Weill Cornell Medicine

Name Area Department Start Year Stop Year Advisor
Nohely AbreuMolecular Neuroscience, mGluR, desensitization, GPCR, signaling, neuromodulation
Kelsey Aguirre Meyer Cancer Center2018 Elena Piskounova (research assistant)
Daniel Barnett
Jennifer N BressEEG, depression, reward
Graciela Cascio Meyer Cancer Center2018 Elena Piskounova (post-doc)
Marcus DaSilva Goncalves Medicine20142018 Lewis C. Cantley (post-doc)
Alberto Jesus Gonzalez-HernandezIon channel biophysics, Neuroscience Biochemistry2022 Joshua Levitz (post-doc)
Logan Grosenickcircuit neuroscience, computational imaging, artificial intelligence
Vanessa A. Gutzeitneuroplasticity and psychiatric disorders Biochemistry20172021 Joshua Levitz (grad student)
Matthew C HartmannChronobiology of ethanol Genetic Medicine Pharmacology20202021 Ronald G. Crystal (post-doc), Kristen E. Pleil (post-doc)
Edmund R. Hollisplasticity, regeneration
Andrew F IannoneInterneurons, Barrel Cortex, Development
Minwoo Wendy Jang2023 Anna G. Orr (post-doc)
Elsbeth Kane Meyer Cancer Center20172018 Elena Piskounova (research assistant)
So Yeon Koo
Joshua Levitz
Yinghua Ma
Ari MelnickCancer Epigenetics
Leona Nease Meyer Cancer Center2018 Elena Piskounova (grad student)
James E. NiemeyerEpilepsy, Seizures, Neurological Disease, E/I balance, Perception, Psychophysics Neurosurgery2019 Theodore H. Schwartz (research scientist)
Anna G. Orr
Sero Toriano Parelneuroepigenetics, stress Neurology Feil Family Brain and Mind Research Institute20152018 Timothy Vartanian (research assistant), Yinghua Ma (research assistant)
Caroline Pearsonspinal cord, motor neurons, transcription factors Brain and Mind Research Institute20102020 Bennett Novitch (post-doc)
Elena Piskounova
Jean K. Rivera IrizarryReward-Seeking, Motivation, Aversion, Addiction Pharmacology & Neuroscience20172021 Kristen E. Pleil (grad student)
James D Ryanbehavioral & systems neuroscience
Syed Zammam SaadNeuroscience Biochemistry2017 Frederick R. Maxfield (grad student)
Eileen R.S. Torresmetabolism Brain and Mind Research Institute Li Gan (post-doc)
Timothy Vartanian