Risto Miikkulainen
Affiliations: | University of Texas at Austin, Austin, Texas, U.S.A. |
Neural and Cognitive ModelingGoogle:
"Risto Miikkulainen"Mean distance: 15.37 (cluster 29)
Sign in to add traineeYoonsuck Choe | grad student | 2001 | UT Austin |
Paul H. McQuesten | grad student | 2002 | UT Austin |
James A. Bednar | grad student | 1995-2002 | UT Austin |
Faustino J. Gomez | grad student | 2003 | UT Austin |
Marshall R. Mayberry | grad student | 2003 | UT Austin |
Harold H. Chaput | grad student | 2004 | UT Austin |
Kenneth O. Stanley | grad student | 2004 | UT Austin |
Elizabeth C. Kaczmarczyk | grad student | 2005 | UT Austin |
Bobby D. Bryant | grad student | 2006 | UT Austin |
Matthew E. Alden | grad student | 2007 | UT Austin |
Jefferson Provost | grad student | 2007 | UT Austin |
Judah Ben De Paula | grad student | 2004-2007 | UT Austin |
Tal Tversky | grad student | 2008 | UT Austin |
Nate F. Kohl | grad student | 2009 | UT Austin |
Yiu F. Sit | grad student | 2009 | UT Austin |
Manish Saggar | grad student | 2005-2011 | UT Austin |
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Stanley KO, Clune J, Lehman J, et al. (2019) Designing neural networks through neuroevolution Nature Machine Intelligence. 1: 24-35 |
Miikkulainen R, Hodjat B, Qiu X, et al. (2018) Evolution is the new deep learning Acm Sigevolution. 11: 3-7 |
Schrum J, Miikkulainen R. (2016) Discovering Multimodal Behavior in Ms. Pac-Man through Evolution of Modular Neural Networks. Ieee Transactions On Computational Intelligence and Ai in Games. 8: 67-81 |
Saggar M, Zanesco AP, King BG, et al. (2015) Mean-field thalamocortical modeling of longitudinal EEG acquired during intensive meditation training. Neuroimage. 114: 88-104 |
Li X, Miikkulainen R. (2014) Evolving Multimodal Behavior Through Subtask and Switch Neural Networks Artificial Life. 439-446 |
Hausknecht M, Lehman J, Miikkulainen R, et al. (2014) A neuroevolution approach to general atari game playing Ieee Transactions On Computational Intelligence and Ai in Games. 6: 355-366 |
Alden M, Miikkulainen R. (2014) MARLEDA: Effective distribution estimation through Markov random fields Theoretical Computer Science |
Lehman J, Stanley KO, Miikkulainen R. (2013) Effective diversity maintenance in deceptive domains Gecco 2013 - Proceedings of the 2013 Genetic and Evolutionary Computation Conference. 215-222 |
Saggar M, King BG, Zanesco AP, et al. (2012) Intensive training induces longitudinal changes in meditation state-related EEG oscillatory activity. Frontiers in Human Neuroscience. 6: 256 |
Kohl N, Miikkulainen R. (2012) An integrated neuroevolutionary approach to reactive control and high-level strategy Ieee Transactions On Evolutionary Computation. 16: 472-488 |