Cecil Gibb, PhD, OBE

1946-1950 Psychology University of Sydney, Camperdown, New South Wales, Australia 
 1950-1955 Psychology Dartmouth College, Hanover, NH, United States 
 1955-1978 Psychology Australian National University, Acton, Australian Capital Territory, Australia 
Psychology, Leadership, Factor analysis, Educational testing
"Cecil Gibb"

Cecil Austin George Gibb

18 August 1913 Born, Marrickville, Sydney
1935 BA Hons and university medal, University of Sydney, (Honours thesis: The psychology of noise)
1936-1937 Researcher, New South Wales Department of Education
1937-1942 Assistant Lecturer in Psychology, University of Sydney
1939 Married Margaret Vera Young
1939 BEcon, University of Sydney
1940 MA and university medal, University of Sydney
1942-1946 Temporary major, Australian Army Psychology Service
1946-1950 Assistant Lecturer in Psychology, University of Sydney
1949 PhD (The Emergence of Leadership in Small Temporary Groups of Men, supervised by Raymond B. Cattell)
1950-1955 Assistant Professor, Dartmouth College
1955-1978 Foundation Professor of Psychology, Canberra University College (CUC)
1956-1993 Fellow, Academy of the Social Sciences in Australia
1958 Chairman of the Australian branch of the British Psychological Society
1962 Contractor, Educational Testing Service at Princeton University
1960-1964 Member, Australia’s United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization Advisory Committee
1970 Order of the British Empire (OBE)
1960 CUC merges with Australian National University (ANU)
1966-1971 Deputy Chairman of the Board of the School of General Studies, ANU
1972 Visiting fellow, University of Washington, and University of Edinburgh
1977-1978 Acting Head, Office of Research in Academic Methods, ANU in 1977, but his retirement 1978 Retired
1 May 1994 Died, Canberra

Source: Rowse, T. (2019). Gibb, Cecil Austin (Cec) (1913–1994). Australian Dictionary of Biography, National Centre of Biography, Australian National University. https://adb.anu.edu.au/biography/gibb-cecil-austin-cec-414/text35954
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Raymond B. Cattell grad student 1949 UIUC
 (PhD, Source: https://adb.anu.edu.au/biography/gibb-cecil-austin-cec-414/text35954)
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