Okinawa Institute of Science and Technology (OIST)

Name Area Department Start Year Stop Year Advisor
Nilupaer AbudukeyoumuNeuroscience Brain Mechanism for Behavior Unit2019 Gordon Arbuthnott (grad student)
Lorena Andreoli Memory Research Unit2018 Kazumasa Z Tanaka (grad student)
Luis Carrillo-ReidNeuronal ensembles, network dynamics, dendritic spines, in vivo calcium imaging
Kang-Yu Chu
Jinho Chung Sebastien Royer (research assistant)
Kohgaku EguchiSynapse, Calyx of Held, endocytosis2023 Marylka Yoe Uusisaari (post-doc)
Mohamed El Tabbal Optical neuroimaging unit2019 Bernd Kuhn (grad student)
Anant Jainsynaptic plasticity, hippocampus, two-photon imaging20112012 Erik De Schutter (research assistant)
SOUMEN JANACerebellum, Voltage Imaging, Optical neuroimaging Optical Neuroimaging Unit2016 Bernd Kuhn (grad student)
Kazuto Kawamura
Yu-Ju Lin Memory Research Unit2021 Kazumasa Z Tanaka (grad student)
Violeta Gisselle Lopez-Huertathalamus, sensory-motor processing, basal ganglia Brain Mechanisms for Behaviour Unit20112015 Gordon Arbuthnott (post-doc)
Satyajit Mahapatra(Synaptic Physiology-Plasticity, Vesicle Recycling, and Ion Channel Physiology) Cellular and Molecular Synaptic Function2017 Tomoyuki Takahashi (research scientist)
Thato Mokhothu Memory Research Unit2019 Kazumasa Z Tanaka (grad student)
Miyu F. Nambu Memory Research Unit Kazumasa Z Tanaka (grad student)
Mario Negrellocomputational neuroscience, cerebellum, dynamical systems Erik De Schutter (post-doc)
Sam Reiter Mark A. Stopfer (grad student)
Gideon A. SarpongBasal Ganglia, Reward and Motivation, Decision-making Neurobiology Research Unit2020 Jeff R. Wickens (post-doc)
Kazumasa Z TanakaHippocampus, memory engram, hippocampal physiology, contextual memory
Marylka Yoe UusisaariElectrophysiology, anatomy, cerebellum, inferior olive, viral, optogenetics, imaging, motor20092011 Klaus M. Stiefel (post-doc), Bernd Kuhn (collaborator), Jeff R. Wickens (collaborator)
Werner Van GeitComputational neuroscience
Suteera Vibulyaseck Information Processing Biology20182022 Ichiro Maruyama (post-doc)
Yunliang Zangcerebellum; somatogastric ganglion; homeostasis20142019 Erik De Schutter (post-doc)