2020 — 2023 |
Plisch, Monica Geller, Aaron Mount, Brianna (co-PI) [⬀] Serrano, Daniel |
N/AActivity Code Description: No activity code was retrieved: click on the grant title for more information |
National Physics Reu Leadership Group Workshop and Community-Building @ American Physical Society
Engaging undergraduates in research is a critical component of a high-quality undergraduate physics education, providing hands-on training on methods used by practicing physicists and exposure to cutting-edge science. The NSF Physics Research Experiences for Undergraduates (REU) program includes over 50 Physics REU site programs serving over 1,000 students each year, and nearly one-quarter of all physics majors report participating in a REU experience before they graduate. In order to realize the large potential for impact across Physics REU sites, Physics REU site directors came together as a community and formed the NSF Physics REU Leadership Group (NPRLG), which is committed to enhancing undergraduate student research experiences. The American Physical Society (APS) provides infrastructure support needed for this community of practice to thrive. This project aims to enhance the collective efforts of NPRLG and APS to improve undergraduate research opportunities.
Given the wide range in REU sites with respect to longevity, personnel, and programming, a regular in-person gathering of site leaders is critical to fostering excellence in Physics REU programs. Such a workshop is needed to provide an opportunity for physics REU site directors to share effective practices, to learn from relevant experts, to develop a network of site leaders, and to identify and pursue community-wide initiatives. Sharing of effective practices among REU site leaders ultimately supports the professional development of undergraduate physics researchers and their mentors. In addition, the project aims to improve inclusion of underrepresented minority students at Physics REU sites, foster use of a high-quality assessment tool for evaluating programs, and identify other opportunities to improve REU programs through coordinated action. Finally, the impact of this project has the potential to transfer beyond Physics REU programs to benefit other undergraduate research activities at host institutions.
The NSF Physics REU Leadership Group (NPRLG) is a community of over 50 Physics REU site directors committed to enhancing undergraduate student research experiences through sharing of effective practices and community-wide initiatives. The project will carry out: (i) an in-person workshop for the NPRLG, (ii) ongoing virtual engagement of the NPRLG via an online forum and videoconferences, (iii) a workshop report and web resources for dissemination of effective practices, (iv) the implementation of a common assessment instrument, and (v) delegate exchanges with minority serving organizations to facilitate recruitment and inclusion efforts. The project will promote sharing of effective practices among REU site leaders, which ultimately supports the professional development of undergraduate physics researchers and their mentors. To promote participant learning and relationship building, the in-person workshop will emphasize interactive formats such as small-group discussions, panel discussions, and structured networking activities, among other activities. An evaluator external to the NPRLG will survey in-person workshop participants to assess outcomes, including adoption of effective practices and follow-up on proposed collective actions. The project will promote dissemination through a workshop report with identified goals and best practices, which will be shared via conference presentations and a webpage within the broader physics community and with REU programs outside of Physics.
This award reflects NSF's statutory mission and has been deemed worthy of support through evaluation using the Foundation's intellectual merit and broader impacts review criteria.
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