Netherlands Institute for Neuroscience

Name Area Department Start Year Stop Year Advisor
Mehran AhmadlouVisual system2012 J. Alexander Heimel (grad student)
Cornelius Ubbo Ariëns Kappersneuroanatomy
Johannes Ariëns Kapperspineal gland
Julie Bakkerthe effects of androgen and estrogen on the neural substrate underlying sexual and social behaviors
Arne Battefeld20122018 Maarten HP Kole (post-doc)
Matthew BenceVisual Plasticity Christiaan N. Levelt (post-doc)
Siegfried T. BokNeuroanatomy, histology
Tamara Joëlle Buijsdevelopmental neurobiology, synapse clustering, visual cortex, calcium imaging, electrophysiology
Daniela Carulli
J. Leonie CazemierVisual system, mouse behaviour, superior colliculus
Valentina Cenedeseretina Maarten Kamermans (post-doc), Anna Menini (grad student)
Sridhara ChakravarthyNeuroscience, Sleep Christiaan N. Levelt (grad student)
Xing Chenvisual system, macaques, utah arrays, perceptual learning, microstimulation, phosphenes2014 Pieter R. Roelfsema (post-doc)
Juliette E. Cheyne2010 Christian Lohmann (post-doc)
Yvonne Claassenretina Maarten Kamermans (research assistant)
Rebecca ClarksonNeuroscience20092009 Christian Lohmann (research assistant)
Charles C. Cohen2013 Maarten HP Kole (grad student)
Felipe Correa da Silva
Martijn Dahlhausvisual plasticity Christiaan N. Levelt (grad student), Ger Ramakers (research assistant)
Susanne de HaarVisual Plasticity20052006 Christiaan N. Levelt (post-doc)
Mohit DubeyBrain White matter Disease2017 Maarten HP Kole (post-doc)
Duco Endemanouter retina Maarten Kamermans (grad student)
Iris Fahrenfortouter retina Maarten Kamermans (grad student)
Matthijs Feenstradopamine and cognition2005 Garret D. Stuber (collaborator)
Stephan Grzekowski Gabriel Kreiman (grad student)
Anne van Ham Pieter R. Roelfsema (grad student)
Mustafa S. Hamada20112017 Maarten HP Kole (grad student)
Naomi Hanemaaijer2017 Maarten HP Kole (grad student)
Robin Hartmanvisual plasticity Christiaan N. Levelt (research assistant)
J. Alexander Heimelvisual plasticity Christiaan N. Levelt (post-doc), Sacha B. Nelson (post-doc)
Josephine HermansVisual Plasticity2005 Christiaan N. Levelt (research scientist)
Hugo Hoedemaker20172020 Tycho M. Hoogland (research assistant)
Elly HolGlia Biology of Brain Diseases2003 Dick F. Swaab (post-doc)
Tycho M. HooglandIn Vivo Imaging and Behavior; Cerebellum; Locomotion; Sensorimotor integration; Cerebello-Cebrocortical Loops; Optical methods; Miniscopes; Multi-photon microscopy; Optogenetics; Science Outreach Chris I. de Zeeuw (research scientist)
Marcus Howlett Maarten Kamermans (post-doc)
Nora Jamann
Danique JeurissenVisual perception, decision making20102015 Pieter R. Roelfsema (grad student)
Christina Joselevitchretinal bipolar cells19992007 Maarten Kamermans (grad student)
Sizar Kamar Maarten Kamermans (grad student)
Maarten KamermansOuter retina
Willem Kamphuis Brendan J. O'Brien (collaborator)
Christian M. KeysersSocial Neuroscience
Lauw Klaassen Maarten Kamermans (post-doc)
Peter Christiaan KlinkVision, neurophysiology, psychophysics, computation, two-photon imaging, brain stimulation, fMRI2011 Damiaan Denys (post-doc)
Jan Kloosterretina Henk Spekreijse (grad student), Maarten Kamermans (research scientist)
Fabian Kloostermanmemory, hippocampus, entorhinal cortex19971997 Ger Ramakers (research assistant)
Maarten HP Kole
Christiaan N. Leveltvisual plasticity
Bingshuo Li
Yi LiuVisual Plasticity20032005 Christiaan N. Levelt (grad student)
Christian LohmannNeurobiology
Jeannette Lorteijevisual system, attention, auditory system, synaptic plasticity
Paul J. LucassenNeurogenesis, stress, depression, Alzheimer1995 Dick F. Swaab (grad student)
M. Alfonso Malpede2016 Maarten HP Kole (grad student)
Damian McCrossanVisual Plasticity Christiaan N. Levelt (post-doc)
Rogier MinNeuron-Glia interactions Molecular Visual Plasticity group20122015 Christiaan N. Levelt (post-doc)
Rudolf Nieuwenhuyscomparative neuroanatomy
Yoshiyuki OnukiSleep, Memory
Matthijs oude LohuisSystems Neuroscience20132013 Christiaan N. Levelt (grad student)
Oriol Pavón ArocasNeuroscience20142014 Maarten HP Kole (grad student)
Marko A. Popovic20142018 Maarten HP Kole (post-doc)
Yi Qin
Rajeev RajendranVisual cortical plasticity2010 Christiaan N. Levelt (post-doc)
Ger Ramakersbrain development, fragile x, epilepsy Chris I. de Zeeuw (research scientist)
Sarra RiahiMolecular visual plasticity2007 Christiaan N. Levelt (research assistant)
Martijn RoelandseCerebellar Neuron Development Christiaan N. Levelt (post-doc)
M. Hadi SaiepourMolecular visual plasticity Christiaan N. Levelt (grad student)
Sitha ScheltingaVisual Plasticity20062007 Christiaan N. Levelt (research assistant)
Ling Shanhistamine20072012 Dick F. Swaab (grad student)
Colleen R. Shieldsretina Maarten Kamermans (post-doc)
Friederike Siegel
Trijntje Sjoerdsmaretina Maarten Kamermans (research assistant)
Svetlana Škulj - ZivkovicVisual Plasticity20032006 Christiaan N. Levelt (grad student)
Jean-Pierre SommeijerMolecular Visual Plasticity
Diederick Stoffersclinical neuroscience, neuroimaging, neurodegeneration, biomarker development, high performance computing20092016 Eus J.W. van Someren (post-doc)
Dick F. SwaabNeuropsychiatric Diseases
Melanie F. TaziauxBehavioral neuroendocrinology2009 Dick F. Swaab (post-doc)
Premnath Thamizharasustress, fear - learning and memory20122015 Christiaan N. Levelt (grad student)
Jorrit van Asseltretina Maarten Kamermans (grad student)
Bastijn J. G. van den BoomCompulsivity, Deep-brain stimulation, Cortico-striatal circuits, Basal ganglia
Ysbrand Van der WerfSleep & Cognition
Danielle Van Versendaalcalcium imaging, OD plasticity20082012 Christiaan N. Levelt (grad student), Ole Paulsen (research assistant), Huibert D. Mansvelder (research assistant)
Devavrat D. VartakVision, Attention20112018 Pieter R. Roelfsema (grad student)
Joost Verhaagen
Rozan Vroman Maarten Kamermans (grad student)
Feng Wangvisual cognitive neuroscience Vision and Cognition2017 Pieter R. Roelfsema (grad student)
Jacob A. WesterbergCognitive Neuroscience, Neurophysiology, Neuroimaging Vision and Cognition2023 Pieter R. Roelfsema (post-doc)
Jan Wijnholdsretinal degeneration
Ingo WilluhnDopamine, Basal Ganglia, Striatum
Nawal Zabouri
Jiangning ZhouNeurodegenerative Diesease19961998 Dick F. Swaab (post-doc)