Edgar Guevara, Ph.D.

2009-2014 Institut de Genie Biomedical Ecole Polytechnique, Montreal (Canada) 
 2016- Universidad Autónoma de San Luis Potosí CONACYT 
Biomedical Engineering, Optics, Physics, Neuroscience
"Edgar Guevara"

Edgar Guevara is currently a CONACYT research fellow at UASLP-CIACYT. His current research interests are in non-invasive medical diagnosis, using optical imaging and spectroscopy with functional connectivity, machine learning and biomedical signal processing. His past work includes research in epilepsy, cardiovascular disease, spinal cord injury and white matter injury in newborns. He is a member of the National System of Researchers (SNI) level 1 and has been awarded several competitive grants and scholarships from both national and international funding bodies. He was a former Associate Professor at Universidad de las Américas Puebla's Computing, Electronics and Mechatronics Department. His industrial experience includes work in the tire industry as maintenance supervisor and projects engineer. He received his PhD degree in Biomedical Engineering at École Polytechnique de Montréal in 2014, and his thesis earned a special mention from the jury. He holds a MSc degree from Universidad Autónoma de San Luis Potosí. He received a BS in Electronic Engineering from Instituto Tecnológico de San Luis Potosí (where he received recognition as the top student in 2003).
Edgar has an Erdös-Bacon number of 4 (Erdös) + 5 (Bacon) = 9.
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Frederic Lesage grad student 2014 Ecole Polytechnique, Montreal (Canada)
 (Functional connectivity of the rodent brain using optical imaging.)
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Rosas-Romero R, Guevara E, Peng K, et al. (2019) Prediction of epileptic seizures with convolutional neural networks and functional near-infrared spectroscopy signals. Computers in Biology and Medicine. 111: 103355
Chiwo FS, Guevara E, Ramírez-Elías MG, et al. (2019) Use of Raman spectroscopy in the assessment of skin after CO ablative fractional laser surgery on acne scars. Skin Research and Technology : Official Journal of International Society For Bioengineering and the Skin (Isbs) [and] International Society For Digital Imaging of Skin (Isdis) [and] International Society For Skin Imaging (Issi)
Guevara E, Pierre WC, Tessier C, et al. (2017) Altered Functional Connectivity Following an Inflammatory White Matter Injury in the Newborn Rat: A High Spatial and Temporal Resolution Intrinsic Optical Imaging Study. Frontiers in Neuroscience. 11: 358
Beaumont E, Guevara E, Dubeau S, et al. (2014) Functional electrical stimulation post-spinal cord injury improves locomotion and increases afferent input into the central nervous system in rats. The Journal of Spinal Cord Medicine. 37: 93-100
Guevara E, Berti R, Londono I, et al. (2013) Imaging of an inflammatory injury in the newborn rat brain with photoacoustic tomography. Plos One. 8: e83045
Guevara E, Sadekova N, Girouard H, et al. (2013) Optical imaging of resting-state functional connectivity in a novel arterial stiffness model. Biomedical Optics Express. 4: 2332-46
Guevara E, Pouliot P, Nguyen DK, et al. (2013) Optical imaging of acute epileptic networks in mice. Journal of Biomedical Optics. 18: 76021
Sadekova N, Vallerand D, Guevara E, et al. (2013) Carotid calcification in mice: a new model to study the effects of arterial stiffness on the brain. Journal of the American Heart Association. 2: e000224
Ouakli N, Guevara E, Dubeau S, et al. (2010) Laminar optical tomography of the hemodynamic response in the lumbar spinal cord of rats. Optics Express. 18: 10068-77
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