Susan J. Sara
Affiliations: | Laboratory of Physiology of Perception and Action | CNRS-College de France, Paris, Île-de-France, France |
learning, memory, neuromodulation, noradarenalineWebsite:
"Susan Sara"Bio:
After obtaining a degree in Physiological Psychology from Sarah Lawrence College (New York), SJS studied Phenomenological Psychology and Neurosciences at the University of Louvain (Belgium), obtaining a Ph.D. in 1976. This was followed by post-doctoral work at Oxford University with the late Professor J. Gray and New York University Medical School (Dept of Neurology).
Recruited by the CNRS in 1981, her research addresses the question of how attention, motivation and emotion are mediated in the nervous system to influence short and long term memory processes. Focus is on neuromodulatory systems, especially noradrenaline, using a multidisciplinary approach - single unit recording in behaving rats, pharmacology and immunocytochemistry, always in close conjunction with behavioural analysis. The temporal dynamics of long term memory consolidation, retrieval and reconsolidation has been an important part of this work over the years.
In addition to French funding, ESF, NSF (USA) and Volkswagenstifftung have provided support for several international collaborations.
SJS is author of nearly 100 original papers and reviews, recipient of a research fellowship from the American Association of University Women and the Eloise Gerry Foundation Prize. SJS was awarded the Montyon Prize in 1998 from the French Academy of Sciences. Editor-in-chief of the Journal Neural Plasticity and consultant to the European commission for the 5th and 6th PCRDT, she was a member of the scientific advisory board of the ESF-Euresco conference series on Neurobiology of Learning and Memory and was chair of the 1998 Conference of that series. She was a member of the Program committee for the FENS 2002 meeting and again for the 2006 Forum. SJS has served on the IBRO council, from 1996 until present, the FENS council from 2000-2003. She was Secretary of European Brain and Behaviour Society from 1996-2001 and President of that Society from 2001-2003.
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Mean distance: 14.12 (cluster 17) | S | N | B | C | P |
Sign in to add traineeSelim Onat | research assistant | 2001-2002 | Laboratory of Neuromodulation and Cognitive Processes |
Valerie Devauges | grad student | CNRS-Gif sur Yvette | |
Sophie Tronel | grad student | 1998-2004 | CNRS-College de France |
Sebastien Bouret | grad student | 2000-2005 | Universite Paris 6 |
Oxana Eschenko | post-doc | 2003-2006 | University Pierre et Marie Curie |
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Oberto V, Gao H, Biondi A, et al. (2023) Activation of prefrontal cortex and striatal regions in rats after shifting between rules in a T-maze. Learning & Memory (Cold Spring Harbor, N.Y.). 30: 133-138 |
Poe GR, Foote S, Eschenko O, et al. (2020) Locus coeruleus: a new look at the blue spot. Nature Reviews. Neuroscience |
Xiang L, Harel A, Gao H, et al. (2019) Behavioral correlates of activity of optogenetically identified locus coeruleus noradrenergic neurons in rats performing T-maze tasks. Scientific Reports. 9: 1361 |
Novitskaya Y, Sara SJ, Logothetis NK, et al. (2016) Ripple-triggered stimulation of the locus coeruleus during post-learning sleep disrupts ripple/spindle coupling and impairs memory consolidation. Learning & Memory (Cold Spring Harbor, N.Y.). 23: 238-48 |
Sara SJ. (2015) Locus Coeruleus in time with the making of memories. Current Opinion in Neurobiology. 35: 87-94 |
Sara SJ, Bouret S. (2012) Orienting and reorienting: the locus coeruleus mediates cognition through arousal. Neuron. 76: 130-41 |
Eschenko O, Magri C, Panzeri S, et al. (2012) Noradrenergic neurons of the locus coeruleus are phase locked to cortical up-down states during sleep. Cerebral Cortex (New York, N.Y. : 1991). 22: 426-35 |
Sara SJ. (2010) Reactivation, retrieval, replay and reconsolidation in and out of sleep: connecting the dots. Frontiers in Behavioral Neuroscience. 4: 185 |
Ramadan W, Eschenko O, Sara SJ. (2009) Hippocampal sharp wave/ripples during sleep for consolidation of associative memory. Plos One. 4: e6697 |
Mölle M, Eschenko O, Gais S, et al. (2009) The influence of learning on sleep slow oscillations and associated spindles and ripples in humans and rats. The European Journal of Neuroscience. 29: 1071-81 |