Yu-Qiang Ding

Tongji University of Medicine 
Transcriptional control of Neural Development
"Yu-Qiang Ding"
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Ying Huang research assistant ION, CAS
Tifei Yuan research assistant 2006-2006 ION, CAS
Jin-Xia Dai grad student ION, CAS
Chao Guo grad student ION, CAS
Ze-Lan Hu grad student ION, CAS
Chun-Lei Wang grad student ION, CAS
Cheng-Zhong Wang grad student ION, CAS
Jing Zhou grad student ION, CAS
Hai-Yan Qiu post-doc ION, CAS
Ming Shi post-doc ION, CAS
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He CH, Song NN, Xie PX, et al. (2023) Overexpression of EphB6 and EphrinB2 controls soma spacing of cortical neurons in a mutual inhibitory way. Cell Death & Disease. 14: 309
Yang JL, Fan H, Fu FF, et al. (2022) Transient neurogenesis in ischemic cortex from Sox2 astrocytes. Neural Regeneration Research. 18: 1521-1526
Fan H, Yang J, Zhang K, et al. (2022) IRES-mediated Wnt2 translation in apoptotic neurons triggers astrocyte dedifferentiation. Npj Regenerative Medicine. 7: 42
Hu L, Jiang GY, Wang YP, et al. (2022) The role of PTEN in primary sensory neurons in processing itch and thermal information in mice. Cell Reports. 39: 110724
Wang YB, Song NN, Zhang L, et al. (2022) Rnf220 is Implicated in the Dorsoventral Patterning of the Hindbrain Neural Tube in Mice. Frontiers in Cell and Developmental Biology. 10: 831365
Zhang Q, Zhang L, Huang Y, et al. (2021) Satb2 regulates the development of dopaminergic neurons in the arcuate nucleus by Dlx1. Cell Death & Disease. 12: 879
He CH, Zhang L, Song NN, et al. (2021) Satb2 Regulates EphA7 to Control Soma Spacing and Self-Avoidance of Cortical Pyramidal Neurons. Cerebral Cortex (New York, N.Y. : 1991)
Huang Y, Huang J, Zhou QX, et al. (2020) ZFP804A mutant mice display sex-dependent schizophrenia-like behaviors. Molecular Psychiatry
Chen GY, Zhang S, Li CH, et al. (2020) Mediator Med23 Regulates Adult Hippocampal Neurogenesis. Frontiers in Cell and Developmental Biology. 8: 699
Chen ZC, Wang TT, Bian W, et al. (2020) Allopregnanolone restores the tyrosine hydroxylase-positive neurons and motor performance in a 6-OHDA-injected mouse model. Cns Neuroscience & Therapeutics
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