NIDA Intramural Research Program

Name Area Department Start Year Stop Year Advisor
Jean Lud Cadet
T. Chase FrancisStriatal dependent aversive behavior2019 Marisela Morales (post-doc)
Matthew PH Gardner2014 Geoffrey Schoenbaum (post-doc)
Sam A. GoldenNeuroscience, Reward and Motivation Behavioral Neuroscience Branch20152018 Yavin Shaham (post-doc)
Conor Heins Behavioral Neuroscience Branch20152017 Sam A. Golden (research assistant)
Alexander F. Hoffmancannabinoids, cocaine, electrophysiology, addiction Cellular Neurobiology Branch19992001 Carl R. Lupica (post-doc)
Agnes J. JasinskaCognitive Neuroscience, Functional Neuroimaging, Neurogenetics Neuroimaging Research Branch Neuroimaging Research Branch20122014 Elliot A. Stein (post-doc), Elliot A. Stein (post-doc)
Michelle Jin Behavioral Neuroscience Branch20172019 Sam A. Golden (research assistant)
Robin J. Keeley Neuroimaging Research Branch20152019 Elliot A. Stein (post-doc)
Mikhail N. Koffarnusbehavioral pharmacology Jonathan L. Katz (research assistant)
Samantha Leesocial behavior Behavioral Neuroscience20222024 Bruce T. Hope (research assistant)
Marjorie R. LevinsteinAddiction, behavioral neuroscience, stress, decision making Biobehavioral Imaging & Molecular Neuropsychopharmacology2021 Mike Michaelides (post-doc)
Kylie B McPherson20142015 Bruce T. Hope (research assistant)
Mike Michaelides
Kayla M PittsNeuropsychopharmacology, Addiction, Reward and Motivation20222024 Yavin Shaham (research assistant)
Ernesto Solis, Jr.bath salts, dopamine transporter, fluorescent substrates, serotonin transporter, mdma, amphetamine, opioids, heroin, morphine, oxycodone, fentanyl, synthetic cannabinoids
Robyn M St. LaurentDopamine, GABA, plasticity, behavior20122014 Yavin Shaham (research assistant)
Dylan Gilbert SucichAnxiety, Alcohol dependence and withdrawal Integrative Neuroscience Research Branch/ Electron Microscopy Core Integrative Neuroscience Research Branch20162018 Marisela Morales (research assistant), George F. Koob (research assistant)
Limei ZhangSystem Neuroscience20142015 Marisela Morales (research scientist)