Hossein Hasooni, MD

2012-2021 School of Medicine Shahid Beheshti University of Medical Sciences, Tehran, Tehran Province, Iran 
Neuroimaging, Developmental Neuroscience, Neural Plasticity, Neural Stem Cells, Neurobiology of Disease
"Hossein Hasooni"

I was born on September 30, 1992, in Tehran, Iran. Since my childhood, I have found myself interested in biology and the human body. I became so upset and distressed when I saw patients suffering from neurological disorders so I decided to dedicate my whole life to science, medicine, and investigating the interesting world of the brain in laboratories, clinics, and operating rooms.
I entered Shahid Beheshti University of Medical Sciences (SBMU) (The second-highest ranked medical school in Iran) in 2012 and started research at Dr. Ahmadiani's lab in Neuroscience Research Center (NRC) in 2013. I am currently a medical student and a researcher in Neuroscience Research Center (NRC), Functional Neurosurgery Research Center (FNRC), and Institute for Research in Fundamental Sciences(IPM).
I really enjoy spending hours reading articles and books about neuroscience, neurosurgery, and neurology and working in laboratories with rats, cells, microscopes, and molecules.
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