Betty Liao, Ph.D.

Psychology University of California, Los Angeles, Los Angeles, CA 
"Betty Liao"
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Michelle G. Craske grad student 2014 UCLA
 (The Effects of Attention Allocation on Fear Extinction.)
BETA: Related publications


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Brown LA, LeBeau R, Liao B, et al. (2015) A comparison of the nature and correlates of panic attacks in the context of Panic Disorder and Social Anxiety Disorder. Psychiatry Research
Zbozinek TD, Hermans D, Prenoveau JM, et al. (2015) Post-extinction conditional stimulus valence predicts reinstatement fear: relevance for long-term outcomes of exposure therapy. Cognition & Emotion. 29: 654-67
Prenoveau JM, Craske MG, Liao B, et al. (2013) Human fear conditioning and extinction: timing is everything…or is it? Biological Psychology. 92: 59-68
Niles AN, Lebeau RT, Liao B, et al. (2012) Dimensional indicators of generalized anxiety disorder severity for DSM-V. Journal of Anxiety Disorders. 26: 279-86
Craske MG, Liao B, Brown L, et al. (2012) Role of Inhibition in Exposure Therapy Journal of Experimental Psychopathology. 3: 322-345
Prenoveau JM, Craske MG, Liao B, et al. (2011) Associative Conditioning Deficits: Caused by or Cause of Anxiety? Journal of Experimental Psychopathology. 2: 432-448
LeBeau RT, Glenn D, Liao B, et al. (2010) Specific phobia: a review of DSM-IV specific phobia and preliminary recommendations for DSM-V. Depression and Anxiety. 27: 148-67
Lewis-Fernández R, Hinton DE, Laria AJ, et al. (2010) Culture and the anxiety disorders: recommendations for DSM-V. Depression and Anxiety. 27: 212-29
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