Jean Pierre Rossier, MD PhD
Neocortex, interneuron, single-cell RT-PCR
"Jean Rossier"Bio:
Jean Rossier
Male, born June 18 1944, Belgium and Switzerland citizenship.
Graduate degrees
Université Libre de Bruxelles, Belgium, MD. 1969
Université René Diderot, Paris, PhD 1975
Post-Doctoral Fellowships
1976-1978: Drs Guillemin and Bloom Labs, Salk Institute, San Diego.
1979-1980: Dr Udenfriend, Roche Institute, Nutley, NJ.
Positions and Employment
1967-1969: Medicine internship, Brussels
1970-1975: Doctoral fellow, Professors Monod and Glowinski Labs, Collège de France, Paris.
1980-1995: Director, Neuropharmacology Unit, Dr Naquet, CNRS, Gif, France.
1994-2012: Professor, Department of Biology, Ecole Supérieure de Physique et de Chimie Industrielles (ESPCI) Paris.
2012-2015: Professor, INSERM Sainte-Anne Hospital, Paris.
2015-date: Professor, Neuroscience Paris Seine, Paris
2002: Membre de l’Institut, Académie des Sciences, Paris.
2006: Grand Prix Claude Bernard de la Ville de Paris.
2007: Member of European Academy of Science, Liège, Belgium.
2011: Nature lifetime award for mentorship, Nature Publishing Group, London, UK.
2012: Membre de l’Académie Royale de Médecine de Belgique, Brussels, Belgium.
2015: Julius Axelrod Award in Pharmacology, ASPET.
Scientific achievements
350 publications, 25800 citations, H factor 80. (Google June 2018)
Jean Rossier has made major discoveries in neuropharmacology. Working on neuropeptides he discovered with Bloom, Guillemin and Udenfriend multiple opioïd peptides delineating several distinct neuronal systems involved in pain and reward. Turning his interests on GABAA receptors, he made the seminal observation that several inverse agonists facilitate performance in learning and memory tasks. This has led to the present development by the industry of specific inverse agonists that are candidates for promnesic drugs presently tested in trisomic patients.
In protein chemistry, he discovered two new post-translational modifications, polyglycylation and polyglutamylation presently targets in oncology.
His most widely known discovery is the invention of single cell RT-PCR (scRT-PCR) after patch-clamp. This association of molecular biology (RT-PCR) and cell electrophysiology (patch-clamp) led to several discoveries. With scRT-PCR, the heteromeric organization of ionotropic synaptic receptors was deciphered. Rossier’s laboratory is now using scRT-PCR and a multidisciplinary approach combining electrophysiology, pharmacology and imaging to characterize the diversity of neocortical interneurons focusing on their respective functional roles in local blood flow control, brain plasticity and long-term memory.
Lambolez, B., Audinat, E., Bochet, P., Crépel, F. & Rossier, J. AMPA Receptor subunits expressed by single Purkinje cells. Neuron, 9, 247-258, 1992. Cited 529.
Cauli, B., Audinat, E., Lambolez, B., Angulo, M.C., Ropert, N., Tsuzuki, K., Hestrin, S. & Rossier, J. Molecular and physiological diversity of cortical nonpyramidal cells. J. Neurosci. 17, 3894-3906, 1997. Cited 605.
Cauli, B., Porter, J., Tsuzuki, K., Lambolez, B., Rossier J., Quenet, B. & Audinat, E. Classification of fusiform neocortical interneurons based on unsupervised clusterings. Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci., USA 97, 6144-6149, 2000. Cited 271.
Cauli B, Tong XK, Rancillac A, Serluca N, Lambolez B, Rossier J & Hamel E. Cortical GABA interneurons in neurovascular coupling. J. Neurosci., 24, 8940-9, 2004. Cited 369.
Rossier J, Bernard A, Cabungcal JH, Perrenoud Q, Savoye A, Gallopin T, Hawrylycz M, Cuénod M, Do K, Urban A, Lein ES. Cortical fast-spiking parvalbumin interneurons enwrapped in the perineuronal net express the metallopeptidases Adamts8, Adamts15 and Neprilysin. Mol Psychiatry, 20, 154-161, 2015. Cited 26.
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