Christie M. Sayes, Ph.D.

Rice University, Houston, TX 
"Christie Sayes"
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Vicki L. Colvin grad student 2006 Rice University
 (The bio-nano interface: Examining the interactions between water -soluble nanoparticles and cellular systems.)


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J. Michael Berg grad student 2007-2011 Texas A & M
Amelia A. Romoser grad student 2008-2012 Texas A & M
Aishu Sooresh grad student 2009-2013 Texas A & M
Henry Lujan grad student 2015-2019 Baylor University
Marina Mulenos George grad student 2016-2020 Baylor University
Thelma Ameh grad student 2017-2021 Baylor University
Matthew Gibb grad student 2019-2023 Baylor University
Clancy Collom grad student 2019-2024 Baylor University
James Y. Liu grad student 2019-2024 Baylor University
Sahar H. Pradhan grad student 2020-2024 Baylor University
BETA: Related publications


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Al Naggar Y, Sayes CM, Collom C, et al. (2023) Chronic Exposure to Polystyrene Microplastic Fragments Has No Effect on Honey Bee Survival, but Reduces Feeding Rate and Body Weight. Toxics. 11
Liu J, Olson C, Qiu N, et al. (2020) Differential Cytotoxicity of Haloaromatic Disinfection Byproducts and Lead Co-Exposures against Human Intestinal and Neuronal Cells. Chemical Research in Toxicology
Pradhan SH, Mulenos MR, Steele LR, et al. (2020) Physical, chemical, and toxicological characterization of fibrillated forms of cellulose using an gastrointestinal digestion and co-culture model. Toxicology Research. 9: 290-301
Salazar-Medina AJ, Velazquez-Contreras EF, Sugich-Miranda R, et al. (2020) Immune response of human cultured cells towards macrocyclic FePO and FePC bioactive cyclophane complexes. Peerj. 8: e8956
Lujan H, Romer E, Salisbury R, et al. (2020) Determining the biological mechanisms of action for environmental exposures: Applying CRISPR/Cas9 to toxicological assessments. Toxicological Sciences : An Official Journal of the Society of Toxicology
Mulenos MR, Liu J, Lujan H, et al. (2020) Copper, silver, and titania nanoparticles do not release ions under anoxic conditions and release only minute ion levels under oxic conditions in water: Evidence for the low toxicity of nanoparticles Environmental Chemistry Letters. 18: 1319-1328
Lujan H, Griffin WC, Taube JH, et al. (2019) Synthesis and characterization of nanometer-sized liposomes for encapsulation and microRNA transfer to breast cancer cells. International Journal of Nanomedicine. 14: 5159-5173
Ameh T, Sayes CM. (2019) The potential exposure and hazards of copper nanoparticles: A review. Environmental Toxicology and Pharmacology. 71: 103220
McMinn B, Duval AL, Sayes CM. (2019) An Adverse Outcome Pathway Linking Organohalogen Exposure to Mitochondrial Disease. Journal of Toxicology. 2019: 9246495
Sharma VK, Sayes CM, Guo B, et al. (2019) Interactions between silver nanoparticles and other metal nanoparticles under environmentally relevant conditions: A review. The Science of the Total Environment. 653: 1042-1051
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