Julie Lyn Thompson

2016- Educational Psychology Texas A & M University, College Station, TX, United States 
autism, behavior analysis, special education, eye-tracking

Julie L. Thompson, PhD, BCBA-D, is an Assistant Professor of Special Education, Dr. Deanna and Thomas Yates Faculty Fellow, Biobehavioral Language and Literacy Indicators of Neurodevelopmental disorders in Children Lab Director (blinc.tamu.edu), and Affiliated Faculty Member of the Center on Disability and Development at Texas A&M University. Julie’s work as a classroom teacher for children with autism spectrum disorder (ASD) gave her insight into the layered complexities of providing adequate education to individuals with ASD in public schools. Julie’s research examines explicit instruction procedures to teach literacy skills to ethnically and linguistically diverse children with autism spectrum disorder and other neurodevelopmental disorders in public school settings. She is particularly interested in instructional design, group instructional arrangements, technology-delivered literacy instruction, and gaze-behaviors of children with ASD when engaged with technology-delivered literacy instruction. Currently she is principal investigator on two research projects: “Supporting Spanish-speaking families to increase emergent literacy and language of their children with autism through story-based instruction” and “Tackling Autism via Paraprofessional Preparation (Project TAPP)” funded by the Texas Higher Education Coordinating Board. Julie has 15 peer-reviewed publications, 42 peer-reviewed presentations, has taught 17 graduate and undergraduate courses, and has supervised 18 doctoral graduate students.
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