral to the impact site, allows learning of an active place avoidance task that requires both hippocampi;? and restores late long-term potentiation (LTP) to both hippocampi. Preliminary data suggests that a first dose of MINO plus NAC at 72H PI (MN72) is less potent than MN12 yet restores acquisition of Barnes maze, a task that requires only one hippocampus, and late LTP in the hippocampus contralateral to the impact site. MN72 also increases protein synthesis in the contralateral hippocampus. This proposal examines if MN12 and MN72 target dendrites, synapses, spines, and synaptic protein synthesis after closed head injury (CHI) in mice. Proposed studies will examine whether MN12 and MN72 target protein kinase M zeta (PKMz?), which is essential for late LTP and retention of hippocampal-dependent tasks. Studies will also examine whether MINO plus NAC remains potent when dosed later than 72H PI. These data support 3 specific aims (SA) that test a central hypothesis that: Dosing of MINO plus NAC at clinically relevant therapeutic time windows limits gray matter injury and improves cognition and memory. SA1: Where does a first dose of MINO plus NAC at 12 or 72h after CHI repair dendrites, spines and synapses? The working hypothesis of SA1 is that MN12 acts bilaterally to prevent injury and induce repair while MN72 acts only on the contralateral hippocampus. SA1 will also assay neuroinflammation, oxidative stress and mitochondrial morphology after MN12 or MN72 treatment. SA2: Does MN12 and MN72 target PKMz? expression to restore synaptic plasticity and acquisition of hippocampal-dependent tasks? SA2 will examine a role for PKMz? expression by MN12 or MN72 using NTSA, a novel and specific inhibitor of PKMz?, or in conditional PKMz? mutant mice. SA2 is predicted to show that MN12 or MN72 target PKMz? to restore late LTP and long-term memory. SA 3: Does MINO plus NAC limits brain injury and restore function in the subacute (14D PI) or chronic (45D PI) stages of TBI? The utility of MINO plus NAC would be greatly increased if the drugs retained potency when dosed in later phases of TBI. These studies have high potential significance since they show that a combination of FDA- approved drugs with clinically useful windows can restore cognition and memory, which are central deficits produced by TBI. These studies have potentially high impact since the absence of effective drugs make people with TBI less likely to seek treatment. MN12 and MN72 are attractive candidates for clinical trials to treat TBI.
0.958 |