Kiyoshi Aoki

1978- Life Science Sophia University, Tokyo 
"Kiyoshi Aoki"
Mean distance: 15.92 (cluster 6)
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Fukuhara C, Suzuki N, Matsumoto Y, et al. (1997) Day-night variation of pituitary adenylate cyclase-activating polypeptide (PACAP) level in the rat suprachiasmatic nucleus. Neuroscience Letters. 229: 49-52
Kawasaki M, Aoki K, Naka K. (1984) Effects of background and spatial pattern on incremental sensitivity of catfish horizontal cells. Vision Research. 24: 1197-204
Kawasaki M, Aoki K. (1983) Visual responses recorded from the optic tectum of Japanese dace, Tribolodon hakonensis Journal of Comparative Physiology □ A. 152: 147-153
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