Roman Sobolewski - US grants

Hajim School of Engineering and Applied Sciences University of Rochester, Rochester, NY 
Electronics and Electrical Engineering, Materials Science Engineering

We are testing a new system for linking grants to scientists.

The funding information displayed below comes from the NIH Research Portfolio Online Reporting Tools and the NSF Award Database.
The grant data on this page is limited to grants awarded in the United States and is thus partial. It can nonetheless be used to understand how funding patterns influence mentorship networks and vice-versa, which has deep implications on how research is done.
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High-probability grants

According to our matching algorithm, Roman Sobolewski is the likely recipient of the following grants.
Years Recipients Code Title / Keywords Matching
1994 — 1997 Sobolewski, Roman
Hsiang, Thomas (co-PI) [⬀]
Fauchet, Philippe [⬀]
Meyerhofer, David (co-PI) [⬀]
Walmsley, Ian
N/AActivity Code Description:
No activity code was retrieved: click on the grant title for more information

Acquisition and Development of a High Power Wavelength Tunable Ultrafast Laser System

@ University of Rochester

1998 — 2002 Hall, Dennis (co-PI) [⬀]
Sobolewski, Roman
Funkenbusch, Paul (co-PI) [⬀]
Houde-Walter, Susan [⬀]
Ray, Animesh (co-PI) [⬀]
N/AActivity Code Description:
No activity code was retrieved: click on the grant title for more information

Mri: Acquisition of Sem/Edx For Materials and Device Research

@ University of Rochester

2000 — 2004 Sobolewski, Roman
Kadin, Alan (co-PI) [⬀] Kadin, Alan (co-PI) [⬀]
N/AActivity Code Description:
No activity code was retrieved: click on the grant title for more information

Electromagnetic Imaging of Vortex Dynamics in High-Temperature Superconductors

@ University of Rochester

2000 — 2005 Sobolewski, Roman
N/AActivity Code Description:
No activity code was retrieved: click on the grant title for more information

U. S. - Germany Cooperative Research: Investigation of Subpicosecond Dynamics of High-Temperature Superconducting Josephson Junction Structures

@ University of Rochester

2004 — 2007 Sobolewski, Roman
Stroud, Carlos [⬀]
Lukishova, Svetlana (co-PI) [⬀]
Novotny, Lukas (co-PI) [⬀]
Knox, Wayne (co-PI) [⬀]
N/AActivity Code Description:
No activity code was retrieved: click on the grant title for more information

Mri: Development of Single Photon Generation & Characterization Unit

@ University of Rochester

2006 — 2011 Shapir, Yonathan (co-PI) [⬀]
Feldman, Marc (co-PI) [⬀]
Sobolewski, Roman
Margala, Martin (co-PI) [⬀]
Ampadu, Paul
N/AActivity Code Description:
No activity code was retrieved: click on the grant title for more information

Nirt: Utilization of Ballistic Deflection Phenomena For Room Temperature Devices and Circuitry

@ University of Rochester

2008 — 2012 Sobolewski, Roman
Huang, Michael
Dery, Hanan [⬀]
N/AActivity Code Description:
No activity code was retrieved: click on the grant title for more information

Semiconductor Spintronics Devices and Circuits

@ University of Rochester

2009 — 2012 Sobolewski, Roman
Huang, Michael
Wu, Hui
N/AActivity Code Description:
No activity code was retrieved: click on the grant title for more information

Injection-Locked Clock Distribution System

@ University of Rochester

2018 — 2021 Mafi, Arash (co-PI) [⬀]
Balakrishnan, Ganesh (co-PI) [⬀]
Osinski, Marek [⬀]
Sobolewski, Roman
N/AActivity Code Description:
No activity code was retrieved: click on the grant title for more information

Raise-Equip: Integrated Silicon Photonics Platforms For Scalable Quantum Systems

@ University of New Mexico

2019 — 2020 Sobolewski, Roman
Moodera, Jagadeesh
Jain, Jainendra
Osinski, Marek [⬀]
Wei, Peng (co-PI) [⬀]
N/AActivity Code Description:
No activity code was retrieved: click on the grant title for more information

Qlci-Cg: Scalable Integrated Platforms For Quantum Information Processing

@ University of New Mexico
