James F. Donnelly, PhD

2009-2022 Psychology Southern Cross University, Coffs Harbour, NSW, AU 
 2023- Cairnmillar Institute 
psychophysiology, neuropsychology, concussion, emotion, brain asymmetry
"James Donnelly"

After training in biological sciences and psychology, and working in psychophysiological research with Prof Curt Sandman at the University of California at Irvine, I attended graduate school in clinical and neuropsychology at Vanderbilt University, Nashville, TN. I then completed post-graduate work for 2 years at the University of California at San Francisco before joining the clinical psychology faculty at the University of New England in Armidale, NSW, Australia. After 5 years I was appointed as Head of Psychology and Neuropsychology at Sydney Children's Hospital, Randwick, NSW. Then I moved to Southern Cross university in an academic position that included undergrad teaching, and honours and PhD research supervision. I was fortunate to obtain 7000 hours of clinical supervision and experience during my training in the US while also having excellent mentoring in research design and implementation. In 2023, I moved to the Cairnmillar Institute in Melbourne, were I see patients and do some research and clinical supervision.
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Sandra Portman research assistant 1998-1999 UCSF
 ("Studied the effects of lateralized seizures on emotion processing." Source: CV via personal communication)
William McLean grad student 1993-1993 Vanderbilt
 (MSc "A Psychophysiological Index of Auditory Oddity Processing in Children With and Without Mental Retardation: Perceptual and Cognitive differences", Source: Personal communication of CV)
Craig Smith grad student 1995-1999 Vanderbilt
 (PhD "Does Frontal EEG Asymmetry Predict Emotional and Cognitive Responses to Psychological Challenge?"; Source: CV via personal communication))
Andrew J. Tomarken grad student 1995-1999 Vanderbilt
 (PhD "Does Frontal EEG Asymmetry Predict Emotional and Cognitive Responses to Psychological Challenge?"; Source: CV via personal communication)
Joel H. Kramer post-doc 1999-2001 UCSF
 ("Studied the use of dementia screening batteries in diagnosis of dementing illnesses" Source: CV via personal communication)
Dr Beverly Lehr post-doc 1999-2001 Department of Psychiatry, University of California at San Francisco Medical Center
 (Clinical psychology supervision in the Outpatient Clinic)
Charles Curtis Alan Sandman research scientist University of California, Irvine and Fairview Developmental Centre, Costa Mesa, CA
 (Research on age-related effects of event-related potentials, etc...)
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Qiu D, Zhou S, Donnelly J, et al. (2023) Aerobic exercise attenuates abnormal myelination and oligodendrocyte differentiation in 3xTg-AD mice. Experimental Gerontology. 112293
Hanna A, Donnelly J, Aggar C. (2018) Study protocol: A Montessori approach to dementia-related, non-residential respite services in Australia. Archives of Gerontology and Geriatrics. 77: 24-30
Snow M, Donnelly J. (2017) The National Disability Insurance Scheme: Effects on the Quality of Life and Personal Well-Being of Australians Caring for Individuals with an Autism Spectrum Disorder Journal of Depression and Anxiety. 7
Snow M, Donnelly J. (2016) Factors Mediating Dysphoric Moods and Help Seeking Behaviour Among Australian Parents of Children with Autism. Journal of Autism and Developmental Disorders
Yeigh T, Woolcott G, Donnelly J, et al. (2016) Emotional literacy and pedagogical confidence in pre-service science and mathematics teachers Australian Journal of Teacher Education. 41: 107-121
Gardner A, Kay-Lambkin F, Stanwell P, et al. (2012) A systematic review of diffusion tensor imaging findings in sports-related concussion. Journal of Neurotrauma. 29: 2521-38
Bowling AC, Hindman EA, Donnelly JF. (2012) Prosaccade errors in the antisaccade task: differences between corrected and uncorrected errors and links to neuropsychological tests. Experimental Brain Research. 216: 169-79
Bowling AC, Donnelly JF. (2010) Effect of nicotine on saccadic eye movement latencies in non-smokers. Human Psychopharmacology. 25: 410-8
Sandman CA, Donnelly J. (1993) Importance of Contemporary Sequences and Historical Patterns on Brain Responses Across the Life Span Developmental Neuropsychology. 9: 225-240
Sandman CA, Donnelly JF, O'Halloran JP, et al. (1990) Age-related change in P3 amplitude as a function of predictable and unpredictable rare events. The International Journal of Neuroscience. 52: 189-99
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